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Official SSSH LC/NC Thread for December! Official SSSH LC/NC Thread for December!

12-13-2007 , 10:48 PM
2. I fold if he's UTG but reraise usually if he's the Hijack.
3. Basically always 3-betting.

1, 3, 2 in order of how "correct" they are.
12-13-2007 , 10:53 PM
sometimes you just f'n know. My incredible non-luck with KK continues.

PokerStars 1/2 Hold'em (6 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)

Preflop: Hero is CO with K, K.
UTG raises, MP calls, Hero 3-bets, 3 folds, UTG calls, MP caps, Hero calls, UTG calls.

Flop: (13.50 SB) 7, 8, 7 (3 players)
UTG bets, MP calls, Hero raises, UTG calls, MP calls.

Turn: (9.75 BB) 4 (3 players)
UTG bets, MP calls, Hero raises, UTG calls, MP calls.

River: (15.75 BB) T (3 players)
UTG bets, MP calls, Hero calls.

Final Pot: 18.75 BB

Results in white below:
UTG has Th Ts (full house, tens full of sevens).
MP has Qs Qc (two pair, queens and sevens).
Hero has Kd Kc (two pair, kings and sevens).
Outcome: UTG wins 18.75 BB.
12-13-2007 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by efficacy
official start time will be on the hour... not sure how many we'll have, but it will be fun, and -EV.
I was wrong, these games are def +EV, especially if mitchL is playing.

My favorite part of the game was when we opened up a 2nd table.. Sethy sat with 2500 bets and mitch sat with 5. Mitch then proceeded to top off his stack to 5 bets after every hand. Good times.
12-13-2007 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by efficacy
I was wrong, these games are def +EV, especially if mitchL is playing.

My favorite part of the game was when we opened up a 2nd table.. Sethy sat with 2500 bets and mitch sat with 5. Mitch then proceeded to top off his stack to 5 bets after every hand. Good times.
this was super fun guys. thanks for tolerating a newb running a little hot.
12-13-2007 , 11:37 PM
Absolute Poker $5.00/$10.00 Limit Hold'em - 4 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: Hero is SB with Q Q
CO calls, BTN calls, Hero raises, BB calls, CO calls, BTN calls

Flop: (4 BB) 2 2 9 (4 players)
Hero bets, BB folds, CO folds, BTN raises, Hero 3-bets, BTN calls

Turn: (7 BB) 5 (2 players)
Hero bets, BTN calls

River: (9 BB) Q (2 players)
Hero bets, BTN raises, Hero 3-bets, BTN calls

Final Pot: 15 BB
BTN mucks 6s Ac
Hero shows Qh Qd (Full house, queens full of twos)
Hero wins 14.8 BB
(Rake: $2.00)

Absolute Poker $5.00/$10.00 Limit Hold'em - 4 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: Hero is BB with 3 5
1 fold, BTN calls, SB calls, Hero checks

Flop: (1.5 BB) 3 5 6 (3 players)
SB bets, Hero raises, BTN calls, SB calls

Turn: (4.5 BB) K (3 players)
SB checks, Hero checks, BTN bets, SB calls, Hero raises, BTN calls, SB calls

River: (10.5 BB) 7 (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets, BTN folds, SB calls

Final Pot: 12.5 BB
SB mucks 9c 7s
Hero shows 3d 5h (Two Pair, fives and threes)
Hero wins 12.3 BB
(Rake: $2.00)

Absolute Poker $3.00/$6.00 Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: Hero is CO with 3 3
2 folds, Hero raises, BTN 3-bets, 2 folds, Hero calls

Flop: (3.833 BB) 7 9 2 (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets, Hero calls

Turn: (4.833 BB) 8 (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets, Hero calls

River: (6.833 BB) 8 (2 players)
Hero bets, BTN raises, Hero 3-bets, BTN folds

Final Pot: 10.833 BB
Hero shows 3d 3c (Two Pair, eights and threes)
Hero wins 10.333 BB
(Rake: $3.00)

Absolute Poker $5.00/$10.00 Limit Hold'em - 4 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: Hero is CO with 5 Q
Hero raises, 1 fold, SB calls, BB calls

Flop: (3 BB) T 6 8 (3 players)
SB bets, BB raises, Hero 3-bets, SB caps!, BB folds, Hero calls

Turn: (8 BB) T (2 players)
SB bets, Hero calls

River: (10 BB) A (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets, SB calls

Final Pot: 12 BB
Hero shows 5s Qs (Flush, ace high)
SB mucks 8h 6h
Hero wins 11.8 BB
(Rake: $2.00)

Last edited by milesdyson; 12-13-2007 at 11:41 PM. Reason: owned. also added GRANNIE MAE LOL OWNED.
12-13-2007 , 11:50 PM
sethy, huhu rematch? you seem to be enjoying your avatar too much (and I need a new one)
12-14-2007 , 12:40 AM
Absolute Poker $10.00/$20.00 Limit Hold'em - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: Hero is SB with K K
2 folds, BTN calls, Hero raises, BB calls, BTN calls

Flop: (3 BB) 4 3 9 (3 players)
Hero bets, BB raises, BTN folds, Hero calls

Turn: (5 BB) 7 (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets, Hero raises, BB 3-bets, Hero calls

River: (11 BB) 2 (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets, Hero calls

Final Pot: 13 BB
Hero mucks Kc Kh
BB shows 8s Qs (Flush, queen high)
BB wins 12.825 BB
(Rake: $3.50)

Full Tilt Poker $10.00/$20.00 Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: Hero is CO with K A
2 folds, Hero raises, 1 fold, SB calls, BB 3-bets, Hero caps!, SB calls, BB calls

Flop: (6 BB) 2 K J (3 players)
SB checks, BB bets, Hero raises, SB folds, BB calls

Turn: (8 BB) Q (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets, BB calls

River: (10 BB) T (2 players)
BB bets, Hero raises, BB 3-bets, Hero caps!, BB calls all in

Final Pot: 17.1 BB
Hero shows Kc Ah (a straight, Ace high)
BB shows Js As (a straight, Ace high)
BB wins 8.475 BB
Hero wins 8.475 BB
(Rake: $3.00)
12-14-2007 , 12:59 AM
Remember those "Poker House" threads on 2+2? Like 4 poker players would get together and live together in a sick house.

I dream of this day. I wish my roommate had enough discipline to learn to play poker, but I don't think he can - too lazy.

I can just see it now. A sick poker office with a dopesick computer/monitor setup, a view of my backyard where there's a sick spa with scantily clad women just lounging around all the time. I'd have a punching bag so I can go to work if I ever tilt (mainly forum tilt). I'd have a bunch of motivation to put in hands because everyone else would be doing it, too.

If it were televised, which three 2+2ers would you want to see me live with? And if I weren't involved, which group of 4 would you like to see live together to see what happens when people stop being polite and start being real? Feel free to list several groups and give each show a specific title based on the group.
12-14-2007 , 01:07 AM
i'd be down miles, but unfortunately i have a real life to live
12-14-2007 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by efficacy
I was wrong, these games are def +EV, especially if mitchL is playing.

My favorite part of the game was when we opened up a 2nd table.. Sethy sat with 2500 bets and mitch sat with 5. Mitch then proceeded to top off his stack to 5 bets after every hand. Good times.
I opened up a 5/10 table to try and cover my losses. I luckily I ran good at 5/10 to offset my 1/2 spew. I tried to play like my favorite fish. open limping w/ trash in lp and backraising the isoraiser, etc. My favorite was posting utg. For some reason Seth couldnt overpost, but that wouldve been fun. If I have time I will post some of my fishy play. Certainly fun guys.
12-14-2007 , 01:45 AM
Tommy angelos "elements of poker" is available for purchase on his website..

If you are a tilt monkey like myself this is a must purchase book, ORDER NOW
12-14-2007 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by Heisenb3rg
Tommy angelos "elements of poker" is available for purchase on his website..

If you are a tilt monkey like myself this is a must purchase book, ORDER NOW
I actually wrote "**** you" in the chat yesterday. It was involuntary and shocking. I think I should buy this book.


One thousand is the number of times you breathe in an hour. Try to be mindful of as many of your breaths as you possibly can. By mindful I mean that you know when you are breathing in, and you know when you are breathing out. …

If all this stuff about breathing seems out of place in a poker book, recall my premise. I am assuming that you are a poker player and that you want to make changes that rate to raise your score. Breathing rates to raise your score, thus:

If we define tilt as any deviation from your A-game and your A-mindset, however slight or fleeting, then any reduction in tilt improves one’s theoretical score. The primary cause of tilt is mental pain, such as anger, fear, regret, injustice, disappointment, and shame. The only place that your mental pain exists is inside your mind. The only thing that your mind does is think. When you place attention on your breathing, you take it away from your thinking. Therefore, awareness of breathing reduces thinking which reduces pain which reduces tilt which raises your score. Or simply, breathing improves scoring.
12-14-2007 , 01:53 AM
sweet that his book is out. his articles really kick ass, but I must admit I was not very intrigued by the sample that was in the 2p2 magazine
12-14-2007 , 01:56 AM
I also agree that the 2p2 exceprt was weak.

That table of contents quote was nothing short of genius though.
12-14-2007 , 07:01 AM
He sounds like Yoda.

"Tilt leads to pain. Pain leads to anger. Anger leads to sufferingggg. Mhrrrmmm. Avoid tilt, you must."
12-14-2007 , 07:25 AM


I'd watch that reality show.
12-14-2007 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by Heisenb3rg
Deathdonkey, when I post on a public forum talking to one person I still consider the masses reading the post..
Thus if im constructing an argument, Ill explain some things in more detail than needed, even if I know the poster is aware of what im explaining.

I did that to explain why your concept is so much more applicable to NL than limit..
The end product I was tryin to communicate to you, each step I was communicating to the masses.
No problem Heis I was pretty much being sarcastic, didn't mean for it to across as bitter

Originally Posted by MitchL
Trust me its a leak if you are not capping.
Well, ok, I will never start capping here as a default when it goes bet, raise, 3 bet on the river and I'm facing two more bets without the nuts. Sure there are plenty of times I'll think about it and cap but as a default, no way.

12-14-2007 , 10:02 AM
**** i have no idea if i'm stuck or not

no poker tracker + not really sure what my balacne was before i started playing

this is hell. what the **** do i do now
12-14-2007 , 10:18 AM
why do you care? The "gotta get unstuck" mentality is probably one of the biggest leaks in poker.

On another note...

The prima client tilts me so hard:

1. The ****ing thing keeps stealing focus when it's your action. This is horrible. I might be 3-tabling, and then I'm writing a note on a player and the keyboard keeps jumping back and forth between tables because I have to act on them, so I write something stupid or miss my turn to act and get auto-folded (which is also stupid).

2. When you buy in at a new lhe table the default buyin is your whole bankroll. How dumb is that. And you can't leave the table and rejoin without buying in for the full amount again. This is extremely annoying when there are only 2-3 tables of 2/4 going, you sit down at the first one and accidentally click 'ok', and then you're either forced to single table or leave and not join the same table for the next hour or whatever.

3. You can't change seats. If you leave the table and rejoin, it automatically sits you in the same seat. Really sucks when you're trying to get position on a huge fish.

4. The regular client window doesn't tile without overlap on a 20" 1600x1200 screen. You can switch to the smallest view but then it's way to small and I have to squint.

5. There's probably some other annoying/stupid stuff that I'm forgetting. Basically, Hyachachacha.
12-14-2007 , 10:27 AM
dude, what the ****?

stars raping me so hard lately. I managed to play 3000 hands in two days with an overall winrate of -15 BB/100 hands

not tilting and playing the same way as the last 140k hands
I managed according to PT to have a set 3 times in the first 2000 hands... and lost all of them. I didnt post a profit UTG, MP and on the button. I lost money with 2 pairs and with sets (and of course with highcards and one pair)

whats my play?
12-14-2007 , 10:36 AM
getting unstuck is the only thing that motivates me to play longer than 8 minutes at a time
12-14-2007 , 10:37 AM
holy crap!

450 BB in 3k hands is the sickest I have ever heard of.

Graph? (sorry)

I would go get drunk, have sex, go hunting or whatever would take my mind of poker. That is sick!
12-14-2007 , 10:41 AM
450 BB downswing in 3k hands is pretty harsh dude. My (poker) play would be to try any of the following:

-switch to NL for a while (I go back and forth myself)
-play a little full ring
-play fewer tables (depending on how many u play right now)
-move down to regain confidence (if confidence was lost)

really? my main motivation is playing better than everybody else at the table.
12-14-2007 , 10:49 AM
$$$ is the only motivation
12-14-2007 , 10:54 AM
My motivation leads to your motivation

(well, maybe not short-term when I'm stubborn and refuse to quit an unprofitable table because I want to beat the guys that are currently beating me. But long term, I'll be more likely to beat them and profit even more... or go broke)
