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!!! Moderation !!! Moderation

12-14-2015 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw

In case you're reading along. I can't get in touch with you as PM is disabled, can you find a way to let me have your email address either via someone you know who can PM it to me or maybe you can ask Mat to send it on - his email is in the what to if banned sticky:

If anyone is in touch with Spank I'd appreciate it if they passed this message on.
What are you planning?
12-14-2015 , 05:21 PM
He's going to try and give him advice that won't assuredly blow up in his face, like he did with Bruce.
12-14-2015 , 05:22 PM
lol chez
12-14-2015 , 05:25 PM
blimey you lot. I'd just like to speak to him.
12-14-2015 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
He wasn't moved to the "bad poster" pile because he didn't like people who made racists statements being called racist. He was moved because of his non-stop posting of unintelligible word salads.
That doesn't make sense because, up until he mused on challenging the practice of not punishing charges of racism, he was considered a good poster. He wasn't under the radar, but a good enough poster that his modding was accepted without any debate. The only way what you're saying makes sense is if he fundamentally changed the way he posts around the same time; that's unlikely.

What happened is he took his modding seriously and wondered aloud whether or not bogus charges of racist posting were too liberally allowed. Even though I also liberally make those claims, I admit he had something of a point. Racism is against the rules and a bannable offense. Posters should not be able to just smear another poster with questionable charges regarding that in a cheap attempt to get someone banned.

So like when gambool call Jiggs an antisemite, even though Jiggs has never even posted about Israel, let alone Jews, there should be a consequence to gambool. In my view he should be perma banned, since he can't make any case whatsoever of his charges which, if true, would result in Jigg's perma ban. In other cases charges of racism might be more credible and, if judged to be false, should just result in a temp ban.

Spanks ideas are by no means novel, btw. There are penalties in the real world for making false criminal charges against people, very steep penalties sometimes. It is recognized that people will take advantage of cheap attempts to destroy others and that causing harm to others in that way should be penalized.
12-14-2015 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
He's going to try and give him advice that won't assuredly blow up in his face, like he did with Bruce.
guilty lol
12-14-2015 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
That doesn't make sense because, up until he mused on challenging the practice of not punishing charges of racism, he was considered a good poster. He wasn't under the radar, but a good enough poster that his modding was accepted without any debate. The only way what you're saying makes sense is if he fundamentally changed the way he posts around the same time; that's unlikely.
And it is supported by the evidence. Prior to the Bruce incident he was a fine poster, fine enough to get modded. During the Bruce incident he became very strident and his posting became bad enough that he was demodded. We may be making a fine distinction between weather it was his stance on Bruce that lead to his being demodded or the way he supported his stance. Regardless, after he was demodded he was an awful poster for months, and lo, when he was remodded again his posting instantly improved. Since then the one thing that would improve his posting was being threatened with a banning. Because he had been a mod a couple of times in this forum we treated him differently than other posters, this ban ends that.
12-14-2015 , 06:05 PM
That doesn't make sense because, up until he mused on challenging the practice of not punishing charges of racism, he was considered a good poster. He wasn't under the radar, but a good enough poster that his modding was accepted without any debate. The only way what you're saying makes sense is if he fundamentally changed the way he posts around the same time; that's unlikely.

So like when gambool call Jiggs an antisemite, even though Jiggs has never even posted about Israel, let alone Jews, there should be a consequence to gambool. In my view he should be perma banned, since he can't make any case whatsoever of his charges which, if true, would result in Jigg's perma ban. In other cases charges of racism might be more credible and, if judged to be false, should just result in a temp ban.
12-14-2015 , 06:30 PM
The difference between Spank and his detractors is he would stand up for anyone of you if you were being treated unfairly.

I mean what's the big deal if you hold yourselves up as anti-racist if you are just plain old ****s who attack the weak and unpopular and pat each other on the back?
12-14-2015 , 06:31 PM
If you guys really thought his posts were unintelligible word salads, why would you continue talking to him?? No, practally everyone who was "bothered" and claims he wrote too bad for, uh, PU, couldn't help but engage him anyway. Spank got banned because he wouldn't stop responding to people trolling him for trolling them for trolling him.... and that's just petty bs, lol peeface.
12-14-2015 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
The difference between Spank and his detractors is he would stand up for anyone of you if you were being treated unfairly.

I mean what's the big deal if you hold yourselves up as anti-racist if you are just plain old ****s who attack the weak and unpopular and pat each other on the back?
Well, this is like the exact opposite of how he acted. If someone he didn't like had a homophobic post made in their direction he'd go to the mat defending whoever posted it.
12-14-2015 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Well, this is like the exact opposite of how he acted. If someone he didn't like had a homophobic post made in their direction he'd go to the mat defending whoever posted it.
Do you have a specific target in mind?
12-14-2015 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Well, this is like the exact opposite of how he acted. If someone he didn't like had a homophobic post made in their direction he'd go to the mat defending whoever posted it.
Like how you all were howling that I am a homophobe? Or maybe when you all howling I was this huge racist? Remember that?

That is what Spank stood against, so you can try and spin it any way you want you guys are terrible people and should be ashamed of yourselves.
12-14-2015 , 07:01 PM
12-14-2015 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
And it is supported by the evidence. Prior to the Bruce incident he was a fine poster, fine enough to get modded. During the Bruce incident he became very strident and his posting became bad enough that he was demodded. We may be making a fine distinction between weather it was his stance on Bruce that lead to his being demodded or the way he supported his stance. Regardless, after he was demodded he was an awful poster for months, and lo, when he was remodded again his posting instantly improved. Since then the one thing that would improve his posting was being threatened with a banning. Because he had been a mod a couple of times in this forum we treated him differently than other posters, this ban ends that.
Spank was a pretty bad poster well before THE FIASCO, but he was mostly harmless and stayed in bounds. He was modded more for being around when Mat felt like modding someone than because of quality.
12-14-2015 , 07:17 PM
Did spanky ever have another account? I'm guessing the spank account was named as a dig against Wookie for some mod action he disagreed with?
12-14-2015 , 07:28 PM
I don't think so. Believe me, I checked when he first started posting in one of my forums. I have drawn enough troll gimmicks from the recently banned in my day.
12-14-2015 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Maybe he always posted like that and his stink as a mod just bought it to the fore but at his worst he was pretty bad.
auto-correct of the day
12-14-2015 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Prior to the Bruce incident he was a fine poster, fine enough to get modded.
No, I'd already called him out multiple times for his posts making no sense, and his modding had nothing to do with his quality of posting - kurto was modded and asked for help, spank was the only one to volunteer.

Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
He wasn't under the radar, but a good enough poster that his modding was accepted without any debate.
I don't think anyone cared about it enough to kick up a debate no matter who was modded, twas a different forum back then.

Overall, the tears are entertaining, but it's pretty hard to dispute this ban unless you're like chez or foldn and your loyalties are based on who was nice to Bruce, who is part of the 'cool kids' crowd, how many times you've been called a rapist/racist by regs etc. Spank was given more warnings than anyone, was consistently disruptive, and demonstrated that he knew exactly how to pull his posts into line when he was in danger of being banned. He was modded twice (neither time based on merit, the second time was Mat wanting to watch the world burn) and de-modded in spectacular fashion. His track record as a poster is terrible. Even if kerowo's reason for banning him was bad (I haven't really been keeping up), most mods would have banned him a long time ago.
12-14-2015 , 10:07 PM
I volunteered to Kurto too. But my sales pitch was doing nothing which didn't persuade him.
12-14-2015 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
**** Elliot right in the ass.

12-15-2015 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
No, I'd already called him out multiple times for his posts making no sense, and his modding had nothing to do with his quality of posting - kurto was modded and asked for help, spank was the only one to volunteer.

I don't think anyone cared about it enough to kick up a debate no matter who was modded, twas a different forum back then.

Overall, the tears are entertaining, but it's pretty hard to dispute this ban unless you're like chez or foldn and your loyalties are based on who was nice to Bruce, who is part of the 'cool kids' crowd, how many times you've been called a rapist/racist by regs etc. Spank was given more warnings than anyone, was consistently disruptive, and demonstrated that he knew exactly how to pull his posts into line when he was in danger of being banned. He was modded twice (neither time based on merit, the second time was Mat wanting to watch the world burn) and de-modded in spectacular fashion. His track record as a poster is terrible. Even if kerowo's reason for banning him was bad (I haven't really been keeping up), most mods would have banned him a long time ago.
It's nothing to do with loyalties but we will never see eye to eye on that I suspect. You may recall that from the beginning of his reign I supported the way Kerowo was modding Spank, I appreciated the way he was trying to be constructive but Spank has largely complied and this long ban is unjustified.

If PU really can't cope with Spank then there's no reason to ban him from the whole of 2+2. That should also be the general rule - no-one should get banned from the whole site because they annoy or irritate people here.
12-15-2015 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Spank was a pretty bad poster well before THE FIASCO, but he was mostly harmless and stayed in bounds. He was modded more for being around when Mat felt like modding someone than because of quality.
I think you're being biased by hindsight. Spank was a high volume poster, and obviously prone to going his own way. If he was so bad it would have had to have shown. His sudden badness was clearly a function of his disagreement with the prevailing policy regarding use/tolerance of racism charges.

Its true that people stated to pay more attention to him after his being modded. That can account for some of the perception of him being bad, but not the title wave if insults, accusations, and slander that came on so suddenly from people who had exchanged with him for some years.

What happened is he became a mod and, taking the thing seriously, meditated on how to deal with recurrent issues of moderation. He came to the conclusion, long ago arrived at in the real world, that false accusations of violations are themselves violations. Maybe he wasn't up to the task of communicating the idea. I mean, obviously the guy is some kind of hippie or something (don't mean that in a mean way) and was just trying to look at things from everyone's point of view.

You could just put him on ignore or, like me, enjoy the challenge of trying to figure out what he was trying to say. I didn't always succeed but I can tell he knew very well what other people were saying. He didn't post word salads. They were idea clusters, centered around the topic being discussed. They would make you think sometimes. If you wanted to ban someone just for being a bad poster you could do a lot better than spank. You let that hate zombie nutjob PaulD post everywhere without any hassle.
12-15-2015 , 10:50 AM
Deleted a sputnik3000 post because it used an image to bypass the profanity filters.
12-15-2015 , 12:05 PM
Let me guess, "bitch"?
