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11-09-2012 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by alew22
He said its a "pride thing with them"? Gimme a break! If he didnt bluff 3 streets cause of his "pride" he wouldn't have gotten caught. I hate people that percieve things only one way. Ignorant and nieve people are the worst.
has the world gone mad
It is so low class to berate anyone at the table and to make collassally ignorant ethnic remarks is not only a mirror to that persons soul but also a glaring tribute to their complete lack of any social skill
11-09-2012 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by 88keyz
saw some asian call down a guy with 25 on a 24K89 board

guy started berating and saying "asians blah blah", "thats why i hate playing verse asians", "these people can't fold anything", "its a pride thing with them"
Perfect response would've been "I hate playing vs. white people, these people always try to bluff off their stack, it's a pride thing with them"
11-09-2012 , 07:42 PM
Frightening medical situation in the room today. If anyone knows that guy and knows if he's going to be OK, it would ease my mind to hear it. It didn't look good.
11-09-2012 , 10:22 PM
All I know is that it was a heart attack.
11-10-2012 , 02:19 AM
can we have a vote on not allowing bills at 2-5nl tables? i don't think bills should be on the table unless they're in a 5k bundle.
11-10-2012 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by Nitty by Nature
Perfect response would've been "I hate playing vs. white people, these people always try to bluff off their stack, it's a pride thing with them"
hah he went on and on every losing every hand. .
he wasn't worth it. im sure he is way behind in life anyways.

he felted soon after with JJ on a 239 board with 2 callers who both had bottom was funny

how are the 5/10 games on the weekend? there were 2 today
11-10-2012 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by GTL
can we have a vote on not allowing bills at 2-5nl tables? i don't think bills should be on the table unless they're in a 5k bundle.
Do you have any idea how slow games would go if the dealer had to change bills everytime someone reloaded?
11-10-2012 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by GTL
can we have a vote on not allowing bills at 2-5nl tables? i don't think bills should be on the table unless they're in a 5k bundle.
you'll be the only vote..
whats the problem with bills, i dont get it. most ppl chip out for bills under $100. but $100 i dont think theres any problems.

i was wondering, since there's a $500 max buy in, can you reload to over $500? I've lost pots and reloaded right away to $530+ (eg. lose $70 in a pot, reload $100). Is this wrong? I don't know. but i guess dealers don't care much?
11-10-2012 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by IHeartAsians
Do you have any idea how slow games would go if the dealer had to change bills everytime someone reloaded?
the dealers often make change when people reload. and they also change bills when they are used to bet and call before the river. i have played in games that don't allow bills to play and the dealers make change very quickly for the most part.

the problem that i have with them is that you can't count them by sight. and it's easier for people to sneak bills on and off the table when they're tucked behind a stack. obviously i don't mind bills at a limit table. but i don't think single bills in stacks should be allowed in nl and pl games unless they're in a bundle that can be easily seen and counted.
11-10-2012 , 05:17 AM
if ur playing that deep that you cant estimate just by sight having those bills as cheaps wont matter either, you still will want a verbal chip count

but yea, if the dealers could switch bills to green chips really fast between hands that would be better
11-10-2012 , 06:10 AM
Wow. I've never heard anyone against bills before.
I simply ask, at the start of the hand, how many bills do you have?
11-10-2012 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by 88keyz
you'll be the only vote..
whats the problem with bills, i dont get it. most ppl chip out for bills under $100. but $100 i dont think theres any problems.

i was wondering, since there's a $500 max buy in, can you reload to over $500? I've lost pots and reloaded right away to $530+ (eg. lose $70 in a pot, reload $100). Is this wrong? I don't know. but i guess dealers don't care much?
no, you're supposed to only load to the limit. i normally keep greens in my pocket for that reason and reload back to the limit or just under
11-10-2012 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by GTL
can we have a vote on not allowing bills at 2-5nl tables? i don't think bills should be on the table unless they're in a 5k bundle.
I think you'd lose that vote. Most NL and PL players at FW are used to 100's on the table and know enough to ask how many.
11-10-2012 , 11:16 AM
All this talk about bills reminds me about 3 years ago, there was a guy at my table who folded his bills up to the length and width of 2 poker chips side by side and placed them under 2 stacks of red. This led to me calling him out on his shenanigans to which the dealer of course said nothing was wrong with what he was doing. I asked for the floor. Floor sided with me. What a dick that guy was. One day I want to hit the BBJ when a dick is away from the table and then go, "ohhh, you aren't getting any piece of this just b/c of you being a jackass". Come on, where's the karma one time. Miserable Greek guy with a 4 letter name I'm looking at you.

And if bills went to a vote it will never pass. GTL is the first person I've ever heard complain about the use of bills on the table. If you don't want a bill shipped to you (for fear of counterfeit) when you win a pot the dealer is supposed to swap it out, if they don't then kindly ask and they will. So go ahead and put it to a vote, and me and every other regular will swiftly vote that down.

I hear your concerns GTL about the sneaking money on the table. Call someone out on it and they won't do it again and probably will change tables. I've called people out on it before. It really irks that person. I'm not there to make friends with everyone I play with.
11-10-2012 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by MJ88
I think you'd lose that vote. Most NL and PL players at FW are used to 100's on the table and know enough to ask how many.
ya i never expected the woods to change this. i just mentioned it because i thought it was weird that they were taking a vote about the bbj. also, i was playing at the borgata recently and they don't let bills play. if i remember correctly, most rooms in vegas let 100's play 5-10nl and larger, is that correct?
11-10-2012 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
All this talk about bills reminds me about 3 years ago, there was a guy at my table who folded his bills up to the length and width of 2 poker chips side by side and placed them under 2 stacks of red. This led to me calling him out on his shenanigans to which the dealer of course said nothing was wrong with what he was doing. I asked for the floor. Floor sided with me. What a dick that guy was. One day I want to hit the BBJ when a dick is away from the table and then go, "ohhh, you aren't getting any piece of this just b/c of you being a jackass". Come on, where's the karma one time. Miserable Greek guy with a 4 letter name I'm looking at you.

And if bills went to a vote it will never pass. GTL is the first person I've ever heard complain about the use of bills on the table. If you don't want a bill shipped to you (for fear of counterfeit) when you win a pot the dealer is supposed to swap it out, if they don't then kindly ask and they will. So go ahead and put it to a vote, and me and every other regular will swiftly vote that down.

I hear your concerns GTL about the sneaking money on the table. Call someone out on it and they won't do it again and probably will change tables. I've called people out on it before. It really irks that person. I'm not there to make friends with everyone I play with.
people can sneak big chips on or off the table as well. it's more that they can't be counted by sight. if you have big chips and the dealer has you keep them in front or on top and visible as they should, then all you have to do is lift your hands and the player can count your stack. with bills, you have to trust the guy to tell you a correct amount or physically spread the bills. usually it's not a problem, but i prefer chips. just a pet peeve i guess as no one else agrees with me.
11-10-2012 , 05:10 PM
I have had several people at foxwoods place their bills under their stacks with only the corners sticking out. I have called people out as often as possible, one time though it cost me-very tilting, goes back to the dealers also doing a better job enforcing the rules
11-10-2012 , 05:47 PM
Not that it matters much but was just informed via Big Whoop that there are actually 115 players on the voting list

Also everything I've heard from players, floor, looks like it will pass!
11-10-2012 , 06:22 PM
I just hope they don't enforce the no cell phone policy as strictly as they do at 1-2nl. Every time I take my phone out at a 1-2 table some granny scolds me for 'voiding the bad beat.'

Ideally they will change their policy altogether. At the Borgata you can play on your phone all you want at BBJ eligible tables. Nobody is using their cellphones to collude their way into somehow winning the BBJ, they are checking twitter, FB, and fantasy football. Its 2012, everyone has a smart phone, they need to get with the times.
11-10-2012 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Waterfall
I just hope they don't enforce the no cell phone policy as strictly as they do at 1-2nl. Every time I take my phone out at a 1-2 table some granny scolds me for 'voiding the bad beat.'

Ideally they will change their policy altogether. At the Borgata you can play on your phone all you want at BBJ eligible tables. Nobody is using their cellphones to collude their way into somehow winning the BBJ, they are checking twitter, FB, and fantasy football. Its 2012, everyone has a smart phone, they need to get with the times.
Unfortunately, this is not on Foxwoods but rather the Connecticut gaming commission. They are sticks in the mud, and they are the ones that enforce silly rules like the no cellphone rule.
11-10-2012 , 08:23 PM
So why do they enforce it at 1/2 but not higher limits?
11-10-2012 , 08:59 PM
Make that Foxwoods Gaming Comission, each casino in CT has their own.
11-10-2012 , 09:06 PM
^Ohh I did not know that.

The reason Foxwoods DEALERS (only the dealers, they are supposed to enforce it) don't care as much at 2/5 and higher is because their is no badbeat. I am sure part of the agreement to implement the badbeat with the commission is that no cellphones can be in use when the badbeat is hit. But there are dealers who enforce the no cellphone rule at all levels.

So in short, with 2/5 BBJ in play, dealers will have to become cellphone nazis. Terry has said she is trying to get the commission to relax on cellphones and to change with the times, but to no avail thus far.
11-10-2012 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Not that it matters much but was just informed via Big Whoop that there are actually 115 players on the voting list
What I got out of it is that you got to meet one of 2 criteria. Sessions played must equal a certain number (unknown to me) or the amount of hours played must meet a certain number (also unknown to me) which is how they got a weird number. I met both criteria and got a congratulations and a hand shake for being a degen.

If it's approved it will be implemented fairly quickly as the gaming commission has already approved it and it'll be done on a Sunday. Also, most floor people don't know anything about it so ask around if you're interested. 2x a day a shift supervisor goes through the computer, sees who is playing and will come find people who have yet to voice their opinion and pull them away from the table. That's all the info I was able to get today.
11-11-2012 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by bosoxfanatic7117
Unfortunately, this is not on Foxwoods but rather the Connecticut gaming commission. They are sticks in the mud, and they are the ones that enforce silly rules like the no cellphone rule.
Just so you guys know, the Ct. gaming commision is paid by foxwoods. I once had a beef at a table game and went to the "commision" and the first question I asked was, "Who signs your check?" Relunctantly I was told that Foxwoods signs their checks. It's a joke. Good luck to anyone that needs to go to the "commision" over something serious.
