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Why doesnt Jay Leno do something better with his life(other then make fun of Brunei) Why doesnt Jay Leno do something better with his life(other then make fun of Brunei)

05-07-2014 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by The New York Times
France's legislature has passed a bill outlawing the practice of Islam. The new law, which will take effect in 1 year, carries a penalty of 1-5 years in prison for practicing Islam, and in some cases repeat offenders can be executed.
i'm sure thekid would respond with:

Originally Posted by thekid345
We have yet to see a court case under the new laws wrt Muslims in France. Some folks are incorrectly assuming things will happen with no actual cases.

Displays of public affection are more common in France then in a nation like the USA or Canada. Is it logical to view things in France from an American perspective?
05-07-2014 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
Slavery? That one came out of nowhere. Thats not a fair comparison.
I'm not sure I understand. Killing people for being gay is not a fair comparison to slavery?

I thought they were both pretty heinous. I'm not clear your objection here.
05-07-2014 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
I'm not sure I understand. Killing people for being gay is not a fair comparison to slavery?

I thought they were both pretty heinous. I'm not clear your objection here.
At this point, the laws of Brunei are either better or on par with Israeli torah laws. There is no need to bring up words like slavery in order to create a theater that doesnt exist. Slavery was a real issue where people where enslaved for being a certain color. You cant tell if someone is gay because gays are of all colors. There are no cases of the Brunei gov going out of its way to arrest homosexuals. The issue is of public displays of affection.
05-07-2014 , 06:09 PM
So people who are superficially offended but have super deeply held beliefs have a more than superficially offensive law to protect their unquestionable delicacy?
05-07-2014 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
The issue is of public displays of affection.
Oh I guess it's alright then. Only stone them if they hold hands in public.
05-07-2014 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
So people who are superficially offended but have super deeply held beliefs have a more than superficially offensive law to protect their unquestionable delicacy?
Smells like theocratic religious supremacy.
05-07-2014 , 06:13 PM
FFS of course slavery is a fair comparison. In fact I woulld say stoning someone to death for being gay is even worse than slavery.

Go **** yourself kid. I can't believe this hateful crap is allowed to continue in this forum.
05-07-2014 , 06:13 PM
Wait, Israel kills gays if they hold hands in public?
05-07-2014 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by DrawNone
i'm sure thekid would respond with:
so, in other words your telling me being gay is a choice, just as being Muslim is a choice?
05-07-2014 , 06:22 PM
There are no cases of the Brunei gov going out of its way to arrest homosexuals. The issue is of public displays of affection.
I pretty much got no problem saying that a culture that prohibits PDA WITH ****ING STONING is not OK and worthy of scorn.

Limiting how people can express themselves when there's no meaningful impact on people around them strikes me as an objective wrong.
05-07-2014 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by vajennasguy
FFS of course slavery is a fair comparison. In fact I woulld say stoning someone to death for being gay is even worse than slavery.

Go **** yourself kid. I can't believe this hateful crap is allowed to continue in this forum.

How can you even compare humans who, centuries ago, were in chains because of the color of there skin to the laws in Brunei, here in 2014?

wrt the laws in Brunei, One cant be arrested simply for committing an act of homosexuality, never mind that a single poster has yet to bring a real court case to the table. Also the whole stoning punishment, and amputation thing, as soon as this actually happens, I will be the first to condemn it.

Were talking about Brunei here, not 1990s Afghanistan, which is how some folks are viewing things itt.
05-07-2014 , 06:38 PM
So basically, laws are meaningless in Brunei?
05-07-2014 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Wait, Israel kills gays if they hold hands in public?
In many Muslim countries, its normal to see men holding hands.

I dont think a homosexual couple would be seen in a ultra othrodox Israeli neighborhood, doing anything more then holding hands. In fact at one time, there was a terror attack on a gay club in Israeli(2009 Tel Aviv Gay center shooting). So for folks to slam Brunei, a nation home to very kind people, just doesnt add up.

Just as it wouldn't be correct to judge the entire Israeli society based on a few Rabbis and there followers.
05-07-2014 , 06:53 PM
We are not discussing Israel here, we are discussing Brunei. Stop trying to change the subject.

We're also discussing a law, which is something that applies to all people in a country, not the opinion of particular individuals in a country.
05-07-2014 , 07:03 PM
Not sure what the Israel/rabbi comparison has to do with anything. No one is bashing being Muslim or lumping all Muslims together. People are rightfully condemning executing gay people.

This is all performance art though, you know this.
05-07-2014 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
In many Muslim countries, its normal to see men holding hands.

I dont think a homosexual couple would be seen in a ultra othrodox Israeli neighborhood, doing anything more then holding hands. In fact at one time, there was a terror attack on a gay club in Israeli(2009 Tel Aviv Gay center shooting). So for folks to slam Brunei, a nation home to very kind people, just doesnt add up.

Just as it wouldn't be correct to judge the entire Israeli society based on a few Rabbis and there followers.
At this point, the laws of Brunei are either better or on par with Israeli torah laws. There is no need to bring up words like slavery in order to create a theater that doesnt exist. Slavery was a real issue where people where enslaved for being a certain color. You cant tell if someone is gay because gays are of all colors. There are no cases of the Brunei gov going out of its way to arrest homosexuals. The issue is of public displays of affection.
So in one country you have some of the population and/or terrorists that don't support gay rights and in another we have laws saying they should be stoned to death and you're saying that the latter is 'better or on par' with the former?! loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
05-07-2014 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
So in one country you have some of the population and/or terrorists that don't support gay rights and in another we have laws saying they should be stoned to death and you're saying that the latter is 'better or on par' with the former?! loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
The gay center attack obv had nothing to do with the legal system of Israel, unless it was carried out by the Israeli gov.

But here, your using the term stoned to death as if Brunei is similar to late 1990s Afghanistan, its not. As I said before its normal for men to hold hands in Muslim countries, they even kiss each other in the style that Italian men do. So its going to take more then just holding hands for an arrest for homosexuality to take place in Brunei.

My problem with the protesters is that are they are putting on a theater and making Brunei appear as some sort of rogue Islamist state when it is not. Big time Hollywood names are supporting the movement such as Jay Leno and Ellen DeGeneres, its not a big deal if I disagree with them.
05-07-2014 , 08:10 PM
are Brunei's new laws wrt homosexuality something that deserves to be protested?
05-07-2014 , 08:10 PM
Who cares what exactly the requirements are for them to be arrested for homosexuality are??

The fact that they just outlawed homosexuality with a punishment of being stoned to death should outrage you. Yes, it makes them exactly like 1990s Afghanistan if that helps.

Why should we not use the term 'stoned to death' anyways? Is a stone something different in Brunei and in Afghanistan?
05-07-2014 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345

wrt the laws in Brunei, One cant be arrested simply for committing an act of homosexuality, never mind that a single poster has yet to bring a real court case to the table. Also the whole stoning punishment, and amputation thing, as soon as this actually happens, I will be the first to condemn it.
There is no reasoning with this level of stupidity.

Obama: "Starting next week, all Americans who post comments in online forums under a handle containing the word, `thekid` will be hanged."

DIB: "Yo thekid, this is really bad news for you. You should totally change your handle or move to Canada or something."

Thekid: "Nah Dude, it's cool. Until something actually happens I'm totally comfortable and safe."

DIB: "But...Obama just said..."

05-07-2014 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345

It doesn't matter that I think gays should not be stoned just for being gay. That being said, there hasn't been a case of a gay person being stoned in Brunei, until that happens, your question doesn't hold enough weight.

Seriously. How gross is it being you on a daily basis?
05-08-2014 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by thekid345

wrt the laws in Brunei, One cant be arrested simply for committing an act of homosexuality, never mind that a single poster has yet to bring a real court case to the table. Also the whole stoning punishment, and amputation thing, as soon as this actually happens, I will be the first to condemn it.

Were talking about Brunei here, not 1990s Afghanistan, which is how some folks are viewing things itt.
kid on what basis are you making these predictions about the level of enforcement or overall effect? Germany went from the leading society in the world into perhaps the most dangerous machine of regression the world ever seen- all in a number of years. That laws have great force and can change societies quickly is one of the first obvious things we learn in middle school history class.
05-08-2014 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Who cares what exactly the requirements are for them to be arrested for homosexuality are??

The fact that they just outlawed homosexuality with a punishment of being stoned to death should outrage you. Yes, it makes them exactly like 1990s Afghanistan if that helps.
There is video evidence of the random killings/beatings committed by the Taliban, for the most minuscule of reasons. Folks have far more freedom in Brunei then those under the Taliban of the 90s. During the 90s, when The Taliban outlawed Television, Brunei was busy enjoying a Whitey Houston concert.

Originally Posted by rjoefish
Why should we not use the term 'stoned to death' anyways? Is a stone something different in Brunei and in Afghanistan?
Having some type of Sharia law is a part of numerous countries, these laws are not carried out in the same fashion though when it comes to a specific country

Show me a single case of a stoning actually being carried out not only in Brunei, but in a Muslim majority country, any one that is. Ill go further, the criminal Justice system here in the USA, factually speaking, has caused more disparity, crime, depression, poverty then the criminal Justice system of Brunei.
05-08-2014 , 11:43 AM
US didn't pass a law advocating executing homosexuals. The protestors are protesting against a Brunei law that says homosexuals will be executed.

Why are you trying to turn this into a religious thing?
05-08-2014 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Sommerset
Seriously. How gross is it being you on a daily basis?

I'm not surprised but your comment is uncalled for. You got it wrong man, I haven't forgotten about your nasty, divisive viewpoint of Prophet Muhammad in the RGT threads, can you take those views back? It would mean alot to me.

How can you, go around harboring these views of religion? Your views are no different that folks who hate gays, blacks, Christians, Jews. While I have been on record agreeing with Pope Francis message of who are we to judge .
