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01-07-2013 , 12:33 AM
Nyjacky just went warmogs kat in the tsm tournament finals

**** you all i win

EDIT: Triple kill
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01-07-2013 , 12:37 AM
lol hamkels
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01-07-2013 , 12:42 AM
gauntlet jungle ez pretty much carried it though

wait gauntlet ez is my thing too

im the best
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01-07-2013 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
gauntlet jungle ez pretty much carried it though

wait gauntlet ez is my thing too

im the best
Hamkels #1 theorycrafter NA

(I'm being slightly serious here....)
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
01-07-2013 , 01:12 AM
I think I might start auto-muting everybody when I play solo Q.

It's just too hard for me to not get tilted at all the raging and blaming and harassing and random bs.
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01-07-2013 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
8-1 with Khaz mid now in S3. Seems pretty broken, but idk. I keep getting laned against squishy ap's with little CC. The only loss was to a good lux that zoned me out hard.

The biggest problem is trying to convince my team that I'm not trolling. People at 1100s have no clue about the current meta. I also get harassed for starting flask+pots and most people are still going boots+3.
How do you play kha'zix mid? I have a hard time w/ranged champs that play defensively and just try to harass me whenever I cs. I usually just jungle with him though.
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01-07-2013 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by johnbeans
How do you play kha'zix mid? I have a hard time w/ranged champs that play defensively and just try to harass me whenever I cs. I usually just jungle with him though.
I think your talon spike is your main choice of farm/harass. Could be wrong though.
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01-07-2013 , 02:45 AM
just got my first pentakill (fiddlesticks ult, lvl 25ish solo pub vs noobs)

im so pumped!
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01-07-2013 , 02:53 AM
why do you need dmg when you get resets!!!!
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01-07-2013 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by johnbeans
How do you play kha'zix mid? I have a hard time w/ranged champs that play defensively and just try to harass me whenever I cs. I usually just jungle with him though.
I start flask, 4 hp pots and 3 mana pots. Jump and flash make it so you don't really need wards for early mid lane at low elo (I get 1 ward if I'm going top). I play him 21/0/9 with Arpen reds, armor yellows, mr blues, AD quints. Get missiles first, one point in jump then ult>missiles>Q>jump. Always evolve missiles first then jump. Last evolve is based on enemy comp but I usually prefer Q since it gives you extra range on autos and I'm not good enough to abuse the third ulti activation properly.

I just try to farm until I get ult. If they harass, use your missiles to farm safe, flask and pots to sustain. Don't be afraid to spam pots. I maintain 4 hp + 3 mana any time I can when I go b. Try to last hit creeps with autos as much as you can conserve pots and use the missiles for harass if possible. Try to always have your passive up before you harass by ducking out of sight. I think it procs on your missiles which is ridic op.

Rush a bruta. Usually i won't have enough gold on first b so I get double longsword and pots. Once you get ult you evolve your missiles and wait for them to make a mistake. As soon as they do, jump in and blast them with missiles and Q. If they don't run you ignite, activate ult, auto, activate ult again, auto and finish them off with Q+missiles. You can get by without boots for a long time. I'll often go bruta and BT (maybe even finish BC) before I get lvl 1 boots cause jump+missile slow is op.

I might have gotten lucky with match-ups though. You crush any squishy type of champ that doesn't have spammable cc (katarina, akali, leblanc etc). Also it helps that most of my opponents are starting boots+3 so they will just oom trying to harass me while I sustain on my pots. Once they're oom, they're ****ed cause you push super fast with evolved missiles. You can clear a non-siege wave by autoing each melee minion once then placing your barrage correctly.

Last edited by Wolfram; 01-07-2013 at 07:04 AM.
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01-07-2013 , 09:05 AM
leveling an account takes soooooooooooo long
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01-07-2013 , 09:36 AM
lol im losing everygame I play.
so low elo now that I have systematically most damage done lower deaths higher cs in every last 20 matchs I played in my team.
still I´m not good enough to carry the team so I have no effect on the outcome of the match.
now if Im 1/0/x team is like 1/15 and its hard to carry.
Im terribad and don´t see how to carry a team.
not feeding is a good start but then Im rarely able to completely roll over people.
I play lux mid usually or noc jungle or cait bot.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
01-07-2013 , 10:30 AM
In my experience, mid is the best lane to carry from. You can both get fed to be a late game monster and also roam to help top and bot get fed. Not sure if lux is the best for this purpose though. I prefer mids with gap closers.

Jungle is probably second best, but you still have to rely on your teammates being able to use the advantage you give them.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
01-07-2013 , 10:38 AM
yes I think Im too passive I dont roam enough and other lanes gets crushed and even if I dont feed i cant do much after that.
must start roaming more.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
01-07-2013 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by Jackitos
I bought Khaz on sale, haven't played with him yet.
I want to learn Lee as a jungler also while he is free, but I'm losing the insta lock in war.
Lee getting nerfed, no armor on W, lowering stats I think etc.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
01-07-2013 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by weeeez
yes I think Im too passive I dont roam enough and other lanes gets crushed and even if I dont feed i cant do much after that.
must start roaming more.
no offense but your too bad to know the right time to roam. i guess if u just stay mid and push hard(ward sides, be safe) it will help your team more
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
01-07-2013 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Gerv
Lee getting nerfed, no armor on W, lowering stats I think etc.
Lee still going to be a great jungle. They did that for top lane mainly
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
01-07-2013 , 02:12 PM
I mostly jungle Lee but occasionally play him top lane. More often than not I play him as a tankier, more utility based jungler. You probably won't see me buy an item like a Brutalizer unless I'm rolling or our team comp lacks damage. I think what makes Lee so strong is his playmaking ability. He can get and set up kills that other champions just can't. The nerfs certainly won't change that about him.
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01-07-2013 , 02:12 PM
Played my first 2 rankeds today within 45 minutes. As Blitz & Nunu support.

First game up vs Jayce/Soraka, could not get a grab. our Shen was doing fine until he DC'ed. Our mid master Yi proceeded to unleash his rage by typing all kinds of funny stuff. I proceed to make a few mistakes and consequently lost the match.

In the 2nd game, a guy wanted Caitlyn to be banned ( I was 1st pick ) and he went Ashe ADC. I should have never went support as his farm was awful (30cs by 22minutes) and we were up vs Teemo/Xin. I made a couple of mistakes there so it is not my team fault entirely.

I hope it gets more funnier after this experience Gonnna download LoL replayer to watch my ranked matches again to pinpoint mistakes
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01-07-2013 , 02:26 PM
Idk if you normally play support, but as first pick I would just take your strongest champ and roll with it for now. Eventually you won't want to first pick a mid/top laner because you'll get counter-picked but for your initial games just try to play your best champions.
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01-07-2013 , 04:22 PM
30 cs by 22 mins and a teemo/xin bot lane? how is your elo that low after 2 games, lol.

Also, are you a newly minted lvl 30? I know that you feel like you want to jump into ranked ASAP but its almost always a terrible idea. Game doesn't even really start til u get to lvl 30. If you start ranked when you aren't experienced/good enough you will drop so low that even once you improve you will struggle to carry out of it.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
01-07-2013 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
30 cs by 22 mins and a teemo/xin bot lane? how is your elo that low after 2 games, lol.

Also, are you a newly minted lvl 30? I know that you feel like you want to jump into ranked ASAP but its almost always a terrible idea. Game doesn't even really start til u get to lvl 30. If you start ranked when you aren't experienced/good enough you will drop so low that even once you improve you will struggle to carry out of it.
No I play like 1 1/2 month with my friends (Duo botlane and/or Jungler) and yea my main role is support/jungler.

I get what you mean especially when you are not carrying enough as jungler/support
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01-07-2013 , 05:35 PM
if you really care about win rate.

You should lolking your teammates. If they don't have runes, are like 0-4 in ranked, or bad in their last matches, then you should probably dodge.

But then you have to wait until you can play a game, and sometimes you'll just lose anyway. I lolking a guy who was like 4-0, but he went like 0-4 ingame as shen then just left.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
01-07-2013 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by weeeez
lol im losing everygame I play.
so low elo now that I have systematically most damage done lower deaths higher cs in every last 20 matchs I played in my team.
still I´m not good enough to carry the team so I have no effect on the outcome of the match.
now if Im 1/0/x team is like 1/15 and its hard to carry.
Im terribad and don´t see how to carry a team.
not feeding is a good start but then Im rarely able to completely roll over people.
I play lux mid usually or noc jungle or cait bot.
you really cant carry as lux unless you get very fed (and they KEEP feeding you). i think shes a tough champ in general for inexperienced players because she peaks mid game so in most cases if you haven't carried by 30 min or so you probably aren't going to. shes good because you can do tricky things like steal buffs/dragons/baron and make some great pick offs when you master her ult but if you dont do things right early or get behind youre not going to be very effective and her damage really falls off late (so youll essentially be useless ALL game- she's different from someone like, say karthus, who can lose lane and still carry late).

id recommend someone like kat akali or ryze. much easier to play, much easier to do dmg with, and more carry potential.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
01-07-2013 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
In my experience, mid is the best lane to carry from. You can both get fed to be a late game monster and also roam to help top and bot get fed. Not sure if lux is the best for this purpose though. I prefer mids with gap closers.

Jungle is probably second best, but you still have to rely on your teammates being able to use the advantage you give them.
i think adc is best way to consistently carry. as in the more good games you have the more it will directly translate into wins. if you do well as adc it almost doesnt matter how poorly other lanes do as you can just attack move and win teamfights.

i fail to carry a lot as mid even regularly going say 7-2 just because it's so hard to overcome 2 other feeding lanes. some champions can do it (like akali but i get so sick of playing her) but i think adc would be more consistent.

its true you can affect the game by roaming but you have to be careful and pick your opportunities well. at low elo especially i find top and bot don't communicate to me what's warded so i'll try to gank, they'll b immediately, i'll have wasted time and my 30cs advantage in mid will have evaporated.
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