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OFFICIAL wsop event 57 ,000 unlimited texas hold them world championship OFFICIAL wsop event 57 ,000 unlimited texas hold them world championship

07-06-2009 , 05:13 PM
New report from Pauly:

According to Aaron, players in the "Diamond Registration" room were told to come back at 3pm and they would get seated. Sully Erna managed to get in despite being originally turned away.
07-06-2009 , 05:13 PM
The 5 o'clock thing would work if they can get a couple-three dozen tables. Play 4 levels and mix them in with the a's-b's for day 2. They don't get a rest day, but that's small enough a penalty to pay. The only other problem they would have is a separate clock, but they should be able to handle that.
07-06-2009 , 05:17 PM
Any "extra" players would be added to day 2a, and the latest rumor is they would start at ~4pm PT and play 4 levels.
Obv a good solution. I'm not sure why nobody decided to think about this until today.

I think it is fair to criticize the players for waiting to register, but it is also fair for criticizing WSOP for not thinking about an alternative before the event happened.
07-06-2009 , 05:23 PM
Antonius is also in the field, apparently someone did buy him in earlier.
07-06-2009 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by gobbomom
I just really want to know if GoldenBears made it in.
me too!! only reason i'm in this thread right now...
07-06-2009 , 05:28 PM
New rumor is that they had 2800 + a small amount of alternates for "problem situations."
07-06-2009 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Savage
The value of having more players than last year is a win for the WSOP and a HUGE win for poker in general especially in this economy!

I do not like to see people shut out of tournaments unless it is the last option and especially do not want to see anyone shut out of the Main Event!!

Norm and Lon cannot say "anyone can win" especially if people get shut out!

The later it gets the more likely it is that they will uphold the shutout.

All of this is true, but it doesn't mean they should change the structure and rules of the tournament. If they make people play at 10 handed tables that changes the competitive balance of the event. It also changes the equity of each player at the table.

Poker is fine, yes it would be great if the WSOP Main Event beat last years numbers, but it really isn't that important. They gave us a great Main Event this year with a great structure, don't screw it by changing the rules of the Main Event 4 days in.

10 handed tables would be a horrendous mistake, and I am suprised u feel that it would be acceptable after playing the first 3 days 9 handed
07-06-2009 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Loggjaw
Does anyone know if LetMeLive is playing today.
He busted in first hour.
07-06-2009 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
Antonius is also in the field, apparently someone did buy him in earlier.
How is that? Third part registration is not allowed, right?
07-06-2009 , 05:33 PM
Someone could buy in another player, the no third-party thing applies to online sites in the US for players.
07-06-2009 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
How is that? Third part registration is not allowed, right?
Oh cmon, I'm sure you know how this went down.
07-06-2009 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
How is that? Third part registration is not allowed, right?
poker sites doing it, no. but other people doing it, in general is allowed. esp for known players.
07-06-2009 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
How is that? Third part registration is not allowed, right?
You really think PA was registered before this morning? C'mon man, you smarter than this I'm sure.
07-06-2009 , 05:39 PM

"we are unable to accomodate any more entrants" said commish in meeting. about 150 players in meeting
07-06-2009 , 05:42 PM
I don't understand the hand-wrangling over 9-handed and 10-handed, when it was known going into the WSOP that there would be 300 tables, and the stated schedule had the cap at 3000, meaning the original plan was for 10-handed play.

Yes, 9-handed is preferred, but play wasn't scheduled to start that way.

It just happened that they played the first 3 days 9-handed. In this case, the fault lays at the feet of Jack Effel and Jeffrey Pollack for doing so, adding to today's debacle.
07-06-2009 , 05:47 PM
I busted. Got AA in vs KK 20 minutes into tournament on 842 flop and guy between us goes ""I folded AK" and insta K ball on turn, leaving me with 300 chips.

I am handed a stuffed monkey and told to hold onto it until I bust. I promptly run the 300 up to nearly 10,000 then bust on the last hand before the first break. Try again next year.
07-06-2009 , 05:53 PM
Joe Schmoe online player

shows up at the Rio this morning and finds out his request to enter the Main Event is

a few minutes later, Full Tilt Pro Patrik "God " Antonius shows up at the Rio looking to buy into the Main Event ... tournament director Jack Effel pulls some magic behind the scenes

and within minutes PA is sitting behind a stack of chips

The moral of the story poker players? In case you haven't figured out ... Harrah's doesn't give a **** about you unless you are a TV personality. Rules are broken for only a select few. What about the integrity of the tournament the masses ask? "Integrity?" Pollack and Effel laugh as they skip down the Rio hallway to the waiting UB chariot outside chauffeured by the Poker Brat himself and Harrah golden boy Phil Hellmuth.

Last edited by electric boogaloo; 07-06-2009 at 06:05 PM.
07-06-2009 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by electric boogaloo
You really think PA was registered before this morning? C'mon man, you smarter than this I'm sure.
Ya, I was being sarcastic, as regards special treatment.

In general, one person registering for another was NOT allowed all through the series. Not just this year, but in prior years as well.
07-06-2009 , 05:57 PM
where was Joe Schmoe on day 1A, B and C?
07-06-2009 , 05:59 PM
I understand why they'd let name pros into tourneys when they don't let other people in. I think it's unethical, but I understand that it's a good business decision.

Why the hell would they let Ivey off the hook for playing on a feature table? Ivey on a feature table is obv great publicity, and Ivey has no leverage since it's not like he'll just stop playing the ME or something.
07-06-2009 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by brad2002tj
He busted in first hour.
That really sucks man, I was hoping he would have a nice deep run.
07-06-2009 , 06:04 PM
safe to say Day 1A next year will be the largest field? j/k
07-06-2009 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
I understand why they'd let name pros into tourneys when they don't let other people in. I think it's unethical, but I understand that it's a good business decision.

Why the hell would they let Ivey off the hook for playing on a feature table? Ivey on a feature table is obv great publicity, and Ivey has no leverage since it's not like he'll just stop playing the ME or something.
I could see Ivey saying he'd rather get blinded off than play on the feature table. For espn, Ivey's table minus Ivey <<<<< another named pro's table.
07-06-2009 , 06:04 PM
Final number of players is somewhere around 6,500 which is pretty damn good!
07-06-2009 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by electric boogaloo
Joe Schmoe online player

shows up at the Rio this morning and finds out his request to enter the Main Event is

a few minutes later, Full Tilt Pro Patrik "God " Antonius shows up at the Rio looking to buy into the Main Event ... tournament director Jack Effel pulls some magic behind the scenes

and within minutes PA is sitting behind a stack of chips

The moral of the story poker players? In case you haven't figured out ... Harrah's doesn't give a **** about you unless you are a TV personality. Rules are broken for only a select few. What about the integrity of the tournament the masses ask? "Integrity?" Pollack and Effel laugh as they skip down the Rio hallway to the waiting UB chariot outside chauffeured by the Poker Brat himself and Harrah golden boy Phil Hellmuth.
nice pictorial and a sad story but that looks to be an inefficient use of 4 monitors
