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Seattle Seattle

01-23-2012 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by nolimitfiend
Muck rarely gets a 5/10 game, though the 5/5 w/10 bring-in usually runs on weekends. Diamond Lil's largest lhe game is the 20/40, which goes daily.
Great, thanks. Not a whole lot of difference between 5/5 w/ a 10 bring-in and a 5/10, particularly w/ the $500 bet cap.
Seattle Quote
01-23-2012 , 11:26 PM
The buy-in I think are different.
Seattle Quote
01-23-2012 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by SeaUlater
The buy-in I think are different.
Yeah, I'm aware of that.
Seattle Quote
01-24-2012 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Seattleallstar
lol whos JC and JH
Pretty sure one of them used to have a seattle poker blog and is freinds with AK who plays in Vegas/LA a lot.

Also, kyle, i may be a bumhunter but if those green chip games had gone with any regularity i probably would have sat. I don't usually carry the amount of cash necessary sit in those games. I had a table once next to the 100/200 Omaha/LHE games and i recognized some faces from my 10/20 days.
Seattle Quote
01-25-2012 , 05:28 AM
Link to poker blog?
Seattle Quote
01-25-2012 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by Pid Koker
Link to poker blog?
He discontinued it some time ago.
Seattle Quote
01-25-2012 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Actually the interesting part of this whole thing to me is your allusion to the history of limit HE in the Seattle area. It looks like now really 20-40 is the biggest game (and it's only really available in one place that I'm aware of). However, I always hear about people referring to when they used to play 100-200, etc.

I always wondered what happened to tho mse games. Did they just dry up when they got harder? How come they never came back? Early 90s is a long time ago.
I made an allusion to it in my last post but the guy who used to write that blog was one of the guys who tried to get the mucks wednesday 100/200 off the ground and running. I didn't have the roll for that game then but they played it every wed for awhile. That wad in like 06/07 if memory serves.
Seattle Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:59 AM
Clearwater Casino on Bainbridge Day 1A tomorrow...anyone playing?

I've played their bimonthly Classic tournament. Friendly dealers and the buffet is good. Ten minutes from the ferry from downtown Seattle.
Seattle Quote
01-27-2012 , 01:20 PM
Two day ones
Register online with credit card?
Its on!
Seattle Quote
01-27-2012 , 08:42 PM
On to day 2! I doubled up mcmatto but feel fine about it cuz I am chip leader. 45bb ain't much though.
Seattle Quote
01-27-2012 , 09:32 PM
Tulalip is beginning to spread 5-5 300-1000 buy in in addition to the 3-5 and the 5-10 on weekends..... Thursday had a great 5-10 Omaha plo and a very good 5-10 NL for everyone!!!
Seattle Quote
01-28-2012 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by EL Burro Loco
Pretty sure one of them used to have a seattle poker blog and is freinds with AK who plays in Vegas/LA a lot.

Also, kyle, i may be a bumhunter but if those green chip games had gone with any regularity i probably would have sat. I don't usually carry the amount of cash necessary sit in those games. I had a table once next to the 100/200 Omaha/LHE games and i recognized some faces from my 10/20 days.
Neither of them have any idea how to use the Internet, much less a blog. They're old.

10/20? Like, Goldie's short-lived 10/20 $2 rake game?

Did you ever play underground in the NL games by the drunken you-know-who?

ETA: Ohhh. I think I might know who you're talking about. He's an ex-2p2er? One of the best limit players on the Internet? Has a brother who is also really good?
Seattle Quote
01-28-2012 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by tmac&cheese
Tulalip is beginning to spread 5-5 300-1000 buy in in addition to the 3-5 and the 5-10 on weekends..... Thursday had a great 5-10 Omaha plo and a very good 5-10 NL for everyone!!!
What's the reason behind adding a game between 3/5 and 5/10?

It's not like there is an abundant of 3/5 players, and that pool seems to be shrinking every time I go up there.

Also, isn't the 5/10 PLO and hold'em the same player pool, especially on weekdays?
Seattle Quote
01-28-2012 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by SeaUlater
What's the reason behind adding a game between 3/5 and 5/10?

It's not like there is an abundant of 3/5 players, and that pool seems to be shrinking every time I go up there.

Also, isn't the 5/10 PLO and hold'em the same player pool, especially on weekdays?
It's supply and demand... I think the 3-5 can be frustrating for some players when there are 7 guys who only play aces or kings.. 5-5 weeded out the nits
Seattle Quote
01-28-2012 , 07:42 PM
I don't think that $100 extra on the minimum BI is going to change that, plus it is making casual players little less likely to sit.

I don't get the logic behind it, but I am confident the game would die sooner or later.
Seattle Quote
01-28-2012 , 09:11 PM
I wish they would make the 1-3 game $300 max buy in (or more). How can we get them to do this?
Seattle Quote
01-28-2012 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by AC000000
I wish they would make the 1-3 game $300 max buy in (or more). How can we get them to do this?
i guess i would start by understanding "their" reasons for having a lower max buyin. other than that, you'll have to vote with your feet and your rake.
Seattle Quote
01-30-2012 , 12:13 AM
Tyler, your avatar looks like a picture of your wife.
Seattle Quote
01-30-2012 , 12:23 AM
i, uh, thanks?
Seattle Quote
01-30-2012 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by AC000000
I wish they would make the 1-3 game $300 max buy in (or more). How can we get them to do this?
I think $200 max makes it a more casual game where people feel more comfortable and less fishy making a less than full buy-in. It's good for that particular game. The 1/3 game isn't intended to be a game you're going to try to make a living at - it's a for-funisies-and-get-players-into-the-room game. If it didn't get people into the room, then the house would just be collecting a table or two or three less rake
Seattle Quote
01-30-2012 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Pid Koker
I think $200 max makes it a more casual game where people feel more comfortable and less fishy making a less than full buy-in. It's good for that particular game. The 1/3 game isn't intended to be a game you're going to try to make a living at - it's a for-funisies-and-get-players-into-the-room game. If it didn't get people into the room, then the house would just be collecting a table or two or three less rake
Yea, but they'd still be the only 1/3 game in the area.

Just for comparison, the Parx Casino, just outside Philly spreads 1/2, 300 max buy-in, with no jackpots or high hands, and they still get 40+ tables running on the weekends. All while competing with AC and a handful of other PA casinos.
Seattle Quote
01-30-2012 , 03:41 PM
I don't get the comparison.
Seattle Quote
01-30-2012 , 03:59 PM
Key: Parx is right outside Philly. Tulalip is 30 miles away from Seattle. Tulalip doesn't even have 40 tables total.
Seattle Quote
01-30-2012 , 08:15 PM
IMO the main thing is this: The gambling culture is very different in Washington. This is caused by a number of things: the smaller player pool, the betting limits, the laws banning online poker (pre-BF), the distance between the casinos, and the difference between the Indian casinos and non-tribal casinos.

Comparing any Washington tribal casino to an east coast casino is pretty laughable. Maybe Muckleshoot can be compared to a big casino when it's busy running one of their Super Sundays or Tulalip when it runs a big 1k or something, but that's about it. Day to day though, even the big tribals function as locals' joints. Many of the same players and not much new money or tourists coming in like you'd expect in a bigger city or a tourist destination.
Seattle Quote
01-31-2012 , 01:56 PM
A $300 buy in for 1/3 at the Tulalip IMO is a good idea. In general, the 1/3 game can be financially rewarding with deeper stacks. I play both 1/3 and 3/5 and find the play much softer at 1/3.
Seattle Quote
