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Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN)

02-03-2009 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by totallyfocused
Zaxx I remeber the "hot sauce" crew from the old days of the trump and Yeah they sure thought they were better than everyone else.
Ya, HSC was funny....

I remember likie going to Caesar's in 06' and ordering a club sammich and getting the little mini bottles of hot sauce with it and being like, "oh so thats where those things came from..."

Ahhhh the good ole days at the Trump...nothing like a 2-5 with a 14 dollar an hour time rake and 80% clueless donkeys at the table....that place was my 2nd ATM.

Originally Posted by yoolykeme
Now that we're talking about players:

Joel Casper is a better than decent player. After you play with him a while, you understand how he wins. He makes money b/c there are a ton of 5-10 players that don't understand that style of play.

Jaconda - I agree that the 5-10 is too big for you, sweetie. Those $10 chips are hard to play with, and God forbid that you go up against Asian Kenny for all your chips. :-) (joke)

Rocky does run through the game, at times. The problem with 5-10 players is that people don't know who to give action to, that'll return it. They fall into the trap, and the traps leave. (Sarge, Sam, etc...)

Gabby, if I'm thinking of the right girl, is probably the hottest dealer there, outside of Julie. There are way worse dealers than her.

I wasnt bashing Casper as he was a solid NL player and a very good Limit player when I played against him in 05' and 06'....players(and the pool of players) have improved a lot since then and its no suprise that the kids who played live all the time since then have improved.

I personally like the guy and say hi to him when I see him smoking....

Sorry if I sounded like a basher....I just am amazed he would be the best 5-10 reg.....but then again I didnt play much for like 1.5 yrs and he was working on his game so stuff changes. Good for him....he is a good guy.

Im not suprised Rocky beats the game...he had a lot of game even back then.

I would like to know a bit more about the 5-10 games that run on the weekend bc I would love to take a shot in a few months bankroll permitting.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-03-2009 , 05:16 PM
Oh, I know that you weren't bashing Casper. I was just facilitating discussion about 5-10 players, which is what I've wanted to do since I began this thread.

The 5-10 game is a lot of fun, moreso than the 2-5. The 2-5 is way too tight, imo.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-03-2009 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by magoo
Horseshoe, "2009 Superbowl Event" at the Venue was awesome. Really, well done event.
I was not there, were there alot of people watching it?
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-03-2009 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by midlimithe
I heard there's occassionally a lower limit HORSE game spread at the Shoe. Anyone know which day that runs? Also, what is it, 5-10, 10-20? Thanks.
5-10 HORSE goes on Saturdays and starts around 2-4pm. It also goes on Friday's every once and awhile.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-03-2009 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by zaxx19
Ya, HSC was funny....

I remember likie going to Caesar's in 06' and ordering a club sammich and getting the little mini bottles of hot sauce with it and being like, "oh so thats where those things came from..."

Ahhhh the good ole days at the Trump...nothing like a 2-5 with a 14 dollar an hour time rake and 80% clueless donkeys at the table....that place was my 2nd ATM.

I wasnt bashing Casper as he was a solid NL player and a very good Limit player when I played against him in 05' and 06'....players(and the pool of players) have improved a lot since then and its no suprise that the kids who played live all the time since then have improved.

I personally like the guy and say hi to him when I see him smoking....

Sorry if I sounded like a basher....I just am amazed he would be the best 5-10 reg.....but then again I didnt play much for like 1.5 yrs and he was working on his game so stuff changes. Good for him....he is a good guy.

Im not suprised Rocky beats the game...he had a lot of game even back then.

I would like to know a bit more about the 5-10 games that run on the weekend bc I would love to take a shot in a few months bankroll permitting.
Yeah I miss the days of the trump 2/5 with sammy , stan and a few others I cant remember, sigh remembering how I built my roll is fun.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-03-2009 , 07:55 PM
You know who is the best 2-5 player hands down..

Louie the greek

Rack Me
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-03-2009 , 08:18 PM
Just moved to Illinois. Play the 20 holdem and the 40 Horse.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-03-2009 , 09:50 PM
man!! i almost got to play with the medicine man... i was waiting for 2-5 and just when i was about to get to the 1-2 table, he got up and moved tables, then moved and moved and walked all around the room????

enough about him though, Jeremy this new announcement better be good, you are setting yourself up for major failure imo....

2-5 game is action packed, quick double up and tried to beat the snow, back at it tomorrow
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-03-2009 , 10:32 PM
The kilbourn looking guy is the best 5-10 player playing in the 1-2
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-03-2009 , 11:05 PM
he probably told you that you misplayed it!!!
talked to a few dealers who said he was major PAIN in butt!!!!

whatever, doubt i will ever play with him unless he steps up, if ever at his table i will for sure come after him!!!
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-04-2009 , 12:03 AM
jeremy when are you making the announcement about the promotions???

Busted, in response to your post, that isnt there now???? He was very rude to me and a friend of mine when we played at his table, dont wish anything bad on him health wise, just one of only people that has been annoying to play with at shoe
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-04-2009 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by yoolykeme
I think that I know who coconuts is, and I'll out, or actually, I'll describe him.

By the way that he talks, he's exactly like this tall skinny asian/hispanic/filipino guy that always plays 5-10 NL. He's always wearing a suit and is always talking about hospitals and crap like that. On occasion, when, sitting next to a female dealer, and the dealer says "gee, it's hot in here," he'll say something like, "well, yea...I have that effect on women..." He's a decent player, likes to hollywood, but his pre-flop game is pretty crappy.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-04-2009 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by Raise It
3-4 years? Have they even decided if they will get the license?
It really doesn't matter much. When the state of Illionois wakes up and smells the coffee (and I'm guessing this will be sooner than we think), Majestic, Resorts-Ameristar, and the Horseshoe...will be doomed, and there is absolutely nothing they will be able to do about it. They're all operating on borrowed time, and I gotta believe they know it.

I would urge you Jeremy, to be get in line early when the Illinois hiring begins; they will need good people. If you decide to stick it out at the Shoe and take your chances, the only positions still available might be on the razing crew.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-04-2009 , 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by Raise It
3-4 years? Have they even decided if they will get the license?
license was granted last month to des plaines. casino already set for a april 2011 opening.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-04-2009 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by abby318
license was granted last month to des plaines. casino already set for a april 2011 opening.
Yeah, but due to the fact that by IL law a casino can only have 1200 gaming positions open at any given time, and a poker table takes up 9 or 10 of those with very little casino profit, it's very very unlikely to have a decent sized poker room, let alone something as nice as the shoe. I'm hoping we get our laws changed, but until we do, the IN casinos will do just fine.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-04-2009 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Jaconda78
Yeah, but due to the fact that by IL law a casino can only have 1200 gaming positions open at any given time, and a poker table takes up 9 or 10 of those with very little casino profit, it's very very unlikely to have a decent sized poker room, let alone something as nice as the shoe. I'm hoping we get our laws changed, but until we do, the IN casinos will do just fine.
You got that right Jaconda! Joliet had a decent poker room a few years ago until they decided that slots were more profitable. They brought it back two or three years ago with 3 tables. Aurora has 6 tables. 9 tables total in two casinos in the Chicago area is nothing.

Illinois legislators are stupid!
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-04-2009 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by #1donkey
he probably told you that you misplayed it!!!
talked to a few dealers who said he was major PAIN in butt!!!!

whatever, doubt i will ever play with him unless he steps up, if ever at his table i will for sure come after him!!!

#1Donk - which guy are you talking bout?
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-04-2009 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Jaconda78
Yeah, but due to the fact that by IL law a casino can only have 1200 gaming positions open at any given time, and a poker table takes up 9 or 10 of those with very little casino profit, it's very very unlikely to have a decent sized poker room, let alone something as nice as the shoe. I'm hoping we get our laws changed, but until we do, the IN casinos will do just fine.
My money says there will be no poker tables in Des Plaines, due to the archaic laws you cite. Make no mistake, I think the Shoes poker room is a great room, and I love playing there, but when you say "let alone something as nice as the Shoe," I can't see where that matters. "Nice," wouldn't weigh heavily enough against location, to save the room when Illinois awakens from it's deep sleep.

Illinois citizens probably make up 90% of the rooms clientele, and give them the choice between "nice," and not having to maneuver the Dan Ryan, cross the skyway, pay the toll each way, or wind through Lake Shore Drive...and it's no contest. An ample number of poker tables in Illinois, whether they be as "nice" as the room in Hammond or not, and the Shoe is no more. I'll miss it a great deal, but I won't miss the drive.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-04-2009 , 12:21 PM
Not to mention the traffic. If I plan on going to the shoe from the NW burbs during a weekday I have to leave between 10am-2pm or after 8pm
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-04-2009 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by coconuts
Obviously, we can discuss different players; can we discuss dealers too? For as nice a poker room as the Shoe is, it still has an embarassing number of lousy dealers. Why some of the newer ones especially, think they have license to sit down in the box, and start discussing their day, other hands they've dealt, and even how they've been running at Majestic, is beyond me.

Last week, 3 consecutive dealers came into the game I was playing in, and held monologues. Needless to say, all 3 had to be told repeatedly where the action was at, where the button should be, etc. This scenario is repeated all too often, and what's really disturbing is that it's almost always in the lower limit games, that the villains take liberty.

If we all had to take a poll on dealer quality, and submit our top 10 dealers and our bottom 10, the names on both lists would be repeated over and over. And my money says the names repeated over and over on the top 10 list would almost unanimously, be comprised of some of the quietest dealers in the room.

Gabby = slow = less rake
Gabby = more mistakes = more player irritability = less tips
Gabby = bottom 10 probablility
As far as dealers go, I prefer a congenial dealer who pays attention to the game. Yes, some are way too gabby. Maybe some of them will read your post and pass the word along.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-04-2009 , 12:27 PM
I like the dealer who I believe is on the day shift. Early 50's reminds me a little of Morgan Freeman.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-04-2009 , 12:29 PM
I've noticed that Benny's and the Oriental food stand next to it, are now closed on several of the slower days of the week. It's a start. Now if only they would close them 7 days a week, and torch JB's, we'd be all set.

The food options are the Shoe are truly shameful for a casino of its size, and name. This issue is wearing on me more each day, and I notice to others, too. Each day, the grumblings become louder and more unanimous, and each day, nothing is changed.

Jeremy: I know this is not your department, but you have connections to the right people; could you give them this message, and tell them it's from Coconuts: STICK ALL THE G0D-DAMNED PROMOTIONAL "WOW", "LOLAPALOOZA," "NEVER BEFORE SEEN," "SEVENTH WONDER OF THE WORLD," BLAH-BLAH-BLAH BULLCHIT WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE, AND GIVE US SOME SIMPLE, DECENT FOOD TO EAT!

Thank you very much.

Last edited by coconuts; 02-04-2009 at 12:35 PM.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-04-2009 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by Brian707
I like the dealer who I believe is on the day shift. Early 50's reminds me a little of Morgan Freeman.
That would be Glenn, and PLEASE...don't tell him know that you know he's in his 50's. It would devastate him.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-04-2009 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Sunglasses13
As far as dealers go, I prefer a congenial dealer who pays attention to the game. Yes, some are way too gabby. Maybe some of them will read your post and pass the word along.
ROFLMFAO. Nothing personal, Specs, but you make two HUGE assumptions in that last sentence.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
02-04-2009 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Brian707
Not to mention the traffic. If I plan on going to the shoe from the NW burbs during a weekday I have to leave between 10am-2pm or after 8pm
Not necessarily true B. From early, to even late afternoon, the Stevenson (rte 55) inbound to the Dan Ryan S. to the Skyway, will have you there mostly problem free and in less than an hour (once you reach the Stevenson). I often take that route in the middle of rush hour, and sail right through. You're welcome.
Horseshoe Hammond (Hammond, IN) Quote
