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*** Ultimate Poker General Discussion Thread *** See first post for FAQ link! *** Ultimate Poker General Discussion Thread *** See first post for FAQ link!

08-25-2013 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Dax @UltimatePoker
Thanks for the feedback. I'll make sure that we get some pretty prominent copy as to the fact that $1 rake = 10XP, and 10 XP = 10 U-Points at the base level.
I've been looking for this. Thanks for staying with this thread and helping to improve things. Keep on improving the site!
08-25-2013 , 03:17 PM
General observations after running about 2 dozen hands:

1. lots of improvements overall, kudos!

2. very fast!

3. the new bet slider works really good - it would be great to have custom options down the road to build 2 or 3 custom pre-set betting amounts, but the slider is a huge improvement

4. limited selection of avatars is disappointing - if you guys had 120 options that would be getting pretty close to acceptable - not sure why the focus on aliens and death-related avatars - personally I would prefer not to see anything death-related as I think it is in poor taste and just generally unnecessary to offer

5. the fonts aren't all that bad - but not sure that the most readable font(s) have been selected - readability should be key consideration #1, not "looks" - as you resize smaller, these fonts do get more "lost" and difficult to read - the fonts need to be 100% scaleable as you scale down the game displays

6. the annoying sound for player chat alert is still there - and now it is even MORE annoying - why have you opted to use a high pitched shrill?? you need to have some females "test" the sounds with their ears - this is highly annoying - and seriously you need to give people the option to turn chat alert OFF while keeping other sounds ON (sound menu please) - now that it is easier to run multiple tables, the last thing you want to hear is constant high shrilled chat alerts coming from multiple tables

7. the chat box itself is VERY difficult to read - this is mainly for two reasons. First, the font selected is not the easiest to read - the dollar sign looks like a large "S" instead of a dollar sign for example. But more importantly, the main reason why the chat box is difficult to read is that you have used BOLD for all normal chat. You should never use BOLD because it makes it difficult to read. Use normal print only - for normal conversational chat. BOLD should only be used to make something stand out - when you bold everything, nothing can stand out and the fatter letters, symbols, and numbers become more difficult to read. Just use normal print!

8. Related to the chat box readability, player chat itself is almost impossible to follow - because it is NOT in bold and so it is very light and kind of disappears among the darker BOLD. Easy solution here: just make player chat a different color - like blue - and again, all of the fonts in chat should be regular print, NO BOLD.

9. The greyish cards are almost impossible to see. Again, easy solution: Just give players 2 or 3 options for card colors, like you do for table options. With other systems in the past, I have alternated between red and blue just to help be sure I can see player's cards. Those grey cards may look cool - but they're very difficult to see on top of a gray "desk" or platform that the avatars are sitting on - It would also help to make the cards about 20% TALLER so that they cover the lower 1/3 or so of each avatar when a player has cards in play.

That's it for now. Congrats on the roll out and I hope you'll take some of these ideas up for consideration. Thanks.

08-25-2013 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Jim Easton
My understanding is UP doesn't want HuD's, which is fine, I'm not worried about the HuD. They probably are a detriment.

What I do want is to be able to retrieve my HH's after the fact to review my play. The HH's they have right now would be fine with me, they're just not formatted for the aftermarket programs and they are too much work to get.
If NRS 465.075 applies to this situation (I don't know if it does, that is what I was asking in my post) then it seems what you want is fine and HUDs would not be. If that reg does apply to online poker then NGCB could license/approve the specific third party software platforms.

NRS 465.075  Use or possession of device to obtain advantage at playing game in licensed gaming establishment.

1.  It is unlawful for any person to use, possess with the intent to use or assist another person in using or possessing with the intent to use any computerized, electronic, electrical or mechanical device which is designed, constructed, altered or programmed to obtain an advantage at playing any game in a licensed gaming establishment, including, without limitation, a device that:
(a) Projects the outcome of the game;
(b) Keeps track of cards played or cards prepared for play;
(c) Analyzes the probability of the occurrence of an event relating to a game; or
(d) Analyzes the strategy for playing or betting to be used in the game,
Ê except as may be made available as part of an approved game or otherwise permitted by the Commission.

2.  As used in this section, “advantage” means a benefit obtained by one or more participants in a game through information or knowledge that is not made available as part of the game as approved by the Board or Commission.
08-25-2013 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Quinella
rough math by a stoned guy

cash bonus worth:

current highest offer is 500k points for $500

cash mile stones total $17725

total cost of milestones in upoints 1604000

1mega u points x 18 is 18 mega - 1604000 for milestones = 16,396,000 remaining points to spend on bonus which at the current highest option is 16.396k

$17.725 in milestones + 16.390 = 34,115k in rb if you rake 100k = 34.1%
these maths are giving me trouble. I wonder how to figure out the approximate rb figures for each level. anyone help?
08-25-2013 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Dax @UltimatePoker
Thanks for that!

No matter what, though, I won't ever tell someone to go away. I don't want to close any channel of feedback, even if it's negative. Sometimes the most negative people and players are those who care the most, and whose opinions might be worth the most.

To be honest, sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease, too. I do try to be objective and weigh "the feedback with the channel", but I never want to just not hear the feedback and lose the customer, if that makes sense.

For that one guy who asked for a Sklansky avatar though.. well, let's not get crazy.
The thing is negative feedback is do to a failed project that you and your team put together, not us players. You and your team failed and should be held accountable by us and management. Your Corporation assigned you to do a job, and so far you did a ****ty job for all the world to see. imo after reading all your post it's clear to me management should put together a team that can handle this project .
08-25-2013 , 04:19 PM
These aren't complaints, just observations and things I think a lot of people would love to see changed/implemented.

- no alert sound when timing out ( old software had it, maybe I was just glitchy yesterday )

- still no time bank

- it's pretty hard to see who's in the hand as the cards are tiny and the same color as the desk/table the avatar pops out of

- no auto top off

- no "save custom layout" for tables. Having a resizing option is pretty lame without the ability to save it.

- LOCKING the action on the table you are CLICKED ON regardless of another one popping up. This is incredibly annoying. At least you guys stopped the chat from going from one table to another when another table popped up and you were typing on a different table, although i'm sure it was on accident

- Font isn't terrible, but it can be hard to read, even making the tables a bit "smaller" seems not worth it.

Overall the software is running much smoother than the old and I'm impressed given that this is brand new and not partnered with a company that's already been in the market. I think you all are doing a wonderful job listening to player concerns and doing your best to change what can be changed in a timely manner. Keep up the good work!
08-25-2013 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by jbage007
4. limited selection of avatars is disappointing - if you guys had 120 options that would be getting pretty close to acceptable
08-25-2013 , 04:34 PM
This is what 6 tables on a 27-inch monitor look like. It's not terrible but the font does look a bit squirrely. These are all step 1 SnG's. I still don't like the 7 seat SnG format with 4 minute blinds but I do love me some steps. 9 seat, 5 minute blinds 1500 starting chips...that's the sweet my opinion. I also wouldn't mind an audible notification if action was to me and the table didn't have focus at that moment (I think this was already mentioned).

08-25-2013 , 04:41 PM
What is the value when hovering over a player supposed to represent? Is it showing the stack at the start of the hand, the previous hand, or something else? I don't think it's doing either of those. This was in a SnG.

Last edited by donkulous; 08-25-2013 at 04:41 PM. Reason: typo
08-25-2013 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
Originally Posted by Jim Easton
My understanding is UP doesn't want HuD's, which is fine, I'm not worried about the HuD. They probably are a detriment.

What I do want is to be able to retrieve my HH's after the fact to review my play. The HH's they have right now would be fine with me, they're just not formatted for the aftermarket programs and they are too much work to get.
If NRS 465.075 applies to this situation (I don't know if it does, that is what I was asking in my post) then it seems what you want is fine and HUDs would not be. If that reg does apply to online poker then NGCB could license/approve the specific third party software platforms.
NRS 465.075  Use or possession of device to obtain advantage at playing game in licensed gaming establishment.

1.  It is unlawful for any person to use, possess with the intent to use or assist another person in using or possessing with the intent to use any computerized, electronic, electrical or mechanical device which is designed, constructed, altered or programmed to obtain an advantage at playing any game in a licensed gaming establishment, including, without limitation, a device that:
(a) Projects the outcome of the game;
(b) Keeps track of cards played or cards prepared for play;
(c) Analyzes the probability of the occurrence of an event relating to a game; or
(d) Analyzes the strategy for playing or betting to be used in the game,
Ê except as may be made available as part of an approved game or otherwise permitted by the Commission.

2.  As used in this section, “advantage” means a benefit obtained by one or more participants in a game through information or knowledge that is not made available as part of the game as approved by the Board or Commission.
PokerAddict: NRS 465.075 is not applicable to online poker HUDs in the way that you sugest, we have verified this with lawyers who spoke with the NGCB on this topic (and I believe I have discussed this with you previously as well). The NGCB appears to understand that the industry the option to empower players to use HUDs, the real reason they exist is to mimic a live player experience, and to increase player liquidity by encouraging multitabling. A HUD is a performance tool, it does not provide an advantage to the user that they could not provide by single tabling and taking a lot of notes on their own. If a HUD is available it could change 500 players online into 1,500 which is a business no-brainer since this increases rake yield, provides more tables for players to chose from, and also decreases the bb/100 win rate of the average player from 2bb/100 to .5bb/100 if they are multitabling 6 tables - a reasonable tradeoff since the player can now play 6x as many hands in the same time period.

Jim Easton: UP has never stated anywhere that they do not want to allow HUDs. In fact just today Dax commented on UP's intentions. A HUD is an optional tool that has the ability to improve your playing workflow, there is not a single jurisdiction in the world that has provided regulations against HUDs, they are legal everywhere. I admit some players wish that HUDs were not available, but usually they are just misinformed about their functionality - a mistake I freely admit accidentally allowing to occur over the years. Compare a HUD to a trading desk platform used by the home trader at ETRADE or your favorite stock broker, the user of a trading desk does not have an advantage, its just a workflow productivity tool to help empower the user to make better decisions. These trading desks are legal in much the same way that tracking tools with HUDs are legal. Once hand histories become available for UP then my company will look at them and perform a cost analysis to determine if it makes sense for us to support Ultimate Poker - provided that Ultimate Poker still wants to be supported of course. We have already done this for UP's eventual competitor for what its worth, making this subtopic a moot point, but I felt its worth sharing.

PS: look at my 2+2 profile if you want to know who I am and what company I represent, but thats not why I have been posting in this thread - my posts are mostly from a players POV.. I should also add that as a player that lives in Las Vegas I enjoy playing at Ultimate Poker, and I think the management has done a fantastic job so far.... the poker client is MUCH better than many of the smaller European-centric poker clients, its my personal opinion that the Ultimate Poker client software is better than the old Everest, Betfair, or the IGT Poker Network softwares. You would be surprised at how bad some of these poker clients can be, I know first hand because it was my job to assure support for these poker clients, trust me when I say that UP is doing a good job, I should know, I've seen the difference!

- TT
08-25-2013 , 04:47 PM
Why does it say I have zero VIP anything?

I've played from day one, to as recently as this past week; limits from .01/.02 NL up to .25/.50 NL
08-25-2013 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Scooptimus_Prime
These aren't complaints, just observations and things I think a lot of people would love to see changed/implemented.

- no alert sound when timing out ( old software had it, maybe I was just glitchy yesterday )

- still no time bank

- it's pretty hard to see who's in the hand as the cards are tiny and the same color as the desk/table the avatar pops out of

- no auto top off

- no "save custom layout" for tables. Having a resizing option is pretty lame without the ability to save it.

- LOCKING the action on the table you are CLICKED ON regardless of another one popping up. This is incredibly annoying. At least you guys stopped the chat from going from one table to another when another table popped up and you were typing on a different table, although i'm sure it was on accident

- Font isn't terrible, but it can be hard to read, even making the tables a bit "smaller" seems not worth it.

Overall the software is running much smoother than the old and I'm impressed given that this is brand new and not partnered with a company that's already been in the market. I think you all are doing a wonderful job listening to player concerns and doing your best to change what can be changed in a timely manner. Keep up the good work!
U have 7 complaints and u say keep up the good work ? You see this is why we get dumped on time after time.
08-25-2013 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by imadonk
The thing is negative feedback is do to a failed project that you and your team put together, not us players. You and your team failed and should be held accountable by us and management. Your Corporation assigned you to do a job, and so far you did a ****ty job for all the world to see. imo after reading all your post it's clear to me management should put together a team that can handle this project .
For the record, reading through this thread shows that your viewpoint is the minority, not the majority. There is nothing wrong with taking the contrarian point of view or being angry at UP for not delivering what you hoped you would get from the network, but you should not assume that your view is shared by all players at UP. I'm happy with the progression, I'd rather have a decent but not yet great poker client and a management team that sees the flaws and is working to address each problem with their developers them than no online poker at all in Nevada. Count your blessings... and remember that development takes a lot of time and energy, what you consider a small fix could actually take months to implement.

Last edited by *TT*; 08-25-2013 at 05:17 PM.
08-25-2013 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by William Murderface
Why does it say I have zero VIP anything?

I've played from day one, to as recently as this past week; limits from .01/.02 NL up to .25/.50 NL
This was the most annoying thing for me. I didn't expect a ton of stuff, or even an automatic status update, but the least they could've done was give us a complete XP Meter points for the entire time we've been playing.
08-25-2013 , 05:01 PM
Invite SNGs will not run today but players will be awarded their tokens - back next week.
08-25-2013 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by imadonk
U have 7 complaints and u say keep up the good work ? You see this is why we get dumped on time after time.
You're kidding right? Take the time to spell and use spaces properly before just throwing random sentences out there. Take in to account that a few months ago we had NO online poker, now we have it. Now take into account that we had version one released then, and a few short months later a new and for the most part improved version two has been released. The company was starting from scratch. It wasn't partnered with any big poker companies that already had all of it's software done, I.E the site, although that's still not running. The fact that they have passed all of the strict NGC requirements and no one else has says something.

Nothing happens overnight, and you can't change every fix that I mentioned instantly. Look at pokerstars for example, their software and features are AMAZING. Was that available from day one? Hell no. Auto rebuy, auto top off, those never existed! Everything on that website was gradual, as with anything successful for the most part. Things like this take time and you need to be reasonable with expectations from a brand new company. A lot of people on here act BEYOND entitled when they don't realize how good they have it. UP, although preparing for a shared market with other companies, has had great customer service and listening to player complaints even having a monopoly on the market currently. Try to look at both sides of the puzzle before rushing to judgement.
08-25-2013 , 05:14 PM
Thanks TT, I do not recall any discussion on the topic previously but I figured you would know the answer to my question there.

I don't see HUDs tripling the player base, though it may triple the number of tables played by existing players.
08-25-2013 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
Thanks TT, I do not recall any discussion on the topic previously but I figured you would know the answer to my question there.

I don't see HUDs tripling the player base, though it may triple the number of tables played by existing players.
Regardless of the actual numbers, it certainly, 100% without a doubt is better for the company to allow hud's from a profitability standpoint.
08-25-2013 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
Thanks TT, I do not recall any discussion on the topic previously but I figured you would know the answer to my question there.

I don't see HUDs tripling the player base, though it may triple the number of tables played by existing players.
I thought we discussed this back during IGNA, I could be wrong - if so I take that back ;-) You know me well enough to know I believe in complete transparency whenever possible, and I do my homework to make sure what we do is legal and authorised by the network - we want to help players and help the ecology of the game, not hurt it. Anytime you have a question on this topic give me a call, I have nothing to hide, always willing to chat with you buddy - we go WAAAAYYYY back!

- TT
08-25-2013 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by *TT*
I thought we discussed this back during IGNA, I could be wrong - if so I take that back ;-) You know me well enough to know I believe in complete transparency whenever possible, and I do my homework to make sure what we do is legal and authorised by the network - we want to help players and help the ecology of the game, not hurt it. Anytime you have a question on this topic give me a call, I have nothing to hide, always willing to chat with you buddy - we go WAAAAYYYY back!

- TT
TT you are the one to go to on NGC issues and of course software issues. Thanks so much for being part of the community. The rest of the trolls that continue to bash UP please just go away already
08-25-2013 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by donkulous
This is what 6 tables on a 27-inch monitor look like. It's not terrible but the font does look a bit squirrely. These are all step 1 SnG's. I still don't like the 7 seat SnG format with 4 minute blinds but I do love me some steps. 9 seat, 5 minute blinds 1500 starting chips...that's the sweet my opinion. I also wouldn't mind an audible notification if action was to me and the table didn't have focus at that moment (I think this was already mentioned).

i do like the 7H format with 4min blinds. But do agree with the audible notification
08-25-2013 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Scooptimus_Prime
These aren't complaints, just observations and things I think a lot of people would love to see changed/implemented.

- no alert sound when timing out ( old software had it, maybe I was just glitchy yesterday )

- still no time bank

- it's pretty hard to see who's in the hand as the cards are tiny and the same color as the desk/table the avatar pops out of

- no auto top off

- no "save custom layout" for tables. Having a resizing option is pretty lame without the ability to save it.

- LOCKING the action on the table you are CLICKED ON regardless of another one popping up. This is incredibly annoying. At least you guys stopped the chat from going from one table to another when another table popped up and you were typing on a different table, although i'm sure it was on accident

- Font isn't terrible, but it can be hard to read, even making the tables a bit "smaller" seems not worth it.

Overall the software is running much smoother than the old and I'm impressed given that this is brand new and not partnered with a company that's already been in the market. I think you all are doing a wonderful job listening to player concerns and doing your best to change what can be changed in a timely manner. Keep up the good work!
+1 to all of this
08-25-2013 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by pokervangelist
TT you are the one to go to on NGC issues and of course software issues. Thanks so much for being part of the community. The rest of the trolls that continue to bash UP please just go away already
aww, thnx R! Thats very kind of you... a bit of an exaggeration because I am just one of many voices, but I appreciate the good words! I wouldn't post here if I wasn't such a big believer in the future of Nevada poker, and the potential for UP. It only gets better, and together as a community if we support UP it will get better faster!
08-25-2013 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by *TT*
PokerAddict: NRS 465.075 is not applicable to online poker HUDs in the way that you sugest, we have verified this with lawyers who spoke with the NGCB on this topic (and I believe I have discussed this with you previously as well).
That would have been my guess.

Originally Posted by *TT*
Jim Easton: UP has never stated anywhere that they do not want to allow HUDs.
You might want to inform WhiteRider of this, because he cites and quotes "Although still up for consideration, Ultimate reps currently plan to keep a HUD-free poker room."

Originally Posted by *TT*
. . . I admit some players wish that HUDs were not available, but usually they are just misinformed about their functionality - a mistake I freely admit accidentally allowing to occur over the years. Compare a HUD to a trading desk platform used by the home trader at ETRADE or your favorite stock broker, the user of a trading desk does not have an advantage, its just a workflow productivity tool to help empower the user to make better decisions. These trading desks are legal in much the same way that tracking tools with HUDs are legal. Once hand histories become available for UP then my company will look at them and perform a cost analysis to determine if it makes sense for us to support Ultimate Poker - provided that Ultimate Poker still wants to be supported of course. We have already done this for UP's eventual competitor for what its worth, making this subtopic a moot point, but I felt its worth sharing.
I'm not questioning the legality. I'm not committed either way on HuD's. If they allow them, fine, if they don't, fine. I want to be able to review my play and I can't really do that now. The detriment I see to them is scaring off casual players. Whether that is real, or imagined, I don't know.

If UP isn't compatible when the one you are working with releases, the new one will probably get the bulk of my play.
08-25-2013 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Jim Easton
You might want to inform WhiteRider of this, because he cites and quotes "Although still up for consideration, Ultimate reps currently plan to keep a HUD-free poker room."
doh... I'll inform him, thnx for letting me know about that post. Kraada's response is correct though, we don't support any new networks unless requested to do so by the network, we aren't grey-hat developers, we only wear the white hat ;-). Anyway enough about us, back to talking about UP!
