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What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak?

10-19-2008 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by w33ktight
I don't either, lol
I don't even know what ICM stands for.
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 04:34 PM
racing vs. ranked players is def. a leak too
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 04:34 PM
Biggest cash: 1.8k
Biggest leak: I went through a phase this summer where I thought I owned all poker. Now I realize I suck...I just don't have enough time to dedicate to becoming truly better at the fundamentals of the game.
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 06:15 PM

playing mtts when i know i have zero interest in sitting next to the computer for 8 hours and end up pushing all in ever yhand or somethign

this has cost me tens of thousands cuz i am a fool and do this alot
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 08:30 PM

biggest leak is having a rigged account. im convinced online poker is rigged. who cares i still make a little bit of money and enjoy it.
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by People_Mover
racing vs. ranked players is def. a leak too
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-22-2008 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by AGame18
Biggest Cash - None

Lifetime Profit - None?

Biggest Leak - I post better than I play
Does that mean all your other threads were fake?
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-22-2008 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by VPIP100

Biggest cash 20k, leaks? a ton, Im not a MTT player
that wasnt a cold 4bet jam :P
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-22-2008 , 01:13 PM
Biggest cash 41k

Biggest leak being out of bananas
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-22-2008 , 01:27 PM
17.5k, self destructive habits
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-22-2008 , 04:17 PM

My biggest leak when I first started was getting frustrated with a certain form of poker when i played/ran bad. I'd quit, a couple of times for at least a month and then switch to another form of poker. I've been concentrating on mtts for a year now and I'm seeing results. I just wish I would've stuck with it before.
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-22-2008 , 05:21 PM

My biggest leak is letting my cards dictate my aggression. How deep I go in tourneys often depends on how well I card rack.

Maybe I need to try this.

Originally Posted by w33ktight
My biggest leak used to be not being able to change gears. In the lower buyin MTT's you can basically raise fold half of the hands you are dealt if it's deep and it works pretty well.
Any other pointers on loosening up late? I feel like I've been trained to not want to raise/fold 20BB stacks at all so I nit up. Then if I don't card rack then I dwindle to 11-15BBs and push/fold (probably poorly) and mostly get it in bad.

Also, since I always have that sized stack I should probably be better at this, but whenever I raise with a 16-20BB stack w/ say 10s or AK, AQ and get flatted . I seem to get stuck/not know where I am when I don't have top pair, etc.
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-22-2008 , 06:21 PM
hmm you could maybe try dropping the idea of looking for formulaic solutions and actually learning to play poker?
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-22-2008 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by SEABEAST
hmm you could maybe try dropping the idea of looking for formulaic solutions and actually learning to play poker?
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-22-2008 , 06:28 PM

biggest leak: being a calling station and having FPS, and doing stupid **** for no apparent reason.
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-22-2008 , 08:23 PM
Biggest Cash - Classified

Biggest Leak - AGame posts better than I play

Wutwut, johnwhowho??
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-22-2008 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Sti1gar
i had a 1k cash (won the 30$ ds on FT) in September of 07 thats my biggest, i feel ive worked on some of my leaks, but some of the major ones were playing pocket pairs too often to raises, playing too many hands, not playing aggressively enough deep in tournaments.
Are you referring to the 2:30 a.m. tournament? I won that one last November and went on a nice little run during which I made several final tables. It's a nice structure with a manageable number of players (around 150). The drawback was that I got tired of being awake until 5:30 a.m. or later.
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-22-2008 , 08:59 PM
biggest cash: 9 hundo

biggest leak: tilt If i have 5 tournies goin and i have a big stack in one tourny and get coolered i usually will bust 2 or more tournies within 5 minutes of the first one.

Also when i get a big stack and play LAG and lose a big pot i will just go on ahead and blow the rest of my stack
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-22-2008 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by ZJ123

biggest leak: being a calling station and having FPS, and doing stupid **** for no apparent reason.
and plo bleeb
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-22-2008 , 11:55 PM
55K (FTOPS 2500 BI)

First leak was playing way too many hands early, and tightening up way too much late. Other, earlier leaks were things like not 3-betting light enough/not calling off 3bets light enough. Now that I'm aware of those things, I have to work on polishing them with software like PSTOVE for measuring odds needed against certain ranges etc.
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-22-2008 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by mutigers5591
playing mtts when i know i have zero interest in sitting next to the computer for 8 hours and end up pushing all in ever yhand or somethign

this has cost me tens of thousands cuz i am a fool and do this alot
so so true for me too
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-23-2008 , 09:50 AM
Cash: 4.5k ish

Leaks: Playing cash games im not rolled for. FU moves. Calling when I know im beat just to prove im right, and the other guy is a spaz. Chat abuse of monkeys. Take away (under-rolled shots) at cash games and id be nicely in profit from poker.

Playing iPoker tournaments.
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-23-2008 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by tkachuk51
.... check raising all in when i know i am beat cause f that guy,
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-23-2008 , 10:05 AM

My biggest leak is spewing away my chips when I have a big stack. I have some weird sense of entitlement to every uncontested pot when I have a big stack, and it usually gets me in trouble.
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-23-2008 , 10:43 AM
Biggest MTT cash: 75k dollars, Super Tuesday.

Biggest leak:
Withdrew 70k dollars, played nl5000 came on 27k dollars, thought i was the best, end up losing a 54k dollar pot with:
99 against A A, all in on turn:
9 3 2, 3 (all in), river A.
Destroyed my TV, and went down in level.
Now i can't really make a roll, waiting for my 70k dollars, so far my "bankroll" is closed, for a good rent in a year.
Lucky there is only 2 months left.

- love rockets.
makes a rocket to 2-4000 dollars, sometimes end up loosing it, and i cannot get away from the 5 / 10 - 10 / 20 blinds, only thinking about getting my money back. :P
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
