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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

07-06-2015 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Subterranean2
When Gendry says "you'd be my lady" he means that they wouldn't be family, Arya would be a highborn lady while Gendry is just a smith. The knights could be his family with them he could be an equal
Yes on the surface, but it could have a double meaning.
07-11-2015 , 02:57 PM
GoT director gave some inside information to President Obama.

"Deader than dead"

Jon Snow confirmed

Last edited by Dynasty; 07-12-2015 at 02:04 PM.
07-12-2015 , 03:15 PM
Still doesn't mean he cannot rise from the dead, even if I believe that is very unlikely.
07-12-2015 , 03:38 PM
Just finished red wedding episode, gf also posited that maybe Bran will be able to control the dragons
07-13-2015 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
Still doesn't mean he cannot rise from the dead, even if I believe that is very unlikely.
I think "Deader than dead" implies that he'll rise from the dead is what I meant
07-13-2015 , 12:11 PM
"The only spoilers in this thread should be next weeks previews, which some people do not like to view."

Not sure why post 6777 was allowed by mods?
07-13-2015 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by sebbb
"The only spoilers in this thread should be next weeks previews, which some people do not like to view."

Not sure why post 6777 was allowed by mods?
Right, like nobody has ever lied to POTUS.
07-13-2015 , 02:35 PM
not having tens r us on ignore is a giant leak for anyone looking to avoid spoilers. No idea why he isn't banned from this subforum.
07-13-2015 , 07:27 PM
was wondering the same thing
07-13-2015 , 08:41 PM
Jon Snow being dead isn't groundbreaking news. It's painfully obvious he's was dead. He got stabbed a bunch of times in the chest and right in the heart. The next season isn't going to open with him crawling away from the scene or somebody finding him clinging to life or something.
07-14-2015 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by His Boy Elroy
would jon still be considered a bastard if he is highborn/highborn? I know he would be rhaegar's from outside of marriage but usually in the show, the "bastards" have mothers who are prostitutes or tavern wenches or whatever.
Bastards have no claim to the throne.


Anyone with a large enough army has claim though.
07-14-2015 , 11:06 AM
I wasn't affected by this spoiler and I agree that it doesn't matter what they say about John Snow but I thought there was a clear line about spoilers ITT

Should we also mention what Kit Harrington, GRRRRRM have to say about John Snow?
07-14-2015 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by sebbb
I wasn't affected by this spoiler and I agree that it doesn't matter what they say about John Snow but I thought there was a clear line about spoilers ITT

Should we also mention what Kit Harrington, GRRRRRM have to say about John Snow?
07-15-2015 , 11:37 AM
Samwell Tarly spoiling the thread once again!
07-22-2015 , 11:16 AM
Man, can't go anywhere without getting spoiled for ****. First headline on my Facebook wall is a potential spoiler about next season. I head over to and boom, there it is again.

This world aint safe for those who want to remain in suspense.
07-22-2015 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
Man, can't go anywhere without getting spoiled for ****. First headline on my Facebook wall is a potential spoiler about next season. I head over to and boom, there it is again.

This world aint safe for those who want to remain in suspense.
Yeah they were randomly talking about it on the radio this morning too, although I had already seen a Yahoo headline yesterday which spoiled me. Oh well.
07-23-2015 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
Man, can't go anywhere without getting spoiled for ****. First headline on my Facebook wall is a potential spoiler about next season. I head over to and boom, there it is again.

This world aint safe for those who want to remain in suspense.
probably just fan theories and rumors
like this!!
07-23-2015 , 08:30 AM
Just re-watched season 5 and I no longer thing Stannis is dead. Not sure exactly why he would but I think Podrick kills her from behind with the axe we see him pick up after he tells her about Stannis.

Seems like when Stannis says "Go on, do your duty" he is talking to someone approaching from the right of Brienne rather than to her. I have not re-watched the earlier seasons so I forget who exactly Podrick is, does he have any links to Stannis? A few other things lead me to believe it too. The noise she makes sounds more like she has been hurt than the scream she's make from swinging her sword and her actual swing is too close to her body to reach Stannis from where she was standing, like she was going to move forward but getting axed in the back meant her arms fell down before she could.

Also there is the scene where she tells him how nobody knows who he is and he can leave, but he refuses. Game Of Thrones doesn't just have meaningless scenes to fill episodes there is more than enough so every scene has some kind of reason for being there.

Another thing why I believe Stannis must be alive, but has nothing to do with Podrick. There is a scene where him and Sam meet in the library and Sam tells how he killed a White Walker with Dragon Glass. Stannis says "I know what it is, we have it on Dragon Stone". Then later then Jon returns and tells Sam he lost the Dragon Glass Jon says "It wouldn't make a difference, not unless we had a mountain of it". Sam didn't seem to click in at the time but I think that he will if he "keeps reading" and Stannis will eventually end up meeting Sam again, taking him to Dragon Stone and then they will return to The Wall with all the Dragon Glass they need.
07-23-2015 , 04:00 PM
I also saw the spoiler on CNN. ****ing clickbait site.
07-23-2015 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by pissychips
Just re-watched season 5 and I no longer thing Stannis is dead. Not sure exactly why he would but I think Podrick kills her from behind with the axe we see him pick up after he tells her about Stannis
I'll go rewatch now but this sounds insane. Why would Podrick kill Brienne? He's been super loyal and a friend to her the whole time, what would possibly make him do such? He's never even seen or talked to Stannis.

The only way this makes any sense is if the Lord of Light did it with divination intervention, like possessing Pod and making him do it.
07-24-2015 , 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
I'll go rewatch now but this sounds insane. Why would Podrick kill Brienne? He's been super loyal and a friend to her the whole time, what would possibly make him do such? He's never even seen or talked to Stannis.

The only way this makes any sense is if the Lord of Light did it with divination intervention, like possessing Pod and making him do it.
Yeah I don't know why, but then I also don't know why he picks up the axe after Brienne goes to find Stannis. He has quite an aggressive look about him as he does so, first time watching I thought he was going to back her up. However when we next see Brienne, he is nowhere to be seen.

After posting that message I remembered he is a relation to the executioner who's tongue was ripped out. Maybe Podrick is done with being a squire and wants to follow in his family name of protecting the king? That would fit in with Stannis last words "do your duty". This seems like an odd thing to say if he was talking to Brienne. Watch the scene again it looks to me like Stannis see's someone coming up behind Brienne and to me he has the look of a man who is anxious rather than a guy who has resigned to the fact he is going to get killed and just wants it over with especially when she prepares to swing.

On another note, didn't read all of this thread but saw some people saying Dany dropping the ring was to mark her location for Dario to find her.

I saw it as she removed her wedding ring hoping that the leader of this Dothraki hoard fancies her and wishes to take her as his wife. I think that if they saw she was married then they would just treat her like any other woman and take turns raping her.
07-24-2015 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
I'll go rewatch now but this sounds insane. Why would Podrick kill Brienne? He's been super loyal and a friend to her the whole time, what would possibly make him do such? He's never even seen or talked to Stannis.

The only way this makes any sense is if the Lord of Light did it with divination intervention, like possessing Pod and making him do it.
It makes no sense for anything like this to happen off camera. Are we supposed to start second guessing every scene in case there's another character lurking off camera who may dramatically change the outcome the moment we switch scenes? At the end of the Blackwater episode, when Tywin burst in and announced his victory, should we have assumed there was still a fair chance that a smoke monster might possess Cersei and cause her to kill the entire royal family?

I'll be livid if Stannis isn't dead, as it would be horrible story-telling and it would devalue the whole show. In fact, the sheer volume of seemingly deliberate vague endings to scenes in the s5 finale has already pissed me off.
07-24-2015 , 06:56 PM
Podrick killing Brienne doesn't make sense but maybe he's onto something. Wouldn't it be possible that someone else intervenes?

Maybe Ramsay comes up, kills Brienne and captures Stannis?
07-25-2015 , 02:19 AM
Stannis is ****ing dead guys. End of story.
08-01-2015 , 03:00 PM

Awesome piano music. As far as the music video itself, you'll know in the first :30 if you think it's awesome or hilariously bad.
