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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

06-14-2015 , 10:25 PM
Are we allowed to post about what HBO writers have hinted at for future seasons or is that considered spoiler (I've heard not related to the books but I haven't read them so not sure)?
06-14-2015 , 10:26 PM
Melisandre is a lock to bring Jon back from the dead. She was interested when she saw Thoros of Mhyr (sp?) bring that guy back to life for like the tenth time.
06-14-2015 , 10:28 PM
Does anyone understand what happened with arya?
06-14-2015 , 10:28 PM
got spoiled on Jon's "death" about a week ago but it was my understanding that it would be left open as to whether or not he would survive the stabbing... so this was really so annoying

Also thought Reek and Sansa were gonna try to scale that wall or at least slide down (it seemed slanted a bit?) not sure why they chose that route.

w t f with Dany getting surrounded by all those randoms. this season was a big letdown for me but never quitting it ever
06-14-2015 , 10:30 PM
New theory on Stannis - maybe the Shireen thing was a test - i.e. if Stannis was worthy to be the Lord of Light's chosen King he would not have been willing to sacrifice his daughter (wasn't there a similar test in the bible?)

We saw in previous episodes that another LoL priestess had declared Dany the chosen one, so maybe the LoL has been testing both of them all along (although right now can't think of any similar tests for Dany) and once Stannis failed it was time for him to die.
06-14-2015 , 10:31 PM
I'm somehow now hoping that Cersei gets to kill everyone. Weird.

Jon Snow -- just a flesh wound likely IMO.

no really, I'm guessing Melisandre ended up the wall for a reason. I mean WTF Jon Snow's storyline can't be over. Or, he becomes a white walker?????

Myrcella dying was really heartbreaking. Poor Jaimie.

I'm glad Brienne finally got to fulfill one of her vows.
06-14-2015 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by It's Brandt
Ummm, did Sansa and Theon do a double suicide?
Yeah, I mean it's possible one of them survived the fall (I guess), but I honestly think she's dead. Although, they didn't make it out that she died, exactly. Like, we didn't get any musical cues. Shrug.
Originally Posted by It's Brandt
I figured this was her becoming "no one." I doubt it was her dying.
I think she's been dead, actually. That's how I read it. Er, either she died tonight, or has been dead. She's definitely not alive now, in any case.
06-14-2015 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by mburke05
that episode sucked, screams "we ran outta money, heres hoping we have more next sesaon!"

the fight scene with stannis was absolutely pathetic. wtf.

maybe they redeem themselves next year but i'm not holding my breath.
How many big battle scenes did you need this season? Of all of the battles they could have shown, this would have been the most pointless to show. It was a going to be a clear slaughter - Stannis was outnumbered, had no horses, and caught off guard. I'm not sure what you what have wanted to see.
06-14-2015 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by ShowUthExit
got spoiled on Jon's "death" about a week ago but it was my understanding that it would be left open as to whether or not he would survive the stabbing... so this was really so annoying

Also thought Reek and Sansa were gonna try to scale that wall or at least slide down (it seemed slanted a bit?) not sure why they chose that route.

w t f with Dany getting surrounded by all those randoms. this season was a big letdown for me but never quitting it ever
I think the ransoms were the same people she started the show with although I'm not very good at remembering this ****. The ones who she originally married the big guy.
06-14-2015 , 10:34 PM
I feel a bit empty inside after watching that
06-14-2015 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Shoe
What just happened to Jon Snow is way worse than Sansa's rape or burning that girl alive.
Nah, it happened to the previous Lord Commander even. It hit hard from a viewer perspective since we've been so invested in him, but I don't think it was worse in that way. It made a lot of sense they would kill him, in retrospect. That was the most depressing 2 episodes ever.
06-14-2015 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
That episode might be my last straw. It's interesting once to kill a character you don't expect, not 100 times. Fiction requires someone to root for and this show is so depraved and bloodthirsty there is literally no one to care about. By the end of the series there may be nobody alive who began it. That's not a virtue. That's bad writing.
This is true. At this point I think I'm rooting for the white walkers.
06-14-2015 , 10:35 PM
I even felt bad for Cersei. Didn't think that was possible.
06-14-2015 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by ShowUthExit
got spoiled on Jon's "death" about a week ago but it was my understanding that it would be left open as to whether or not he would survive the stabbing... so this was really so annoying

Also thought Reek and Sansa were gonna try to scale that wall or at least slide down (it seemed slanted a bit?) not sure why they chose that route.

w t f with Dany getting surrounded by all those randoms. this season was a big letdown for me but never quitting it ever
Those weren't randoms. Dothraki horde. Not sure what it means for her. Probably bad?
06-14-2015 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by ShowUthExit
got spoiled on Jon's "death" about a week ago but it was my understanding that it would be left open as to whether or not he would survive the stabbing... so this was really so annoying

Also thought Reek and Sansa were gonna try to scale that wall or at least slide down (it seemed slanted a bit?) not sure why they chose that route.

w t f with Dany getting surrounded by all those randoms. this season was a big letdown for me but never quitting it ever
For the Reek and Sansa scene, I assumed they were jumping into a big enough snow pile they would survive? I'm not really sure though. I didn't think it was suicide but not sure.

For the Dany scene. I couldn't decide if the Araki (spelling?) were happy to see her again or if they want to kill her. Maybe they will join her and become part of her army for next season?
06-14-2015 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by It's Brandt
God damn. Great episode. So much exciting stuff happening now.

I was spoiled on the ending a few days ago though unfortunately. Any chance Melissandra works some LoL magic on Jon Snow?
Mel has never raised the dead before, and seemed shocked that Thoros of Myr was able to do it. If she does it for Jon Snow (I'm leaning yes) it will be the first time she has.

Originally Posted by It's Brandt
I figured this was her becoming "no one." I doubt it was her dying.
Jaqen says the faces are poison to "someone" (meaning anyone who has not yet managed to become no one through training). I took that scene as saying that Arya is going blind. Curious to know if she regains her sight if/when she manages to become no one and wears another face.

Pretty heavy episode. More question marks than expected. The outcome with Cersei was surprising and sort of poetic. I still think the whole Dorne subplot was obnoxious and pointless. Everyone on the boat knows that it was Elia Sand, so I don't think we're getting a war out of this. Feels like one of those things where maybe the showrunners made an extra effort to keep Jamie and Bronn around for the season, since I can't see how this really advances the plot in any major way. Other than doubling down on the point that Cersei is really ****ing herself over (since she was the one who set the trial in motion that ended with Oberyn's death, and that's now coming back to bite her).
06-14-2015 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Yeah, I mean it's possible one of them survived the fall (I guess), but I honestly think she's dead. Although, they didn't make it out that she died, exactly. Like, we didn't get any musical cues. Shrug.

I think she's been dead, actually. That's how I read it. Er, either she died tonight, or has been dead. She's definitely not alive now, in any case.
I see no way Sansa and Arya are dead. Sansa and Reek/Theon survived - it wasn't a double suicide - they likely fell into snow or water.

Arya clearly just went blind - in the same way that she blinded Meryn before killing him. I'm guessing she has to repent somehow to get her eyesight back.
06-14-2015 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
This is true. At this point I think I'm rooting for the white walkers.
Yep, I'm cheering for the white walkers now. F*** Westeros!
06-14-2015 , 10:49 PM
06-14-2015 , 10:52 PM
I feel sick. Why?

F me.
06-14-2015 , 10:55 PM
It's interesting that the mountain has come back with his vow to remove evil!

I would like to know what part of the realm that danerys is at? It doesn't look like the old dathraki land but its looks like the people

Im glad that Sam was sent to be a maester and not get the chop

I think reek also had to die or redeem himself in this episode
06-14-2015 , 10:56 PM
So if Jon Snow is resurrected we can probably assume he's not going to be headed back to the Watch, right? Guess that's one way to ditch the black.
06-14-2015 , 10:58 PM
Man tell me somebody else got a crazy Empire Strikes Back vibe when Arya saw her own face on not-Jaqen's dead body.

I'm assuming Sansa and Theon survived but I can't see how they make it very far unless Ramsey gets super ****ing distracted.

Idiots: those are not the same Dothraki that she used to rule. There are different clans of Dothraki and hers was mostly wiped out after Drogo's death and her wandering; the few survivors are presumably chilling in Mereen or Yunkai or wherever we last saw them on screen. Hard to say how these Dothraki will feel about her, but they seem to be... unsentimental people, let's say.

One upside of Jon getting shanked by his homies is that it does give a pretense for him to be out of Castle Black and back among the rest of the kingdoms. If all the hints about his history / importance are true, then his place was going to be further south one way or another, and he was never going to walk off the job with the Watch.

Night's Watch pretty irrelevant now really. Too small to matter against the walkers and one assumes that nearly all the wildlings are either south of the wall already, or undead, so not much use fighting them. Rooting for Thorne, et al to get wiped out in gnarly fashion by the Night King. Or by Tormund Giantsbane and Jon Snow the minute Mel wakes him up.
06-14-2015 , 11:08 PM
One thing I kinda hate is that Mel is kinda gross and unsavory and into murder demon babies and burning kids at the stake... so not sure how to feel about her being Jon Snow's priestess after all that. Maybe he could ditch her and bro down with Thoros of Myr instead? He seems to have a more chill perspective on this whole LoL thing.
06-14-2015 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by ham on rye

I'm assuming Sansa and Theon survived but I can't see how they make it very far unless Ramsey gets super ****ing distracted.

Brienne tho

your confidence in Jon surviving is giving me comfort
