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05-01-2014 , 09:17 AM
Apart from that, is there anyone on the TNA roster the WWE would even want? Aries, Joe, Roode and Storm are all 35+. Eric Young is about to turn 35. They wouldn't be worth the time and money when an NXT wrestler can just take their spot. They passed on the Wolves. They could sign Angle or Hardy any time they want but Angle is all kinds of messed up and Jeff Hardy is Jeff Hardy.

Bully Ray could be cool though and Kenny King and Sam Shaw have potential. I guess they could bring Lashley back to team with Darren Young against Cena and Lesnar. The rest of their roster is either terrible, guys they fired or both. I would be pretty pumped if they signed Hemme though.
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05-01-2014 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by dnkyhunter31
They because El Paso is Mexico.
Any particular recommendations? I live in El Paso, and there's lots of cheap and good Mexican, but I don't really find elite Mexican at any price.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
05-01-2014 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Scary_Tiger
Any particular recommendations? I live in El Paso, and there's lots of cheap and good Mexican, but I don't really find elite Mexican at any price.
L&Js is elite--fajitas especially. Carlos and Mickie's is quite good as well. I remember the carnitas at El Chapparel on Montana as the GOAT.
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05-01-2014 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by El Kabong
Apart from that, is there anyone on the TNA roster the WWE would even want? Aries, Joe, Roode and Storm are all 35+. Eric Young is about to turn 35. They wouldn't be worth the time and money when an NXT wrestler can just take their spot. They passed on the Wolves. They could sign Angle or Hardy any time they want but Angle is all kinds of messed up and Jeff Hardy is Jeff Hardy.

Bully Ray could be cool though and Kenny King and Sam Shaw have potential. I guess they could bring Lashley back to team with Darren Young against Cena and Lesnar. The rest of their roster is either terrible, guys they fired or both. I would be pretty pumped if they signed Hemme though.
I didnt even realise AJ Styles had left TNA until you didnt name him and I wanted to check why. Lol, damn, the one talent TNA really developed and was good enough to draw crowds and he left last year. He is the wrong side of 35 too but I would bet they have had talks with him and he will get a WWE contract within a year.

They would take Roode and Storm, I think, if the price was right. Gunner could get a run in NXT to see if they can make him work (I havent seen him work recently, I assume he is improved).

Magnus, again assuming his ring work has improved, is probably the best on the roster who isnt some random X Div guy I have never heard of. Not too old, they know how to work with an English guy (he is a heel, he does heel stuff, that is all) and he has a good look.

I cant see them taking any other men, probably a couple of the women if they can come to terms. Madison Rayne was decently impressive last I watched, I assume she can reasonably work still.

Keep in mind they are not just hunting for a ten year career star. They are completely fine picking up a guy in the 30s who they can get a couple of good years from before they are released. Roode and Storm can be chucked together into a tag team that can either JTTS some other team or be built up as tag champs - like look at who are NXT tag champs, they are desperate for good tag teams. Gunner has a decent look and size and that would get him a bit of a run in NXT under a new look to disguise his TNA history.

In terms of the PPV library I dont see the WWE caring enough. If they can get a good price sure they would pick it up just to go full pokemon on it but they are not short on content for the Network.
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05-01-2014 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by I_AM_EVIL
Mason Ryan, Shaul Guerrero, Oliver Grey and Danny Burch(all from NXT) were released today.
Not a good day for the UK.

Mason Ryan - The dude tried, but he was never getting over. I honestly don't know why they kept him around so long.

Shaul Guerrero - Kinda weird that they brought her back and did nothing with her.

Oliver Grey - Sucks that he got injured. I thought British Ambition was a pretty good team. I've been wrong before, but I think Adrian Neville's ceiling as a tag wrestler is higher than as a singles competitor.

Danny Burch - That sucks. I thought he had a really good look. I'll miss Regal's commentary during his matches.
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05-01-2014 , 01:31 PM
If John Cena keeps name dropping Adrian Neville in interviews his future is very bright. We are watching a guy who is just below The Dynamite Kid is his prime in terms of workrate.
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05-01-2014 , 01:45 PM
I honestly don't know why they kept him around so long.
'Cause he looks like Mason Ryan?
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05-01-2014 , 01:58 PM
Dynamite Kid overrated IMO.

Adrian Neville might be the most athletic wrestler ever, but he has the charisma of Gary Neville.
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05-01-2014 , 05:21 PM
would love for neville to be the 4th member of evolution.
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05-01-2014 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Acedeucy513
If John Cena keeps name dropping Adrian Neville in interviews his future is very bright. We are watching a guy who is just below The Dynamite Kid is his prime in terms of workrate.
Yurp, he has the right friends in the right places. They will bring him up and push him well when they can work out a story for him and regardless of his personality and mic work his ring work is A+ and will get him over fast.
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05-01-2014 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Loce
Why would he do that / who would watch that? Compared to WWF/WWE and WCW I cannot think of a single special TNA moment.
If TNA were to fold, the TNA video library would provide the most value to which company/organization/entity? It's pretty clear to me the answer to that is WWE. That's why they would buy it. It's value may be very low and they may pay very little for it, but it's still more valuable to the WWE (due to WWE Network) than it would be for any other wrestling organization, website, or media conglomerate that might consider buying it.
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05-01-2014 , 08:29 PM
Anyone think there's a good chance of Kenta coming to the WWE since he left NOAH?

I know he spent a week at their training facility a while back and said he'd be interested in a contract if it was offered.
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05-01-2014 , 08:46 PM
I think there's a pretty good chance. I also think it'd be a big letdown because he's been very injury prone and hasn't evolved in 8 years.

Also TNA's X-division from their inception until around 2008ish is worth the video library.
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05-02-2014 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by GrindPokerAllDay
If TNA were to fold, the TNA video library would provide the most value to which company/organization/entity? It's pretty clear to me the answer to that is WWE. That's why they would buy it. It's value may be very low and they may pay very little for it, but it's still more valuable to the WWE (due to WWE Network) than it would be for any other wrestling organization, website, or media conglomerate that might consider buying it.
Meh, maybe. The point is how much would they pay and how much would the Carter family sell for and we just dont know that.

However it seems reasonable to theorise that the Carters value the TNA archive higher than the WWE does given that will be the sole proof that what they blew on TNA was worth a damn (though it was probably just a good tax write off and a bit of fun for them anyway).

WWE has a bazillion hours of WWE/F, ECW and WCW footage on the Network, is there any outcry to watch Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles matches from 2006?

The Carter family, depending how TNA folds and how Panda has isolated it, could just hang onto it for a little more than WWE would pay today under the greater fool theory expecting to sell it for more later down the road, maybe even to WWE who might value it higher if they (say) sign 3 or 4 of the big TNA assets like AJ Styles who blows up and the WWE wants to release a DVD of his top matches, rather than the Carters who can just profit off the back of the WWE promoting him.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
05-02-2014 , 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by I_AM_EVIL
Anyone think there's a good chance of Kenta coming to the WWE since he left NOAH?

I know he spent a week at their training facility a while back and said he'd be interested in a contract if it was offered.
Given the position of NXT, provided they can come to good monetary terms, I wouldnt be surprised at all.

But then you hear about how the American Wolves have a bunch of fans in the company like (especially) William Regal but the WWE seemingly isnt interested in them. Despite them probably working for like $200 a show in TNA right now and the investment is a rounding error on a Miz movie budget.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
05-02-2014 , 08:36 AM
In regards to the TNA Library, I think it will be a buyer's market. I mean, if your only 2 options are either selling to Company X or holding on to the product and just taking a loss on it then you aren't in a very good position to negotiate. I don't expect that WWE will value the library very high at all, but it does have some value which is still greater than what they get if they don't sell. (sure, there may be other buyers that I don't know about but I don't see how any other buyer can valuate it as high as WWE would)

I guess they could hold onto it longer but in all likelihood that would just drive the value down even further.
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05-02-2014 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
All states that aren't Ca/OR/WA are terrible
I personally am a fan of North Carolina. Charlotte is a white Atlanta. Raleigh, Wilmington, and Winston Salem are all fun. And of course you have Harrahs Cherokee Casino. (Ok the casino is a level but the Cherokee area is cool if you like the outdoors).
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
05-03-2014 , 07:39 AM
Credibility smackdown! Just in case you thought wrestling was real... fully choreographed script for WWE Raw episode is leaked online

The matches between WWE wrestlers draw huge crowd in the U.S. - both ringside and on TV - but a leaked document is set to deliver a knockout blow to the sport's credibility.

A script from the April 15 episode of WWE Raw has been posted online, showing the precise way in which 'sports entertainment' is organised - down to the last curse and threat from the combatants.

The documents show how wrestlers are booked to 'go over' - which is industry jargon for winning a match. Their taunts and backstage interactions are meticulously scripted and even timed to fit in with commercial breaks.

Read more:
of course. Did you know pro wrestling is scripted?
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05-03-2014 , 07:51 AM
Was that released in 1992?
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05-03-2014 , 08:46 AM
Clearly someone upset with WWE just made that script up. They watched Monday Night Raw and then created a script for it. Anyone could have done that. We could do the same for the Super Bowl and then release the script to prove that football is fake.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
05-03-2014 , 08:46 AM
It's still real to them dammit.
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05-03-2014 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
of course. Did you know pro wrestling is scripted?
I found out by watching this:
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05-03-2014 , 10:00 AM
man i forgot about this
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05-03-2014 , 01:15 PM
Daily Fail is so lolbad. The average age of their readers is something like 60 which matches pretty close with their IQ. I have no idea what level that article could even be on.
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05-04-2014 , 12:10 AM released its list of the 50 greatest talkers in wrestling history. I got as far as the first entry before closing the tab.

50. Scott Steiner
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