Originally Posted by AJD804
Also, they just didn't hand him the #1 contendership, he won it in a fatal four way.
They handed him a spot in a #1 contender match in the direct wake of a clean loss. It was ridiculous. If you're at least pushing AJ as a red-hot undefeated challenger on a hot streak then it makes a title shot at Roman more interesting. Instead they do this "LOL n/m results, those don't matter" hotshot ****.
It's mind-blowing to me how many people are willing to hand-wave away what a ridiculous booking decision that was, in service of absolutely nothing. Keep Jericho strong? Really? They're not ever giving him the title again, and his credibility is basically static forevermore, and hardly needed protecting in that spot.
Obviously it's easy to explain what WWE's mindset is on this, but to say "well this is how they do things" basically condones a completely ****ing broken booking model.