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The myth of gender inequality? The myth of gender inequality?

11-27-2015 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
This experience is probably what she and normal people mean by "research".

And we keep talking about her because people like you keep saying how much she loves rape threats.
Again, from what I've read, she doesn't seem to have done any actual research. Mostly research into what stuff would fit her agenda. Some of those sites are obviously slightly biased but also pretty factual on individual subjects (as in, she says X while in fact Y).
11-27-2015 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
Again, from what I've read, she doesn't seem to have done any actual research. Mostly research into what stuff would fit her agenda. Some of those sites are obviously slightly biased but also pretty factual on individual subjects (as in, she says X while in fact Y).

Finally, someone who did their own research, instead of simply defending her because she is a women, media told you she was super great, or her argument happens to fit your world view.
11-27-2015 , 11:45 AM
It's interesting to me that Wil doesn't like being accused of making rape threats enough to complain about a post in PU, something that is obviously not going to result in any actions but is more than happy to claim a woman is essentially asking for rape threats to further her career...

And what is the claim she is making that isn't true Wil? That all video games portray women as sex objects? That most do? That some do? You don't think games like DOA Extreme are perhaps a bit "over the line?"

11-27-2015 , 11:50 AM
Well its obvious there's a difference between a person who disagrees with a person position and accusing them of making rape threats. Maybe you're too ****ing dumb to tell.

Secondly I never said she "asked for rape threats". I said she rode those threats and harassment to further her fame and recognition.

Once again, none of this is really hard to understand except to the idiot crew, which includes you.
11-27-2015 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by StevenPoke
Finally, someone who did their own research, instead of simply defending her because she is a women, media told you she was super great, or her argument happens to fit your world view.
Where is your research?

For the record I don't actually care how credible her work is, what I do know is that the abuse she has received as a result of it is disgusting.
11-27-2015 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by dereds
Where is your research?

For the record I don't actually care how credible her work is, what I do know is that the abuse she has received as a result of it is disgusting.
Lol, so you will argue with us about her work, but then fall back on you don't care because she is being abused.

So yeah, she constantly lies and miss construes things to push her agenda, no way she would be playing up the abuse card to hide from the fact she refuses to respond to people who critique what she says and want to debate it with her.

Edit. Not saying she doesn't receive abuse or threats, I'm sure she does. Saying it's not out of the question that she would play it up for sympathy and a distraction.
11-27-2015 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by StevenPoke
Finally, someone who did their own research, instead of simply defending her because she is a women, media told you she was super great, or her argument happens to fit your world view.
I'm not defending her because she is a woman but I'm also not attack her for being a woman which is what a lot of the gamergate abusers actually did. Mainstream media ran with her agenda, punish them if you want and not the narcissistic youtube star. The only reason she got these awards is because of people like you and Wil, her actions alone wouldn't have had her qualify for any of them. The harassment made her a success and the harassment was mostly done by boys hating on her for what she said (whether it was right or wrong) and what she is (a woman). She did nothing wrong.
11-27-2015 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
But I don't care. I don't care about Anita Sarkeesian in the least bit. People asked about her and started making false claims about her, and I just corrected them.

Hence why I said "I can't believe we're arguing about this". There really is no reason to talk about her further.
"I don't care about her in the least, yet here's my deeply held beliefs on a number of issues related to her and my interpretation of her personality and behavior."

Sure have a lot of strong opinions about a topic you claim not to care about. Like, why would one even learn anything about AS if he didn't care her in the least bit?
11-27-2015 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by StevenPoke
Lol, so you will argue with us about her work, but then fall back on you don't care because she is being abused.

So yeah, she constantly lies and miss construes things to push her agenda, no way she would be playing up the abuse card to hide from the fact she refuses to respond to people who critique what she says and want to debate it with her.

Edit. Not saying she doesn't receive abuse or threats, I'm sure she does. Saying it's not out of the question that she would play it up for sympathy and a distraction.
wil said she loved every minute of it, you didn't believe he had said that so I pointed out that was the case. So my argument with wil was clearly about the abuse she received. If you recall my conversation with wil started with my reply to you pointing out that he had in fact suggested she loved every minute of it.

Where have I made any comment on the quality of her work?

Where's your research?
11-27-2015 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
I'm not defending her because she is a woman but I'm also not attack her for being a woman which is what a lot of the gamergate abusers actually did. Mainstream media ran with her agenda, punish them if you want and not the narcissistic youtube star. The only reason she got these awards is because of people like you and Wil, her actions alone wouldn't have had her qualify for any of them. The harassment made her a success and the harassment was mostly done by boys hating on her for what she said (whether it was right or wrong) and what she is (a woman). She did nothing wrong.
Never implied you did...... thought it was obvious I was talking about the people who hadn't actually looked into it.
11-27-2015 , 12:20 PM
I don't need to judge the quality of someones work before deciding whether threatening to rape her is okay because she's loving it.
11-27-2015 , 12:20 PM
Well at least finally here is..

11-27-2015 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by dereds
I don't need to judge the quality of someones work before deciding whether threatening to rape her is okay because she's loving it.
This is really a weak argument. Is she the first person to receive this type of harassment? Especially online? Is what happened to her out of line compared to others? Surely we've all seen this countless times.
11-27-2015 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by dereds
I don't need to judge the quality of someones work before deciding whether threatening to rape her is okay because she's loving it.
Yes yes, threatening to rape someone is bad. Everyone know and agrees with this.
11-27-2015 , 12:26 PM
My entire argument with you in this thread is that your view that she loved every minute of it is disgusting and reflects really ****ing badly on you as a person.
11-27-2015 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by StevenPoke
Yes yes, threatening to rape someone is bad. Everyone know and agrees with this.
Right but wil thinks she loved every minute of it.

Where's your research?
11-27-2015 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
This is really a weak argument. Is she the first person to receive this type of harassment? Especially online? Is what happened to her out of line compared to others? Surely we've all seen this countless times.
So there is an acceptable level of rape threats that can be made against women online?
11-27-2015 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by dereds
My entire argument with you in this thread is that your view that she loved every minute of it is disgusting and reflects really ****ing badly on you as a person.
What it did for her fame? It sure seems it. I'll admit I may very well be wrong and she could have really been scared, but I mentioned that already, which you've failed to mention since you've started this personal vendetta against me.

Outside of that, almost every time her name is brought up the fact she was harassed on the internet is brought up. That has, without a doubt, helped her career. It's even mentioned in the reason for her receiving the plethora of awards you cited.

Your concern for my morality as a person is strange. No one cares what YOU think of ME. Especially me.
11-27-2015 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
So there is an acceptable level of rape threats that can be made against women online?
Well lets leave that to the unbiased judgement of others in the thread : have I ever once said or implied that?

If so, please quote.
11-27-2015 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
Well at least finally here is..


I try to be recognizable to the regs
11-27-2015 , 12:49 PM
Looool at wil reporting my post after spending fifty posts taking about how rape threats were no big deal in this case and the author wasn't threatened them and, in fact, they helped here career.

Wil your quotes implying that are in the hall of Shame thread. Hopefully you are keeping your bull**** to just minimizing rape threats and not actually making them
11-27-2015 , 12:50 PM
Of all the people in this forum who give way too much of a **** what others think of them, wil only takes second thanks to stank's general insanity.
11-27-2015 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
This is really a weak argument. Is she the first person to receive this type of harassment? Especially online? Is what happened to her out of line compared to others? Surely we've all seen this countless times.
Originally Posted by wil318466
Well lets leave that to the unbiased judgement of others in the thread : have I ever once said or implied that?

If so, please quote.
When you say the bolded above it sure sounds like you are implying that there is a level of rape threats that are no big deal, that you are ok with.

Last edited by kerowo; 11-27-2015 at 01:51 PM.
11-27-2015 , 12:56 PM
The majority of people looking for fame and fortune would absolutely love to have that kind of exposure. Without exposure, there is no fame. Who the hell would even know who someone like Anita is it weren't for the massive butthurt and the faux-outrage being generated by it?

If you don't think she loves every second of it, you're nuts.
She was asking for it/wil
11-27-2015 , 12:58 PM
Yes. Without a doubt. If it was a level of harassment/danger that she couldn't handle, she'd simply drop out of the public eye and be done with it. Many people have decided to do exactly that. Some people, like her, turn it into a career.
Wil rape threat evaluation scale...did the woman disappear in fear? No? Then threats were nbd she could use them for publicity
