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08-14-2017 , 10:24 PM
08-14-2017 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Iron Tamer
its disgusting how many people here openly support antifa, mods censor people for speaking remotely good of the people in Charlotte yet people here recieve no sanction for loving antifa
It's funny you think being anti facist is a bad thing. How in god's name are you Canadian. Gross. I guess we have our racist garbage too sadly.
08-14-2017 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
It's funny you think being anti facist is a bad thing. How in god's name are you Canadian. Gross. I guess we have our racist garbage too sadly.
Awwww, it's so cute when internet puppies don't understand what Fascism is or their tactics. Awwwww....adorable.
08-14-2017 , 10:51 PM
From Amy Siskind

Away from the headlines, something important has happened in the last fews days. Starting Saturday in Charlottesville, for the first time in a long time, Trump lost the narrative. He is no longer driving the news cycle with his palace drama or North Korea or Venezuela or his random shiny coin for the day - the American people are driving the narrative. Of equal import, people are turning on him: 1) corporations, 2) Republicans, 3) his lowest Gallup daily approval down to 34/61 (-27). This is not sustainable for him. All the while, Mueller's work continues.
One of two things will happen next: he will continue to crumble under the weight of awakening by decent American people of what brought Trump into power (other than Russia). This is not our country. Or, he may throw a shinier coin - this prospect scares me - to distract again and take back the narrative. Either way, stay woke, and stay engaged. As always, and especially now, it's crucial to #standtogether and #resist.
08-14-2017 , 10:55 PM
More i think about not showing up might work once or twice. The unite the right people will show up with pent up anger, their armor, their weapons and have no one to take it out on but each other.
08-14-2017 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by batair
More i think about not showing up might work once or twice. The unite the right people will show up with pent up anger, their armor, their weapons and have no one to take it out on but each other.

And then if they go out and attack some one or burn crosses somewhere, boom - arrested!!! Win-win!!

Brilliant, isn't it? Justice - that's how it works!
08-14-2017 , 10:58 PM
The nonviolence is still better.
08-14-2017 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by batair
The nonviolence is still better.
Unfortunately, it just didn't work out that way.

Rumor has it - the cops were told to stand down. This would allow the groups to "mingle", create violence, and then get broken up for unlawful assembly.

That is WAAAAY riskier - as we have seen. Much worse idea.

Now, if they had cordoned off both sides, away from each (and to be fair, the counter protesters did not have a permit either, and probably shouldn't have been given one on the same day), and kept apart - maybe that would have worked. Still would be more likely to bring out MORE people the next time, which is something we're trying to avoid.
08-14-2017 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by batair
More i think about not showing up might work once or twice. The unite the right people will show up with pent up anger, their armor, their weapons and have no one to take it out on but each other.

It's an interesting thought experiment. Doesn't flesh out very well though.

It's the narrative they want the most. To have their authority accepted and not resisted or protested.
08-14-2017 , 11:14 PM
No i agree. Thats why i said once or twice...just for some dark comedy of their different groups beating each other hyped up on their own hate.
08-14-2017 , 11:16 PM
Well it looks like ATC just about got the this forum canned- with help from old school closed-minders like fly, noodle, and trolly. Apparently the "conservatives" who post ITF won't be good for the advertisers or something.

I guess we'll see. Take care!!!
08-14-2017 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Well it looks like ATC just about got the this forum canned- with help from old school closed-minders like fly, noodle, and trolly. Apparently the "conservatives" who post ITF won't be good for the advertisers or something.

I guess we'll see. Take care!!!
It does not look good mr.spanktehbadwookie, tc. Think me and you are close in our views on how the shining light of day is the best way to confront bigotry. But there are not many others...
08-14-2017 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by batair
It does not look good mr.spanktehbadwookie, tc. Think me and you are close in our views on how the shining light of day is the best way to confront bigotry. But there are not many others...

Yeah. Silver linings though. I love we have a connection still. I may start a blog, if so I hope you and 6ix, and others subscribe.
08-14-2017 , 11:59 PM
Aright ill look for it. Dont change that writing though.
08-15-2017 , 12:00 AM
blog with 12 paragraph posts followed by 5-10 views over a period of years?
08-15-2017 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Iron Tamer
I've never said slavery wasn't big industry. The statement that American Exceptionalism was built on slavery implies that America benefited from the institution as a whole. Which is not true, demonstrability. The states that had slavery fell behind. The US fought a ruinously expensive war to end slavery and came out richer within a decade.

Its not true within the US and definitely not true elsewhere. Slavery keeps the elite in power and keeps them rich, it doesn't build countries. Slavery disincentives mechanization and wage labour. Countries that practice slavery fall behind.

America did not get rich as a whole off of slavery and didn't become a superpower off of slavery and linking me articles about how big an industry slavery was doesn't prove anything

Did you even read the articles I quoted and linked? I'm not going to relink them, they're in this thread. They refute everything you're saying.

Also, I said American exceptionalism is a farce.
08-15-2017 , 12:20 AM


After the ‘Charlottesville 2.0’ Discord server disappeared, worried far-right would-be militants started exchanging more contact information with each other and accusing prominent figures in their movement of being ‘shills’ who helped ‘set up’ Charlottesville.
Hahaha white supremacists eating their own and playing whack-a-mole on each other is always good time.
08-15-2017 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by whosnext
Rightly or wrongly, mods of this forum very rarely ban a poster outright (I honestly don't think it has ever happened). Ever-increasing timeouts from the forum are the preferred sanctions.

The idea, perhaps naive, is that we don't want to prevent them for contributing to or otherwise partaking of the other forums 2+2 has to offer.

When I first started posting here, I was ultimately banned for linking to Breitbart articles because I was asserting that they were not a credible source of information.
08-15-2017 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by AllCowsEatGrass
Did you even read the articles I quoted and linked? I'm not going to relink them, they're in this thread. They refute everything you're saying.

Also, I said American exceptionalism is a farce.
I read your everything you quoted, I didn't click any links

make a new thread on American exceptionalism and we can go for hours

imo American Exceptionalism is completely true
08-15-2017 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by AllCowsEatGrass
Did you even read the articles I quoted and linked? I'm not going to relink them, they're in this thread. They refute everything you're saying.

Also, I said American exceptionalism is a farce.
Why should anyone listen to what a bigoted fascist like you has to say?
08-15-2017 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by JiggyMac
Why should anyone listen to what a bigot like you has to say?
Calling a racist racist is racist.
08-15-2017 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Give me a cite were I said anything like this?

One guy not Nazis committed this crime.

I am Jewish.

Get your facts straight or get lost.
Originally Posted by microbet
You're either lying or should be deeply ashamed of yourself. I doubt you're being totally honest considering your "Bartmizva" post.
Originally Posted by mongidig
I never said I was a good Jew. I actually stopped practicing after my Bart Mitzvah. My parents wanted me to continue going to Sunday school. Unfortunately, that was on football day. I've been to a synogogue maybe 5 times since.
Originally Posted by microbet

It's Bar Mitzvah. I don't see how you keep putting the extra 't' in there if you actually went through it. The "Bar" part just means "son" and is common knowledge enough among Jews that it would be a little surprising if you didn't know that even without any Hebrew school or going through a Bar Mitzvah.

Also Jews don't generally propagate George Soros conspiracy theories and we generally are not reluctant to take sides against Nazis.
Originally Posted by 13ball
Do you think lying about being Jewish is going to help you win this argument? You could have at least done the minimum amount of research, like looking up what days Jews worship.

lol unreal.
08-15-2017 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Calling a racist racist is racist.
except you guys (you specifically) are the real racists, and you call people who don't see the world in terms of race racists
08-15-2017 , 12:32 AM
q: Why don't we base University Admissions on SAT scores and not race

r: nazi, bigot, racist, homophobe, sexist! you need to be hung for asking a question like that
08-15-2017 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by Iron Tamer
I read your everything you quoted, I didn't click any links

make a new thread on American exceptionalism and we can go for hours

imo American Exceptionalism is completely true

I stated that I thought American exceptionalism is a farce, and the fact that America was built on the exploitation of Native Americans, and then Africans.

You then misrepresented my statement, saying "America was not made rich on the backs of slaves" or something to that effect, but you're completely wrong.

Let’s start with the value of the slave population. Steven Deyle shows that in 1860, the value of the slaves was “roughly three times greater than the total amount invested in banks,” and it was “equal to about seven times the total value of all currency in circulation in the country, three times the value of the entire livestock population, twelve times the value of the entire U.S. cotton crop and forty-eight times the total expenditure of the federal government that year.” As mentioned here in a previous column, the invention of the cotton gin greatly increased the productivity of cotton harvesting by slaves. This resulted in dramatically higher profits for planters, which in turn led to a seemingly insatiable increase in the demand for more slaves, in a savage, brutal and vicious cycle.

Now, the value of cotton: Slave-produced cotton “brought commercial ascendancy to New York City, was the driving force for territorial expansion in the Old Southwest and fostered trade between Europe and the United States,” according to Gene Dattel. In fact, cotton productivity, no doubt due to the sharecropping system that replaced slavery, remained central to the American economy for a very long time: “Cotton was the leading American export from 1803 to 1937.”

Mr. Baptist, a history professor at Cornell...

Wading through the research, Mr. Baptist said he realized that he had two big stories. “One is the expansion of American capitalism on the backs of enslaved human beings,” said Mr. Baptist, who grew up in Durham, N.C., the son of a librarian mother and a biochemist father. “And the other is the way they had to move faster and faster and think harder and harder,” he said of those slaves. “Historians have spent a lot of time talking about whether African-Americans resisted. In forced migrations, survival was a kind of resistance in finding ways to stand in solidarity with each other and to write stories about themselves to say: This is a crime.”

In his work, Mr. Baptist also followed the money. “I started tracking the process of credit flow into the South, huge amounts of money,” he said. “Southerners created numerous financial innovations that were essential to the process of the domestic slave trade. Slave owners put mortgages on slaves as they bought them. Britain had abolished slavery, but you can essentially buy slaves by buying one of those bonds. It shows the linkage.”

As he writes in the book: “The idea that the commodification and suffering and forced labor of African-Americans is what made the United States powerful and rich is not an idea that people necessarily are happy to hear. Yet it is the truth.”

Suresh Naidu, a Columbia University economist who also studies slavery, said economists would call for even more quantitative evidence for Mr. Baptist’s arguments but said his book was a “great interpretation of slavery.” Economic historians have tended to focus on how market forces blunted the worst aspects of slavery, Mr. Naidu said, but Mr. Baptist demonstrates how the drive for profit exacerbated physical punishment and forced migration.

Mr. Baptist’s work joins that of historians like Walter Johnson at Harvard (“River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom”) and Craig Steven Wilder at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (“Ebony & Ivy: Race, Slavery, and the Troubled History of America’s Universities”). Taken together, their books, both from 2013, connected the dots among plantation labor, London bankers and Northeast factories, and the creation of Ivy League universities.

You also stated that Southern States economically lagged behind Northern states simply because of slavery, but that too is wrong.

From the earliest days of the American colonies, African slaves played an important role in the South because there was a shortage of workers throughout the fledgling nation. Yet as the use of slaves diminished in the North over time, it increased in the Southern states. This was because it was advantageous for the landowners to use slaves instead of hiring white free laborers who might cost more, strike, or quit. Their plantations depended on increased production of export crops on increasingly tired soil.

Considered under law to be both person and property, the slaves had no control over their lives as laborers. In 1860 approximately 400,000 white families owned 4 million slaves, which amounted to 12 percent of the white population controlling more than half of the slaves and creating a "power elite" (Starobin 1970, p. 5).

Although on even footing with Northern progress prior to 1815, industrialization in the South lagged behind that of the North afterward, with only 20 percent of the nation's manufacturers being located in the Southern states. Not coincidentally, wages were lower in the South as well, with per capita income in 1860 measured at $103 in the South, compared with $141 in the North (Kolchin 1993, p. 175). Southern industry did not develop as rapidly as that of the North for a number of reasons, including a lack of investment capital, well-trained managers, and up-to-date technology, and the absence of reliable transportation. Most entrepreneurial start-ups were funded by plantation owner's funds, not the conglomerates of shareholders found in the North. In addition, plantation owners often had difficulty hiring expert managers, who were in short supply nationally, and were frequently deterred by the South's withering climate; thus, they had to pay a premium to convince managers to come south. Furthermore, because of insufficient knowledge and capital, entrepreneurs were not necessarily able to use the most efficient methods that would allow them to create goods that could compete well in the North and abroad. Finally, the slow pace of railroad construction, which was not well funded by state and local governments, made for inefficient—thus costly—transportation routes. The businesses that had the most success in marketing their products in the North were located in the border

If you're not accepting of these facts, then we're just going to have to say we "agree to disagree", but I'm not in agreement or disagreement with you at all. You're just flat out wrong on the facts.
