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Why doesnt Jay Leno do something better with his life(other then make fun of Brunei) Why doesnt Jay Leno do something better with his life(other then make fun of Brunei)

05-10-2014 , 03:35 PM
Oh just reread the first post. Stupid phone. That should have been THE Muslim religion, not YOU Muslim religion
05-10-2014 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Oh just reread the first post. Stupid phone. That should have been THE Muslim religion, not YOU Muslim religion
I edited your post a little and understand your point. Please understand my point. We all get to post in unchained because broad hate attacks are not allowed. You even chose the word hate, unfortunate, and the spell check revealed just how personal that kind of phrase can seem in general.

I personally believe that people speaking up for mercy and justice and against cruelty and rigid fixation on dogma in the name of (insert religion) is a very real thing. But if we paint those people with the same brush as stone throwers and condemners we do a disservice to humanity.
05-10-2014 , 04:15 PM
Fair enough. I withdraw my question and will stick with other lines of discussion
05-10-2014 , 07:30 PM
Hey, just don't be gay and then this won't even affect you, Bruneians.

I mean, this law will only be bad if you make them enforce it.
05-11-2014 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by master3004
I was making a point, because I also hate christianity, judaism, etc and everything they stand for. I am not fearful of them, but think the world would be better off without. Therefore I contend I can't be an islamaphobe, and am curious where the kid stands on it
Where can I start? Would you feel comfortable labeling yourself as a militant atheist?

I simply disagree with you. Although I respect how open you are about your views. Yet, the reason your able to type on your smartphone or PC is because of the academic achievements of centuries ago, from folks who identified as Muslim. Also, Jews immigrated to Muslim ruled Spain during the 8th-11th centuries for a better life, can you imagine that? That goes against the incorrect view that Muslims treated non Muslims like sub humans throughout history.

I think its safe to say your views fall in line with the likes of Richard Dawkins, if you disagree then I apoligize. But I understand Dawkins has said some very controversial remarks irt religions such as Islam and Christianity. Meanwhile, Pope Francis, a great man, seeks to build bridges with non Catholics.
05-11-2014 , 02:19 AM
Muslims are just people
05-11-2014 , 03:54 AM
Aren't you that guy who raped a bunch of Chinese girls or something?
05-11-2014 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by thekid345
I simply disagree with you. Although I respect how open you are about your views. Yet, the reason your able to type on your smartphone or PC is because of the academic achievements of centuries ago, from folks who identified as Muslim. Also, Jews immigrated to Muslim ruled Spain during the 8th-11th centuries for a better life, can you imagine that? That goes against the incorrect view that Muslims treated non Muslims like sub humans throughout history.
If you have to go back a thousand years to dig up an achievement you might have identified a problem.
05-15-2014 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by thekid345
My general view is that Brunei does not = 1990s Afghanistan

If I'm wrong and the Brunei gov does actually cut off arms for stealing fruit, or carry out a death sentence for adultery, (which are actions that should be condemned) I will self ban myself.
Thought of you thekid when I saw this article on CNN.


"According to the rights group Amnesty International, she was convicted of adultery because her marriage to a Christian man was considered void under Sharia law. She was sentenced to 100 lashes for the second crime."

"The fact that a woman could be sentenced to death for her religious choice, and to flogging for being married to a man of an allegedly different religion, is abhorrent and should never be even considered," Manar Idriss, Amnesty International's Sudan researcher, said in a statement.

" 'Adultery' and 'apostasy' are acts which should not be considered crimes at all, let alone meet the international standard of 'most serious crimes' in relation to the death penalty. It is a flagrant breach of international human rights law," the researcher said."


In before thekid mentions how Brunei != Sudan and ignores any similarities between Sharia law and...well...Sharia law.
05-15-2014 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Thought of you thekid when I saw this article on CNN.


"According to the rights group Amnesty International, she was convicted of adultery because her marriage to a Christian man was considered void under Sharia law. She was sentenced to 100 lashes for the second crime."

"The fact that a woman could be sentenced to death for her religious choice, and to flogging for being married to a man of an allegedly different religion, is abhorrent and should never be even considered," Manar Idriss, Amnesty International's Sudan researcher, said in a statement.

" 'Adultery' and 'apostasy' are acts which should not be considered crimes at all, let alone meet the international standard of 'most serious crimes' in relation to the death penalty. It is a flagrant breach of international human rights law," the researcher said."


In before thekid mentions how Brunei != Sudan and ignores any similarities between Sharia law and...well...Sharia law.
Of course I disagree with how the Somali gov handled this specific case, at least the woman is still alive though, unlike a woman who, in Jordan, converted to Islam and was killed by her Christian father for doing so.

Police on Saturday were questioning a man and his brother in connection with the murder of a 26-year-old woman, who allegedly converted from Christianity to Islam, in Ajloun, 70km northwest of Amman.The victim died after receiving several blows to the head with a wooden stick and a rock in a forest in Khirbet Wahadneh on May 1, a senior official source said.“The victim’s father headed to a police station on Thursday evening and turned himself in, declaring that he killed his daughter,” the source told The Jordan Times.In his initial confession to the police, the father reportedly said that “his daughter announced her conversion to Islam three months before the incident and therefore he murdered her.”A second source told The Jordan Times that police are also questioning the victim’s uncle. “Both men are in custody pending further investigation into the incident but the main suspect so far is the victim’s father,” the source said.

What we have here is proof beyond a doubt that "honor killings" are a man made way of committing a cowardly crime, and one that is prone to numerous faiths.
05-15-2014 , 01:34 PM
She only got whipped 100 times, she's still alive guys!

You're a ****ing cocksneeze
05-15-2014 , 02:22 PM
Let's ignore that this was just another tu quoque-fallacxy. He is also unable to grasp the difference that one was a legal punishment and the other is a crime.
05-15-2014 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
She only got whipped 100 times, she's still alive guys!

You're a ****ing cocksneeze
Your taking the context of my post out of proportion. You have done this before though, so I'm not surprised by your response.
05-15-2014 , 02:35 PM
Brunei would be a horrible place to live.
05-15-2014 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
Let's ignore that this was just another tu quoque-fallacxy. He is also unable to grasp the difference that one was a legal punishment and the other is a crime.
Just another throwaway post here from Louis. I have yet to see you contribute a single meaningful post to PU or RGT. Its usual just a few words or a sentence or two of you being very critical of religion. Your living in some sort of weird atheist bubble, carry on though, it makes no difference.
05-15-2014 , 02:42 PM
I don't have to copy/paste anecdotes or wikipedia articles to make my points.

1. You committed a fallacy.
2. You equated a legal punisment with a crime.

Nothing else needed to be said.

Last edited by Louis Cyphre; 05-15-2014 at 03:07 PM.
05-15-2014 , 03:01 PM

You do this practically every time you post. Stop it. Everyone sees it for what it is.
05-15-2014 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
Of course I disagree with how the Somali gov handled this specific case, at least the woman is still alive though, unlike a woman who, in Jordan, converted to Islam and was killed by her Christian father for doing so.

Police on Saturday were questioning a man and his brother in connection with the murder of a 26-year-old woman, who allegedly converted from Christianity to Islam, in Ajloun, 70km northwest of Amman.The victim died after receiving several blows to the head with a wooden stick and a rock in a forest in Khirbet Wahadneh on May 1, a senior official source said.“The victim’s father headed to a police station on Thursday evening and turned himself in, declaring that he killed his daughter,” the source told The Jordan Times.In his initial confession to the police, the father reportedly said that “his daughter announced her conversion to Islam three months before the incident and therefore he murdered her.”A second source told The Jordan Times that police are also questioning the victim’s uncle. “Both men are in custody pending further investigation into the incident but the main suspect so far is the victim’s father,” the source said.

What we have here is proof beyond a doubt that "honor killings" are a man made way of committing a cowardly crime, and one that is prone to numerous faiths.
Know what else we have that, you know, relates to the f***ing thread? Evidence of the atrocities committed under Sharia law, and a sneak preview about what's coming in Brunei.
05-15-2014 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Know what else we have that, you know, relates to the f***ing thread? Evidence of the atrocities committed under Sharia law, and a sneak preview about what's coming in Brunei.
This is not a sound approach. Brunei is a nation home to 30 % non Muslims while Somalia is 97-98% Muslim majority with extreme interpretations of Sharia law actually being carried out by the Gov. Folks in Brunei have greater freedoms then those in Somalia, and by a longshot, even with the new Sharia laws in Brunei.

Somalia is rife with instability and poverty while Brunei is nation where the vast majority of its citizens live middle class to wealthy lifestyles.
05-15-2014 , 03:52 PM

05-15-2014 , 04:34 PM
1. Sudan, not Somalia. Read articles before commenting on them so you dont waste time and look foolish.

2. Tell us more about how the implementation of Sharia law is related to the average SES of a country's citizens. Better yet, to avoid seeming classist, provide even a modicum of support for your assertions.

3. Please let me know where an appropriate place to look would be to find insight into what Sharia law will look like in Brunei.
05-15-2014 , 04:36 PM
Is it going to look different than Sharia law elsewhere? Isn't law law?
05-15-2014 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Is it going to look different than Sharia law elsewhere? Isn't law law?
His response is going to look like no true Scotsman, that much I know.
05-15-2014 , 05:10 PM
The_kid is an idiot. It is known.
