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Detroit Detroit

04-27-2013 , 07:22 PM
loooool bubbled
Detroit Quote
04-27-2013 , 07:32 PM
Any good $50 or great tomorrow tournaments tomorrow afternoon or evening or is the one at Electric probably the best? I'm sort of getting the itch to play one.

Detroit Quote
04-27-2013 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by boutrous11
lowest turnout on a friday night in a long time last night at the stick btw. 145ish.

how many for the RxR today?
Yeah came in 5th last night in that tournament, 1st took down $1,700 though. Not too bad

Last edited by AWayPlay78; 04-27-2013 at 07:48 PM.
Detroit Quote
04-27-2013 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by BeerBottlez
Any good $50 or great tomorrow tournaments tomorrow afternoon or evening or is the one at Electric probably the best? I'm sort of getting the itch to play one.

Go to ES
Detroit Quote
04-27-2013 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by boutrous11
yeah, he hit broadway and the other guy had two pair... i was in seat 7.

i hope your were none of these people: seat 1: spewy the whole night, played like he had somewhere to go, i've played w/ him before and remembered him being better than he showed last night. seat 2, the girl. my god she was terrible. calling station, moaning about getting flushed out on after she passively plays her hand that is ahead of the flush draws on the flop/turn.... seat 5ish, young arabic guy that i almost called on the river when he bet 15k into a 5k pot, board was 66Axx, i had A10, he showed the bluff. was for 1/2 my stack otherwise i call him. seat 4 was terrible, though i can't remember a specific hand. seat 8 was the river nut checker, nuff said. seat 9 was the big black guy that i have played with before, that i normally would call a pretty good player. but when he called a 6k pf raise when blinds were 200400 w/ A3off and then showed it when the raiser shoved on the flop, i had to change my opinion of him. seat 6 was a reg, forget his name, he's ok, lucky to hit set over seat early. seat 10 was a good player, but i know it wasn't you since he's a reg too.....

that's pretty much the whole table! what seat were you in? by process of elmination, you must have been the set under the set!
Hah... I was actually playing cash, so nope, I wasn't at your table. I was at a table where a guy hit nut broadway on the river, and his opponent checked to him, and he checked it back. Turns out his opponent also hit broadway on the river and was checking to him to induce. At least it saved us 30 seconds of sillyness, but still, cmon.
Detroit Quote
04-27-2013 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
At FK since last night. Why do I already have a hangover at 10:52? Probably not a hangover. Just rolled craps for half an hour and won $59. Baby birds!

Had a crazy session last night where I played at three different tables. First one was nitty, second one had drunk people at it which was great for the game, but the so-called "good players" kept losing to the drunk guys and berating their play so the drunk guys left (dude, they're drunk, they're not playing their A game - aitho), and the table broke, so then I finally got to a good table and I started getting hands. Had the whole table confused with my 3 betting pre. Was up $200 when I raise pocket 5s from utg+1 (yes, that's how soft this table was), flop is 953 all hearts. Villain is player on my left who has been trying to play back at me by min raising me pre, only to fold when I four bet him. I felt I had a good read on him, he over values hands like AT and KQ also top pair. He min raises my cbet and I just call because he probably has over pair with flush draw and will fold if I raise since he has mubsy. Turn is a black queen, and I check raise him all in after he bets $100. He goes in the tank hard. Eventually the clock is called. He asks the dealer what he would do. He asks me if I would call and flips over JThh. I smile and say, it's up to you. He fakes shoves twice, gets nothing from me. Eventually he calls and I feel like DreamisDestiny as I lose a huge pot but almost made him lay down a Jack high flush. Ridiculous tank or understandable?

I still ended up for the night after sucking out with AK ( ace on the river ftw) and calling off with jj on a 9TQ board that runs out Q then J. Pretty sure I had pot odds to call with two overs on the flop in the first hand (call $50 to win $350 ?) but #notamathguy. What do I know? I can't even get the money in with KK pre lol.
I was on the opposite end of a ridiculous hand last night in a $1/$2 game that sounded a lot like this one at the electric stick. For your sake I hope it wasn't yours lol... if you are the villain below, then 1) you described the hand veeery incorrectly; and 2) sorry I misjudged you, everyone does weird **** sometimes when they are way up.

Anyway, to the hand: villain is playing a pretty bad LAG style, constantly raising pre with garbage, oozing tells, and making obvious bluffs (I called one of his raises on the river in a medium sized pot 30 minutes previous with 3rd pair on the river and took it down).

7 handed. Villain is in the BB, and announces that he's calling the $4 button straddle blind and walks away from the table. I raise to $15 with KJdd. Everyone folds to him; he comes back to the table and exclaims hes calling blind once more.

Flop is 2 9 Q all diamonds. He checks, I check to induce future action because 100% this guy is going to try to take the pot down on turn/river if I check.

Turn is 8c. He bets $10 into $25 pot. I pause, and then call (I feel he's going to fold to a raise here).

River is another 2. Almost immediately, he goes allin.


$45 pot. My stack is at about $300 behind, he has over $1k behind.

To me, this is a snap fold in almost any situation. Why is this guy severely overbetting the pot in this kind of situation? Why did he check back the flop when his default is to bet in this kind of situation?

The only rational explanations I could come up with were: 1) he has pocket queens, nines, or deuces, and checked the flop, but now is hoping I slow played a flush and am going to call; or 2) he has something like 2 8, where he bet a two pair on the turn and now made a boat on the river and again is making this bet hoping I have a flush (2 8 is possible because he called preflop blind). So I'm folding unless I pick up extreme reads off him.

Looking at him, he appears legitimately pleased with his hand. I show him my KJdd from far away (he had gotten up from the table), and then he quickly walks towards the table and is like "MAN, WOW... OMG...". And at first I think he's trying to convince me that my hand is good and to call. But then he says "wow, you folded that???".

So... I tell him I didn't fold, and he now looks extremely uncomfortable. The clock has been called on me, so after studying him for about 15 more seconds to make sure this wasn't some kind of genius acting job, I ended up calling. He had 2 6 for trips. I guess he was legitimately happy about his hand. lmao.

Maybe the most hilarious part of this hand was other people at the table's reaction to the situation. One guy straight up turns towards me after I flip over my hand and (not discreetly) mouths "C A L L" (how ****ing inappropriate is that). And everyone at the table besides a good player and the dealer were convinced this was an easy call. My hand is a bluff (or idiot) catcher at this point.
Detroit Quote
04-27-2013 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
Almost as long as I was in your mom.
I lol'd and thought that if I was Omar I would say something similar
Detroit Quote
04-27-2013 , 10:05 PM
Not only is that a call but it's a snap call like before he even finishes saying all in I would have already called idk was that 300 on the table Ur entire bankroll lol
Detroit Quote
04-27-2013 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by Cm punk
Not only is that a call but it's a snap call like before he even finishes saying all in I would have already called idk was that 300 on the table Ur entire bankroll lol
Let me summarize this for you. His bet is either 1) a ridiculous bluff to take down a tiny pot; 2) he thinks he has the best hand with something weak like trips and thinks I'm going to call with worse; or 3) he's trying to sucker me with a full house. 1) and 2) would only be done by someone that has no idea what they're doing and/or wasn't thinking at all because he was sitting on a $1k stack. It's never a good situation to be calling when you can only win when your opponent made a terrible move. I was able to call in this case thanks to live reads and some knowledge of the opponent's state of mind.

Last edited by darkestfog; 04-27-2013 at 10:43 PM.
Detroit Quote
04-27-2013 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by darkestfog
Let me summarize this for you. His bet is either 1) a ridiculous bluff to take down a tiny pot; 2) he thinks he has the best hand with something weak like trips and thinks I'm going to call with worse; or 3) he's trying to sucker me with a full house. 1) and 2) would only be done by someone that has no idea what they're doing and/or wasn't thinking at all because he was sitting on a $1k stack. It's never a good situation to be calling when you can only win when your opponent made a terrible move. I was able to call in this case thanks to live reads and some knowledge of the opponent's state of mind.

It's $1/$2 dude.
Detroit Quote
04-27-2013 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by flipfish

It's $1/$2 dude.
Hah. Alright then, peace out and good luck to you guys.
Detroit Quote
04-27-2013 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by Turdzilla
No Hablo Ingles
Detroit Quote
04-28-2013 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
lose a huge pot but almost made him lay down a Jack high flush. Ridiculous tank or understandable?
Ridiculous tank is ridiculous. I would have snapped your D I K off, lol. I'm really bad, tho.

Edit: Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad.
Detroit Quote
04-28-2013 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by Coach McGuirk
Ridiculous tank is ridiculous. I would have snapped your D I K off, lol. I'm really bad, tho.

Edit: Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad.
Yeah, that was the consensus at the table. IDK how they know you, Coach.

Just kidding, I meant about the tanking ofc.
Detroit Quote
04-28-2013 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by darkestfog
Hah. Alright then, peace out and good luck to you guys.
It's the internet. Don't stop posting or let the regs get to you. Enjoyed your story, and no, it wasn't me. You will notice at the top of my TR I mention that this was at Firekeepers. Nice call and grats on the extra Eight Mile money.
Detroit Quote
04-28-2013 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by darkestfog
Hah. Alright then, peace out and good luck to you guys.
You just have to strike back. Here, watch this.

Last edited by Omar Comin; 04-28-2013 at 01:24 AM.
Detroit Quote
04-28-2013 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by flipfish

It's $1/$2 dude.
You suck.
Detroit Quote
04-28-2013 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
You just have to strike back, here, watch this.
That first comma should be a period.

Edit: the grammar kind ,, not the blood kind/
Detroit Quote
04-28-2013 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
It's the internet. Don't stop posting or let the regs get to you. Enjoyed your story, and no, it wasn't me. You will notice at the top of my TR I mention that this was at Firekeepers. Nice call and grats on the extra Eight Mile money.
Okay, thank god. I'd been lurking this forum for a few weeks now and thought most players posting here knew what they were doing.

Thanks for showing me how it's done omar... LOL reminds me of this time back in high school when some dudes were talking ****, and my korean friend was like wtf dude why are you letting these guys talk ****? And then he roundhouse kicked one of them in the chest and they ran away. omar: internet ninja.
Detroit Quote
04-28-2013 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by Coach McGuirk
That first comma should be a period.

Edit: the grammar kind ,, not the blood kind/
Stop changing my posts so that you can find something wrong with them.
Detroit Quote
04-28-2013 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by darkestfog
Okay, thank god. I'd been lurking this forum for a few weeks now and thought most players posting here knew what they were doing.

Thanks for showing me how it's done omar... LOL reminds me of this time back in high school when some dudes were talking ****, and my korean friend was like wtf dude why are you letting these guys talk ****? And then he roundhouse kicked one of them in the chest and they ran away. omar: internet ninja.
Never assume anyone that posts here is good, bad idea.
Detroit Quote
04-28-2013 , 01:51 AM
Yah its like a prison, poker dreams die there.

Detroit Quote
04-28-2013 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
Stop changing my posts so that you can find something wrong with them.
Detroit Quote
04-28-2013 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by darkestfog
Okay, thank god. I'd been lurking this forum for a few weeks now and thought most players posting here knew what they were doing.

Thanks for showing me how it's done omar... LOL reminds me of this time back in high school when some dudes were talking ****, and my korean friend was like wtf dude why are you letting these guys talk ****? And then he roundhouse kicked one of them in the chest and they ran away. omar: internet ninja.
Yeah. Good times. High school.
Detroit Quote
04-28-2013 , 08:19 AM
Another HS grad?
Detroit Quote
