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!!! Moderation !!! Moderation

01-09-2017 , 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by ToothSayer
It's obviously the white, mentally handicapped kid's fault that the BLM people kidnapped and tortured him. Haven't you been paying attention to what everyone has been telling you?
01-09-2017 , 06:28 AM
Well, it's getting late and I need at least 3 hours sleep. Jalfrezi, know that it is ridiculous that you couldn't come up with a simple answer to a simple question.

I think you are at the point where we can start calling you ****ing idiot.
01-09-2017 , 06:31 AM
How bad did the transgender thread get while I was asleep that it needed to be nuked?
01-09-2017 , 06:32 AM

Oh heavenly Allah reread that Race and Crime in the US Q&A thread.

The whole thing is amazing.

Perhaps topical:

Originally Posted by well named
Originally Posted by wil318466

I think he's referring to poor, uneducated, unskilled Asians who come here and then have children here, who in turn seem to find a level of success that seems to buck many trends.

My response and previous explanation to you (i.e my question as to when Asians or Jews lived under similar circumstances) still applies. Again, like toothsayer you are asserting without evidence that some group has faced similar circumstances but with different outcomes (i.e that these hypothetical immigrants "buck many trends"). Neither of you has made any attempt to substantiate any part of that claim.
01-09-2017 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
How bad did the transgender thread get while I was asleep that it needed to be nuked?
The Milo thread?
01-09-2017 , 06:38 AM

Originally Posted by Bladesman87
In a shocking turn of events, Wil's citation is his friends.
01-09-2017 , 06:42 AM
No, someone launched a totally open and honest inquiry into whether or not an MMA fight from three years ago should be allowed because a fighter was trans.
01-09-2017 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Well, it's getting late and I need at least 3 hours sleep. Jalfrezi, know that it is ridiculous that you couldn't come up with a simple answer to a simple question.

I think you are at the point where we can start calling you ****ing idiot.
As "we" = wil, I couldn't care less.

You need to learn some manners, child.
01-09-2017 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
No, someone launched a totally open and honest inquiry into whether or not an MMA fight from three years ago should be allowed because a fighter was trans.
Oh right... I saw it but didn't get a chance to open...
01-09-2017 , 07:53 AM
mm tasty

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
The poorest far-below-the-poverty-line Asians dominate the wealthiest upper middle class blacks in the math SAT:

More recent research shows this trend getting stronger. Race - not income or parental education - is the best predictor of SAT scores:

Just something to factor into your considerations when you post subtly but strongly biased research. Race is a greater factor than poverty in SAT scores.

I'm sure you'll shoehorn this data into showing "stereotype bias" - Asians are thought to be good at math which is why they do well on the math tests!

Let me ask you a question since you're reading and posting a lot of research. Just how large is stereotype bias claimed to be when you look over all the studies? I say claimed because there's a strong publication bias toward confirmatory results; the same thing happens in drug trials, although they have much stronger controls.
Originally Posted by Foldn'sBlackFriend
I was really wondering where you get the exact verbal scores "Mexican" test takers that make between 10-20k? Because I am certain that you simply forgot the citation and didn't just grab this from some racist blog that you have no affiliation with.

main course:

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
The company that administers the SAT records this data and has since the 1990s. It's a large, rich and reliable dataset for researchers. If you've read research in this field (you clearly haven't), you'd be aware of that.

I googled "SAT scores by race graph" and copied the url of the first suitable image into imgur.

For later data, I linked/quoted "Inside Higher Ed", which has all kinds of education related data. Really, you're scraping the bottom of the barrel with your insinuations.

The left wingers on this board seems to have a strategy of: "Smear anyone who posts any inconvenient truth by claiming it comes from a racist site". I had the same in regular politics when I posted a graph from Pew Polling on Muslim attitudes (from the mouths of Muslims themselves!) - three separate posters questioned the source with hints that it came from a racist site (it didn't) - unless the mouths of Muslims themselves as measured by one of the world's largest polling organizations are a "racist site".

Such is the modus operandi of the dishonest left wing bigots on this site. Fact don't matter; they'll smear however they can when they see something they don't like. All your post has demonstrated is your own narrow minded bigotry.
Good god.

Which reminds me, where do the blue circles come from, the actual infographic?
01-09-2017 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
How bad did the transgender thread get while I was asleep that it needed to be nuked?
I dont why that happened or what was in the thread. Or even whether what was in the thread was the reason for why whatever happened happened.
01-09-2017 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
If you need more help, I've got a big bottle opener and I know how to use it. Also, I think you should update the rules sticky to explain that the caution symbols mark which threads are covered in poo. And nice job so far, except with the PC crap which we'll eventually get you to drop.
I'm going to weave poo into convo. New Years Resolution. It's All About the Poojamines!
01-09-2017 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I dont why that happened or what was in the thread. Or even whether what was in the thread was the reason for why whatever happened happened.
Stasi 7.0
01-09-2017 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
So links pointing out how blatant TS's lies are won't be tolerated, but TS's most bigoted posts will be allowed?

Brilliant safe space you've got here.
This forum focuses on the exchange of ideas from both sides of the argument. You are used to the one sided safe place. You can't go running and crying to the MOD everytime someone disagrees with you and you are to weak to fight back.

You don't like Toothe because he has different views of the world. The worst part is you probably know he is right and you realize there is no point arguing.
01-09-2017 , 10:16 AM
Noodle was/is kind've a troll. I mean, he always says approximately two sentences from under his bridge in his jammies, contributing nil. For him to have been a mod is kind've hilarious/expected. But, it's still not terrible enough for me to side with Tooth the odious.
01-09-2017 , 10:30 AM
I've zapped the 'Trump isn't a Nazi - it's actually your current govt that makes Hitler look like an amateur' by spicegirls. Sadly I can't do anything about their music.

You're very welcome to reply while these threads last but anything by a dubious 'new poster' with titles or 1st posts of that nature is not going to survive so it may not be worth your time.

Last edited by chezlaw; 01-09-2017 at 10:51 AM.
01-09-2017 , 10:32 AM
I thought it would. I think the poster needs to start with an outline.
01-09-2017 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
How many times will a poster be allowed to ignore the rules regarding citing sources correctly and not deliberately misinterpreting data to suit his agenda?

General question lol.
Thanks for bringing it here rather than in the thread. Until we have the moderated moderation thread this is the best place to discuss this. I'm trying to avoid being overzealous both about being PC and keeping threads on content until people are used to it not being unchained anymore but even so, after a ruling has been made, the people involved can expect no more than an occasional reminder before action follows.

The rules about data/graphs/reports/etc only applies when it's a PC concern. When it applies, it's permissible to post or link data/etc from acceptable sites as long as it's clearly sourced. What isn't allowed is nonPC statements that claim to follow from the data/etc, or non PC selective editing/ cherry picking of those data/etc. For example and as explained in the Islam thread - it is acceptable to post the pew poll but it's not acceptable to speak for all Muslims or some %age of all Muslims.

If it happens and I haven't dealt with it yet then being it up here (in the moderated moderation thread when we get one) and/or feel free to report it if you think it warrants it.
01-09-2017 , 10:54 AM
Does Ivanka vs Chelsea 2032 deserve a thread?
01-09-2017 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
What is this? You have some sort of witch-hunt against TS and his data/sources.

Let's end it right here - what data did he post that was the most egregiously incorrect or misleading, and let's get this argument over with, because you guys sitting here disparaging him for his sources has gotten to the point of idiocy.

Keep in mind, he's a very well respected poster in BFI, a forum where being correct about information actually means something.

Make your claim against one of his incorrect posts, and let us be the judge.
Originally Posted by kerowo
So we can't bring up that TS doesn't use very good if any sources for his bull**** graphs and polls anymore in the Islam thread. Which means anyone joining the thread and jumping to now will be unaware that he claimed 50,000 people would be killed in the West from muslim terrorism if it wasn't for police interdiction. Then provided bogus stats to claim that 200,000 people had been killed from terrorists attacks since 9/11. The number is closer to 20,000 and would require a 20x to 50x increase in year over year terrorists deaths to hit his number. 200,000 and 50,000 are big scary numbers meant to scare people about muslim terrorism. 20,000 and 2,000 are not, funny he chose to use the scary false numbers...
How many times do we have to tell you before you'll listen?
01-09-2017 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
As "we" = wil, I couldn't care less.

You need to learn some manners, child.
We both know I'm not a child.

I asked you the simplest question, that asked for the simplest response, and we had a back and forth for 6 posts for absolutely no reason except you wanting to waste time?

When someone refuses to answer something simple it makes me think that they are lying.
01-09-2017 , 11:48 AM
So when someone asks you a simple question and you refuse to answer because you don't like them we can assume you're lying?
01-09-2017 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
This forum focuses on the exchange of ideas from both sides of the argument. You are used to the one sided safe place. You can't go running and crying to the MOD everytime someone disagrees with you and you are to weak to fight back.

You don't like Toothe because he has different views of the world. The worst part is you probably know he is right and you realize there is no point arguing.
Man, these guys can't stop projecting.
01-09-2017 , 12:34 PM
Both sides dewd: the trufff and the lies.
01-09-2017 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Thanks for bringing it here rather than in the thread. Until we have the moderated moderation thread this is the best place to discuss this. I'm trying to avoid being overzealous both about being PC and keeping threads on content until people are used to it not being unchained anymore but even so, after a ruling has been made, the people involved can expect no more than an occasional reminder before action follows.

The rules about data/graphs/reports/etc only applies when it's a PC concern. When it applies, it's permissible to post or link data/etc from acceptable sites as long as it's clearly sourced. What isn't allowed is nonPC statements that claim to follow from the data/etc, or non PC selective editing/ cherry picking of those data/etc. For example and as explained in the Islam thread - it is acceptable to post the pew poll but it's not acceptable to speak for all Muslims or some %age of all Muslims.

If it happens and I haven't dealt with it yet then being it up here (in the moderated moderation thread when we get one) and/or feel free to report it if you think it warrants it.
As long as we're talking about sourcing, everyone who complains about a poster being bigoted should be linking sources instead of just saying "so-in-so said this". More often than not, after looking into it it was just a misunderstanding, or I suspect often a purposeful twisting of words.

You got your hands full chez... regretting this yet?
