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*****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV *****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV

09-11-2009 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by kevstreet
Does anyone play Heads-Up SnGs? How are they? Where would I find strategy posts about them?
youd have to beat the 50s to make any kind of real money (comparable to 16s, etc) and the learning curve required to be able to beat 50s is pretty high from what ive heard
09-11-2009 , 04:16 PM
i've been getting coaching for the HUSNGs recently

i will say that it's way way easier if you play on euro sites rather than stars

if I could only stop falling asleep for 5 hours in the middle of each day I would be invincible
09-11-2009 , 04:50 PM
I've been trying some HUSNG recently also. Accidentally regged for a deepstacked no blind raise guy though...been plyaing for 44 hands and this nit is running at 23/0/0.

He's limped AA, JJ, and AQ on the button. I am prolly going to kill myself out of boredom
09-11-2009 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss
60 min of cardio with long johns, pajama pants, 2 sweaters, and a hoodie. IT WAS DEATH. that god rid of 4 lbs, sauna in my apt is useless, made my bathroom a sauna for about 2 hours (DEATH). had a bath in epsom salts, had 2 sips of water the whole time, ohhh fk, worst thing i ever did. so glad its over.
wtf, unless your a jockey or a wrestler why would you ever do that to yourself? there's no benefit to dehydration.

Originally Posted by Deurdy
Just realised I need to improve my multitabling skills a whole lot before adding more tables.
Just had the most insane 10-table session since I started sngs, getting to the bubble on all 10 tables, and cashing 8 times for 264% roi.

How do you guys 20+-table (or Bagclip with and keep up with this stuff??

Although TN should give me more time, as I now couldnt keep up typing out 375 or 500 when I wanted to raise, I still think I would need much more improvements before ever even considering 20 tables or so.

Apologies to Simsina for the excessive 2-outers..
once you get used to it this helps alot with speed. I can play about 25%+ more tables with it that without it. there is a learning curve though. I had alot of misclicks for a while.

Kev-most people I've talked to are pretty convencing that heads up cash games are a better way to go if your gonna learn hu.
09-11-2009 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
A little sumptin sumptin for bones to help him celebrate the Steeler's kicking off the season with a W....

4, 1, _, 500, _, 5
09-11-2009 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by SiQ
4, 1, _, 500 LBS, _, 5
09-11-2009 , 05:23 PM
lackster, 2 months ago i decided as a punishment to my fatness i was going to keep that gross mustache i had til i lost 30 lbs, i was 7 lbs away yesterday morning and it's my friends bday weekend this weekend, so on top of being OMG sick of it i really wanted it to be gone for the festivities. it's close if it was worth it.
09-11-2009 , 05:34 PM
lol, it's a cheat either way, next time just cheat the easier healthier way and rig the scale.
09-11-2009 , 05:39 PM
haha i told everyone it was a cheat anyways the fact was i weighed 200 lbs so ship it. was back up to my normal weight later in the day but felt like a bag of **** obviously.
09-11-2009 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by boss_29
I mostly enjoy comedies, and if I had to choose just one, it would be Curb. Larry David is a genius in his field. The later seasons are better than the first two, which is quite rare. Plus the fact that the dialog is largely improvised helps the show by adding another level of complexity. Just so many classic moments.
Honorable mentions:
Both Offices
Extras! (another Gervais/Merchant production; as good as Curb, but like the British Office, only 13 episodes)
Sopranos, Deadwood, 30 Rock, Always Sunny, Arrested
A notable exception is The IT Crowd, from Britain, which makes me laugh so hard my sides hurt. You can stream it on Youtube. You are all welcome. It is that good.
09-11-2009 , 07:15 PM
oh yeah IT crowd is hilarious, the one where there irish guys ex girlfriend looked like the joker had me roflmao
09-11-2009 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by SiQ
4, 1, _, ~, _, 5
fyp & lol

the gut hanging out of the one on the left had my laughing even more than the big sack of potatoes in the middle
09-11-2009 , 07:53 PM
PuA itt

09-11-2009 , 11:23 PM
bump to keep up front!
09-11-2009 , 11:50 PM
My vote would go to arrested development. Black Books is a good comedy no one has mentioned though.
09-12-2009 , 01:37 AM
gave up on today, and started watching the latest cash game on "Poker After Dark". Then depressed myself when I realised that every single chip on the tableis larger than my current bankroll. Going through a rough patch at the moment.

Perversely, I am pretty confident that no other professional player is making as great a return on capital invested as I am - I'm averaging 125% ROC every day - just keep cashing it out for food and nappies!

Sun is still shining in Peru - the next 3 months are the best time to visit
09-12-2009 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
A little sumptin sumptin for bones to help him celebrate the Steeler's kicking off the season with a W....

Sign her up for Left Tackle imo
09-12-2009 , 02:37 AM
Now inebriated and cerebrally cogitating on the subject of terpsichorean ecdysiasts - which obviously leads to thoughts of Valentino Rossi. Do Americans know about him? this is a lunatic who can deliberately slide the front wheel of a motorcycle at ludicrous speeds.

Every time I have slid the front wheel I have crashed- standard -but Rossi is a magician -God knows how he does it but he is human excellence at it's highest sporting level - and a nice guy.
09-12-2009 , 02:53 AM
xperu..I just sold my motorcyle so I have my own roll that what ur talking about? I remember sliding the front tire of a moped when I was young...thankfully I never did it on a motorcycle.

ps. super drunk.
09-12-2009 , 03:08 AM
WTF you only just bought it?

Running so bad that I'm thinking of taking a job in the real world:

Don't know if I can face it, but I've got until March next year to decide if I want to be Professor of Finance at a private university here in Arequipa. Job's a doddle, and pays $25 an hour (a fortune here) - but each hour needs at least another in preparation. My wife curiously likes the idea of stability and a predictable income, together with the social status I seem to lack as a poker player - strange.

And who can forget the immortal Eric Bristow?
09-12-2009 , 03:09 AM
pps superdrunker
09-12-2009 , 03:25 AM
FT 109r 2nd chance wcoop

really short tho. this is my biggest STT ever!!
09-12-2009 , 03:28 AM
run goooooooodaments one ****ing time
09-12-2009 , 03:35 AM
if lipo ever won a coinflip he would be crushing wcoops so hard

09-12-2009 , 03:38 AM
FYI FT of 320 wcoop
