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***Offical STTf November [censored] bonfire night thread *** NSFW=GOOD BBV=BAN ***Offical STTf November [censored] bonfire night thread *** NSFW=GOOD BBV=BAN

11-13-2009 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Daliman
Brian Swingle owes me $6200.
more like brian swindle amirite?
11-13-2009 , 12:03 AM
I'm an xbox fanboy but I see it like this:

PS3 > Xbox for hardware
Xbox ~= PS3 for games
Xbox >>>>>> PS3 for online play.
11-13-2009 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by jurrasstoil
How stupid would it be (for a non-english-speaking country) to have a Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs who doesn't speak english? (On a scale from 1-10, where 10 is ******tastic)

Hard to think of any talent less important than speaking English for a Foreign Minister.

Originally Posted by Gramps
Send me 10k first and I promise to ship 5k back.
Originally Posted by juandadi

deal, where do i send the 5k?
If I send both of you $100 can you make me a $1000 by playing poker with it?
11-13-2009 , 12:21 AM
I make everyone on my staking site sign contracts. Can't be too careful.
11-13-2009 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by vers
I make everyone on my staking site sign contracts. Can't be too careful.
I always wondered about this.

And arn't court fees and the price of hunting this person down gonna cost you more than the few hundred or few Gs you have sent them. And if you do get them into court, how valid are these contracts actually going to be in the court of law. Is a contract you wrote up yourself and had no lawyer help you with really going to hold up in the court of law?
11-13-2009 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by Daliman
Brian Swingle owes me $6200. 4k of that was a fronted staking deal that he never came close to fulfilling the stated terms for, not to mention 15-20 hours of free instruction I gave him. 1k of it was $$$ I sent to him when I found out he had no heat, electricity, or phone service and as such his 3 year-old daughter had to take cold baths since he was broke, going through a divorce/custody battle and generally being a life failure. The last $1200, we had been discussing him making a MAME machine for me, and possibly us even going into business together and selling them on ebay, me providing the financial backing, him building and selling. We hadn't discussed it for a few months when he emailed me saying he was ready to go forward with it, giving me a parts list that added up to ~$1200, asking me to send it to his business via Google checkout. I sent the $$$ that day, and haven't heard from him since. He got engaged very shortly thereafter to a girl that happened to be my wife's best friend in High School, very likely buying the ring with the $1200 he just stole from me.

In my case, I am constantly misjudging people, because I give people too much credit for not being pieces of ****. Probably why I have ~100k out to people.
I gave you a few grand this summer as a loan without thinking about it much while real drunk. Obv you paid it back in a few days. Some of us are good guys though...

Sucks though about the whole story SS and FD. I played with Futuredoc a good bit and I was always surpised to hear how high he played at times. He really wasn't as good as he thought. Like standard nl 200 reg level at the time who would play 5/10, 10/20, apparently higher. Not usually going to end well. But I couldn't say that cause I would just come across as a hater. Weird how that whole Father in Law prop bet was just a lie, very sociopathic.

As for laptops, no one is considering getting one the new 17"ers with the slide out secondary display?? I want someone to try it out so I can see how good it is.
11-13-2009 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by DevinLake
with the all the negative stories going around, we should realize the good that comes out of the community.

I went busto in the spring, and some members of this forum were there to stake me, and others offered to stake me. I was on the stake for like 6 months or so, and they never once asked me to verify anything for them. I kept a very accurate account of all my play and transactions, but I think they barely glanced at it when I would show it to them.

I eventually shipped them back their original stake and a good amount of profit as well. It was a win/win for everyone, with no hassle.
I also Busto'd a few months back, got a stake from a STTFer and got back on my feet in no time.

It was an awful experience getting to that point, but the moment the stake came everything changed. Two very good things happened, I knew that someone else still believed in my abilities as a poker player and I knew that I was going to be okay because they were going to float me through the rough seas. That helped me get my game straightened out and my head right too. That is worth far more than any amount of money I could have conceivably scammed anyone for.
11-13-2009 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by MadScientist
I gave you a few grand this summer as a loan without thinking about it much while real drunk. Obv you paid it back in a few days. Some of us are good guys though...
That was hilarious. Both of you were hammered and called me over to witness because you guys were worried that one or both of you might black out.
11-13-2009 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by DirDirDirty
I always wondered about this.

And arn't court fees and the price of hunting this person down gonna cost you more than the few hundred or few Gs you have sent them. And if you do get them into court, how valid are these contracts actually going to be in the court of law. Is a contract you wrote up yourself and had no lawyer help you with really going to hold up in the court of law?
Just the appearance/possiblity of a threat of successful legal action is something that has $$ value. Good thing to take to heart for anyone running a business (whatever side of it you find yourself on).

Not that you want to be impersonal when dealing with friends, but clearly laying out some terms/expectations of both parties helps avoid any further disputes/makes the situation better for both parties (i.e. a simple e-mail). Still plenty of room to be flexible/reasonable going forward, especially if an honest effort is being put forth under any adverse circumstances.
11-13-2009 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by MadScientist
I gave you a few grand this summer as a loan without thinking about it much while real drunk. Obv you paid it back in a few days. Some of us are good guys though...
I can attest that MadSci loans people money while drunk. To equally/more hammered people sometimes.
11-13-2009 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Are you suggesting I call them or do nothing? Calling takes more time than writing an email and there's decent chance you'll be put on hold. I'd also say an email has a much better chance of being passed on to a higher up than a angry phone call. I guess I could've done nothing and just been happy losing a couple of hundred dollars.
Agree w/ this, but also want to add that being put on hold is one of the most tilting things in the world for me - along with traffic, long lines @ banks/concerts/sporting events, etc. Waiting sucks!

Also, I have to tile - its the onyl way I can follow the action / take notes / watch opponents showdown etc. You guys who cascade are crazy mofos, but kudos to those of you doing it profitably!

Originally Posted by TheNoodleMan
Honestly, I'm surprised there hasn't been a case yet of a person in a similar situation walking into an insurance company and going on a shooting rampage. It seems like it is only a matter of time before that happens.
As long as they paid their $1.05 nothins really stopping them right?

Re: eyedoctor - I lost my glasses, and wallet, and 2 pairs of sunglasses and a pair of shoes on a really drunk cottage labor day weekend months ago. I knew I needed a fresh perscription so Ive been waiting to see the optometrist and finally have an appt dec 7. Pretty ready for that day IMO! Been getting REALLY sick of contacts every day

Originally Posted by cds0699
Why do regs insist on berating fish? its tilting the **** outta me

Also rly tilting is getting it all in on the flop with NFD vs lower flushdraw and him binking a pair. Something about those situations is so much more unjust than allin pf pair v pair iyam

Originally Posted by CastleBravo79
I know! Some SN reg was berating me yesterday helping me with my push shove game! 2 leaks found. Thanks ________!
I used to berate braminc and I think its cuz hes better than me

Gramps I think you're one of the smarter people Ive met in a long time and Im always happy when I see you posting.

Dirdirdirty - I think you nailed your console analysis. I only really play halo3 and peggle, but I think the stuff for halo is some of the smartest thing a company could ever do when designing a game - give people ar eason to grind ridic hours, and the profit will follow. Not only that but if you are always grinding a game its way more likely your friends are gonna pick up the same habit too. Anyone here play halo much? If you want to grind some sessions with a noob once in awhile I might be down for the cause.

I think the guitar hero/rockbank franchises are the true geniuses of our time though. Invent a game that can appeal to all ages with a gimicky controller that costs nothing to produce = people feel like they are getting more and dont mind the extra $$ in the checkout line. Constantly invent new 'versions' of the games where the only difference is some new crappy graphics and a bunch more songs = megaprofit.

Also i wrote a really long rambly kind of post lastnight after busting some mtts and instead of burdening uninterested parties ITT with it I decided to put it on my blog. Lots of changes on the horizion for scotty12 imo
11-13-2009 , 02:03 AM
So there was a Jay-Z concert on campus tonight. My roommate and I are leaving my buddies after watching the niners bears game and ****ing get on the same bus as all the tards leaving the show. WTF do ******* white frat guys think that wearing a Yankees fitted and going to see Jay-Z makes them hard? Wtf even listens to him other than Miley Cyrus? GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD so ****ing tilting.

And my bad CQ I thought you only poasted about sexytime.
11-13-2009 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by Scotty_12
I used to berate braminc and I think its cuz hes better than me
I remember when Braminc was coaching me we went over some of his super turbo hand histories and he called your button shove in the SB with K2o (claimed he was drunk) and binked a deuce deuce against your AK. Some great berate tilt followed, wish I had the exact conversation :-p
11-13-2009 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Scotty_12
Also i wrote a really long rambly kind of post lastnight after busting some mtts and instead of burdening uninterested parties ITT with it I decided to put it on my blog. Lots of changes on the horizion for scotty12 imo
I can relate to the extended period of extreme laziness. There's no reason why I should be operating on stakes right now other than the fact that the last 8 months or so have been an epic failure in terms of motivation and productivity.

I'm still disorganized as **** but things are improving.
11-13-2009 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by Scotty_12
Also i wrote a really long rambly kind of post lastnight after busting some mtts and instead of burdening uninterested parties ITT with it I decided to put it on my blog. Lots of changes on the horizion for scotty12 imo
11-13-2009 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by faarcyde
I remember when Braminc was coaching me we went over some of his super turbo hand histories and he called your button shove in the SB with K2o (claimed he was drunk) and binked a deuce deuce against your AK. Some great berate tilt followed, wish I had the exact conversation :-p
When braminc moved up I was sad, his timing was perfect and he could have had way of knowing why. It was right after approx 20 people were booted from ftp and I knew the games were so soft @ that time that he would never have to move down unless he ran bad. I remember being tilted bc of how godmode I thought he was running his first little while the highest stakes. Thinking that my bottom line was hurt enough by him moving up and grinding tons in what I felt were 'my games,' and feeling that him getting the midas touch was just salt in the wound. I never claimed to be a rational thinker

I cant say that I thought he had any holes in his game, which is much more than I could say for a bunch of the other regs. I would be very interested to hear from him or other regs what they thought my leaks were. I wouldnt be suprised to hear that I shoved too wide in spots if he calls K2

It would be nice to know exactly what my 'true' winrate would have been in those games at the times, or at ANY point on ftp since i palyed thousands of games with colluders and botters. Sadly both are impossible so I should probably try and forget about that desire lol

Cheating and botters aside, there was a stretch where braminc just raped me constantly aipf and DDbeast kncoked me out of a ton of $500s and $1ks in 4th via coolers and beats, shortly after I realized I hated grinding and my sng career was over.

Part of these poor results were surely my fault - I had done TONS of push/fold work when I played party, and moving to fulltilt I just thought intuitively I would be fine + I was way overrolled.

I played @ least a few K super turbos at their highest stakes before running a single hand. When I finally did I realized that my utg range was too wide and I was probably igniting money to observant regs. I bet braminc coudl find spots where I berated him, and then he might have ran the push, saw that I was wrong, and thought "wow im going to hit the print money vs this pokertoronto regfish"

Its sick to think of how soft the games were when they were first introduced and how I didnt take advantage of them bc of the dangerous combo of too big ego+too low work ethic - but its a pretty good lesson learned. I will still tell anyone who listens that they are TERRIBLE for the sng pro community tho

Last edited by Scotty_12; 11-13-2009 at 02:45 AM.
11-13-2009 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by Scotty_12
I used to berate braminc and I think its cuz hes better than me
Meh, I reship over dude very light because of his holdings tbh, and may have even been +ev for him (and def for me) to tell me my plays were bad, but still its not very smart to tell people that they need to improve themselves imo when they are making the same bad loose plays against others.
11-13-2009 , 03:06 AM
Yeah it's exactly what Gramps said. It's the threat of some sort of ramifications if they roll. We haven't had any problems yet and we've had about 20 students in the last year.
11-13-2009 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss
more like brian swindle amirite?
11-13-2009 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by KoreanBuffet
So there was a Jay-Z concert on campus tonight. My roommate and I are leaving my buddies after watching the niners bears game and ****ing get on the same bus as all the tards leaving the show. WTF do ******* white frat guys think that wearing a Yankees fitted and going to see Jay-Z makes them hard? Wtf even listens to him other than Miley Cyrus? GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD so ****ing tilting.

And my bad CQ I thought you only poasted about sexytime.
I try not to post about it anymore. Like you guys play SNGs alot, so that's what you tend to talk about. I tend to do it alot, so that's what I tend to want to talk about. I've done it twice since my last post.

I heard on the radio ab the miley cyrus chick, she said in an interview that she doesn't know a single jay-z song, that she only sung that b/c that's what was in the lyrics of the song someone wrote for her to sing.

Couple years ago I went to a Chamillionaire and Young Buck concert on my campus, before I attended the school, with a friend who was currently going there. Pretty much the same scene as you describe.
11-13-2009 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
11-13-2009 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
I try not to post about it anymore. Like you guys play SNGs alot, so that's what you tend to talk about. I tend to do it alot, so that's what I tend to want to talk about. I've done it twice since my last post.
Can you blame these guys? This is the sit n go forum, not the "doing it" forum. Of course, I would love if if you couldn't talk about sng's in this thread
11-13-2009 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
I try not to post about it anymore. Like you guys play SNGs alot, so that's what you tend to talk about. I tend to do it alot, so that's what I tend to want to talk about. I've done it twice since my last post.
do what?
11-13-2009 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by SiQ
do what?
11-13-2009 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by Kvaughan
