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What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak?

10-18-2008 , 03:43 AM
playing tournaments
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-18-2008 , 07:55 AM
only 1.8k ,

i dont have the right mindset for poker, and i have been playin for a couple of years, underrolled.
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-18-2008 , 08:00 AM
Biggest Cash- 1.8K
Biggest Leak- Withdrew 1.5K
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-18-2008 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Black Aces 518
biggest cash - $65,000

Also, if i get a bad beat or lose a monster flip, i get in a funk about what my stack 'should' be and just worry/obsess about getting the chips back. Also have been known to make "eff you" moves.
This is a tough one and I can relate to what you are saying here.

I hate that feeling of sitting there after you lose a hand where you were a decent favorite and not only are you lacking the chips you had prior to the confrontation, you didnt get to scoop the pot and increase your stack and now you have to look at the size of the stack of the person who sucked out.

I have experienced this frustration leak emot more in live cash games where the action is slower and you have to stare at the luckbox sitting across the table.

Fortunately for you this is a fairly easy set of problems to solve. Don't be mad at your money. Remember that is your toolbox and you need it to work, grind and be baller. As far as eff you moves they may actually be positive ev if you play with the players who you make them on or who are at the table when you make them very often. These plays will keep them guessing. Good for meta game. Just keep them under control. gl
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-18-2008 , 06:51 PM
Biggest Cash - None

Lifetime Profit - None?

Biggest Leak - I post better than I play
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-18-2008 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by 50100s
This is a tough one and I can relate to what you are saying here.

I hate that feeling of sitting there after you lose a hand where you were a decent favorite and not only are you lacking the chips you had prior to the confrontation, you didnt get to scoop the pot and increase your stack and now you have to look at the size of the stack of the person who sucked out.

I have experienced this frustration leak emot more in live cash games where the action is slower and you have to stare at the luckbox sitting across the table.

Fortunately for you this is a fairly easy set of problems to solve. Don't be mad at your money. Remember that is your toolbox and you need it to work, grind and be baller. As far as eff you moves they may actually be positive ev if you play with the players who you make them on or who are at the table when you make them very often. These plays will keep them guessing. Good for meta game. Just keep them under control. gl
Whats even worse is watching the guy that sucked out on you for the massive pot spew it off to diffrent people on the table while you still are fighting to get the chips back. That puts me on life tilt.

Biggest cash - 4,950

Biggest leak - Being on life tilt half the time
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-18-2008 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Todd Terry
Looks like someone's avoiding the questions because he doesn't have a big cash.
yeah...i'm down like 100k in the past two years in mtts, with no cash greater than 3x buy-in (except for a few sunday mils, which were like 6x buy in cashes)
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-18-2008 , 08:00 PM
biggest cash - $2,500

biggest leak - where to begin ? steam control, bankroll management, cant lay down qqs pre flop ever. come to think about it i think i might have only laid down qqs pre flop once:S

taking to long to read up on the theory of poker and start reading and posting on forums has been a big downfall, i look back at how i used to play and i wonder how i ever managed to win anything at all. reading harringtion vol 1 + 2 has definetly been a massive factor in turning my game around. you can actually see on my sharkscope when i roughly started reading harrington and im not kidding! obv still got some big leaks that need fixed,
also cant wait to cash for 5 figures it has to be soon!
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-18-2008 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Emon96
Biggest Cash- 1.8K
Biggest Leak- Withdrew 1.5K
Exactly this.

Well, my cash was 1779, but w/e
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-18-2008 , 09:09 PM
Biggest Cash: $3995

Biggest Leak: Play way to tight and dont get aggressive deep in the money
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-18-2008 , 09:38 PM
Biggest Cash: embarassingly small
Biggest Leak: where to start...
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-18-2008 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by mkind0516
Biggest Cash: Investing in Charder's LHE addiction
Biggest Mistake: Investing in Charder's PLO addiction
best post
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-18-2008 , 10:43 PM
I was serious too.
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 01:58 AM
Biggest Cash - 16.2K
Biggest Leak - probably still have neg. ROI lol
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 02:33 AM

playing on (way) too short of a roll, making too thin of calls to proven monkeys, getting drawn out on with 75-90% equity for huge pots in early/mid stages (against monkeys), playing pairs too weakly in mid/late stages, general trouble with putting monkeys/semi-decent players on hands when they make ******ed bet sizes/plays, not enough volume
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 02:37 AM

biggest leak:
I think I lose a lot when I'm playing more than like 3 MTTs. I find it very hard to pay attention to table dynamics, bet sizing, timing tells, etc when I'm not involved in the hand and am playing multiple other tournies at the same time. Without all that input I think I lose a lot of my edge.
Having a bunch of tournies fired up at once can be a problem for me because I also think I have a serious tilt problem. Especially if I'm in the late stages of one tourney and get sucked out on real bad. After busting on a bad suckout late in one tourny I fall into the mindset that I no longer give a cr@p about the other MTTs I have running in the early stages. It's like I tell myself, why do I want to do all that hard work to get deep again only to get sucked out on and bubble the big money? This is a major major leak and I'm trying to get it under control by having people sweat me a little more, or having friends around when I'm playing big tournies to level my head a little. This only contributes to the first problem above though, not being able to focus particularly when on table dynamics when I'm not involved in a hand...
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 03:33 AM
Live, 7.5k OL 6k

Leaks... Drinking and playing poker. drinking and playing blackjack, check raising all in when i know i am beat cause f that guy, calling a bet and 3 raises with A2xx on a 610j o8 board, loaning money, illicit drugs, outdoor rec activities, long road trips without covering my shifts, trying to beat the wheel of fortune machines in vegas, trying to beat the video keno machines in montana, over tipping hot cocktail waitresses, staking bad players in tourneys cause i kinda like them, paying for college and then not going to class, taking expensive trips to europe/ bahamas/ mexico/ canada, impulse buying expensive electronics.

Oh did I mention I am a poker dealer? Im sure that one comes as a shocker

if thats not enough leaks im sure i can come up with more....
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 05:25 AM
Biggest Cash: $594
Biggest Leak: Biggest Cash
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 05:44 AM
Biggest cash: 135k

Biggest leak: Spewing out of control in tournaments when
- it's a low buyin (and most of the times my last tournament)
- my stack goes from like 3x avg to about avg (feels so much worse than shortstack ninja'ing and then doubling to average)
- I have too many tables open and think "meh, wouldnt hurt to flip in one" and then like cold4bet jam 22

Next to this, I just have a general FPS issue and just love hero-calling and doing spazzy stuff to confuse ppl way too much
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 05:51 AM
2.3 mill, im the best with no leaks, timex sux ballz
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by chrismystero
Biggest Cash: $594
Biggest Leak: Biggest Cash
nh sir
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by Broberts06
2.3 mill, im the best with no leaks, timex sux ballz
biggest leak: the IRS

EDIT: Inland Revenue (Brittish IRS)
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by rubenrtv
Biggest cash: 135k

Biggest leak: Spewing out of control in tournaments when
- it's a low buyin (and most of the times my last tournament)
- my stack goes from like 3x avg to about avg (feels so much worse than shortstack ninja'ing and then doubling to average)
- I have too many tables, like one when playing live EPT's open and think "meh, wouldnt hurt to flip in one" and then like cold4bet jam 22 vs a nit

Next to this, I just have a general FPS issue and just love hero-calling and doing spazzy stuff to confuse ppl way too much

Biggest cash 20k, leaks? a ton, Im not a MTT player
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 11:24 AM
brag time!

biggest cash: 60k (100R win, baby!)
leaks: smaller ones, like preflop ranges, and I don't have much clue about ICM and that stuff
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
10-19-2008 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Vinetou
and I don't have much clue about ICM and that stuff
I don't either, lol
What is your biggest MTT cash?  What's your biggest poker related mistake/leak? Quote
