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The myth of gender inequality? The myth of gender inequality?

11-19-2015 , 03:50 PM
I'm sure you can could come up with some approach to improving the number of women representatives if you weren't too busy with the important obsessive nuttiness.
11-19-2015 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Any sexism happening in society can make it a sexist society. No sexism occurring would make it an evidently not-sexist society.

I hope you have moved on from that rather useless semantic argument towards stuff like perhaps considering what it means to you to live in a sexist society and what you can do or not do to make it less sexist as a member of society.

What really matters is how sexism can be changed in society to make it less.
I agree with the bolded and that is why I was surprised so many ITT were worried about making sure everyone else ITT was okay calling our society and every other society in the history of the world a "sexist society".

Just to make sure we don't have to have this conversation again: I agree every society in the history of the world, including ours, is sexist and I am glad people are talking about making changes to fix this problem.
11-19-2015 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I'm sure you can could come up with some approach to improving the number of women representatives if you weren't too busy with the important obsessive nuttiness.
I have never heard gambool actually come up with an idea of fixing sexism or racism. All he does is try find examples and/or create them in his imagination - he's worse than wookie at that.
11-19-2015 , 06:07 PM
We are working on solving or have solved the easy and obvious problems of sexism. So now what is left are the more challenging and more hidden elements.

Less sexism doesn't automatically mean less work is required to fix what is left of it or that it should be treated reductively.
11-19-2015 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I have never heard gambool actually come up with an idea of fixing sexism or racism. All he does is try find examples and/or create them in his imagination - he's worse than wookie at that.
Sure you have, although they wont be "fixing racism" or "fixing sexism". There isn't a single solution that fixes that.

You also reflexively opposed any solution, particularly a government solution, to anything bigotry related. But you snap posted the article about solving the "problem" of the "knockout game" by shooting "tiny brained African Americans" dead. Wonder why that is.
11-19-2015 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Sure you have, although they wont be "fixing racism" or "fixing sexism". There isn't a single solution that fixes that.
Of course nothing will totally fix racism or sexism, but a lot more can be done to decrease the occurrences - I'm not sure why I would assume you knew what I meant by "fix".

Originally Posted by LetsGambool
You also reflexively opposed any solution, particularly a government solution, to anything bigotry related.
I don't think anyone is stupid enough to believe gambool, but just in case I want to say that exactly 0% of this is true.
11-19-2015 , 06:53 PM
OK bahbah, please list one real world action designed to reduce bigotry or racism, that you supported? For example, you got real riled up over the auto lenders getting fined for bigotry.
11-19-2015 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
I certainty don't want sweep single to commit suicide hes a perfect profitable contra indicator. I'm going to retire earning by fading him.
Seriously? How bout we make a new thread, I post copies of my tickets and you fade them for $500 a game? No vig. I will post at least 10 picks weekly so you can win plenty of money.
11-19-2015 , 07:12 PM
You going to escrow? Given you said you lost multiple paychecks on the Super Bowl and are 60,000 into Hillary "90 percent to be the next president" tickets, kind of not willing to float you 5K.

But if you could make a thread with all your picks that would be helpful, thanks! You can find my post from last year where I fistpumped/shoved more money in after you touted one of your locks.
11-19-2015 , 07:14 PM
Sure escrow with wil, he's proven he's honorable. Settle up every Monday?
11-19-2015 , 07:15 PM
No chance Im escrowing with wil, but thanks.

You want to go on salary? I'll paypal you something for your picks each week for sure. Like $50 a week for your picks for the rest of the year or something?
11-19-2015 , 07:17 PM
Who is your suggestion?
11-19-2015 , 07:21 PM
Im not really tying up 5,000 a week because you are mad bro. I'll go $500 a week on NFL picks with you no escrow if you want.
11-19-2015 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Im not really tying up 5,000 a week because you are mad bro. I'll go $500 a week on NFL picks with you no escrow if you want.
So how's that work? I post 5 tickets I'm above .500 I win below .500 I lose? Are you posting the line or do I just post my tickets?
11-19-2015 , 07:28 PM
I was thinking we just both pick games. You want to do something like pick ten sides I have to take five of the other or something Im in on that too.
11-19-2015 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
OK bahbah, please list one real world action designed to reduce bigotry or racism, that you supported? For example, you got real riled up over the auto lenders getting fined for bigotry.
I am not against anyone getting fined for bigotry. I can't think of any examples of a law that are designed to reduce bigotry or racism I don't support.
11-19-2015 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
I was thinking we just both pick games.
The board? or x amount of games each?
11-19-2015 , 08:01 PM
Your call.
11-19-2015 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I am not against anyone getting fined for bigotry. I can't think of any examples of a law that are designed to reduce bigotry or racism I don't support.
You flipped out at the auto lender settlement.
11-19-2015 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Your call.
Ok, is this fair? Saturday I will make a thread and I will post the lines. Since I am posting the line you get first crack. You pick 5 plays, then I will pick 5 different plays. Highest winning percentage gets $500 payable Tuesday, or Monday if the Monday night game doesn't matter. Plays must be in by 10 AM EST Sunday. The next week you post the lines and I get to pick my games first, alternating each week. If record is the same it is a push.
11-19-2015 , 08:22 PM
Do noon Sunday and next week only I cant pay until Thursday (have to move bank==>paypal don't have money there right now, might come early but don't want you to think Im not paying) and we are on.

EDIT: Never mind, I guess you can paypal directly from the bank, im lol at online payment tech
11-19-2015 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Do noon Sunday and next week only I cant pay until Thursday (have to move bank==>paypal don't have money there right now, might come early but don't want you to think Im not paying) and we are on.

EDIT: Never mind, I guess you can paypal directly from the bank, im lol at online payment tech
Noon is not good for me this Sunday only,(I will be traveling). Can we do 10AM this Sunday and then do noon the rest of the weeks?
11-19-2015 , 08:31 PM
11-19-2015 , 08:34 PM
Ok GL. I will make thread and post lines Sat night.
11-19-2015 , 08:36 PM
