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Whats a good win rate playing live 10/20 NL? Whats a good win rate playing live 10/20 NL?

01-27-2009 , 05:28 AM
awwwww delecto NOOOO

why are you always getting in little snippit back and forth fights with nice nits like louis asmo when you yourself are the same as him?
01-27-2009 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by Delecto
I'm sure you know who I am.

Just to clarify your memory: Last month at the Bellatio 25-50 at something like 7 am you came in to donk it up as I was about to leave. You offered $200for me to stay and play for another hour to keep the game goin, I thought about it for a bit as I was racking my chips and accepted. Half-way into the hour you made a complete ass out of yourself with some totally inapropriate insults that you directed at me (the details are so bad that I will spare the readers here). At this point I got up and threw you back two black chips and left. Mikech was there that night and he can vouche for this.

It's sad really, I always thought you were an alright guy. That night showed me instead that you are just another classless egotistical degenerate.
and you are one of the reason poker is dieing in vegas, you offer no personality to a poker table or entertain the loosing players in any way but instead make it so they think of how to play better with your poker talk and make it so threy dont have fun., at the same time you educate the up and comping grinders with the little bit of knowelge you have., as smart as you think you are, you are twice as dumb.

the smartest thing you did was giving me the money back and leaving, you are draawing dead when it comes to out talking me, you play ok but got alot to learn!
and i promise the last thing you want me doing is coming back to belagio and playin every day. it will hurt your ego, and your bottom line!
01-27-2009 , 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by Delecto
Just to clarify your memory: Last month at the Bellatio 25-50 at something like 7 am you came in to donk it up as I was about to leave. You offered $200for me to stay and play for another hour to keep the game goin, I thought about it for a bit as I was racking my chips and accepted. Half-way into the hour you made a complete ass out of yourself with some totally inapropriate insults that you directed at me (the details are so bad that I will spare the readers here). At this point I got up and threw you back two black chips and left. Mikech was there that night and he can vouche for this.
Pretty sure it was -EV to give viffer back his money.

It's sad really, I always thought you were an alright guy. That night showed me instead that you are just another classless egotistical degenerate.
You're the guy hurling insults right and left in this thread (and other threads). What does that make you? I haven't insulted you once on this forum, and you've probably insulted me ten times. Your conduct here is little different than how you describe viffer's at the table that day.

Originally Posted by Rekrul
awwwww delecto NOOOO

why are you always getting in little snippit back and forth fights with nice nits like louis asmo when you yourself are the same as him?
Wow, fighting with Louis? WTF is the point of that?
01-27-2009 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by viffer
and you are one of the reason poker is dieing in vegas, you offer no personality to a poker table or entertain the loosing players in any way but instead make it so they think of how to play better with your poker talk and make it so threy dont have fun.,
You have no idea what you're talking about David Peat. We've only played on two seperate days for short periods of time so you can't make these type of judgements regarding my personality. I've told you before that my roots are at the 5-10 game at the Wynn so trust me, I know everything about entertaining and catering to the tourists as well as developing camraderie at the table. This is what the Wynn and Venetian poker rooms are all about. Unfortunately the Bellagio has MUCH more serious vide to it, so there's a lot more needling, **** talking, angleshooting, insulting, and overall rude behavior there. If you're not a "poker superstar" you're treated as a nobody by the staff and the players will see your friendliness as a weakness and will exploit it. So yes, there are days when I go in there with my i-pod and hood and dont talk to anyone because again like I said, players will look to manipulate your friendliness and **** with you in general.

The Wynn is a different story. Just a few weeks ago when I was there taking care of something non-poker related I was approached by two gentlemen out in the hallway. They said they remember playing with me at the 10-20 at the Bellagio and enjoyed my company there. They asked if I would be willing to start up a 10-20 game right there and then and I said sure. We played short handed many hours and the whole time they were joking about how they were playing with a Vegas pro and were giving away their money. But they were happy to be enjoying themselves because that's why they came here in Vegas in the first place.

Just the other week I was in a 10-20 game at the Wynn and looked like the game was going to break as it was down to myself and another player who was very inexperienced. He said he wanted to play me heads up to improve his game because his friends there had told him taht I was a "pro." I went along with it and made sure that he and his friends (who were watching on the rail) had a good time about it. I could go on with plenty more stories...

at the same time you educate the up and comping grinders with the little bit of knowelge you have., as smart as you think you are, you are twice as dumb.
There may be times where I slip up but people who really know me, know that I'm very religious regarding keeping the poker strat talk to a minimum at the table. Again, you can't make these types of assumptions without having really spent time with me at the table.

the smartest thing you did was giving me the money back and leaving, you are draawing dead when it comes to out talking me, you play ok but got alot to learn!
David, I never attacked you personally. The table banter was fun but you were obviously outclassed because you had to resort to pathetic and nasty insults.

and i promise the last thing you want me doing is coming back to belagio and playin every day. it will hurt your ego, and your bottom line!
We talked plenty about ego that night before I had left. If you recall I made it clear that I'm not out to prove anything in the poker world, that I would be gone in 5 years and you would never hear from me again. As for the bottom line, I acecpeted the $200 because because there were still 3 super donkeys in the game and it was definately a good spot to be in. You being there doesn't change that fact. Plus you had just dropped down in stakes from Bobby's room and I know from experience that when a player drops in stakes in one day they don't play their best at the new level. Needless to say you were splashing around quite a bit and any sort of edge you might have had over me (if any at all) was marginal at best.

Last edited by Delecto; 01-27-2009 at 06:40 AM.
01-27-2009 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by Nick Rivers
haven't insulted you once on this forum, and you've probably insulted me ten times.
Nick, now you are making stuff up. I said in another thread that you come across as a douche because you talk about how we've played together before but you won't reveal your identity.

Your conduct here is little different than how you describe viffer's at the table that day.
Plz stay out of this, you weren't there that night so you have no clue what he said.
01-27-2009 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by Delecto
You have no idea what you're talking about David Peat. We've only played on two seperate days for short periods of time so you can't make these type of judgements regarding my personality. I've told you before that my roots are at the 5-10 game at the Wynn so trust me, I know everything about entertaining and catering to the tourists as well as developing camraderie at the table. This is what the Wynn and Venetian poker rooms are all about. Unfortunately the Bellagio has MUCH more serious vide to it, so there's a lot more needling, **** talking, angleshooting, insulting, and overall rude behavior there. If you're not a "poker superstar" you're treated as a nobody by the staff and the players will see your friendliness as a weakness and will exploit it. So yes, there are days when I go in there with my i-pod and hood and dont talk to anyone because again like I said, players will look to manipulate your friendliness and **** with you in general.

The Wynn is a different story. Just a few weeks ago when I was there taking care of something non-poker related I was approached by two gentlemen out in the hallway. They said they remember playing with me at the 10-20 at the Bellagio and enjoyed my company there. They asked if I would be willing to start up a 10-20 game right there and then and I said sure. We played short handed many hours and the whole time they were joking about how they were playing with a Vegas pro and were giving away their money. But they were happy to be enjoying themselves because that's why they came here in Vegas in the first place.

Just the other week I was in a 10-20 game at the Wynn and looked like the game was going to break as it was down to myself and another player who was very inexperienced. He said he wanted to play me heads up to improve his game because his friends there had told him taht I was a "pro." I went along with it and made sure that he and his friends (who were watching on the rail) had a good time about it. I could go on with plenty more stories...

There may be times where I slip up but people who really know me, know that I'm very religious regarding keeping the poker strat talk to a minimum at the table. Again, you can't make these types of assumptions without having really spent time with me at the table.

David, I never attacked you personally. The table banter was fun but you were obviously outclassed because you had to resort to pathetic and nasty insults.

We talked plenty about ego that night before I had left. If you recall I made it clear that I'm not out to prove anything in the poker world, that I would be gone in 5 years and you would never hear from me again. As for the bottom line, I acecpeted the $200 because because there were still 3 super donkeys in the game and it was definately a good spot to be in. You being there doesn't change that fact. Plus you had just dropped down in stakes from Bobby's room and I know from experience that when a player drops in stakes in one day they don't play their best at the new level. Needless to say you were splashing around quite a bit and any sort of edge you might have had over me (if any at all) was marginal at best.
deep breaths..count to ten...deep breaths.
01-27-2009 , 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by Rekrul
awwwww delecto NOOOO

why are you always getting in little snippit back and forth fights with nice nits like louis asmo when you yourself are the same as him?
What does this have to do with anything?
01-27-2009 , 06:44 AM
remember that day where wynn canada kelly started making fun of your black fingernail paint calling u **** etc

how come after that day i never saw u with them again

did it get to u? or were the days i saw u just coincidentally no-nail-polish-days
01-27-2009 , 06:46 AM
but seriously lol why do you and asmo hate eachother?
01-27-2009 , 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by Rekrul
remember that day where wynn canada kelly started making fun of your black fingernail paint calling u **** etc

how come after that day i never saw u with them again

did it get to u? or were the days i saw u just coincidentally no-nail-polish-days
I consider Kelly a friend of mine. Like in any friendship we give each other **** for the stupidest things. The whole fingernail thing was an experiment during the WSOP. I've learned that the more outlandish you look the more action the tourists are prone to give you. Needless to say the experiment was a huge success.
01-27-2009 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by Delecto
Nick, now you are making stuff up. I said in another thread that you come across as a douche because you talk about how we've played together before but you won't reveal your identity.

Plz stay out of this, you weren't there that night so you have no clue what he said.
You can't call me names and then ask me to stay out of it. Courtesy is a two-way street.
01-27-2009 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by Rekrul
but seriously lol why do you and asmo hate eachother?
I like Louis Asmo (a lot, in fact much more than he realizes). He's got some great stories and brings a good vibe to the game. I really see a lot of myself in him. Unfortunately when you play with the same people every day sometimes personalities and emotions collide but things like that are quitckly forgotten and forgiven.

Last edited by Delecto; 01-27-2009 at 07:00 AM.
01-27-2009 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by Delecto
I consider Kelly a friend of mine. Like in any friendship we give each other **** for the stupidest things. The whole fingernail thing was an experiment during the WSOP. I've learned that the more outlandish you look the more action the tourists are prone to give you. Needless to say the experiment was a huge success.
LOL thats when you know you've arrived as a live nit grinder, when you paint your fingernails black to increase your hourly by 20 bucks
01-27-2009 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by Delecto
I like Louis Asmo (a lot, in fact much more than he realizes). He's got some great stories and brings a good vibe to the game. Unfortunately when you play with the same people every day sometimes personalities and emotions collide but things like that are quitckly forgotten and forgiven.
u sure?

not saying this applies to you and him but

i think most of the regulars that aren't actually 'friends' all hate eachothers guts deep down and u can see that every once in a while when tempers flare

but they are all too much of pussies normally so they stay cordial

like they are aware the person is a nice normal person and is a live pro just like themselves and if asked 'what do u think about him' they'll reply 'yeah he's a friend he's a nice guy'

but deep down they are always thinking '**** that guy

yay or nay? I THINK SO
01-27-2009 , 07:01 AM
and ypur need to argue or reply to every thing said either proves that you have no life or have a complex that needs to prove your smarter then everyone. either way maybe its time for me to start coming back to the belagio daily and playing. you had a nice fishing hole all to your self but had to brag about how big the fish were you were catching there and now other poles be poking you.

bend over cough!!!!
01-27-2009 , 07:01 AM
Don't forget about the goofy gangster hat...
01-27-2009 , 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by Delecto
Don't forget about the goofy gangster hat...

u wore that to get action? LOL

when i first saw that i was like, 'oh my god did he go on a 50k upswing and suddenly think he's top dawg pimp or something?'
01-27-2009 , 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by Delecto
I've learned that the more outlandish you look the more action the tourists are prone to give you. Needless to say the experiment was a huge success.
Is that why you gave viffer action that day at 25/50?
01-27-2009 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by Rekrul
u sure?

not saying this applies to you and him but

i think most of the regulars that aren't actually 'friends' all hate eachothers guts deep down and u can see that every once in a while when tempers flare

but they are all too much of pussies normally so they stay cordial

like they are aware the person is a nice normal person and is a live pro just like themselves and if asked 'what do u think about him' they'll reply 'yeah he's a friend he's a nice guy'

but deep down they are always thinking '**** that guy

yay or nay? I THINK SO

Dan for once I can agree with you. A lot of people deep down really hate the other guy sitting across the table. I'm not one of these people and even though Louis has prolly been around the poker room one too many hours I feel he's good hearted as well.

I don't look to attack other players, if they attack me then I defend myself or others who are attacked. Overall there's too much hatred and emotional suffering in this game. When I look at the face of someone who's taken a bad beat or lost a pot I feel the pain inside of myself. This is a major reason why I don't want to continue on with this game, it trully hurts me to beat other out of money.
01-27-2009 , 07:12 AM
i'm that guy that HATES EVERYONE, but actually loves everyone

including you, nails
01-27-2009 , 08:10 AM
this thread has gotten really creepy.
01-27-2009 , 12:37 PM
i once won 2500$ in 10 minutes at a 10/20 live game
01-27-2009 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by viffer
who is delecto?

i think id prop bet that jimmy or tom cant average 200 a hour. playing belagio 10-20 for 30 hours a week for 6 months. 2 years ago i think i was gonna bet that a few players couldnt make 100k playing 10-20 live. now the games have gotten tougher.

if you can average 100 a hour playing live at belagio or comerce over a year time i think you doing good. during belagio tourny time where there re 4+ games going then of course expectation is more but right now there might be only one game going at belagio.

side note id be willing to prop bet over a 200 hour period id play 10-20 and reach over certain hourly rate if anyone interested.
Finally, rational minds are stepping up and killing the nonesense about 200 or even 300/hr.
01-27-2009 , 02:00 PM
viffer please dont poke me with your pole. TY
01-27-2009 , 02:33 PM

god i love rick salomon
