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12-06-2013 , 09:30 PM
Room is great but two issues keep popping up.

1- bravo keeps booting people from the table. This is the third straight time I've played a ten to twelve hour session only to find out I'm logged in as a guest. Then they only add three hours for the mistake. Not a huge deal but it is annoying.
2- cards keep going under cushion.
12-07-2013 , 12:21 AM
What's the action in the AM on the weekends like? I have some wife & kid free time tomorrow and was thinking I might spend some of that at the tables.
12-07-2013 , 01:25 AM
Hey Mike, when making the tournament schedule for upcoming months, since you seem to enjoy trying new things, keep in mind that NL 2-7 Draw is a great tournament game
12-07-2013 , 11:49 AM
luckduck53, it varies depending on stakes/the table you get, but only one way to find out!
12-07-2013 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by NoReads TimeToJam
1- bravo keeps booting people from the table. This is the third straight time I've played a ten to twelve hour session only to find out I'm logged in as a guest. Then they only add three hours for the mistake. Not a huge deal but it is annoying.
2- cards keep going under cushion.
1. It's not bravo, it's the dealers. Sometimes they accidentally take the wrong player out when they put a new one in. Just keep an eye on them and every now and then ask them if you're still in. They are human too, in a ten hour session you see 20 dealers who all have a chance to make a mistake.

2. While I admit this can be a little annoying, there are things you can do to keep it from happening to your cards, like spreading out your chips a bit more to make a wall. Hopefully the casino will add some Velcro or something to all of the tables to solve the problem for everyone.
12-07-2013 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by 2J4U
Hey Mike, when making the tournament schedule for upcoming months, since you seem to enjoy trying new things, keep in mind that NL 2-7 Draw is a great tournament game
And you never know, you might even get a full table of runners for it!

If you want non-NLHE tournaments, an omaha hi-lo or PLO/PLO8 or HOE mix would have much better support than a 2-7NL tournament given that the region historically has been heavy on the hi-lo games (omaha, stud, and holdem) and that omaha hi-lo, PLO, and PLO8 cash games run regularly.
12-07-2013 , 01:11 PM
Arrived today just before noon. No problem with traffic or parking. Went straight to P6 expecting the worst but it was less than half full and I got a spot close to the elevator. Lots of surface spots available by movie theater as well.

Another thank you to Mike for the current weekday flop promotion! Was there on Thursday and guy at my table flopped a straight flush. Next table over flopped quads shortly thereafter. Was fun to be a part of it and motivates me to come back during week. Well done.
12-07-2013 , 01:19 PM
How about when they throw you the cards you actually try to catch em. A lot of the times you watch and basically wait for them to slide under the cushion and complain. We as players can do a lil too.
12-07-2013 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by AceCEJ
How about when they throw you the cards you actually try to catch em. A lot of the times you watch and basically wait for them to slide under the cushion and complain. We as players can do a lil too.
In general, players should not try to catch cards as they are being pitched. This tends to cause them to flip up and get exposed.
12-07-2013 , 06:19 PM
Had a dealer tell us to be more diligent about making sure it (cards under rail) doesn't happen because his pitch is such that it happens often...

What? I mean I agree the players have to do their part, but if you're aware your pitch is causing it to happen frequently then you should adjust too I think.
12-08-2013 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by luckduck53
Had a dealer tell us to be more diligent about making sure it (cards under rail) doesn't happen because his pitch is such that it happens often...

What? I mean I agree the players have to do their part, but if you're aware your pitch is causing it to happen frequently then you should adjust too I think.
This is not a responsibility of the dealers or players to stop the cards. The casino should have quality tables so this NEVER happens in the first place. We pay good money in the form of rake to play with quality equipment. The players can help temporarily to block cards but the casino needs to fix this permanently.
Mike needs to do something about this! He responded a few days ago then removed his response. We haven't heard a word from him since. This problem is only going to keep getting worse!
12-08-2013 , 12:23 AM
Mike, thanks for being so responsive to requests and suggestions in this thread. It's time to address an issue that has been ongoing since the room opened, but I'm not sure how much control the poker room management has over this issue.

The cashiers. They are problematically bad for the most part. While there are a few competent people working the cage the majority are far from competent. I usually stand there patiently as it takes them several minutes to count $500-$1,500 of racked chips. Being slow is not the end of the world.

Tonight though I had something happen that is just never acceptable. I waited in the short line and when it was my turn I stepped up to the first window. The cashier pulled my racks in and then a guy came running over from the left. He threw a $100 bill on the counter and said "Give me one of those blacks." The cashier took his money and handed him a chip out of my rack. She checked the bill with the counterfeit pen and placed it in the drawer below after he left. She then took a few minutes to count my chips and gave me a total that was $100 short. I reminded her that she paid the guy out of my chips and then banked his bill. Had I not counted my stack before cashing out or had I not been paying attention I would have been screwed out of my money. Really not acceptable to complete a transaction while in the middle of another. And yes, a cage supervisor saw this all go down and seemed fine with it.
12-08-2013 , 12:30 AM
Totally agree that it takes the cashiers too long to count chips. What was described above is unacceptable. Overall unacceptable.
12-08-2013 , 08:04 AM
Got to the MDL poker room yesterday for the first time - what a fantastic venue!

The Good:
Parking: I'm a lazy sod, so I used the valet parking which was very well staffed (when I left I think I waited for a whole 90 seconds for my car and the guy apologized for the wait which was totally unnecessary but thoughtful). Valet was $5 with a player card - my recommendation - use it.

Entry: I thought the brush was well run and appreciated the electronic board showing queue length. Ended up waiting about 40 mins to seat and the people running the setup were good about calling names but not waiting too long before bumping people off who didn't show.

Cashier: No problems here, but I think if the situation that happened a few posts above had happened to me, I'd raise holy hell. The cashier people are BANKERS. You NEVER interrupt an open transaction to execute a side transaction for someone else. EVER. But I didn't see anything like that happen myself.

The Mediocre
Food: Meh. Don't ever order the sticky rice in a lotus leaf wrap, lotus leaf tastes like oak or maybe maple. Yuck. And forget the pizza slices from Phillips - go for the 8" personals.

One negative:
Table Management: One bit of a concern - I did spend time reading the house rules (well posted on the screen outside the room). I believe one of the rules was that table changes/seat changes should only happen with involvement of the brush. Frankly seat changes at the same table, don't really care - but one guy came over to our table, sat down with about 1/2 the min BI, and when the dealer said he needed at least 100 to sit, the guy claimed he was just coming from another table. The dealer let it go. The queue yesterday was 30+ when I got on it, over 60 when I got seated and the place was bursting when I left. Well I could have just walked in the room, gone upstairs, found a seat in the back and sat down with my $50 claiming to be from another table and now there's a whole line of 50+ people who just got line jumped.

If the rule is brush has to approve table changes then dealers and floor should enforce it. You've got an advanced electronic brush system - so the desk should be able to notify a table that a new player is on the way (with a name no less) that the dealer can confirm when the player arrives, and table changes should go thru the system as well with floor approval. If the system can't support such changes, well it should - put in a feature request to the software vendor - and in the meantime, process them manually.

All in all, however, a great session. I'm definitely gonna be coming back.


TL - DR: Use valet parking, don't buy pizza from a seafood place, dealers need to confirm table changes, thanks for a great time!
12-08-2013 , 10:42 AM
the dealer shouldn't have let him sit with just $50.
it doesn't matter if it's a table change unless your table broke.

when you sit, you must have between the min and max buy-in.
so if he had 1000BB, he can only sit to the max even with a table change (unless his table broke up.)
12-08-2013 , 11:00 AM
I have a suggestion. There are 3 or so wavy decorations on the side wall by the cashier. They looked very nice when they first went up, but as people wait in line or try to sneak around that table closest to the cashier, those decorations have become smashed and have some sharp edges. I think they should be removed.

I'm hoping for the snow to hold off enough for me to get to the Ravens game and back home without much trouble. Then I'm hoping for the exactly right amount of snow this evening so that my work is closed tomorrow but the roads are still good enough that I can get to ML. That's probably too much to hope for.
12-08-2013 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by klezmaniac
Please let us know how long it takes you to find a parking spot on a Saturday between now and Christmas. Not including valet.

i went yesterday. arrived at 6pm. drove up the garage to the 5th level and found a spot pretty quickly.
12-08-2013 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by BlackbeardNC
You can check your rewards balance at any slot machine.
thanks. it does not show your comp dollars though correct? i checked last night and saw my points balance but no comp dollars balance.
12-08-2013 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Crozbee
thanks. it does not show your comp dollars though correct? i checked last night and saw my points balance but no comp dollars balance.
The gift shop can check those for you.
12-08-2013 , 11:29 AM
If the players give Mike the time, date, table number, cashier, etc. when an issue happens he should be able to go straight to the video recording and see the event for himself.
12-08-2013 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Crozbee
thanks. it does not show your comp dollars though correct? i checked last night and saw my points balance but no comp dollars balance.
Divide your points by 600. Thats how many comp dollars you have.
12-08-2013 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by RP54
If the players give Mike the time, date, table number, cashier, etc. when an issue happens he should be able to go straight to the video recording and see the event for himself.
7 Dec 2013, Table 50, Seat 4 - I want to say somewhere between 5pm and 8pm. It was after the lady (guest in the system, no players card) in Seat 4 moved to Seat 1.
12-08-2013 , 01:00 PM
Useless without a specific time...
12-08-2013 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Coasterbrad
Mike, thanks for being so responsive to requests and suggestions in this thread. It's time to address an issue that has been ongoing since the room opened, but I'm not sure how much control the poker room management has over this issue.

The cashiers. They are problematically bad for the most part. While there are a few competent people working the cage the majority are far from competent. I usually stand there patiently as it takes them several minutes to count $500-$1,500 of racked chips. Being slow is not the end of the world.

Tonight though I had something happen that is just never acceptable. I waited in the short line and when it was my turn I stepped up to the first window. The cashier pulled my racks in and then a guy came running over from the left. He threw a $100 bill on the counter and said "Give me one of those blacks." The cashier took his money and handed him a chip out of my rack. She checked the bill with the counterfeit pen and placed it in the drawer below after he left. She then took a few minutes to count my chips and gave me a total that was $100 short. I reminded her that she paid the guy out of my chips and then banked his bill. Had I not counted my stack before cashing out or had I not been paying attention I would have been screwed out of my money. Really not acceptable to complete a transaction while in the middle of another. And yes, a cage supervisor saw this all go down and seemed fine with it.
Unacceptable. They may still be learning and I love this room now but instances like this crosses the line.

The above happened to me at Borgata last year - except the cashier told the guy to step back and called supervisor to move his money away from my chips. To me Borgata is the model - MD live! can learn from them AND become better.
12-08-2013 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Coasterbrad
The cashier pulled my racks in and then a guy came running over from the left. He threw a $100 bill on the counter and said "Give me one of those blacks."
I realize that it might sound like I'm being Internet Tough Guy here, but you need to protect yourself better in this situation and not let yourself get walked on. If the $100 is within reach, grab it and give it back to the line jumper and say, "Whoa, back of the line is over there." Even if it were an employee of the casino, I'd probably say, "Are you serious?" and request to speak to a manager.

It's all well and good to complain about this sort of stuff on the internet after it happens, but way too often people sit idly by and then complain later when they could have done something simple to alleviate the situation immediately.
