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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

06-09-2015 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by Chrizza
Emilia Clarke is a god awful actress and her character is ruining the show. She can't even clap without it looking terrible. What the hell did she do at the end, just fly away and leave the others with the remaining attackers? And how did she not get speared during her emotional moment with the dragon? lol.

Still not as annoying as Arya's ''Oysters, clams and cockles'' though, I want to cut my ears off whenever she screams that.
Nits gon' nitpick
06-09-2015 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by legend42
I don't think a Dorne wrap-up is necessary. Jamie and Bronn are leaving with Myrcella and the Vinnie Chase dude. I guess one of the sand snakes could sabotage it, and it would be kind of a slow-motion narrative if it's mission accomplished with no backlash, but it would hardly be the first time this show has dragged its feet with a storyline.

I think a Stannis/Ramsey clash is definitely possible. I would expect at least a check-in at the Wall. KL and Arya are definitely happening imo.
Hmm yeah you're right, they could wrap up a cliffhanger in Dorne rather quickly and without much development.

I still think a Stannis/Ramsey battle is unlikely though. They'd have to rush through Davos at the Wall and his reaction to Shireen's death when he gets back and still end up with not enough time to properly wrap it up in KL and Braavos. Plus we've already had ~20 minutes of action in e8 and e9 each.
06-09-2015 , 02:27 AM
I'm not getting the sense that Stannis cares too much about the white walker threat. He's got his eyes on the iron throne and think he can use this Lord of Light to get there.
06-09-2015 , 02:39 AM
Holy ****, I can't breathe

06-09-2015 , 05:48 AM
This season hasn't really done much for me. Just meh. Still watching of course.
06-09-2015 , 06:18 AM
Lots of gold in this thread, thanks for lol's

Originally Posted by Cotton Hill

Originally Posted by Kamikam

Originally Posted by Hoya
In hindsight they probably should have searched people entering the arena for gold masks and huge spears.
Originally Posted by TensRUs
06-09-2015 , 07:25 AM
#7 did it for me, glasses A+ touch
06-09-2015 , 09:03 AM
Omg stannis Went Full ****** l, Never Go Full ******..
06-09-2015 , 09:13 AM
my contributions to the Meryn Trant meme train

06-09-2015 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Andrew Beal
+ev play for the last fighter dude is to let the other fighter dude kill jorah first, killing the other guy first is pure spew
Not if he sees the guy he killed as the better fighter. In that scene Jorah basically lost to that other guy meaning he was not as good of a fighter, so the +ev play would be to kill the better fighter, which is what he did.
06-09-2015 , 01:17 PM
full grown dragon;

06-09-2015 , 01:23 PM
GoT has had #CockMerchant, why not #Fetus****er?

06-09-2015 , 02:19 PM
After rewatching season 4 and I gotta say it's much more enjoyable watching it the second time around. I picked up a lot of subtleties and things I've completely missed the first time around. I have sworn off the internet and anything related to GOT while watching the show after having been spoiled on some major plotlines (Red Wedding FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!)
Anyways, after watching season 4 again we actually see Olenna stealing one of the diamonds on Sansa's necklace during Joffrey's death. Only bookreaders would've picked up on that scene. Knowing what we know now, that episode made it really clear that she was the killer but while watching the show it wasn't clear until the next episode.

I've also completely forgotten that the Mountain and the Hound were brothers and that he burned the Hound's face, wtf. Speaking of the Hound, does anyone think we'll see him again? I don't trust anything on GOT unless I see it happen with my own eyes.
06-09-2015 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by TouchOfEVil
full grown dragon;

Hopefully they grow fast -s erious firepower will be needed soon!
06-09-2015 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by TouchOfEVil
full grown dragon;

Bingo, as you can see, fully grown spears aren't going to do squat to it. Dany's are still quite young. In GoT lore their natural life span is apparently about 200 years, and Dany's are what? Like 2-5 at most? Big and strong enough to easily kill, but small and weak enough to easily be killed.

According to GoT lore the older dragons get, the larger and more intense flames they can produce, and for longer durations. So their power sort of grows exponentially. Like Dany's aren't to the point they can melt castle walls and stuff yet.

Other random thoughts:

1. The Sand Snake chicks have been absolutely useless in every way this season. Outside of one flashing scene they haven't done squat. Unless they have some important role to play in the future not even sure why they were in the season, all they did was sit around talking, then have one really short, terrible fight and get caught.

2. It's clear they went a different direction this season in regards to the finale. Previous GoT seasons you had the big OMG stuff in episode 9, and episode 10 was sort of a wrap up. This year with so many story lines you had in effect 3 finales (8, 9, 10), each of which are less overall OMG than past singular episodes, but combined are more so. Episode 10 this year will almost certainly feature some major developments in King's Landing and perhaps something regarding Stannis/Boltons/Sansa/Brienne.

3. Sorta disappointed with the lack of nudity and sex scenes this season. If you rewatch the earlier seasons there's a lot more of it. I mean seasons 1 and 2 were absolutely epic. The only truly awesome, extended nude scene this year was Ramsey's side piece girl.
06-09-2015 , 10:16 PM
You have to remember to that the Dragons are not trained. In the past the Targaryens trained them for war. One single dragon destroyed Harrenhal.
06-10-2015 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by Hoya
In hindsight they probably should have searched people entering the arena for gold masks and huge spears.
06-10-2015 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
1. The Sand Snake chicks have been absolutely useless in every way this season. Outside of one flashing scene they haven't done squat. Unless they have some important role to play in the future not even sure why they were in the season, all they did was sit around talking, then have one really short, terrible fight and get caught.
I predict we'll see more of them at some point, possibly even this episode, but I think it's near universally agreed that their story sucked.

Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
2. It's clear they went a different direction this season in regards to the finale. Previous GoT seasons you had the big OMG stuff in episode 9, and episode 10 was sort of a wrap up.
Last season was fairly active. Tyrion kills Tywin and escapes KL, Brienne and the Hound battle (which may have resulted in the death of a top 20 character). It seems like the finales have been increasingly more eventful each season. Agree that this one should have more consequence than any so far.

Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
3. Sorta disappointed with the lack of nudity and sex scenes this season. If you rewatch the earlier seasons there's a lot more of it. I mean seasons 1 and 2 were absolutely epic. The only truly awesome, extended nude scene this year was Ramsey's side piece girl.
Don't be sexist!

06-11-2015 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
My grandpa is always ranting about Obama and the apocalypse, this episode makes me wonder if he's not onto something.
Originally Posted by JonnyA
As we learned from Gladiator, its more important to win the crowd that it is to simply win the battle. I assume that its even more so here when the fighters are free men - it you want to become rich from fighting (and why else are you doing it), you need to be seen as the greatest fighter and not someone who just does what it takes to win.

On that note, I hate Darious' whole story about how great it was for him to be a fighter and how it made him who he was, and thus the fighting pits are good. For every Dario there are likely 100's of dead gladiators. It's like using the few idiots who win the lottery as evidence that playing the lottery is a good idea.
lol donkaments
06-11-2015 , 02:59 AM
I really hope that Melisandre has been lying all along about the power of king's blood as a way of exerting more control over Stannis. The whole concept of royal blood somehow powering dark magic is pretty silly. It's an old fantasy trope that doesn't fit well in a show which discards many tropes. Is royal blood somehow different from other blood? Robert was the first of his line and wasn't king for all that long - does sitting on the Throne immediately give his, and his brother's blood, a steroid injection? It's a dumb concept that doesn't make much sense.
06-11-2015 , 05:07 AM
Does Stannis know that Davos can read? I seem to recall him reading some raven message, but I'm not sure. The reason I'm asking is because I'm wondering if his message to Jon Snow is that Davos should take the black or something like that.
06-11-2015 , 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by Rooksx
I really hope that Melisandre has been lying all along about the power of king's blood as a way of exerting more control over Stannis. The whole concept of royal blood somehow powering dark magic is pretty silly. It's an old fantasy trope that doesn't fit well in a show which discards many tropes. Is royal blood somehow different from other blood? Robert was the first of his line and wasn't king for all that long - does sitting on the Throne immediately give his, and his brother's blood, a steroid injection? It's a dumb concept that doesn't make much sense.
The three people named when the leeches were burned all had something bad happen to them shortly after (though Theon got hurt instead of his father). So there probably is something to it.
06-11-2015 , 08:45 AM
yes he knows
06-11-2015 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by darksideofthewal
Does Stannis know that Davos can read? I seem to recall him reading some raven message, but I'm not sure. The reason I'm asking is because I'm wondering if his message to Jon Snow is that Davos should take the black or something like that.
I'm pretty sure he knows. The message is probably sealed either way.

Interesting thought. I think it's possible Davos ends up taking the black after what happened, ordered by Stannis or voluntarily. More likely voluntarily imo.
06-11-2015 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by darksideofthewal
The three people named when the leeches were burned all had something bad happen to them shortly after (though Theon got hurt instead of his father). So there probably is something to it.
Two out of three isn't amazing during war time, I'm more interested in the shadow creature she created.

I do agree the power of king's blood thing is silly.
