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League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion

01-10-2013 , 04:53 PM
Dodge games every chance you get and play on a smurf during the down time?
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01-10-2013 , 04:57 PM
But dodging doesn't drop Elo.
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01-10-2013 , 05:05 PM
Oh **** you're right, forgot. Hmm. Play well enough early game to not get reported then throw hard without making it too obvious? Idk.
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01-10-2013 , 05:11 PM
Lend your account to your cousin.
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01-10-2013 , 05:12 PM
Yeah I agree with Prip. There are chars where mechanics/speed aren't nearly as important. Playing a char like Jarv or Cho is much more forgiving than say Akali or Vayne or Kat.

Akali is just all over the screen.
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01-10-2013 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Tonio
What's the best way to lose Elo without being reported?
Let me play your account?
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01-10-2013 , 05:14 PM
Back to mechanics.

I honestly can't fathom how bad your mechanics would have to be for that to be a legitimate excuse for being under like 1200 ELO. And if they are somehow that bad I'm pretty sure like 3 bot games with any given champion would get you to learn their combos adequately enough to use in real games. Depending on the champ you're playing I think LoL skill is at most like 25% mechanics. That might even be generous.
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01-10-2013 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Tonio
What's the best way to lose Elo without being reported?
Let jackalack play on your account.

But seriously, just throw the teamfights, by missing your skill shots. Or if jungling, tower dive and tank tower too long without killing them. Etc

Pretty much, just feed a carry lane but not making it obvious. Or play a carry role and cs terribly. Overextend, engage in fights that you can't win
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01-10-2013 , 07:04 PM
What mechanics exactly? Like last hitting? Not standing still when last hitting? Kiting?

This game is overwhelmingly strategy/decision making/positioning. There doesn't seem to be a ton of room to even create a mechanical edge. I really wish there was.
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01-10-2013 , 07:16 PM
To whoever was asking for Ez tips, just build iceborn guantlet

I like to go bruta -> cdr boot -> LW after that but really anything is fine cause you've already got the best item in the world
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01-10-2013 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
To whoever was asking for Ez tips, just build iceborn guantlet

I like to go bruta -> cdr boot -> LW after that but really anything is fine cause you've already got the best item in the world
So instead of going to Vamp Scepter -> B.F. -> BT -> B.F> -> IE, you go straight for Sheen -> Gauntlet?
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01-10-2013 , 07:33 PM
just go vamp scepter BT and insta iceborn..its like a perma group slow, really broken. u dont even need boots 2 that much anymore if u get that item
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01-10-2013 , 07:45 PM
On the topic of mechanics.

I became pro jungler because of this issue.

I have decent mechanics, but I know players at high elo have better mechanics. So I took up jungling instead because there isn't much mechanics with that. You're fighting Jungle monsters. It's kind of like switching to stt sngs which is basically "solved".
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01-10-2013 , 07:54 PM
stt is more like laning since applying icm=mechanical skill, mid lane is probablly the most solved lane due to short length and flask
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01-10-2013 , 07:59 PM
i think it depends a lot on the champ and lane match up.

Like I think Orianna (if this is a bad example then pick another champ, you know the point I'm trying to make) takes a lot of mechanical skills.

Whereas if you're gonna become expert support soraka. There isn't much mechanics to that.
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01-10-2013 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by TheAsianPlayboy
I need better game selection. I knew I should have dodged when it was our garen against an olaf. Also a bad sign when we get a duo on our team.
What the **** are you even talking about? Garen is a fine top.
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01-10-2013 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
i dun get people who think that, if you are 1700 jungle your other **** isn't any lower than 1600
Disagree, jungling a lot makes it harder to recognize good laning trades/matchups/etc.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
01-10-2013 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by ImsaKidd
What the **** are you even talking about? Garen is a fine top.
equal skill olaf should win. Garen is capable of winning, but needs help from jungler or just be an overall better player.
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01-10-2013 , 08:22 PM
They need to speed up the champion selection process for solo queue. Takes so freakin long.
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01-10-2013 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by TheAsianPlayboy
i think it depends a lot on the champ and lane match up.

Like I think Orianna (if this is a bad example then pick another champ, you know the point I'm trying to make) takes a lot of mechanical skills.

Whereas if you're gonna become expert support soraka. There isn't much mechanics to that.
but orianna isn't mechanically difficult shes tough to play because of choices that you can make. Like mordes super easy because your choices are limited but mechanically their laning is not too difficult. I can't really think of a hard mechanical champion for lane phase maybe irelia just cause you need to hit every q and w at the right time.

well I backed myself into a losing argument as obv laning is more mechanical but um the stt analogy sucked lets say that
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
01-10-2013 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Gerv
So instead of going to Vamp Scepter -> B.F. -> BT -> B.F> -> IE, you go straight for Sheen -> Gauntlet?

gauntlet is too good not to get it first

don't even get boots
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
01-10-2013 , 09:36 PM
Mechanics. Notice Caitlyn to the right of the screen. Notice how she keeps max range when attacking, and when anyone comes near her she creates distance but still attacks the entire time.

It's actually a huge deal. Much more so than I thought it was a couple weeks ago. You can't sit there and just burst damage. You should be outside of the fight (as adc) and constantly hitting whoever is closest to you, and when they come towards you you should be backing up so they don't focus you down. Notice the end when the enemies are out of range he still drops 2 minions on the way back.

It may not seem like much but over the course of 40 minutes, it all adds up and makes quite a difference.

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01-10-2013 , 10:05 PM
Just won my first ranked Shaco game. For some reason ranked is a lot more fun for me when i play champs that I'm not very familiar with.
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01-10-2013 , 10:11 PM
wtf they are nerfing eve again? from % of max HP to a % of current HP...

well, i guess it doesn't matter much since i usually gank full hp chars and kill them lulz
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01-10-2013 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by TheAsianPlayboy
equal skill olaf should win. Garen is capable of winning, but needs help from jungler or just be an overall better player.
Dodge when you have trolls, not somewhat unfavorable matchups.
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