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Detroit Detroit

11-06-2011 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by twoblack9s
Possibly. But I would highly highly recommend you keep your job as a nurse. That is a very good job and there are a ton of people in Michigan who would die for that job. Plus poker becomes way less fun when you are playing it for your main source of income.
Very much agreed. Nursing > poker player.
Also Janitor at UAW>poker player.
Detroit Quote
11-06-2011 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by the village idiot1
Also Janitor at UAW>poker player.
haha... agreed!
Detroit Quote
11-06-2011 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
So... anyone who played in the Johnny G game last night have a TR? Heard another player walked out with a grand. Who are the main characters driving the action there?
Like I mentioned before I play somewhat regularly. There are a lot of "drunk fish" who come later who like to donate. You get a lot of guys who buy in for $50ish, then will constantly rebuy. There are a few players, I wont mention names who are complete Action junkies. Either there up $1000 or down $1000. I've personally seen two of these players drop over a grand, and one had a win two nights ago of $1100. These win's are just players who can afford to buy in for the max, and push the little stacks around. One player who is somewhat confident will open for 10x, cont bet for 20x, shove turn, Just basically pushes around the players. There are a few who will actually buy in the for the max, and the players who do, he stays away from. The later it gets, the more of i am bigger then you are contest it becomes.

I ment to play there $25 tourney today, but was at a fundraiser. I;ll try and sneak it in next week. If you looking for action and shove fests, G's is your place to play. Like i mentioned be careful, it isn't the GREATEST crowd to play with. Lots of Egos, and "Big Shots". Good luck if you play and gimme a sup bro if you see a kid with a black northface and a tiger hat!.

hope this helps.
Detroit Quote
11-06-2011 , 07:54 PM
I was asking because they said last night that three people cashed out for over $1000 and I was wondering how they were getting such big stacks at the table in a capped game. Sounds like a good game if that's happening every night.
Detroit Quote
11-06-2011 , 08:13 PM
its $30-300, so maybe a lot of max's who knows!. lol.
Detroit Quote
11-06-2011 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by steeser
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
lol NVD blocks 2+2 on its wifi
Your wifi must not be working because I'm on it right now.

only PL, and only sometimes.
Detroit Quote
11-06-2011 , 10:37 PM
Anyone wanna play the deep stack monthly tournament at Soaring Eagle on November 26, $185 buy in? Last time I played in the tournament sold out, 180 people I believe. It has a good blind structure as well.
Detroit Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by twoblack9s
Anyone wanna play the deep stack monthly tournament at Soaring Eagle on November 26, $185 buy in? Last time I played in the tournament sold out, 180 people I believe. It has a good blind structure as well.
Got a link to the structure? Might be interested in this.

Also what time does it start?
Detroit Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by twoblack9s
Anyone wanna play the deep stack monthly tournament at Soaring Eagle on November 26, $185 buy in? Last time I played in the tournament sold out, 180 people I believe. It has a good blind structure as well.
i would like to play the soaring eagle monthly, i always forget about it. we should get a group of 2+2ers for it. and banana, it starts at 1pm and i've heard the structure is pretty solid but don't take my word. i know it usually ends at like 1am/2am. always sells out.
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by millsandrew
i would like to play the soaring eagle monthly, i always forget about it. we should get a group of 2+2ers for it. and banana, it starts at 1pm and i've heard the structure is pretty solid but don't take my word. i know it usually ends at like 1am/2am. always sells out.
My buddy lives in Brekinridge which is close to Soaring Eagle and he plays the $180 every month. He says ya gotta buy in the night before because it caps at 180 and always sells out. He claims its a good tourney with good stucture but its pretty top heavy paying $10k to 1st
Besides, I doubt they run it this month with HPT running that weekend...but I'm not sure.
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by Jose313
My buddy lives in Brekinridge which is close to Soaring Eagle and he plays the $180 every month. He says ya gotta buy in the night before because it caps at 180 and always sells out. He claims its a good tourney with good stucture but its pretty top heavy paying $10k to 1st
Besides, I doubt they run it this month with HPT running that weekend...but I'm not sure.
yeah, i was there at like 4am on saturday morning playing cash and they were already sold out. and they're running it this month, it's posted on the website. it's on sunday november 26th. the hpt ends the 20th.
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by the village idiot1
Very much agreed. Nursing > poker player.
Also Janitor at UAW>poker player.
Actually, janitor at UAW most likely IS > nurse, if he is member of UAW.

(I'm not kidding - I did temp work as occupational nurse for a GM plant and many of the line workers made more than me.)

Seriously - nurses are about the most miserable - and MEANEST - group of people you will ever meet, with few exceptions. Almost all want out but don't know what else to do to make similar wages. Even the sweet job I have now working for a nurse line can suck - had a caller tonight in true distress with chest pain, shortness of breath and could barely talk, and was trying to get him an ambulance as he couldn't call himself, and his info was so screwed up by the people that answer our phones for us before we call them back... His insurance contract wasn't put in by them so I couldn't access his triage screen and was fumbling for that while he's gasping for air and fading out, and he disconnected while I was conferencing in EMS but we couldn't get him back on the phone. THEN when I am talking to dispatch for EMS trying to figure out how to get an ambulance to him, EMS dispatch informs me that the address our people put in his record is a mistake as that address doesn't exist and is in another city, AND that address for the other city is for an eye clinic. They finally sent ambulance to eye clinic which was CLOSED as that was the only chance we had to find him.

So yeah, I was listening to this man probably dying because people put in the call info half-assed and I was fumbling too long trying to get him help, and he very possibly died somewhere tonight because I couldn't get him an ambulance. Hey, being a nurse is great.

Last edited by FemmeNoir; 11-07-2011 at 02:57 AM.
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 02:49 AM
Wow I got a crazy trip report, going to post it trm...
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by FemmeNoir
Hey, 40-50K means not having to work as a nurse any more. That would work for me.

Anyone else think that' pretty realistic in the Detroit area?
It's not like you can expect a paycheck every month for 4 grand. Yes there are people making that much and more. Why are you asking? Are you considering quitting your job as a nurse? What stakes do you play? Do you have a proven track record of beating the game...years, not a few hundred hours?

I don't want to sound like an ass and I really don't mean to, but if you have to ask then the answer is you probably don't want to consider it. It takes a special person to do it for a living. It really, really does. It's not as easy as it sounds or looks and isn't as easy as it was 10 years ago when nobody knew about continuation betting or floating the flop.

However, definitely people are making a living playing in the Detroit area and especially lately I'm seeing more "pros" or pro wanna bees...or pro think they are's. I've been doing it full time (averaging less than 30 hours/week) for 7 years now, but before that I had been beating home games and the charity games in Windsor consistently for 9 years. Would I suggest it? No. Not for the normal person.

It sounds like you might be considering quitting your job and I would strongly advise against that. Feel free to send me a private message if you have any questions. However, don't ask how much I make or have made. That's between me and my accountant. Also don't ask how much I think you can make. I don't know you. I can't answer that. Check poker theory for expectations at different limits.
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by otter
It's not like you can expect a paycheck every month for 4 grand. Yes there are people making that much and more. Why are you asking? Are you considering quitting your job as a nurse? What stakes do you play? Do you have a proven track record of beating the game...years, not a few hundred hours?

I don't want to sound like an ass and I really don't mean to, but if you have to ask then the answer is you probably don't want to consider it. It takes a special person to do it for a living. It really, really does. It's not as easy as it sounds or looks and isn't as easy as it was 10 years ago when nobody knew about continuation betting or floating the flop.

However, definitely people are making a living playing in the Detroit area and especially lately I'm seeing more "pros" or pro wanna bees...or pro think they are's. I've been doing it full time (averaging less than 30 hours/week) for 7 years now, but before that I had been beating home games and the charity games in Windsor consistently for 9 years. Would I suggest it? No. Not for the normal person.

It sounds like you might be considering quitting your job and I would strongly advise against that. Feel free to send me a private message if you have any questions. However, don't ask how much I make or have made. That's between me and my accountant. Also don't ask how much I think you can make. I don't know you. I can't answer that. Check poker theory for expectations at different limits.

I have never asked anyone if they thought *I* could make that much - I'm nowhere near that level yet, but simply wanting to know if it is possible in an area that doesn't have the easy tourist trade at the tables like Vegas. Nor have I asked you nor anyone what they specifically make.

I'm weighing many considerations - not just poker - in whether to come back to Detroit and simply wanted to know some info about the poker scene there. Nothing more, nothing less.

PS. Sorry for the venting above. I was actually going to come back and delete it but it seems we are only allowed one edit. What can I say, bad night at work.
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by otter
It's not like you can expect a paycheck every month for 4 grand. Yes there are people making that much and more. Why are you asking? Are you considering quitting your job as a nurse? What stakes do you play? Do you have a proven track record of beating the game...years, not a few hundred hours?

I don't want to sound like an ass and I really don't mean to, but if you have to ask then the answer is you probably don't want to consider it. It takes a special person to do it for a living. It really, really does. It's not as easy as it sounds or looks and isn't as easy as it was 10 years ago when nobody knew about continuation betting or floating the flop.

However, definitely people are making a living playing in the Detroit area and especially lately I'm seeing more "pros" or pro wanna bees...or pro think they are's. I've been doing it full time (averaging less than 30 hours/week) for 7 years now, but before that I had been beating home games and the charity games in Windsor consistently for 9 years. Would I suggest it? No. Not for the normal person.

It sounds like you might be considering quitting your job and I would strongly advise against that. Feel free to send me a private message if you have any questions. However, don't ask how much I make or have made. That's between me and my accountant. Also don't ask how much I think you can make. I don't know you. I can't answer that. Check poker theory for expectations at different limits.
how many bbj have you hit, either end?
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by Jose313
My buddy lives in Brekinridge which is close to Soaring Eagle and he plays the $180 every month. He says ya gotta buy in the night before because it caps at 180 and always sells out. He claims its a good tourney with good stucture but its pretty top heavy paying $10k to 1st
Besides, I doubt they run it this month with HPT running that weekend...but I'm not sure.
Wow I'm surprised to hear it's selling out every month. I went there once and got there like an hour and half early and there was a big line for registration which I didn't make it through and ended up not playing.

I played it once, but don't remember how early I showed up.

Last time I was there (almost a year ago) I asked if they sold it out last month and they said they only got about 120 people, so I don't know what the deal is.

But yes, the structure is very good. I guess we will have to get more info on it. They had it on the website at one point but I can't find it now.
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 10:46 AM
How are the cash games at Soaring Eagle during the weekend of their Tourney?
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
How are the cash games at Soaring Eagle during the weekend of their Tourney?
They start as soon as 1 table gets eliminated. I have always found them to be very soft being that 18 year old kids can play.
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by LowEnd
how many bbj have you hit, either end?
0. Just table shares
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by FemmeNoir
I have never asked anyone if they thought *I* could make that much - I'm nowhere near that level yet, but simply wanting to know if it is possible in an area that doesn't have the easy tourist trade at the tables like Vegas. Nor have I asked you nor anyone what they specifically make.

I'm weighing many considerations - not just poker - in whether to come back to Detroit and simply wanted to know some info about the
scene there. Nothing more, nothing less.

PS. Sorry for the venting above. I was actually going to come back and delete it but it seems we are only allowed one edit. What can I say, bad night at work.
Sounds like a tough decision. another thing, There is not much game selection. typically there are 2, $2/5 games during the is a must move. Sometimes 3. sometimes 4 on the weekend. You will find one $5/10 and every now and then a must move. Fridays and Saturdays they run $10/20 nl.

Edit: this isn't going to help the Detroit poker economy either:

Last edited by otter; 11-07-2011 at 01:41 PM.
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by otter
Sounds like a tough decision. another thing, There is not much game selection. typically there are 2, $2/5 games during the is a must move. Sometimes 3. sometimes 4 on the weekend. You will find one $5/10 and every now and then a must move. Fridays and Saturdays they run $10/20 nl.

Edit: this isn't going to help the Detroit poker economy either:
Link again:|FRONTPAGE|s
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 03:03 PM
Congrats to Toledo for opening up a casino. We have tried for a long time to have one open up in Port Huron but it never passed. From my understanding, the owners of the casinos in Detroit spent a lot of money lobbying against it. I know this is bad for the downtown casinos bit I think it is good for people down there... And hopefully some people from around here will get lucky and get jobs down there also.
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
How are the cash games at Soaring Eagle during the weekend of their Tourney?
Phenominal from what I have heard in the past. Very deep stacks
Detroit Quote
11-07-2011 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
Congrats to Toledo for opening up a casino. We have tried for a long time to have one open up in Port Huron but it never passed. From my understanding, the owners of the casinos in Detroit spent a lot of money lobbying against it. I know this is bad for the downtown casinos bit I think it is good for people down there... And hopefully some people from around here will get lucky and get jobs down there also.
Oh good, another reason to try to stay away from the Detroit casinos
Detroit Quote
