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Dean Bryden/bogan4life stole 6K+ in charity funds. (Charity money now rcvd from dean) Dean Bryden/bogan4life stole 6K+ in charity funds. (Charity money now rcvd from dean)

02-25-2014 , 06:09 AM
Have been in contact with Bogan for the last two days. He's saying he's working two jobs right now and has the money in his bank account now. He showed me a screenshot. His deposit limits with credit card are quite low tho, so he was only able to send me a little more than 600 today.

Along with the 200 he sent a while ago that's 800 paid back.

Total number was 6519$, so it's 5700 outstanding debt. He said he deposited the rest of the money via banktransfer, so this will take a few days.

I'll keep you guys updated.

In case I get all the money I think best is if I sent it to some reputable aussie/kiwi again.

Aliquantum comes to my mind, along with Omgclaydol of course who has done it last time but is travelling atm as far as I know. I will try to contact him as soon as I get all the money anyway.
02-25-2014 , 08:56 AM
02-25-2014 , 12:34 PM
02-25-2014 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Rowniwn

Aliquantum comes to my mind, along with Omgclaydol of course who has done it last time but is travelling atm as far as I know. I will try to contact him as soon as I get all the money anyway.
Don't send it to Ali he'll spend it on McDonalds
02-25-2014 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Mentality135
Don't send it to Ali he'll spend it on McDonalds
Heeeeeeeeey now. I've got a ways to go before I'm on yours and Max's level!

Seriously though, I'm happy to help if David isn't about.
02-26-2014 , 11:57 PM
I have just sent through the full amount owed to the charity. I am sorry for all that has happened and it was never my intention. I wish I would have been in the spot to have paid it back sooner well I wish it had never taken place. I will be working out my make up issue with the parties involved and I'll be dealing with some untruthful allegations against me.

I have no excuse for what took place on the night I degened my life away all I can say is it has cost me greatly and I don't only mean in terms of dollars and cents.

I hope you all understand how lucky you are to play his game for a living and also learn from my mistakes how it can effect you irl, I have lost most of my friends irl over this as well as not being able to provide the donation that I had for a charity that has done so much for me in my time. This was my 2nd chance in life and blew it due to addiction, pig headness and over inflated self belief in what my own ability level was out and that I was above the laws of variance. I taught others self control and bankroll management and it was those two things that I didn't show that brought me right back down.

As I've stated non of this was ever a planned thing and I've spent many sleepless nights thinking about what I have done and how I have let down so many people and I hope that the people who I once counted as my friends know that it wasn't my intention. I don't ask for forgiveness as I know that ship has long sailed I just hope that I can now move on from this chapter of my life.
02-27-2014 , 12:03 AM
Posting to confirm I've received all the outstanding debt and I'm talking with the charity about getting them the funds. I'll post receipts once it's done.
02-27-2014 , 01:25 AM
Good job.
02-27-2014 , 01:29 AM
Transfer from Dean:

Transfer from Marc:

Withdrawal of Marc's funds in $AU:

TOTAL: 6135 + 879 = $7,011 AU.

Email from Orygen Youth Health:

Transfer receipt:

The email from the charity makes it sound like I was the driver or organiser of this thing or something... rest assured I made it clear that it was community effort and i'm just passing on the proceeds. I guess its just a weird concept that a bunch of poker players got together to raise money. I spoke to her ~12 months ago and she knows that these funds are the remainder of the ~5k we sent last year. She also said she will get back to me with receipt that they've received the funds - i'll post that once it's available. The funds are going toward programs and equipment for their inpatients. They're very stoked.
02-27-2014 , 03:02 AM
Great stuff thanks josh, and glad you could make it right in the end Dean.
02-27-2014 , 05:14 AM
Yes, congratulations Dean for doing the right thing, it happens rarely so it is nice to see it this time.

Without getting my head bitten off, do we possibly want to think about making some concession, perhaps renaming this thread (with the possibility to change it back if he re-enters the poker community). I know it's very tempting to be angry, what he did was awful, but this sort of thing works better if there is actually an incentive for the next guy who steals money to pay it back.
02-27-2014 , 05:31 AM
A surprisingly good result. Was it you Dean living it up on the Footy show that was posted a while back? Because doesnt look like you suffered too much personal anguish.

Glad you made it right though.
02-27-2014 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by joejoe1337
Yes, congratulations Dean for doing the right thing, it happens rarely so it is nice to see it this time.

Without getting my head bitten off, do we possibly want to think about making some concession, perhaps renaming this thread (with the possibility to change it back if he re-enters the poker community). I know it's very tempting to be angry, what he did was awful, but this sort of thing works better if there is actually an incentive for the next guy who steals money to pay it back.
Totally Agree.

Last edited by Syker12; 02-27-2014 at 05:51 AM. Reason: I'll bite, 5types your a f** tool.
02-27-2014 , 06:21 AM
Haha, just asking. Given his track record a heart felt post about how much hes suffered should be taken with a grain of salt.

He fixed his sh_it in the end though which is great.
02-27-2014 , 06:33 AM
Glad to see this eventually got the right result. So many of these types of thing never get a positive result, so it's certainly nice to see. Well done Bogan on making it right in the end, it obviously never should have happened like this, but you showed more balls than a lot of people who just disappear forever.
02-27-2014 , 08:44 AM
Glad you made good in the end.
02-27-2014 , 12:13 PM
02-27-2014 , 12:53 PM
good **** dean
02-27-2014 , 01:20 PM
dean did the right thing, but no one should be patting him on the back. he got himself into this mess and he rightfully dug himself out. he shouldnt be given another chance in the poker "community" though. i am sure if you asked the "staker bogan" he would have quite a few choice words for "thief/scammer bogan".

I can vividly remember conversations about how much he hated scammers/thieves (in relation to staking). he lied about many more things throughout this thread.

guess i will ask too. is that you in the "footy" show? you do seem to be having a great time!
02-28-2014 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by Zima421
dean did the right thing, but no one should be patting him on the back.

Originally Posted by Abe008
Glad you made good in the end.

Originally Posted by mjw006
Glad to see this eventually got the right result. So many of these types of thing never get a positive result, so it's certainly nice to see. Well done Bogan on making it right in the end, it obviously never should have happened like this, but you showed more balls than a lot of people who just disappear forever.
agree, the fact he repaid the money says more about his character than the crime. well played dean.
02-28-2014 , 02:46 AM

02-28-2014 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by RAGENUT
agree, the fact he repaid the money says more about his character than the crime. well played dean.
this is why so many ppl get scammed
02-28-2014 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by RAGENUT

agree, the fact he repaid the money says more about his character than the crime. well played dean.

Originally Posted by Zima421
dean did the right thing, but no one should be patting him on the back. he got himself into this mess and he rightfully dug himself out. he shouldnt be given another chance in the poker "community" though. i am sure if you asked the "staker bogan" he would have quite a few choice words for "thief/scammer bogan".

I can vividly remember conversations about how much he hated scammers/thieves (in relation to staking). he lied about many more things throughout this thread.

guess i will ask too. is that you in the "footy" show? you do seem to be having a great time!
I wasn't going to reply anything more in here. But ragenut, I think you got the sentiment of my post a bit wrong. I don't think what you said about him making it right saying more about his character than the theft is correct at all. I think the fact he was willing to steal (for whatever the reason) says farrrrrrrrrrr more about his character than him eventually making good.

I was just trying to say I was glad that for once one of these ******ed cases actually got a positive result. It perhaps says more about Dean's character than some others who just disappear. But that's about all.

While I agree with zima to a certain extent about not accepting him back into the community with open arms. I also think by someone making it good and the community not at least being open to forgiveness to some degree, then what motivation does anyone in the future have to actually try to make a mistake right?

People are bound to make these mistakes in the future, I sure hope it doesn't happen, but if history is anything to go by then the likelihood is that it will. Given that this is one of the very few cases where all the money was paid back, I think we probably should at the very least be backing off the hostilities. Otherwise, what incentive (besides not being a scumbag) does any future scammer have to try to make a very wrong thing kind of right?

I understand zima's sentiment about "rightfully digging himself out", I get it, but at the same time it is what it is, and he has done what many before have not done. I also get what he said about "staker bogan" and his apparent high moral/ethical code and how he spoke about those who are now his fellow scammers. But again, it's kind of a case of what happened happened, and he has made it good. It certainly does not get him off the hook, and no one should be welcoming him with open arms.

I hope this doesn't come off as me defending him because that's not my intention at all. Just my 2 cents.
02-28-2014 , 03:55 AM
Much respect for making things right. Would have been really convenient to take the easy way out. Hope you get your life back on track and good luck in the future.
02-28-2014 , 05:03 AM
Glad he made right and the charity got the money but that 90% self pity apology and the way he handled the situation after the "night he degened his life away" in terms of acknowledgement, communication and transparency is what people should remember going forward.
