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***** Official SSSHLHE Stats Thread ***** ***** Official SSSHLHE Stats Thread *****

03-25-2010 , 02:24 PM
Reaper - LaPeste is better than me so take it FWIW, but rather than starting by loosening up in EP I suggest you start by loosening up OTB and CO. Steal attempt of 40% OTB is too low, start by adding hands one pip below each of WITHG guidelines, then 2 pips, etc. So if your cuttoff point is Kx make it K(x-1).
03-25-2010 , 03:41 PM
so la peste, let me take a crack at what table considerations are.

basically I'm looking to be open raising more hands from early position when the players off to my left are tight and open raising less when they are loose? what do i want to start doing if some loosies are on my left... find a better seat?

how will i know that the hands I'm adding in are working out? will I have to base my judgment solely on how I comfortable I am with them post-flop because it will take a lot of volume to see if they are profitable in stove (the answer to this may be they are profitable if I play right post-flop and that's it)?

What kind of att to steal and defend BB steal am I looking for?
03-25-2010 , 04:15 PM
Well if you have good lagtags on your left, you will need to play a lot tighter. If you have loose/passives on your left I would still be playing a lot of hands (but less than if they were nits). In general you do want the loose players on the right and the tight players on the left. Nothing like having the perfect game conditions where you can play 40%+ of your hands.

How will you know if they are successful? Hard to tell for a while, but postflop comfortability definitely factors in. It's so hard to explain this stuff in the abstract, it really is a game flow concept. Just loosen up in all positions, like a pip at a time and see how you like it.

Fold BB to steal somewhere between 30 and 40. Mine is like 40 and someone like Unguarded is like 30. Steal somewhere in 40 to 45 range. Higher on the button and SB, less in the cutoff.

@shuinthehouse I don't disagree that he should loosen up in the late positions, I think he should loosen up everywhere and I was trying to give some tangible EP and UTG situations.
03-27-2010 , 10:40 AM
Hi all,

This is my most recent sample at 2/4. Some SH play at FR tables is included. The positional screenshot is filtered for 5 and 6 players.
  • You'll probably agree that I have leaks from the BB. Any pointers on that? Any threads or even books worth reading?
  • I play 26/20 6-handed and 31/25 5-handed. Is this too tight? Given my positional stats, what should I look at primarily if I were to open my game further? More raising first in? More iso-raising? More 3betting? More calling the BB? Something I have missed entirely?
  • I have noticed people saying their Agg% is like 55%. I run at 48%. Where do the extra % come from? Do I c/c too much from the BB and/or am I missing value raises or 3bets postflop?
  • Coming from 36-38% WTSD this 41-42% feels weird to me. It just came naturally with the switch from FR to 6max. Is this a good number for my playing style or am I overadjusting?

Any help is much appreciated!

03-28-2010 , 10:52 AM
You look like you fold your BB too much (like 42-46% 3+ handed?). Try to get that under 40... otherwise your stats look pretty normal to me. You should probably loosen up a little bit PF but your stats won't really hurt you at 2/4.

Your WTSD looks ok to me, a little on the high side but it depends a lot on how hard you game select, how often you barrel, etc so it's probably fine.
03-28-2010 , 11:03 AM

You are Cbetting way too much on both flop and turn.
An agg% of 47% is completely acceptable and i think very few players have a 55% stat.
03-28-2010 , 12:18 PM

Does anyone know what the difference between AF and AFq is?
03-28-2010 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by boc4life

Does anyone know what the difference between AF and AFq is?
pretty sure AF = aggression factor and AFq = aggression frequency
03-28-2010 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Apanage

You are Cbetting way too much on both flop and turn.
An agg% of 47% is completely acceptable and i think very few players have a 55% stat.
oops ya I missed that, way too much turn cbetting in particular
03-28-2010 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by ericishungry
pretty sure AF = aggression factor and AFq = aggression frequency
lol I'm a moron, must have been super-tired when I wrote my question.

I meant, is there a difference between HEM's Aggression % and PT3's AFq?
03-29-2010 , 02:19 AM's around 4%
03-29-2010 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by boc4life
lol I'm a moron, must have been super-tired when I wrote my question.

I meant, is there a difference between HEM's Aggression % and PT3's AFq?
haha gotcha, i was pretty confused why you would be asking that
03-29-2010 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by boc4life
lol I'm a moron, must have been super-tired when I wrote my question.

I meant, is there a difference between HEM's Aggression % and PT3's AFq?
This came up a page or two ago. There is also a thread on it somewhere in this forum.
04-02-2010 , 06:42 AM
Just dropped 150 BBs in 2 hours. I've been meaning to post stats here. I don't really know anything about hu. Preflop stats have been getting looser in 2010. Flop cbet has gone up since 2009. I think I suck postflop fwiw esp hu. Maybe my stats will tell. Any help would be appreciated.
04-02-2010 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by rockstroh
Just dropped 150 BBs in 2 hours. I've been meaning to post stats here. I don't really know anything about hu. Preflop stats have been getting looser in 2010. Flop cbet has gone up since 2009. I think I suck postflop fwiw esp hu. Maybe my stats will tell. Any help would be appreciated.
I will just comment on the 6 max:

First of all use BB/100 not bb/100, it's so tilting.

Stats look pretty good and TAG solid. Consider adding some hands gradually and situationally, I am sure you are good enough to play more hands. 3 bet more too, that is super low.
04-03-2010 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by rockstroh
Just dropped 150 BBs in 2 hours. I've been meaning to post stats here. I don't really know anything about hu. Preflop stats have been getting looser in 2010. Flop cbet has gone up since 2009. I think I suck postflop fwiw esp hu. Maybe my stats will tell. Any help would be appreciated.
More 3b'ing pf and more agression postflop imo. You're going to need to post some hands or something though to figure out what the exact postflop problem is.
04-03-2010 , 11:56 AM
Hey guys,

I'm really hoping you can help me. I've been grinding and beating .10/.20 6 max LHE on FT however every time I move up to .25/.50 I get my butt handed to me. I'm slightly below breakeven over my first 10k hands and I would really appreciate some stats analysis here on how and where I should adjust for the next level on FT. I used to crush stars .25/.50 but i'm sticking with FT for the rakeback so please can you have a good look at the following stats and advise where I am going wrong.


these are my stats for .10/.20

can you see any obvious leaks in the stats that would cause a huge difference when moving up? I'm confused why I can beat the level below but not .25/.50

Last edited by Empathic; 04-03-2010 at 12:13 PM.
04-03-2010 , 12:18 PM
Can some advanced players to help me on this question. I'm just getting into SHL. Regarding the STOX book. I am TOTALLY confused on the "Restealing" section, simply because he seems to contradict himself, particularly on the quizzes related to the charts. For example it says that you should 3 bet (resteal) vs. a steal-raiser who steals 35% from the cutoff with 77+, A9s+, ATo+, KQs+. However on the quizzes section (p.320-21) it says you should resteal with A9o, KJs, KQo vs. this same 35% steal raiser in the quiz section. I know we are splitting hairs, but am I missing something? Also, would you resteal (3-bet) from the BB vs. a steal raise under these same circumstances (35%er from cutoff)? Finally, what is the difference between 3-betting and restealing in theoretical terms because it seems the 3-betting hands are so different vs. the "restealing hands"?
04-03-2010 , 12:22 PM
Also, should have mentioned that Hero is on the Button vs. that previous question. (Followup question pertains to the fact that STOX says you can resteal from the SB or BB, but later says that 3-betting is often a mistake from the BB (another contradiction).... just a little confused.
04-03-2010 , 03:29 PM
One final clarification: the "ReStealing Chart" on p. 76 is driving me nuts as it relates to 1) Typical 3 betting 2) the quizes. What is the purpose of this chart? The quiz (and other sources0 say that I should 3 bet A8suited vs. a raise from a tight cutoff who raises 25% of his hands from this position in a steal situation. However the chart says that for someone with these steal percentages (25%) in cutoff I should only reraise with 77+, ATs+, or AJo+..... Can someone please explain this chart??????? Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
04-04-2010 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Empathic
Hey guys,

I'm really hoping you can help me. I've been grinding and beating .10/.20 6 max LHE on FT however every time I move up to .25/.50 I get my butt handed to me. I'm slightly below breakeven over my first 10k hands and I would really appreciate some stats analysis here on how and where I should adjust for the next level on FT. I used to crush stars .25/.50 but i'm sticking with FT for the rakeback so please can you have a good look at the following stats and advise where I am going wrong.


these are my stats for .10/.20

can you see any obvious leaks in the stats that would cause a huge difference when moving up? I'm confused why I can beat the level below but not .25/.50
Can anyone comment on my stats please?
04-04-2010 , 12:15 PM
Way too tight, don't 3 bet enough, and show down too little.
04-05-2010 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by La Peste
Way too tight, don't 3 bet enough, and show down too little.
What La Peste said, sorry but 23/16 is LOL tight and showing down 34% of the time with such tight stats means you're getting pushed around and folding way to much. 3b stats is ridic low as well.
04-05-2010 , 04:01 AM
Come on. It's .1/.2. Rake is killing at this stakes. You are certainly a bit too tight but not that much considering the stake you play.
My advice would be to plan to loosen up while moving up in stakes.
04-06-2010 , 08:44 AM
I was looking through my last 50k hands and i found something disturbing. I've been losing money with the following hands:

ATo-A8o, A6o-A2o

KJo-K5o, K3o-K2o
Kjs K9s K8s K6s K5s K3s

Q9s Q8s Q5s-Q2s


T9o T7o-2o
T9s T7s-T5s T3s


And ignoring the rest, except suited connectors, im losing with,

87s 56s 45s

It's kind of disturbed me because i play a LAGTAG style PF, so i'm opening alot of these hands at some point, but i'm losing money with a hell of alot of them. Granted the last 50k hands im only a small winner anyways, but's disturbing.

Does it matter? Should i post more info? Any general advice like tighten up pre or w/e?
