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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-21-2017 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
This is what you get when you ask Wil for facts and data. Let us remember, that Wil is a coward, who will not post data during arguments, but will post pictures of his children holding signs insulting posters. This is because Wil is a small man, both in terms of height and moral courage. Wil is a coward, and always will be.
Chez asked me to stop talking about it. I'm being very careful in what I'm writing. I told you specifically how to find out whether my descriptions are accurate or not. You can go do it right now, it'll take maybe 10 minutes of searching and reading.

Go do it and report back. I honestly want you to tell us what you found. Anyone reading this is welcome to do the same. I'll be waiting for my apology.
02-21-2017 , 06:28 PM
Wil, you can pm me any study that supports that a large percentage of gay men in 2016 have 1000+ partners lifetime. If you're scared of being warned by Chez, after not being warned for homophobia, pedophilia or pedastry, but for posting a can pm it to me.

But you won't, because you're a small, small coward.
02-21-2017 , 06:33 PM
The Milo Yiannopoulos scandal is a coordinated hit job (CPAC 2017)

In every case like this, you should wait atleast 72 hours before making any hard judgements.

Lena Dunham abused her little sister, but she gets a free pass.
02-21-2017 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
LOL how quickly the worm turns once it's a right wing organization doing the disinvitation
Who ever said a left wing organization doesn't have a right to disinvite him?
02-21-2017 , 06:37 PM
Who coordinated to tell Milo to be in favour of pedastry, Kyp?
02-21-2017 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Mayo
I was not anticipating this response.
This is basically like a dealer asking if you want to double down, but instead you pour gasoline on the table and light it on fire.
02-21-2017 , 06:38 PM
Wait, wait, wait.
Victim-hood and abuse is the new theme of the saga.

Oh, my...

Who made who look bad ain't deep enough for those themes.
02-21-2017 , 06:39 PM
I really didn't want to waste my time, but I decided it'd be worth it to see if you could actually discredit my claim with these articles. I'm honestly shocked that you could be this stupid to post these links in terms of the discussion we had yesterday. Not a single one addresses our discussion. This is like talking about how to plant a tree in your backyard and you coming back to me with a cookbook.

You aren't just a liar, you are stupid, too.

Edit : I'll throw in "you're ugly" for good measure.
02-21-2017 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic

Wil, you doubled down on the radical Christian data about 4 times before I posted that site was a radical Christian site that it was a radical Christian site. Only when I mocked you for posting stats from it did you back down. The only reason you posted it was because it was the first Google hit for "gay men lifetime partners" or whatever similar Google search you did.


The only reason your reply you just reposted said the okcupid study "wasn't corroborated by other data" was because you Googled "lifetime gay partners" or whatever, used the first site which was your radical Christian site and opposed the study based on that. Your backpedaling is funding pathetic.

Yeah, it's tragicomedy. We can just go to the tape:

Originally Posted by wil318466

This is why gay males have such an abnormal amount of sex compared to the other two scenarios. While nothing is absolute the number of sexual partners for gay males is astronomical. There simply is no equivalent of "book store cruising" or the accepted group sex of gay males. I'm a heterosexual male and the idea is completely foreign to me
. When it was explained, it made sense. The promiscuity of gay males is, in general, off the charts.

Originally Posted by wil318466
You constantly talk about topics you have no idea about. I know what I'm talking about because I have (had) gay males friends who explained these things very explicitly to me. Gay males have a lifestyle that is, in general, completely foreign to other segments of society. What is acceptable to them is generally not to other groups. I have an open mind to it and I do not judge them.

I would bet the majority of gay males would agree with me in this topic, not someone like you just running your mouth about a topic you have no ****ing clue about.
So, 'astronomical' and 'off the charts' and so forth. That's right before he posts the study (that chez removed):

Originally Posted by wil318466
This is so colossally bad in every way. Lol @ using an okcupid survey that isn't corroborated by other forms of data.

How about I respond with this?

<links and rest of content removed>

So, he doesn't specify gay dudes having 1k+ partners, but alludes to it with the adjectives.

Kiddie game bull****.
02-21-2017 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Well, maybe you deplorables might wanna get on the same page here.

Anyways, riddle me this... since M.Yiannopoulos hasn't been subject to governmental censorship, WTF has this 1000s post thread been about all this time?
Uh... You do realize we are different people, right? We don't have to agree.

Even then what we said still isn't necessarily contradictory. The government has a responsibility to protect speech under threat of being shut down by violent or otherwise illegal means.

I'll point out that I have no idea why this thread was created. My assumption was that it was just to talk about Milo.
02-21-2017 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Wil, you can pm me any study that supports that a large percentage of gay men in 2016 have 1000+ partners lifetime. If you're scared of being warned by Chez, after not being warned for homophobia, pedophilia or pedastry, but for posting a can pm it to me.

But you won't, because you're a small, small coward.
I want nothing to do with you. I explained how you can search yourself. Do it or don't, I just don't care. Everyone else here is welcome to do it also. It's not difficult.
02-21-2017 , 06:43 PM
Then right after he regales us about his 2 Gay Wilt Chamberlains:

Originally Posted by wil318466
I used it as a counter to your idiotic quote.

Fwiw the two gay men I spoke to had well over 1000 partners each. Again, people are varied and complex but apparently casual sex between men in the gay community is much more acceptable than in other groups. Gay bath houses are a thing, it's not made up.

You are purposefully being deceitful in your examples. Different groups of people display different types of behavior. I know you'd REALLY like everyone to be the same but that's simply not true.
02-21-2017 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
When I was a teenager 30 was about as old as I could go without being creeped out.
I hooked up with a 35-year-old when I was 22 and was shocked that her boobs dropped then the bra came off. Wtf is this sorcery? I'd walk through fire for that 35-year-old now.
02-21-2017 , 06:46 PM
Look, everybody has different reasons for posting ITT and ITF but the takeaway I really want to stress is this:

Wil is NOT some moronic and abhorrent outlier. He's actually your typical 'intelligent' trump supporter.

02-21-2017 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
When I was a teenager 30 was about as old as I could go without being creeped out.
I mean, come on dude.
02-21-2017 , 06:47 PM
So, Wil spent the last 24 hours saying there was basically no research and it was hard to find on lifetime sexual partners (it's not). I then, post about 15 surveys, some just general population, but others focusing on the LGBT community that altogether have about 5 million people from age 18 to 70 between them. Now, Wil says he has PLENTY of proof now, after as recently as two hours ago saying there was basically no data on this. The problem is, he just can't share this new found data with us. He's sudden found a treasure trove, but like a good Mormon, he can't show us his golden plates.
02-21-2017 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
So, Wil spent the last 24 hours saying there was basically no research and it was hard to find on lifetime sexual partners (it's not). I then, post about 15 surveys, some just general population, but others focusing on the LGBT community that altogether have about 5 million people from age 18 to 70 between them. Now, Wil says he has PLENTY of proof now, after as recently as two hours ago saying there was basically no data on this. The problem is, he just can't share this new found data with us. He's sudden found a treasure trove, but like a good Mormon, he can't show us his golden plates.
Have you done what I told you to do? It's not difficult, and you can report back with your assessment. People are dying to know!
02-21-2017 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Lord_Crispen
Being good at poker is not a prerequisite for being a good person or having good ideas.
Wil already admitted to being a poker fish. Adios is an old idiot who thinks his age gives him wisdom and intelligence.
02-21-2017 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by TheMadcap
Uh... You do realize we are different people, right? We don't have to agree...
Other deplorables have primarily been discussing what they call "free speech" ITT. If you think they are using their words wrong... well, that's a dispute between you deplorables. Regardless, that's what the thread has been about.

... The government has a responsibility to protect speech under threat of being shut down by violent or otherwise illegal means...
Nobody has disputed this ITT. Nor has anyone claimed the police haven't properly done their jobs.
02-21-2017 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
This is what you get when you ask Wil for facts and data. Let us remember, that Wil is a coward, who will not post data during arguments, but will post pictures of his children holding signs insulting posters. This is because Wil is a small man, both in terms of height and moral courage. Wil is a coward, and always will be.

These are the surveys and studies I've read in the past day, in addition to the six I've posted up thread Wil. Now, none support your view. Mind posting one?
To be clear, the bulk of these links are not particularly pertinent to the discussion at hand.

What are the other 6 you keep referencing? I would like to read them.
02-21-2017 , 06:55 PM
Dan, when it shows that the population at large has, on average ~10 sexual partners in their lifetime, it would heavily discredit that the LGBT population has ~1,000 sexual partners. It seems pretty easy to infer that, no?

It's also not like Wil read the first six ones I posted before hand that were strictly about the LGBT population.
02-21-2017 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
I then, post about 15 surveys, some just general population, but others focusing on the LGBT community that altogether have about 5 million people from age 18 to 70 between them.
You do realize you are making yourself look like a fool by posting those idiotic links, right?

Like, you DO realize that some people reading this forum may actually take my advice and go read things themselves and realize that I am, as usual, correct, right? They won't say it in public, and that's fine, but I am, once again, correct.

Every word out of your mouth is either dishonest or misleading. It's OK. We see through it, buddy.
02-21-2017 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Dan, when it shows that the population at large has, on average ~10 sexual partners in their lifetime, it would heavily discredit that the LGBT population has ~1,000 sexual partners. It seems pretty easy to infer that, no?

It's also not like Wil read the first six ones I posted before hand that were strictly about the LGBT population.
Yeah I mean as I said the anecdotes and assertions from Wil I find absurd regarding incredibly large numbers and whatnot. I was just struggling to find good data the other day when this discussion was taking place as I was genuinely curious what some studies would reveal.

I was wondering if any of the 6 other links you are referencing I maybe missed were worth reading.
02-21-2017 , 07:01 PM
Can we just drop the thought hat OKcupid is a good source for anything. Then again people are known for telling the truth on online dating websites.
02-21-2017 , 07:02 PM
Wil, what are you right about? Be specific. Post data. You are a poker fish, and I'm calling your bluff.
You've claimed that the radical christian site that cited a study of a couple hundred gay men from 1970s San Fransisco who were incredibly promiscuous is a worldwide trend, even after AIDS and HIV ravaged the homosexual community and led to increased sexual awareness and health in that community. You have asserted that it is common that gay men have thousands of different partners lifetime. The problem is that this is obviously wrong for anyone who even thinks about the numbers for half a second.
