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My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids)

08-02-2010 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by plumbob612
But what is all the talk about cheating?? That's new to me.

should keep you busy a minute or two.. deposit. all you have to do is avoid the chinese, the russians, the odd other colluders + beat the games having no dons experience. no worries, obv.
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-02-2010 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by plumbob612
Great guide....some very helpful stuff here...thank you for sharing.

But I'm relatively a new player (about 9 months) mainly at Full Tilt....but am thinking about making a deposit at PokerStars....primarly for the DoN I was pleased to find this information at this time.

But what is all the talk about cheating?? That's new to me. I heard, awhile back about some "robots" getting caught over at that's about it. Never heard anything about cheating at PS. Can you tell me more.....before I invest there????

Also....I'd be playing at the $10 DoN level.....does this strategy work well at that level??
Colluding mainly happened at the 100$ and 50$ lvl, aldo the names involved also showed up on lower levels now and then. It's said they we're learning on those levels or educating new colluders (correct me if im wrong, haven't read all of the chinese colluder posts??).

10$ turbo Dons and (all?) non turbo Don's seem safe to me (again maybe other people disagree with me on this), but now that the cat's out of the bag who is to say other people wont start cheating? DON's will always be attractive for people to start colluding.

The strategy from DQS should work fine at the 10$ level.

To the DQS

Great post! Are you dutch btw? you sound like it on the video? just wondering that, as a (maybe) fellow countryman.
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-02-2010 , 12:49 PM
Off topic:

In the 20s there are plenty of colluders still (just last month more were busted), but no new rings have been busted, but they obv. exists. I dunno for the 50s and 100s as I haven't played them for about 2 months now, but from what I read the colluders have just open new accounts and are on it again (and again) oh and again...

On topic:

@DQS: just saw the second one (1st vid is down.. pm'ed you). A pretty standard tourny for hero. You got some up with more weird spots? Fighting late as the shortie, high blinds 9-10 handed with ~starting stack, bubbles with equal stacks etc.. You know what I'm looking for here for sure. Those are vastly more interesting. I would also like it better if you included ranges instead of just "that was bad" etc. You kinda do it but not really. Like 77 push from 5th place late (ran into AA). What would you push there if you belive 7s are so bad? What would you call with being SB/BB. Those kinda analysis are so much value.

(Jason Kobe does that.. lols.. ok ok I'm a fan!)
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-02-2010 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by DQS
it is not sorted, and ps can't sort it. i have around 8% roi on $52 turbo's on large sample.
What do you call a large sample?
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-02-2010 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Alexnorge
Off topic:

In the 20s there are plenty of colluders still (just last month more were busted), but no new rings have been busted, but they obv. exists. I dunno for the 50s and 100s as I haven't played them for about 2 months now, but from what I read the colluders have just open new accounts and are on it again (and again) oh and again...

On topic:

@DQS: just saw the second one (1st vid is down.. pm'ed you). A pretty standard tourny for hero. You got some up with more weird spots? Fighting late as the shortie, high blinds 9-10 handed with ~starting stack, bubbles with equal stacks etc.. You know what I'm looking for here for sure. Those are vastly more interesting. I would also like it better if you included ranges instead of just "that was bad" etc. You kinda do it but not really. Like 77 push from 5th place late (ran into AA). What would you push there if you belive 7s are so bad? What would you call with being SB/BB. Those kinda analysis are so much value.

(Jason Kobe does that.. lols.. ok ok I'm a fan!)
No, in that other vid maybe a few interesting spots, dunno for sure, those are from almost a year ago. I haven't made any vids since. i have never done videos for coaching site or something like that.
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-02-2010 , 03:30 PM

This Video is unavailable now. Can anyone send me another link of this video again? Thanks.
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-02-2010 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by Alexnorge
should keep you busy a minute or two..

two now alex

ps glad to see it is not just me with the video
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-03-2010 , 10:48 AM
Thanks for posting.....yeah that stinks. For people starting out, like me, it's hard enough to just "beat the game' consistently..and build a bankrol...let alone beating "the cheaters" as well.

For the record...I know this will never happen. But I wish they could ban the use of all HUDs and poker calculators and software well. I greatly prefer using my own brain to play (nothing wrong with taking notes..etc)...and just like in "live play" would be nice to be able to play against other humans (only)...not the humans and their poker software helpers. Just doesn't seem right. But that is the way it is online, I it is what it is.....and we just have to deal with it. There I've said it...LOL
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-29-2010 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by DQS
mehh once saw a few videos from jasonkobe. i was not impressed, if someone can tell you how to wait for good HANDS it's him.
dont wait for good hands imo
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-29-2010 , 01:49 PM

great bump
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-29-2010 , 07:42 PM
Is it just me or are the stack sizes and even hole cards almost impossible to read in the first video? Without that info it's tough to judge the quality of the video. I've only seen one of Kobe's vids (think it was his 1st or 2nd) and it was a solid primer for someone at the $10s/$20s to move up and beat the high stakes, but most of the info seemed obvious if you are a solid reg.
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-29-2010 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by MegaFossil
Is it just me or are the stack sizes and even hole cards almost impossible to read in the first video? Without that info it's tough to judge the quality of the video. I've only seen one of Kobe's vids (think it was his 1st or 2nd) and it was a solid primer for someone at the $10s/$20s to move up and beat the high stakes, but most of the info seemed obvious if you are a solid reg.
Hi, MegaFossil, from my poker notebook. "If you're
going to act on your ideas, make sure your ideas are right."

online/don versions, ... "Have enough ideas."
and "Have an accurate idea of how many ideas are necessary."

So, If a player has near-perfect tilt control, and sngwiz use,
equal to or better than 1/2 the players who play 50 dollar
sngs. What amount of ideas should it be necessary to have,
given that a 4.5% roi is the goal while playing the 50's don's?

Given as a benchmark that "a solid primer for the 10's and 20's is 500 ideas.
(Exclude as an idea, ideas about adjusting sngwiz output
to conform more to reality)
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-30-2010 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by hopefull12
Hi, MegaFossil, from my poker notebook. "If you're
going to act on your ideas, make sure your ideas are right."
Not sure I agree with this. It is better to act on ideas you are unsure about than to not act at all b/c then you'll just time out on all your tables and be sitting out.

Originally Posted by hopefull12
online/don versions, ... "Have enough ideas."
and "Have an accurate idea of how many ideas are necessary."
Yes, the key to DoNs is knowing how many ideas are necessary.

Originally Posted by hopefull12
What amount of ideas should it be necessary to have,
given that a 4.5% roi is the goal while playing the 50's don's?
Bout tree fiddy

Originally Posted by hopefull12
Given as a benchmark that "a solid primer for the 10's and 20's is 500 ideas.
(Exclude as an idea, ideas about adjusting sngwiz output
to conform more to reality)
No, I don't want to exclude that as an idea
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-30-2010 , 12:43 AM
nice, see u at tables
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-30-2010 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by MegaFossil
Is it just me or are the stack sizes and even hole cards almost impossible to read in the first video? Without that info it's tough to judge the quality of the video. I've only seen one of Kobe's vids (think it was his 1st or 2nd) and it was a solid primer for someone at the $10s/$20s to move up and beat the high stakes, but most of the info seemed obvious if you are a solid reg.
yeah it is pretty poor quality, sorry about that. It just me explaning basic play and stuff pretty good, but probably not for high stakes regs. You know i am solid
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:11 PM
Nice post, congratulations....

If you can make a higher quality video would be much better, thats just a suggestion ...

Thanks for sharing the info ....
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
08-31-2010 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by DQS
At the 75/150 level with a 10bb stack we can make one steal and get off the hand we get reraised.
I'm sure you're a better player than I am, but this advice goes against everything I've read about DONs in other threads like the Official DoN Strategy Thread. I thought doing anything but push/fold with 10bbs is terrible. Raise/folding seems really exploitable. I see some regs doing this all the time and they almost always fold when I shove over them. I mean if you are stealing from the button like 25% then the BB can shove over you ATC as long as you aren't calling wider than like (AJ+, 77+). And if you're calling the shoves even that wide then that seems pretty bad. Right?

Maybe I'm way off here, I don't know, I surely haven't played DoNs as long as you have. Maybe someone could explain to me why raise folding is a good idea.
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
09-01-2010 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Shai Hulud
I'm sure you're a better player than I am, but this advice goes against everything I've read about DONs in other threads like the Official DoN Strategy Thread. I thought doing anything but push/fold with 10bbs is terrible. Raise/folding seems really exploitable. I see some regs doing this all the time and they almost always fold when I shove over them. I mean if you are stealing from the button like 25% then the BB can shove over you ATC as long as you aren't calling wider than like (AJ+, 77+). And if you're calling the shoves even that wide then that seems pretty bad. Right?

Maybe I'm way off here, I don't know, I surely haven't played DoNs as long as you have. Maybe someone could explain to me why raise folding is a good idea.
I agree. Would never attempt a steal with less than 12BB's for sure. Anything under M of 6 is push/fold
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
09-13-2010 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by Shai Hulud
I'm sure you're a better player than I am, but this advice goes against everything I've read about DONs in other threads like the Official DoN Strategy Thread. I thought doing anything but push/fold with 10bbs is terrible. Raise/folding seems really exploitable. I see some regs doing this all the time and they almost always fold when I shove over them. I mean if you are stealing from the button like 25% then the BB can shove over you ATC as long as you aren't calling wider than like (AJ+, 77+). And if you're calling the shoves even that wide then that seems pretty bad. Right?

Maybe I'm way off here, I don't know, I surely haven't played DoNs as long as you have. Maybe someone could explain to me why raise folding is a good idea.
Most regulars do not have time to make those bluff raises allin all the time. With the raise we are forcing them to either bluff raise their stack allin (which is hugely -EV). In general folding to these 2.5x raises is correct EV wise for them. The main strategy in don's lay in attacking not defending. And offcourse against regulars you can make a call with 89s TJs type of hands every once in a while, to balance your calling range. It's just all about the feel off the game. I might not play using the best mathematical approach, i adjust to the tendency's of regulars and exploit that. You'll be suprised how many instafolds you get.

In my opinion playing allin or fold strategy with a ten bb stack at 75/150 is terribad and will get you in all sorts of trouble because you just blind out waiting for good hands a lot of the time.
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
09-25-2010 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by DQS
If you do want to make a stand make sure they have high steal stats and make sure their fold to 3bet percentage is high. Those two combined are signals for players who often steal with crappy hands.
Approximately how high are we speaking for each of those specifically?
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
09-25-2010 , 10:41 AM
nice ready some good info in there thanks
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
09-25-2010 , 11:12 AM
Saw post will read after work, quick question. What you explain equal in value to turbo or reg or both styles of game. A new person to this better off with reg. game 2-4 tabling micro's good idea? Thinking of like $1-3 level if there is one.
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
09-25-2010 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by DQS
Most regulars do not have time to make those bluff raises allin all the time. With the raise we are forcing them to either bluff raise their stack allin (which is hugely -EV). In general folding to these 2.5x raises is correct EV wise for them. The main strategy in don's lay in attacking not defending. And offcourse against regulars you can make a call with 89s TJs type of hands every once in a while, to balance your calling range. It's just all about the feel off the game. I might not play using the best mathematical approach, i adjust to the tendency's of regulars and exploit that. You'll be suprised how many instafolds you get.

In my opinion playing allin or fold strategy with a ten bb stack at 75/150 is terribad and will get you in all sorts of trouble because you just blind out waiting for good hands a lot of the time.
It's not -EV for them to reshove if you fold often enough (which you should be doing). Nonetheless, I figured you may be right about this as you make more $ than me, so I watched your video. You got shoved over about half the time you did these raises, and you folded every time. I recently started doing these raise/folds anyway but I get shoved over most of the time. Maybe this was a good strategy at the 50s, but at the 10s it most certainly isn't because people will reshove super light, *especially* if they know I'm a winning player.

And what do you mean regs don't have time to make bluff raises all in? It doesn't take any more time to do that than to fold. Okay, maybe an extra second, but I can do it by clicking my mouse wheel to the right so for me it takes no more time than folding.

You don't have to wait for good hands to shove, even with 10BBs. It's +EV shoving quite wide in the late positions, depending on the players to your left of course, but you probably know that.

Last edited by Shai Hulud; 09-25-2010 at 07:29 PM.
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
10-23-2010 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by Shai Hulud
It's not -EV for them to reshove if you fold often enough (which you should be doing). Nonetheless, I figured you may be right about this as you make more $ than me, so I watched your video. You got shoved over about half the time you did these raises, and you folded every time. I recently started doing these raise/folds anyway but I get shoved over most of the time. Maybe this was a good strategy at the 50s, but at the 10s it most certainly isn't because people will reshove super light, *especially* if they know I'm a winning player.

And what do you mean regs don't have time to make bluff raises all in? It doesn't take any more time to do that than to fold. Okay, maybe an extra second, but I can do it by clicking my mouse wheel to the right so for me it takes no more time than folding.

You don't have to wait for good hands to shove, even with 10BBs. It's +EV shoving quite wide in the late positions, depending on the players to your left of course, but you probably know that.
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
10-23-2010 , 11:55 AM
can I submit this to the admins to post in the video thread?
My Double or Nothing strategy guide (long read with vids) Quote
