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Wrestling Draft 2014 Wrestling Draft 2014

02-16-2014 , 09:32 AM
Instead of Marty I'll take Ahmed Johnson
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 09:36 AM
Disko's whole roster just got hospitalized.
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02-16-2014 , 09:38 AM
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 10:27 AM
02-16-2014 , 10:35 AM
"Ahmed Johnson on Ron Simmons: 'I tried to break his neck.'"

The title of this isn't even misleading somehow.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 12:02 PM


I agree that most Japanese wrestlers have a very tough time getting over in America. I'll have him feud mainly with Kane and Bray. I always enjoyed him in the ring, he has a unique look and a pretty good entrance theme. He should do well in my mid-card.


I need an on-screen authority figure, and Bischoff seems like the best one left.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 12:08 PM
Meh, good chance I was taking Shinzaki if he got back to me. Good picks.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 12:17 PM
Here are my plans for my company's early years. Let me know if you have any thoughts/comments.

World Title Picture:

Prior to the start of my company, Mad Dog Vachon and [UNDRAFTED] (two Canadians) would have won the World and Tag Titles of some North American Wrestling Company. They retreat to Canada and hold the titles hostage, only defending them on Canadian soil and conditions that are most favorable to them. Over the next couple of years, many Americans are unsuccessful in bringing the titles back home.

Eventually, Dory Funk Jr. goes into Canada and wins, cuts a Shane Douglas-esque promo and declares the titles property of the USA, giving birth to my company - the USWF. He is mega over and becomes an American savior.

Funk returns to the U.S. with the World Title and gives the Tag Titles to the Blackjacks (who will be faces for this brief period), two men whom Funk feels embodies what it means to be a real American.

The first couple of PPVs will focus on a US vs. Canada feud, with U.S. generally going over and getting the young faces as over as possible. Funk over Mad Dog Vachon, young Ron Simmons over [UNDRAFTED], Cena over Lance Storm, etc.

The Americans are able to hold onto the titles and Funk becomes an American hero to everyone except the man whom he was feuding to prior to the Canadian invasion - Harley Race. They go back and forth over the next couple of PPVs, with Race beating Funk due to outside interference by the Vachons in order to give Race maximum heel heat.

Funk goes back over Race in a cage match and the next few months are about Race unsuccessfully chasing the title, until he eventually cuts this promo: seeking help.

Enter the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase. Dibiase doesn't need the money but acknowledges everyone has a price, even him. Dibiase will be participating in another match that night, so can't beat Funk himself, but will sic his frankenstein on him - Gorilla Monsoon.

Monsoon goes over Funk. Race and Dibiase end up feuding over who Monsoon should give the title to (a la Andre). While this unfolds, Monsoon continues to go over second-tier faces such as Wahoo McDaniel and Ron Simmons.

Eventually, Cena (whose career has been naturally progressing up until the point) goes over Monsoon, setting up Cena vs. Race vs. Dibiase for years to come.

Other notable plans:

I think Misawa is excellent value in the 10th round only if I can somehow get him over the way he is in real life. Idea is to run the Tiger Mask gimmicks simultaneously. Between the mask and being part of a tag team I think fans' expectations of him talking will be fairly low. I'm hoping their incredible in-ring talents will get them over with fans and I'll probably have them go over the heel Blackjacks for the tag titles. Eventually, they'll drop the titles and break-up, with their feud culminating in a mask vs. mask match, which Misawa loses due to outside interference by the Pegasus Kid (Benoit). Misawa and Benoit feud, which also culminates in Benoit losing the mask vs. mask match. Hopefully by this point Misawa has been in enough awesome matches that the fans love him (a la WCW cruiserweights in the late 90s) even if he's not cutting promos on the regular.

Last edited by diskoteque; 02-16-2014 at 12:24 PM.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 12:26 PM
anyone think we should just randomly distribue SRM's and littlekeed's wrestlers to the other companies?
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 12:30 PM
Birth of your company is A+, great way to kick off. I like a lot of your vision actually, with the exception of this:

Originally Posted by diskoteque
Enter the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase. Dibiase doesn't need the money but acknowledges everyone has a price, even him. Dibiase will be participating in another match that night, so can't beat Funk himself, but will sic his frankenstein on him - Gorilla Monsoon.
The whole mystique of the Million Dollar Man character is that he can literally outspend anyone anytime without blinking an eye; putting him subservient to another wrestler's bounty in any way is not good. I think it's far better for DiBiase to be some sort of silent benefactor behind Race in the angle. Maybe start Ted off as the good babyface that he was at the start and then use this for a heel turn down the road and the original establishment of the Million Dollar Man character?

That's the direction I'd go with.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
anyone think we should just randomly distribue SRM's and littlekeed's wrestlers to the other companies?
There's just no real equitable way to do this. Think those wrestlers are dead if those drafts end up dead.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 12:33 PM
Yeah I thought about something like that but whoever gets Stone Cold would have a HUGE advantage over anyone else.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Birth of your company is A+, great way to kick off. I like a lot of your vision actually, with the exception of this:

The whole mystique of the Million Dollar Man character is that he can literally outspend anyone anytime without blinking an eye; putting him subservient to another wrestler's bounty in any way is not good. I think it's far better for DiBiase to be some sort of silent benefactor behind Race in the angle. Maybe start Ted off as the good babyface that he was at the start and then use this for a heel turn down the road and the original establishment of the Million Dollar Man character?

That's the direction I'd go with.
yeah i like this a lot more actually thanks
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by teejayC
Yeah I thought about something like that but whoever gets Stone Cold would have a HUGE advantage over anyone else.
well they own a combined 28 wrestlers.

so it would be 28 wrestlers split up among 11 companies.

maybe we could do it so that the people who get randed the first 7 picks (austin, sting, warrior, piper, mcmahon, guerrero, rude) get ONLY that wrestler and everyone else gets 2 of the remaining guys.

theres obviously no super fair way to do it but i dont really care who anyone else has as long as it makes my company more fun. like i would happily take rude even if it meant somoene else getting austin and mcmahon what do i care.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 12:49 PM
Actually in light of the fact that nobody wins these things, I might tend to see this disko's way.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 01:00 PM
Yeah that's a good point actually. I'm really pissed off right now but I'll think about it later. Would appreciate anyone else weighing in too.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 01:07 PM
I don't understand how it will work though. If seven people get one pick and four get two picks then there will still be 13 picks left over. I guess we just do it draft style with the people at the end of the first round getting any extra picks.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 01:10 PM
doing it as a draft might be too complicated (would have to rand a new draft position and stuff)

might just be easier if you each guy (but eliminating people as they get a wrestler) and we just continue with business as usual.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 01:11 PM
in other words, we wake up tomorrow and theres a couple extra guys on each roster.

maybe its just because i dont view these as competitions, but i dont know who wouldn't be happy with having some new guys, whoever they are, on their roster. i couldnt care less who anyone else gets (even if they "win" the rands).
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
doing it as a draft might be too complicated (would have to rand a new draft position and stuff)

might just be easier if you each guy (but eliminating people as they get a wrestler) and we just continue with business as usual.
This seems good to me. And then obviously if people have different preferences they can still trade their newly-randed wrestlers, etc.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 01:15 PM
I think I prefer a draft style. Would be like a mini draft with a new order. We go ABB with the first five people getting two picks and the other six getting three picks.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 01:15 PM
I like disko's idea.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 01:18 PM
Ok I guess we'll do that. Disko could you explain exactly how it would work.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by teejayC
Ok I guess we'll do that. Disko could you explain exactly how it would work.
the easiest way is to probably just list the wrestlers in the order they were drafted

so for example:



then you plug the names of the remaining 11 drafters into and you just match up the wrestler with the corresponding results.

for example:

Austin - lkj
Sting - dylan
Warrior - teejay
Piper - disko
Mcmahon -moo
Guerrero -mkind

so first 11 wrestlers go to the 11 drafters.

at this point there will be 17 wrestlers left.

then you do it again but removing the people who placed in the top 6 the first rand. (so in the example above, lkj through mkind)

rand off the next 6 wrestlers to the other 6 drafters. then there will be 11 wrestlers left, at which point you would do a 3rd rand with all drafters back in it.

doing it as a draft again would just drag it out since we're all just going to draft them in the order they were drafted anyway (for the most part).
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-16-2014 , 01:31 PM
Ok that will work. I just figured different people might want different picks (for example I'd go for the women if I can't get a top guy), which is why I suggested a draft, but if people want to do this then this it is.

I'll do the rand in about an hour or so unless there are any objections.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
