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10-27-2012 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by curve
Now back on topic you say you only read the first case. Pls read the others and especially 2 & 3. You already proved my statement that people more often than not base their decision on just a small part of the information handed to them. It's normal so I don't judge you for that yet ask you nicely to read the others.
What? I said in my opinion your behaviour in #1 alone should be enough for a (temporary) ban. How is it relevant I didn't read through all the cases? I don't think there is really any justification for your behaviour, specially in #1 and #4. Even if your oppenents are awful, trolling or being abusive in chat themself, it doesn't mean it's OK for you to.

Also put it into perspective. There have been roughly 150 games between those 4 cases and these are the 4 selected from them where I got a temp ban for. You really think that I flame in all my games? Learn to put things into perspective pls.
I don't think anybody flames in all games. Thing is you shouldn't flame in any games. Of course everybody has bad days and does stupid mistakes, but especially in those 2 games it seems like you were constantly just whining on the chat.

My point is that flaming is completely useless. It doesn't matter if you're right or wrong. It doesn't matter if you played good or not. It doesn't matter if they're at fault or not.

eg. if support doesn't ward a bush when he should, you can try asking again. If he doesn't, the best thing you can do is to just deal with it. It's not gonna do you any good if you start complaining about him in the /all chat and calling him a ******. That time and energy could be much better spent just focusing on making the best out of bad situation. If anything, by flaming at him you're probably just make him play even worse or start trolling. I guess maybe my previous post kinda goes to same category, I probably shouldn't have even written it.

@Joovler exactly. I'm the first guy to say sorry to my team if I screw up on positioning or getting caught out. I'm f silver 1400 **** elo. EVERYONE makes mistakes yet nobody can accept the fact that they did and threw a game. If people would just learn to say sorry this game would have been better.
People tend to take criticism very badly. When you say it in negative/blaming tone they'll probably take it even worse. You can ask your support "can you ward?" and ping, just like you can ask your jungler "can u gank mid?" or say like "mid no flash, gank" instead of saying like "ward that ****ing bush..." or "why arent u ganking mid?" and your message will probably be received much better.

I didn't mean it personally, and obviously I'm no saint myself. Although I don't think I've ever raged like that in any LOL game, I have done it in other games, eg. in poker. In fact I've requested a chatban for myself on certain poker clients because I've realized I've acted like an idiot. I don't think it's just something you should look at as "whatever, that happens, it's fine". That kind of behaviour doesn't belong in the game, and people should get banned for it, online gaming environment is far too hostile overall. I'm sure you're smart enough to realize now, after you've calmed down since those games, that you behaved childishly in them. I'm just trying to say that before pressing enter to send that rage message in to chat, it'd be a good idea to stop for a while and think if it's really necessary to say.

Last edited by chinz; 10-27-2012 at 01:41 PM.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Priptonite
Wings and Aphromoo duo-queueing right now. It's pretty good
Wings is one of my fav streamers but it's a little tilting how he constantly tries to engage in banter with Aphro and Aphro barely acknowledges him. It makes him look desperate.

Aphro comes off as extremely self-centered in his streams imo.
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10-27-2012 , 01:36 PM
but curve i never flame my team , and stand up for whoever on my team that is getting flamed. so we are a bit different
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10-27-2012 , 01:57 PM
Can any of you get the Tales of the Lane stream to work on Twitch?

It's either just blinking some frozen ingame situation with super low resolution, or just not opening at all. Tried with different browsers etc. and still not working.

It's an online tourney with M5, SK, fnatic, CrsEU, MYM etc.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 02:03 PM
twitch doesn't lag at all here and tournament is fine. Isn't there a way to get the chat gone from your screen in LOL?
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10-27-2012 , 02:10 PM
Poker players rage at people in LoL, in my opinion, because those players are supposed to be helpful teammates. But, all too often, they are absolutely the polar opposite of helpful.

As a point of interest, I have never, over 3 or 4 thousand games of LoL raged at someone on the opposing team. Never. Yet I rage probably 1/2 the time at my own team. You know why? Because they suck. They are terrible, and only hurt my game. Constantly. Often, on purpose.

I never experience this in poker. If someone sucks (with the dealer being the sole exception here) at the table, then I keep my mouth shut, because it is good for me.

But in LoL if you suck and you are supposed to be helping me, you better believe you are going to hear exactly how much and why you suck. That is where rage comes from I think. It has logical roots (this is what you are doing wrong, please fix it now), but just devolves into, ZOMG I cannot believe what a piece of **** teammate you are.

If you are on the other team and you suck. I'll respond with "oh it's ok 0/7/1 graves I will report your sona for not ulting at the right time."
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by udyr
Poker players rage at people in LoL, in my opinion, because those players are supposed to be helpful teammates. But, all too often, they are absolutely the polar opposite of helpful.

Originally Posted by chinz
I don't get the whole rage thing tbh. You just end up making yourself more angry, on top of making your team play worse and focusing more on arguing than playing (not to mention ruining the fun). There is absolutely zero benefit from it, yet so many people do nothing but complain every game. What's the point? Even if the criticism is constructive (and not said in offensive manner) you'd probable better off just not saying anything, unless it's something that might help your team later in that match.
It´s the same as tilting. Most people know they shouldn´t do it, but they can´t help themselves.
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10-27-2012 , 02:20 PM
no, it's the same thing as in poker and not logical at all. whether you are calling someone an idiot for cracking your kings with A6 or raging at a teammate for making a mistake it is a childish emotional response that only hurts your chances of winning.
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10-27-2012 , 02:34 PM
lol if you call out fish for being ******ed you are the biggest ****** at the table. Simple.

The rage in LoL comes from the fact that you have ELO as a representation of your skill. The problem is that ELO comes from chess and is a single person game and is 100% skill. In lol we have a single person rating in a team based rating so you are only as good as the worst player on your team.

If we look at this type of games (MOBA) you see fast enough that you can "carry" a game, but it's not like you can win a 1v4 situation through superior skills like in a FPS game. Therefor I can't remember if I ever insulted someone in a public game of cs 1.6 or whatever. Even better. If you had ******s on your team the more clutch situations came which were better for your own practise.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 02:38 PM
The reason why you feel the urge to rage might be different like you and udyr say, but I don't think the act itself is. It's an irrational emotional response to something and only makes you less likely to win the match.

Originally Posted by curve
lol if you call out fish for being ******ed you are the biggest ****** at the table. Simple.
If your team has one player playing badly and other player constantly abusing him in the chat, which one you consider the biggest ****** in the game? Seriously curious what your answer is.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Wings is one of my fav streamers but it's a little tilting how he constantly tries to engage in banter with Aphro and Aphro barely acknowledges him. It makes him look desperate.

Aphro comes off as extremely self-centered in his streams imo.
i think aphro is just abit socially akward, he wouldn't duo with wings in the first place if he want to wing him around
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 02:54 PM
i think you just cross the line curve, its ok to tell people they suck but telling someone to get cancer and thn typing 40 lines of profanity at him is not ok

very few people in the world get banned from league you have to be way out of line to qualify
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by chinz
The reason why you feel the urge to rage might be different like you and udyr say, but I don't think the act itself is. It's an irrational emotional response to something and only makes you less likely to win the match.

If your team has one player playing badly and other player constantly abusing him in the chat, which one you consider the biggest ****** in the game? Seriously curious what your answer is.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by curve
If I didn't realize you meant poker, why would I have even asked you that question?

I'm seriously curious, because to me by far the most annoying thing in LOL is people complaining. Bad teammates are a very minor issue compared to that.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by 21times20
no, it's the same thing as in poker and not logical at all. whether you are calling someone an idiot for cracking your kings with A6 or raging at a teammate for making a mistake it is a childish emotional response that only hurts your chances of winning.
Nobody is saying it´s a logical response. It´s an emotional response but it´s roots are quite logical. These people are supposed to be on your team and help you cause by doing so they're helping themselves. But they'll rage and refuse to help and go afk and steal your buffs and cackle with joy at your every misstep.
Btw, I'm not talking about players that simply fail in their role.

I'm talking about people who seem to want to hurt you more than they want to win the game by helping their team.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by chinz
I'm seriously curious, because to me by far the most annoying thing in LOL is people complaining. Bad teammates are a very minor issue compared to that.
Agreed, I main top lane, which is the most snowbally lane. One early death in a 50/50 duel and you lose or win lane hard unless jungle camps. Completely ******ed when you beat a guy in a close fight, barely live, then have a level and item advantage and dive him at his tower a few mins later and his whole team starts with the "gg report top feeder" etc. Or vice versa, say their jungler camps top, you get ganked 3x and have no support from your own jungler, who actually helps snowball bot and mid since their jungler is constantly top. Almost always you will get some guy on your team starting with the "wow you feed so hard how you die so much etc." Destroys team morale and makes it even tougher to come back. Its basically reducing your chance of winning even further.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 03:12 PM
it was a response to 21times20. The post above me

You think complaining would be solved if people would take responsibility for their dumb actions? Solve problems at their root
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10-27-2012 , 03:12 PM
yeah, no matter how bad they are aslong as they are listening to advice ill be really nice and encouraging to people. As soon as you start raging you are muted and reported.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by curve
it was a response to 21times20. The post above me

You think complaining would be solved if people would take responsibility for their dumb actions? Solve problems at their root
by raging at your team mates are you solving any problems?
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
Agreed, I main top lane, which is the most snowbally lane. One early death in a 50/50 duel and you lose or win lane hard unless jungle camps. Completely ******ed when you beat a guy in a close fight, barely live, then have a level and item advantage and dive him at his tower a few mins later and his whole team starts with the "gg report top feeder" etc. Or vice versa, say their jungler camps top, you get ganked 3x and have no support from your own jungler, who actually helps snowball bot and mid since their jungler is constantly top. Almost always you will get some guy on your team starting with the "wow you feed so hard how you die so much etc." Destroys team morale and makes it even tougher to come back. Its basically reducing your chance of winning even further.
yeah but those are the guys that will feed aswell, because they don't recognize the situation where you were in. There is a HUGE difference between someone feeding and someone holding his lane the best he can. If a top player would just say "guys I got killed I need a gank or I can't hold my lane" how can you be mad at that person?

Yesterday my mate asked me to play orianna mid in a normal, but as she is one of my main champs I gave the katarina 3 kills early on so I'd have a fair fight. Still won, but my ad carry started raging and flaming that I was bad blalblablalbla. Atleast he said sorry afterwards.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by TheJo0vler
by raging at your team mates are you solving any problems?
HOW THE F can you be mad at a person that takes responsiblity for his mistake? This game is fed by little kids that can't say sorry I messed up. If people would just say SORRY every time they made a mistake this game wouldn't be such a cancer.

Everyone makes mistakes. Atleast be so nice to take 2 seconds and say sorry guys I f up.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 03:27 PM
Ragers gonna rage. Stop internet badassing it and just play the damn game.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 03:36 PM
but u never play this game
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 03:39 PM
Not feeding the troll is super +EV. If someone rages at you don't say a word and just report them. Bantering back and forth only makes you look bad to the tribunal and chances are unless your high ELO the chances of running into the same person in game again are miniscule.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 04:55 PM
ahhh curve i misinterpreted you, i thought you said solve problems at their root by yelling at the bad s on your team
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