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PokerStars MTT Thread PokerStars MTT Thread

05-17-2016 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by LOLCh1pPorn

just change the name back, it's way more appealing

you were already planning to up the gtd's anyway right?
As if the "bigger" was just about the name.
You realise that bigger was with 12 min blind structure from start till the end instead of 10 min week version?
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by cr1s5t1
As if the "bigger" was just about the name.
You realise that bigger was with 12 min blind structure from start till the end instead of 10 min week version?
i do realise that and if I'd think there's a snowballs chance in hell they bring it back i'd ask for it

Last edited by LOLCh1pPorn; 05-17-2016 at 09:49 AM. Reason: grammar is hard
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by dumanis
Is the server down?
I got DC too, someone else?
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 09:53 AM
Amaya might have decided to switch off Pokerstars instead and ask you to play on FullTilt.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 10:04 AM
well played stars sats with no antes....whats next?
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 10:51 AM
There's a new $162 Ultra Deep in the lobby and it looks like it might be the slowest MTT I've ever seen.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 11:26 AM
Lol not rly but yeah kinda slow. Nice addition
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 11:47 AM
Hey all,

I'm heading on holiday for a few days but I wanted to give an update on the state of the schedule and what comes next.

First up, there will be many noticeable guarantee reductions beginning Monday. Since I know there's always comments about how guarantees never rebound, take a look at this graph showing last year's week-by-week guarantees in the main schedule from the first week after SCOOP to mid-November:

The X axis is time, and the Y axis is money. The tailing off in mid-November is due to the Daily Double Jackpot promotion technically not being a part of the main schedule even though it replaced main schedule tournaments.

I’ve been analysing performance of the new schedule, and investigating the concerns expressed in this thread.

Overall, I'm pleased with what I found but it did provide me with some context and ideas of what to work on next.

While guarantees are my top priority at this point in the year, I'll be working on the following as time permits:
  • Continue to find spots for additional micro and small stakes NLHE tournaments. You can find additions by searching "New Tournament" in your text filter.
  • Investigate the effectiveness of satellites. Having a light spread of satellites was planned due to the fact that SCOOP was impending. Once I have a bit of a sample, I'll see what alterations can be made in both SNG and MTT satellites.
  • Alter Omania and take a look at the Omaha schedule. Omania tournaments are not performing very well and will likely be reworked. I suspect that 3/4 Stack just isn't well understood. I should add that Omaha tournaments are doing very well overall. We offer approximately the same number of tournaments as before, but the average guarantee and prize pools have increased over 20%.

Lastly, to answer some queries...

Originally Posted by michl
Luke any changes to mixed games schedule planned.
I miss the turbo 27 sd, 22stud8 from early morning and the 8.80 8game turbos aswell as the dailys.
The only changes made so far have been converting some of the1.10 to 2.20.
Please bring back the dailys and make them red.
While I don't foresee the Daily $27s coming back, I'll work out a plan to make some non-NLHE tournaments more special. I do not have any specific plan at this time.

Originally Posted by straykatbluz
Shootout 6max was a really fun format, would be cool to see a major out of it. Don't think daily shootouts would be very succesful, but once a week would be great.
I think SCOOP is just a different animal. Everyone on the site registers for these events just to make sure they get a seat! I agree that they're fun and I too enjoyed playing them, but the reason shootouts aren’t in the main schedule is because they had ever-declining popularity to the point where we finally removed them. They just don’t do as nearly as well as an equivalent freezeout in the same slot.

Originally Posted by ISmellToast
Get rid of ZOOM MTTs on friday that format sucks and nobody likes it.
I believe Zoom is a worthy format for a major, but I acknowledge that it’s not the most popular variant. Friday is a lower-traffic day, and we can have a Zoom major there without negatively impacting liquidity.

Originally Posted by probability1
if you don't plan on bringing back full ring hypers, may I ask what's the rationale for your changing all hypers to 6max?
I think they provide a better playing experience. So far in the new schedule, players seem to agree!

Originally Posted by user12345
Once again why there`s no mini-NLO8 on Friday?
There is a $55 at 15:00 on Monday/Wednesday/Friday to coincide with each of the majors.

Originally Posted by ChoakMyDee
I can't understand why they deleted so many tournaments when they rolled out the new schedule...why not just add more, why delete so many?
Because more isn't necessarily better. I want to make the most exciting schedule for our players, and the key to that is having as many tournaments as possible with attractive guarantees. While the schedule was reduced in size, we're increasing the average guarantee in main schedule tournaments. Additionally, building up is much easier than tearing down! I agree that there is room for more tournaments, and thus we'll be adding some in the future.

Originally Posted by FT37
Can you look at adding a mini version of the pacific rim special?
I think the $162 has done well so far and a $16.50 might be well-received. This certainly isn't an overstuffed time slot. I'll give it some thought and come back to you on this.

Originally Posted by anuj22
And also

1) Reduce the no. of ante up tourneys

2) Bring back hu tourneys, ultra deep stack tourneys

3) Friday special zoom tourneys - Have them zoom only for first couple of hours or till bubble is bursted and resume normal play once we are itm
1) I don't think we have too many.

2) For those who haven't noticed yet, we've added a 32 player $7 heads-up SNG. It is in the lobby with a "New" tag and runs pretty frequently.

3) I think this sort of defeats the purpose. If you're entering the tournament for its Zoom appeal, wouldn't you want that portion of the tournament to last as long as possible?

Originally Posted by travisohc
the super sized sunday still has 100k guarantee....i just dont get it !
This is part of the balancing act. I have to manage priorities. Every task that needs doing has an amount of time assigned to it. While this could have been increased to $250K and then reduced to $100K starting next week, I chose to use that time making other changes or even making this post.

Originally Posted by Killerscore9
Hi Luke,

Now I know it is a completely different series then the current one, but you seem to have a fair idea with the on goings at PS, do you have any idea if the Micro Millions is returning in any format any time soon?

Sorry if other readers are upset with me asking on this thread, but no one else from PS seems to have an answer, with being asked for ideas since November..

Thanks if can Luke
Micro Millions will tentatively return in July. I currently do not have any more details than that!

OK, that's all for now. I'll be back next week. Adios!
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 11:57 AM
Has reducing guarantees been standard before 2014? Only noticed it negatively last year. Kinda sad
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
I believe Zoom is a worthy format for a major, but I acknowledge that it’s not the most popular variant. Friday is a lower-traffic day, and we can have a Zoom major there without negatively impacting liquidity.
Aka "friday is a low traffic day so why not just kill it completely with zoom trash".
Luke please replace zoom with some other more popular format so friday isnt completely dead, i used to love playing on friday now i have to skip it bc of the zoom garbage...
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 12:05 PM
Yeh the players seem to agree that 6 max hypers provide a better experience as they have the choice of 6 max or full ring hyper mtts right?
Or is it because they want to play a hyper mtt and have no option but to play 6 max.

Im pretty sure the real reason for the schedule being so 6 max heavy is making it tougher for regs to reg a load of game fillers
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
Has reducing guarantees been standard before 2014? Only noticed it negatively last year. Kinda sad
Has been happening more since 2012
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 02:09 PM
plaese change the 30$ ProgKo´s 180s to 90 Mans
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Alexo
Well deserved vacations after being horrible at your job and failing at every task, maybe they should be permanent.
How has he failed at every task? Are you his boss? Oh right, you don't own Pokerstars, it's not your company and it's goals aren't necessarily the same as yours. But hey, why not come in and be a dick to Luke anyway while not offering anything constructive, cause that's still not passe yet apparently.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 02:33 PM
Failing with the structures so badly at launch, taking so long to change said structures despite tons of feedback, not setting guarantees even remotely close to realistic numbers even after so long are only some of the things he failed at. No, I'm not his boss, I don't need to be in order to consider the work he's done a failure.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Alexo
Failing with the structures so badly at launch, taking so long to change said structures despite tons of feedback, not setting guarantees even remotely close to realistic numbers even after so long are only some of the things he failed at. No, I'm not his boss, I don't need to be in order to consider the work he's done a failure.
The structures were fixed in less than a week. Guarantees have always been low under Amaya management, it's a public company, they don't throw money around like the old days, get over it. You can consider his work a failure, but his taking a vacation or not (or implying he be fired, which was what you really meant) would be granted by his bosses and based on the company's goals, he is not failing.

For all the pissed off people rolling through here, the site isn't tanking. The numbers aren't dropping, they are shifting and changing what people play, but the traffic is still there. Because of the software... and until someone steps up, puts some real money into a real piece of software and then promotes it (not happening in a declining, incredibly divided marketplace), no substantive exodus will be occurring and Luke won't be getting fired.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
i think give $320 6m 5k+ starting stack
make that and a 30k+ GTD and i'll be playing every day
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke

The X axis is time, and the Y axis is money.
This graph means close to nothing without the Y axis labeled, the point at EPT Barcelona could be X and Mid November 20X or those numbers could be X and 1.1X, without labeling the graph it is impossible to discern.

I know you did this on purpose.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
Alter Omania and take a look at the Omaha schedule. Omania tournaments are not performing very well and will likely be reworked. I suspect that 3/4 Stack just isn't well understood. I should add that Omaha tournaments are doing very well overall.
You do realize that O8 is fundamentally different than PLO and deserve it's own treatment? The O8 schedule is absolutely broken.

Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
While I don't foresee the Daily $27s coming back, I'll work out a plan to make some non-NLHE tournaments more special. I do not have any specific plan at this time.
So you mess up the mixed games schedule and then tell us you don't 'have any specific plan' to fix it!??

Old: Daily $27 FLO8 1K Gtd (averaging 1.3K)
New: Saturday Special $27 FLO8 750Gtd (mostly gets canceled)

Very special Luke, and you really expect us not to get angry?
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
Because more isn't necessarily better. I want to make the most exciting schedule for our players, and the key to that is having as many tournaments as possible with attractive guarantees. While the schedule was reduced in size, we're increasing the average guarantee in main schedule tournaments. Additionally, building up is much easier than tearing down! I agree that there is room for more tournaments, and thus we'll be adding some in the future.
Fewer isn't necessarily better neither, and in this case is significatively worse.

Big GTD MTTs are exciting, for sure, but we need also some MTTs with fewer players that allows us to build roll in order to take shots on those big gtds.

I play ABI $7. Back on March, I used to grind 27 MTTs daily between PokerStars and Full Tilt. Today I grind 9 MTTs, and after SCOOP will be 7.

I understand Amaya's new policy, however, at least throw something to the players between amateurs and pros.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by davidv1213
tourney #1568300374 16.20gmt $44 scoop-35 super tues deep mega sat 10 seats gtd, please keep this in the weekly schedule
did pretty well ! give players what they want !
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 07:19 PM
sick "graph" that mspaint orrr, wtf r u doing? why is the first week after scoop bigger than scoop, according to your "graph"? doesnt make much sense.

do you really disrespect us so much? putting up a "graph" that misleading is so abdurd....

why didn't you label wcoop? and you say the y axis is money, whose money?

wtf is happening, do you really think we are all stupid? im offended.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 07:28 PM
can only assumne stars makes zero dollars during ept barcelona, so brutal, hope u guys can get through that.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 07:29 PM
+1 for changing the payout, i understand it's probably better for your bottom line if more people cash. But i do think recreational players will also eventually end up being bummed out by playing for 4 hours and getting 1,5x your buy in after beating a thousand more people then the guy that finished on the first payout.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
05-17-2016 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by davidv1213
tourney #1568300374 16.20gmt $44 scoop-35 super tues deep mega sat 10 seats gtd, please keep this in the weekly schedule
+1 pls

also bring back the old 27tkos +one more in the old h44 spot (or daily mini sonic)

I am curious if b215 is underperforming compared to the old b162, could seem like that because of the new payouts, but would be nice to compare numbers (obv not during SCOOP)

Last edited by Erebgil_bg; 05-17-2016 at 08:17 PM.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
