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Why doesnt Jay Leno do something better with his life(other then make fun of Brunei) Why doesnt Jay Leno do something better with his life(other then make fun of Brunei)

09-24-2014 , 04:37 PM
So when I bitch about the Dolphins invariably laying an egg against the hapless Raiders in London on Sunday, what would be a better use of my time? Gotta get out in front of these things.
09-27-2014 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Ashington
So when I bitch about the Dolphins invariably laying an egg against the hapless Raiders in London on Sunday, what would be a better use of my time? Gotta get out in front of these things.
Expect an improved effort... fences appear mended; the coaches gave the players their first class seats in a way of apologizing. Plus, Pouncey is back.
09-27-2014 , 05:50 PM
Welp that settles it, Oakland and the points it is.
09-27-2014 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Welp that settles it, Oakland and the points it is.
No, see, the time for that was last week against your rather impotent Patriots. How fitting you'd be a little slow on trends.
09-28-2014 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Welp that settles it, Oakland and the points it is.
stick to soft science
09-28-2014 , 08:10 PM
Lol Jiggs.

9-1 today since I was smart enough to take the Eagles early in the week.
09-28-2014 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Lol Jiggs.

9-1 today since I was smart enough to take the Eagles early in the week.
Right, you just happened to get every other game correct. Just not that one.

Like everything else you spew, color me unconvinced... fraud.

Post your picks before kickoff, or STFU
09-28-2014 , 10:32 PM
Lost the Saints too

Happy to handicap contest with you for the rest of the year, most games wins, loser gets exiled from PU until football season next year. Of course you are a fraud and won't accept
09-29-2014 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Lost the Saints too

Happy to handicap contest with you for the rest of the year, most games wins, loser gets exiled from PU until football season next year. Of course you are a fraud and won't accept
LOL... Oh, 9-2 then. Doubling down on your hindsight foresight. Cool story. ... What kind of gambler wages on 11 NFL games a week? Hedge much? That's the biggest evidence you suck at it, just like everything else you suck at here.

Anyhow, yeah. ... If I accepted, I can picture you scrambling to some service to pay $500 for NFL sides the rest of the year as you salivate the anticipation of ridding yourself of Jiggs, all while fronting as if they're from you.

It is interesting watching you vacillate between desperately trying to get me eliminated, yet forum stalking me at every opportunity. Loser.

Last edited by JiggsCasey; 09-29-2014 at 01:01 AM.
09-29-2014 , 07:09 AM
Lol Jiggs. So surly and so useless.
09-29-2014 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
LOL... Oh, 9-2 then. Doubling down on your hindsight foresight. Cool story. ... What kind of gambler wages on 11 NFL games a week? Hedge much? That's the biggest evidence you suck at it, just like everything else you suck at here.

Anyhow, yeah. ... If I accepted, I can picture you scrambling to some service to pay $500 for NFL sides the rest of the year as you salivate the anticipation of ridding yourself of Jiggs, all while fronting as if they're from you.

It is interesting watching you vacillate between desperately trying to get me eliminated, yet forum stalking me at every opportunity. Loser.
That can be summed up as, "Dude, I wuss out. You would beat me."
10-02-2014 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Lol Jiggs. So surly and so useless.
Yet better than you at pretty much everything cept the soft science ... You're excellent at things that require a central fraud.

Again, how it works is: Post your picks ahead of time (see Raiders and the points) ... Or your claims are what's useless.
10-02-2014 , 04:15 PM
Lol at still being stuck on this.
Lol at you thinking anyone would ever use you for a measuring stick for anything.
10-02-2014 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Lol at still being stuck on this.
Lol at you thinking anyone would ever use you for a measuring stick for anything.
Lol at you doubling down on trying to smarmily pass off - in hindsight - a 9-1 record ATS in Week 3.

Lol at you being so desperate to get the last word in on every exchange.

Lol at you suggesting anyone else is "stuck on" anything.

Then, if you weren't such a dishonest douche bag, we wouldn't take great glee in exposing you.
10-02-2014 , 05:56 PM
We? Get that checked out man. This just internet message board BS, hearing voices and/or delusions are serious bizness.
10-02-2014 , 06:02 PM

I lost the last two games. I pushed Philly on this pick em sheet, but bet them +5.5 earlier in the week because that line was so LDO to swing towards 3.5 towards game time.

Hope the collective "you" can get some closure now Jiggs.
10-02-2014 , 06:12 PM
Also, for the record, lol at picking one NFL game or one NFL week meaning anything, only Jiggsy would get so excited about finally being on the record about being right about something after so many doomsday misses. Anything to keep him cheered up as the price of oil trickles downward and peak oil goes in the scientific dustbin of history.
10-02-2014 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Also, for the record, lol at picking one NFL game or one NFL week meaning anything
I didn't. I was merely loling at you being so dead wrong about it, when you made the pick solely on the grounds of being a complete troll.

btw, your photo bucket capture is proof of absolutely nothing.

Originally Posted by LetsGambool
, only Jiggsy would get so excited about finally being on the record about being right about something after so many doomsday misses. Anything to keep him cheered up as the price of oil trickles downward and peak oil goes in the scientific dustbin of history.
LOL... The price of oil dipping (again, short term dip) doesn't mean what you think it means, dip****.

I'm on record of being right far FAR more than being wrong, you fraud. It's just that when I'm right, you disappear, and when I'm wrong, you go into full 4chan mode.

But, just to be clear, at least I make predictions ahead of time. Unlike you, who has zero original thought, and no courage.
10-02-2014 , 06:47 PM
Oh exciting, another round of conspiracy time with Jiggsy.

Yes Jiggs, the readers can decide whether I took the 90 seconds needed to upload my picks or spent days scouring the web for the perfect combination of picks that corresponded exactly with what I said I picked on a subject I have zero reason to lie about.

Run along now court jester. You've done your duty for the forum today. Im sure there's a fire somewhere in Manhattan to write about.
10-02-2014 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Oh exciting, another round of conspiracy time with Jiggsy.

Yes Jiggs, the readers can decide whether I took the 90 seconds needed to upload my picks or spent days scouring the web for the perfect combination of picks that corresponded exactly with what I said I picked on a subject I have zero reason to lie about.
Or you merely manipulated a template for an alleged website you didn't link to. And you have no reason to lie about my positions or anything I've said, and yet you do it anyway, time and time again. Why would this be any different?

Prove it more, troll. LOL

Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Run along now court jester. You've done your duty for the forum today. Im sure there's a fire somewhere in Manhattan to write about.
I'll post right here as long as I like. You'll have no say in the matter.

Please provide your picks ahead of time next time you wanna brag about how awesome you are ... you know, besides the one game you DID show ahead of time, and got horribly wrong.
10-02-2014 , 07:45 PM
If you want to provide us all with more reasons to point, chuckle, laugh and mock, that's cool too.
10-02-2014 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
If you want to provide us all with more reasons to point, chuckle, laugh and mock, that's cool too.
It's funny watching you dispose of nuance and run your mouth when I used the term "we," and then turn right around and pluralize yourself. Holy crap, dude. Are you even aware of what you post from one offering to the next?

Your schtick has run it's course here, dude. You have no fans here, besides you-lite: Paul D.

Good job on that Raiders pick. Also, you really nailed the tenor of your favorite team on Monday night. Almost as accurate as your soul reads.
10-02-2014 , 08:33 PM
My we actually exists. See your recent nomination as one of the worst posters in the forum. You provide us with much amusement, as I expected when I lobbied for your return to unchained. Not disappointed
10-02-2014 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
My we actually exists.
So does mine, sh**berg... Do I really need to document all the people on this subforum who think you're kind of a dick? To a man, they all know you're a liar and a bet welcher, that's for sure.

Originally Posted by LetsGambool
See your recent nomination as one of the worst posters in the forum. You provide us with much amusement, as I expected when I lobbied for your return to unchained. Not disappointed
Yeah, I noticed a whole 6-7 people nominated me on a forum chalk full of safe free market soft science worshippers just like you. I consider it an honor, even if I barely made the list.

It is amusing that in the first round, you voted against the guy who's gonna win the whole thing in a landslide. What a prognosticator.

I'll let you have the last word you so desperately require in every exchange you compete in... Loser.
