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Whats a good win rate playing live 10/20 NL? Whats a good win rate playing live 10/20 NL?

02-03-2009 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by viffer
you can get 200 a hour to play 400 big blinds deep 50-100

2 hours min and isa be real quiet
I believe the standard was set at th 25-50 level. Also, talking as well as verbal sparring is fine, it's the trashy-uncalled-for personal attacks we can all do without...
02-03-2009 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Delecto
I believe the standard was set at th 25-50 level. Also, talking as well as verbal sparring is fine, it's the trashy-uncalled-for personal attacks we can all do without...
Record this and put it here on twoplustwo. A heads-up, deep, LIVE cash game would be the nuts.

02-03-2009 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by viffer
you can get 200 a hour to play 400 big blinds deep 50-100

2 hours min and isa be real quiet
Originally Posted by Delecto
$200 an hour and keep the banter somewhat clean and respectable.
How standard is it to pay someone to play heads up? (at higher stakes obv.)

Is a certain amount standard, like 2bb's an hour or something, or is it just a negotiation based on perceived edge.
02-03-2009 , 10:59 AM
I think people are missing the point that Nick River's arguments and clorox's arguments aren't mutually exclusive. They're talking over each other and not listening to what the other is saying. There is legtimacy to both their points.

Regarding a HUD, I only play HU when I play online, and I almost never use a HUD and don't think it's necessary. But I'd certainly use it if I was 10-tabling 6max. That said, I'm on an 18BI downer HU, so wtf do I know...
02-03-2009 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by jlocdog
cl0r0x- you have made 3 very nice posts in this thread.
Originally Posted by Delecto
NH Sir
Originally Posted by CitizenJames
This post is soooo money, clorox. Wp.
Thanks guys. I'm going to duck out now, as I don't want to be repetitive and argue just for the sake of argument.
02-03-2009 , 05:12 PM
people say online is tougher than live. yeah that is true given one session. A competent online player who once in a while tries live game will find the session very easy and profitable. But would the same online guy able to make a living off live poker? not really. it's so painfully slow, casino games are right beside you, gas, tips, food, etc. It takes another kind of discipline to make consistent money at live, not to mention running good because less hands and deep stacks inevitably lead to higher variance. There should be solid number of ~$100/ hr regs at live 10/20 , but it would be very rare case if anyone did ~200/hr over a long period after subtracting all the expenses.
02-03-2009 , 06:02 PM
Well if you drive 10 minutes and eat free food I'm actually cutting my expenses
02-03-2009 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by limon
your edge over a donk is exactly 0% higher than it ever was unless you never read SS1 published 1979(?)

i agree with most of your points limon but this one is ******ed.

Last edited by MagicNinja; 02-03-2009 at 06:45 PM.
02-03-2009 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Rivers
Lots of players? Busto? This is pure hyperbole. I don't know of any long-term successful online MSNL grinders who stepped into the live arena and proceeded to bust out. I've never heard of anything like that. Not once. Yet you claim there are "lots" of these guys? I've heard of endless ABC live nits trying out online poker and getting owned, only to go back to their ~$100/hour 5/10 - 10/20 live grind, but it never goes the other way. It's a pure and simple fact that these mystical "other skills" you keep mentioning are a simple matter of adjustment for a skilled online pro, and he'll have mastered them within quite a brief transitional period.

Just about the only people who can succeed online but won't have an easy time of it in live games are people who are under 21 or people who are severely agoraphobic.

That said, I'm not sure what your "larger point" has to do with the win rate of a 10/20 live grinder. Not much, I imagine.
brian townsend meet bobby baldwin...
02-03-2009 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by limon
brian townsend meet bobby baldwin...
ya it really sucks to only be playing 25/50 and 50/100... what a busto loser blah blah
02-03-2009 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by MagicNinja

i agree with most of your points limon but this one is ******ed.
sorry holmes i stand by it 100% and will even argue the point if you want to make a detailed opening statement explaining how you or others have figured out better ways to beat bad players. ss1 is pretty much entirely about how to beat bad/losing players (ie donks). most of the interesting recent stuff is about how to beat good but not great players (ie unimaginative tags). also you cant really read about how to beat anyone you have to figure it out at the table.
02-03-2009 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by thatpfunk
ya it really sucks to only be playing 25/50 and 50/100... what a busto loser blah blah
to him it does. thats why he opened a second secret account to hide his shame. i also dont think the big live players are impressed he can still grind 25/50 as they shove millions of his dollars into their safe deposit boxes and wait until the next wonderkid shows up.
02-03-2009 , 11:24 PM
i'm sure you've played against players live who u can put on a reraising range that's tight. maybe like JJ+/AQ/AK. u've also got a read that he cont bets maybe 90% of the time.

if the board comes Q53o and the fish bets, there's just no way you are analysing this situation as well as i am, unless you've gone beyond super system.
02-03-2009 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by limon
to him it does. thats why he opened a second secret account to hide his shame. i also dont think the big live players are impressed he can still grind 25/50 as they shove millions of his dollars into their safe deposit boxes and wait until the next wonderkid shows up.
based upon your last 3 months worth of posts, NVG really seems a better fit for you than HSNL.
02-03-2009 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by thatpfunk
based upon your last 3 months worth of posts, NVG really seems a better fit for you than HSNL.
listen, nick made a statement, i refuted it ... sorry man. it just so happens there are many online winners who get their ass handed to them live (for a while). i dont even know if townsend is one of them it could all be bull**** for all i know but it is a high profile case to prove a point. no one here would know the names of the people ive seen tap out at the commerce.

Last edited by limon; 02-03-2009 at 11:49 PM.
02-03-2009 , 11:59 PM
so your example of someone busting from live poker is someone who won 300k in that series of live sessions and has won millions from poker?

and so all the times you talk about players running away with their tails between their legs just means they lost a pot once?

i just dont understand your constant hate of online players and this point that you constantly try to make when it doesn't happen.
02-04-2009 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by limon
listen, nick made a statement, i refuted it ... sorry man.
No you didn't. You named a guy who has way more money than you, has more skill than any live 10/20 grinder in the world, who still plays in high stakes games on his own dime, and suggested that he's busto. WTF has this got to do with a MSNL grinder playing 10/20 NL? Zero. Honestly, you have yet to make anything resembling a decent argument anywhere in this thread.

it just so happens there are many online winners who get their ass handed to them live (for a while). i dont even know if townsend is one of them it could all be bull**** for all i know but it is a high profile case to prove a point. no one here would know the names of the people ive seen tap out at the commerce.
"For a while." Yeah, like for about a month, like I already said. Then they're winning. You could put up a bunch of names of former Commerce 10/20 NL players who you think are busto (not that you seem to understand what "busto" means if you think some guy worth seven figures is busto), and I suspect that not one among them would have a long-term history as a successful online MSNL grinder.
02-04-2009 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Nick Rivers
No you didn't. You named a guy who has way more money than you, has more skill than any live 10/20 grinder in the world, who still plays in high stakes games on his own dime, and .
and and hes really smart and cool too and his lips are sooooo pretty and and...
02-04-2009 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by thatpfunk
so your example of someone busting from live poker is someone who won 300k in that series of live sessions and has won millions from poker?

and so all the times you talk about players running away with their tails between their legs just means they lost a pot once?

i just dont understand your constant hate of online players and this point that you constantly try to make when it doesn't happen.
i dont hate on line players i played over a milllion hands on line during the party days and was making a shytload of money before the uiega. heres a newsflash for were many of the live players who are back at the casino now. that s why i think its soo funny that you guys ahve this big distinction...there is no distinction.

heres another news flash; 99% of the guys at the casino 10-20+ arent live pros. theyre degenerates and vacationers and rich guys goofing around. you like to compare on line winners to live players NOT live winners. if you actually gathered up the working pros and put them at one table the online only guy would be in a very bad situation. im sure like brian was in bobbys game.
02-04-2009 , 12:32 AM
"if you actually gathered up the working pros and put them at one table the online only guy would be in a very bad situation."

02-04-2009 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by limon
if you actually gathered up the working pros and put them at one table the online only guy would be totally f*cked. im sure like brian was in bobbys game.
02-04-2009 , 03:32 AM
200 bones an hour

LOL i still can't get over that
02-04-2009 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by ike
People who aren't good enough to beat $2/$4 online can beat $10/$20 live. If you want to figure out how good someone is at poker, look at how much money they're making not the stakes they're playing. Since you can get 10 times as many hands per hour online, you make as much money beating $1/$2 for XBB/100 online as you do beating 10/20 for XBB/100 live. So it stands to reason that beating $1/$2 online or $10/$20 live are comparably difficult tasks. If this were not the case, there would be no reason for the live $10/$20 players not to switch to a smaller game online and make more money.
what about if you wanted to cheat on your taxes?
02-04-2009 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by limon
i dont hate on line players i played over a milllion hands on line during the party days and was making a shytload of money before the uiega. heres a newsflash for were many of the live players who are back at the casino now. that s why i think its soo funny that you guys ahve this big distinction...there is no distinction.
There's apparently a huge distinction when they apparently can't figure out a way to make more than $200/hour.
02-04-2009 , 08:28 AM
limon just sounds silly.

anyways, you realize why lots of online players initially have a difficult time playing live? It's usually because they struggle to bring their level of thinking down to the right level and have no clue wtf the monkeys are doing.
