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Detroit Detroit

06-07-2016 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by nitro77
So does anyone know why there are no evening tournaments on thursday friday or Saturday at Hollywood Toledo??
? They are listed on their calendar.
Detroit Quote
06-07-2016 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by boutrous11
? They are listed on their calendar.
Really??? Not on the calendar I just texted you
Detroit Quote
06-07-2016 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by boutrous11
Im.. ok.. no tournament on thursday friday or Saturday evening
Detroit Quote
06-07-2016 , 06:38 PM
I stand by my original explanation.

But you could just call them and *ASK*. Also lets them know that there's interest in having them.
Detroit Quote
06-07-2016 , 07:43 PM
Hollywood Toledo is promoting cash games hard right now with the High Hand Promotion Thur-Sun.

The BBJ is nearly $300k and want to keep the dealers available if cash traffic grows.

Cash games just make the casino way more money then having $60 MTTs. The $10 to $15 juice on a MTT of that buyin just don't make for them compared to taking $5 per pot (used to be $6 but now an extra dollar goes to the BBJ).

Dealers are going to prefer cash games because their tips will be much more then dealing MTTs.

It's the summer and poker is slower so during slower months a casino would rather get as much as they can aka cash games versus small field MTTs that if they put a guarantee on they can lose money if it overlays.

All of them reasons sum it up. Your best bet for small stakes MTTs is to grind the charity rooms.
Detroit Quote
06-07-2016 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by BeerBottlez
All of them reasons sum it up. Your best bet for small stakes MTTs is to shoot yourself in the head or learn how to play cash instead.
Detroit Quote
06-08-2016 , 08:56 AM
^^^^ - That is true but I'm trying to be polite.

With that said if a person is able to show profits in these charity MTTs that take 20% juice and the person gives a decent tip afterwards then they should be able to crush live cash with a few adjustments. I get some people want a night of "cheap entertainment" but overall profitability playing live is in cash unless you are a high roller mtt beast.

I do like small stakes mtts with big fields online where I can play several at once though with a large upside if you win it but that is completely different.
Detroit Quote
06-08-2016 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by BeerBottlez
^^^^ - That is true but I'm trying to be polite.

With that said if a person is able to show profits in these charity MTTs that take 20% juice and the person gives a decent tip afterwards then they should be able to crush live cash with a few adjustments. I get some people want a night of "cheap entertainment" but overall profitability playing live is in cash unless you are a high roller mtt beast.
It's amazing the number of regular charity tournament players who get crushed in cash games before or after they bust a tournament. Generally they go into short stack mode and try to win (back) their BI, but struggle with deeper stack play. There are a few pretty good 'tournament' players I see in the various charity rooms. But I have to agree that the rake and structures just don't bode well for long term success 'specializing' in those events. GL
Detroit Quote
06-08-2016 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by otter
How? Does he also have two engineering degrees from MIT & one from Harvard law?
I'm sure he hasn't accumulated that type of paper yet, but I wouldn't bet against him if he put his mind to it. They have other traits in common ... I'm not looking at getting into a LeBron v Magic battle here.

Ben ended up finishing 27th, I think, for about $35.5k. Lost a massive flip in a 10M pot after the guy called with AJ v Ben's 55. The guy tanked for over 10 minutes before he ended up calling and spiking an Ace on the Flop.

Lots of aggro play in that tournament from reading the blogs. Ben made a 3M call with A3 on a 663 board against another guy after he lost some chips to a K-high bluff a few hands before.

We can debate a guy's play all day long, but without being in that spot it's tough to know the dynamic that let up to each hand. GL
Detroit Quote
06-08-2016 , 12:13 PM
Tournaments in general are a very high variance pursuit. You play a lot and lose a lot just to bink one win to make back 10+BI. If you're cashing 10% of the time you're doing *great*. So you add all that variance to the completely insane rake and hyper-turbo charity structures, and it just makes zero sense to play those things. Unless you're looking to play for an hour or two and limit your loses.

I've yet to see a primarily tournament player that didn't get absolutely destroyed playing cash. Although I've seen some cash game players go dick around in tournaments and manage to do decently well. At least around here all the structures are so bad that the entire time they're playing short stacked and rarely have to make a decision beyond the flop. They often either buy in short, or end up short, and just ship with marginal hands that are dominated by a cash game calling range. OR they GII to build a stack before proceeding to punt it off with AK and TPTK 200bb deep.
Detroit Quote
06-08-2016 , 09:13 PM
I agree with everything but the very best charity tournament players should have a decent poker mind good enough to beat live $1/2 NL if they can understand how to adjust properly.

It shouldn't be something impossible to do live $1/2 is a soft game once you understand stack depths,etc...

I do see the same horrible tournament players sit in the cash game many times buying in really short and not lasting too long.

Nothing is more annoying then a person who buys in for $50 and thinks because everyone else is making it $18 preflop I'm going to do that on my $50 stack, or I will just call pre then fold when I miss the flop. I just shake my head whenever I see this it's like hey if you are putting in $18 of $50 then put in the entire $50 or don't see the flop.
Detroit Quote
06-10-2016 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by BeerBottlez
Nothing is more annoying then a person who buys in for $50 and thinks because everyone else is making it $18 preflop I'm going to do that on my $50 stack, or I will just call pre then fold when I miss the flop. I just shake my head whenever I see this it's like hey if you are putting in $18 of $50 then put in the entire $50 or don't see the flop.
The only thing that's annoying is when you bust them they don't understand the PF call.

Last night .. charity 1/2 late

Tournament A ($65 stack) opens to $15 from UTG ...
Buddy Tournament B ($85 stack) raises to $30) from UTG+1
Loose 1/2 guy calls
Loose 1/2 buy calls
Hero calls on B with 56
Blinds fold ..

AS ALWAYS in cash T-A flats the $30, leaving $35 behind in a $150 pot

FLop 334

Shove for $35, shove for $55, call, fold ... Hero says all-in ... Loose guy calls another $110

Bink ... 7 Turn against AK, QQ and A2 .. T River .. 3 players busto ..

Tournament A & B bemoan Hero for calling PF and indicate that that's why he never makes it far in tournaments. Hero stays silent while thinking that he made almost a min cash from that day's 4-hour tournament in one hand of cash play.

Now granted we can discuss the lack of implied odds Hero was getting PF all day but getting 4 to 1 PF it has to be close to =EV with an easy escape if the Flop doesn't connect. Knowing the players, knowing their ranges and knowing their playing style helps this marginal call. (Now if UTG has the QQ he probably shoves PF and then we can get into a bigger pickle .. but you deal with it at that time.)

Welcome to my world .. GL
Detroit Quote
06-10-2016 , 10:13 AM
Sounds like a fun hand. I don't get annoyed when they complain tho. More whining by them = more chips for me.
Detroit Quote
06-10-2016 , 10:19 AM
Casey Carroll is at it again ... 8th in chips in WSOP $585 PLO tournament in Vegas. Restarts at 3PM today with 1 hour levels.

Big double late when he re-potted all-in with flush and nut straight draws and hit the flush on the Turn. Casey took down HPT-EChicago earlier this year. GL
Detroit Quote
06-11-2016 , 08:47 PM
Heading to MC right now for some cash.. either 2-5 nl or 2-5 plo
Detroit Quote
06-12-2016 , 12:49 PM
Hmm, where to play today?
Detroit Quote
06-17-2016 , 07:59 PM
Detroit Quote
06-17-2016 , 10:52 PM
See 'any' of you tomorrow night in Toledo .. and then again Tuesday night .. GL
Detroit Quote
06-23-2016 , 12:24 PM
What charity rooms around Royal Oak are open tonight? I believe Mr. Bs is closed. Thanks.
Detroit Quote
06-23-2016 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by eastern motors
What charity rooms around Royal Oak are open tonight? I believe Mr. Bs is closed. Thanks.
The MPL says B's still has licenses scheduled but they aren't open on Thursdays. You can search by county for nearby rooms that might be open tonight -

It looks like Sinibad in Madison Hgts would be the closest. There are a few other rooms open on the east side in Macomb County tonight.
Detroit Quote
06-23-2016 , 01:41 PM
4 different Knights of Columbus groups have licenses in Macomb county tonight. Poker for jebus!
Detroit Quote
06-23-2016 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by eastern motors
4 different Knights of Columbus groups have licenses in Macomb county tonight. Poker for jebus!
Where you gonna play? If you make it all the way over to RoseMack I might be willing to try and make it up there if I think I can guzzle enough caffeine to feel fresh at 7pm. Slept for **** last night because of allergies and was up at 4am after not getting into bed until around 11pm last night.
Detroit Quote
06-23-2016 , 11:36 PM
24 hours from now I'll be on a plane heading to Vegas for the first time. Super excited. Can't wait to win or lose a bunch of money

Detroit Quote
06-24-2016 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by AlexBalex
24 hours from now I'll be on a plane heading to Vegas for the first time. Super excited. Can't wait tor lose a bunch of money

Good luck alex.. besides playin cards, take in the sights at the bars in middle of casinos, lots of willing women to give ya back rubs after long poker sessions.
Detroit Quote
