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League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion

10-27-2012 , 05:17 PM
say sorry and I won't rage! (jk)
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 05:30 PM
The best is when they rage at you for one bad play early in the game and then they shut up once they realize you can carry the team.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 07:18 PM
how come I cant get to windows while in the game. Is there anything I can do so I am not trapped in the game>?
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10-27-2012 , 07:20 PM
Alt tab?
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-27-2012 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
Agreed, I main top lane, which is the most snowbally lane. One early death in a 50/50 duel and you lose or win lane hard unless jungle camps. Completely ******ed when you beat a guy in a close fight, barely live, then have a level and item advantage and dive him at his tower a few mins later and his whole team starts with the "gg report top feeder" etc. Or vice versa, say their jungler camps top, you get ganked 3x and have no support from your own jungler, who actually helps snowball bot and mid since their jungler is constantly top. Almost always you will get some guy on your team starting with the "wow you feed so hard how you die so much etc." Destroys team morale and makes it even tougher to come back. Its basically reducing your chance of winning even further.
take wraiths win lane all day erry day
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-28-2012 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by WillowUfgood
how come I cant get to windows while in the game. Is there anything I can do so I am not trapped in the game>?
i think you want to change your display settings to borderless, can't remember if it's windowed (borderless) or full screen (borderless)
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-28-2012 , 01:23 AM
ban was justified, as i understand it level of punishment depends on how many times you've been punished. IE, if you're being banned you've probably already been warned etc. before.

it also doesn't matter if you should be banned based on games 2 or 3 or whatever. if you admit your rage/flame on game 1 that's the end of the discussion, ban is justified. it doesn't require all games to be deserving.

and equating rage/flaming to anything but throwing a temper tantrum like a little child is silly. bad games happen and when people have bad games they don't need to beg for your forgiveness to keep you from raging at them. expecting them to do so is absolutely ****ing ridiculous.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-28-2012 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by imolin
but u never play this game
I do what I want!
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-28-2012 , 10:43 AM
God I love support Zyra.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-28-2012 , 11:45 AM
im switching accounts now that I have the new fiora skin on alt, its too good
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-28-2012 , 01:31 PM
im seriously a 1500 elo doublelift
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10-28-2012 , 01:32 PM
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-28-2012 , 01:57 PM
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-28-2012 , 09:39 PM
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-29-2012 , 06:49 AM
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-29-2012 , 07:54 AM
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-29-2012 , 09:57 AM
I play on a server where I don't speak the language, prob been the best thing for my lol game. Everyone thinks they are perfect and the best, and putting up with that from morons is beyond me, however now I don't understand the nonsense they are spewing so I have finally managed to ignore it.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-29-2012 , 11:28 AM
How's the lag in thailand these days?
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-29-2012 , 11:38 AM
Any Shaco players out there?

I've decided to add him to my jungle champions. First three games are pretty telling:

0/5/0 (wow, I had no clue wtf this guy does)
4/3/5 (hmm, starting to like his kit, run, run away or stay and kill)
9/3/3 (dominated a game in which my team got destroyed, looking forward to game 4)

Anyway, anybody play this dude?
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-29-2012 , 11:40 AM
I've tried him a couple of times and failed every time.

I'm getting really tired of my main junglers though so i should probably consider adding him to my roster.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-29-2012 , 11:43 AM
sick good sick difficult
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-29-2012 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by disco_stu1978
interesting, ty sir

League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-29-2012 , 12:14 PM
shaco does dragon thats like your thing- the first dragon should be yours most of the time, then you run around pushing lanes
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-29-2012 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by curve
sick good sick difficult
sick useless in late game
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
10-29-2012 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
shaco does dragon thats like your thing- the first dragon should be yours most of the time, then you run around pushing lanes
This is what I've been doing. Solo dragon once I hit six. Then I just split push and run away when anyone comes.

Late game, it's just split push, split push, split push.
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