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08-10-2011 , 11:20 PM
One other thing:

How on earth could Haseeb have thought Joses results were real if he's staking him for $5/$10?
08-10-2011 , 11:21 PM
i think the whole haseeb/jm wanting to play on girahs account theory seems bit off. if they want action, surely the one thing u dont do is play on an account uve hyped up to be one of the best players in the world... much easier to just play on a random friends account...
08-10-2011 , 11:21 PM
oh, i forgot... oops, i misspoke!

this guy is ridiculous
08-10-2011 , 11:23 PM
If DIH knew Jose since January 2010, it's impossible that he wouldn't know the screen names used that won the $1.6M. If he can't list those screen names, then it's because they don't exist. Same for JM.

It is painfully obvious that Jose's backstory was a type of guerrilla marketing created by DIH. This means he was aware of the fake LookingforProdigy post. How ever it is phrased, we should get DIH to admit this.
08-10-2011 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by 663366
Haseeb played on Jose's account Girahh, lost enough money, but wants to continue to play HS HU, therefore shipping $100K from SamChauhan to 1) help Jose win the challenge, and 2) allow himself to play HS HU while having opponents thinking that they're playing relatively-inexperienced-to-highstakes Jose Macedo. When Lockpoker DQ's Girahh that set off extremely alarm bells for Haseeb, who talked with jungleman and decided "let's just move to Portugal so when I play under Girahh it's from the same IP as Jose".

Now the question is, since jungleman is 50/50 with Haseeb in this whole Girahh venture, and Sam Chauhan is the name of jungleman's coach, 1) did jungleman also play on Girahh, and also 2) did he intend to play on Girahh once moving to Portugal to live with Jose.

He can deny both, but it's not looking good. I think anyone who's ever played Girahh esp. at highstakes needs to come out now with OPPONENT STATS and reference that with jungleman and Haseeb's stats. Despite of how 'talking' has made Haseeb look, jungleman should ignore his publicist and just come out with the truth if he is indeed more innocent than appears.

fwiw, Haseeb can easily get a VPN set up at Girah's place without having to actually move to Portugal. Further, most poker software that I know of also records your computer name, not just IP address when playing for further verification.

A VPN on Girah's computer would have been a much better way to handle the situation than moving to Portugal and I would expect Haseeb to know this.
08-10-2011 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by DerekJCEX
oh, i forgot... oops, i misspoke!

this guy is ridiculous
What's weird about that is that it makes it seem like he wasn't reading this thread...
08-10-2011 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by 663366
So jungleman you knew about Haseeb playing on Girahh, did you also know about Haseeb chipdumping $100K from SamChauhan to Girahh?

You knew all this before the Teamviewer scandal became public, and yet you continued to go ahead with the plan of moving in with Haseeb and Jose in Portugal? What was in it for you then??? You already knew that they were conning the poker community. We really need to know what was in it for you to move in with them in Portugal now.
Your posts are 1/2 reasonable and 1/2 crazy inflammatory stuff like this. Come on with this insinuation based on flimsy evidence: he knew a friend of his chipdumped to fund another friend's account so now it's so crazy that he would stay friends with them that he must be on moving to Portugal for some nefarious conspiracy reason? Like what? Play another durrrrr challenge post-BF?

I agree it shows poor judgment if he realized DIH and Jose tried cheating on the Lock challenge, but seriously it's not so crazy to imagine JM turning a blind eye to that. People forgive their friends for stuff all the time and I don't think the only inference from even the least-charitable "chipdump to fund the account story is bull****" scenario is "any reasonable person would have immediately severed all ties with his friends over this so JM must be shady as ****"
08-10-2011 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by charder30
As someone pointed out earlier.... If Jose was in fact staked 50/50 by JM/DIH then JM HAS to be knowledgeable of DIH dumping money to Jose....
And he has to know how weird the Chauhan account name looks IF DiH just snap created it. Of all the names to use, you create an account with your bff's mental coach?

Why are we assuming that DiH is finally telling the truth that he owns the Chauhan account? Someone should check on this with Lock bc it would go a long way towards helping clear JM's name.
08-10-2011 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by FoxwoodsFiend
I agree it shows poor judgment if he realized DIH and Jose tried cheating on the Lock challenge, but seriously it's not so crazy to imagine JM turning a blind eye to that.
This fails to acknowledge that jose was being backed 50/50 by jungle/Haseeb.

Originally Posted by Guyra
Someone should check on this with Lock bc it would go a long way towards helping clear JM's name.
Lock will not be helpful, at this point theyre guilty of at least overlooking a 100k chip dump, after an audit, to their largest pro. They will not risk incriminating themselves further.
08-10-2011 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by FoxwoodsFiend
Your posts are 1/2 reasonable and 1/2 crazy inflammatory stuff like this. Come on with this insinuation based on flimsy evidence: he knew a friend of his chipdumped to fund another friend's account so now it's so crazy that he would stay friends with them that he must be on moving to Portugal for some nefarious conspiracy reason? Like what? Play another durrrrr challenge post-BF?

I agree it shows poor judgment if he realized DIH and Jose tried cheating on the Lock challenge, but seriously it's not so crazy to imagine JM turning a blind eye to that. People forgive their friends for stuff all the time and I don't think the only inference from even the least-charitable "chipdump to fund the account story is bull****" scenario is "any reasonable person would have immediately severed all ties with his friends over this so JM must be shady as ****"
I should've said that "one scenario is..."

At this point Haseeb's credibility is shot, I know they are close friends but jungleman should look after himself and just tell us precisely what he knew about what Haseeb was up to, and why he tolerated it all and still wanted to move in with Haseeb and Jose if he wasn't part of some masterplan. This is, unless of course, that jungleman couldn't say that because he actually was actively involved in all this.. for eg. if part of the $100K dumped was jungleman's staking money, or if JM had also played on Girahh etc.
08-10-2011 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
What's weird about that is that it makes it seem like he wasn't reading this thread...
or he thinks we're all so stupid and won't see through his bull****. it's hilarious
08-10-2011 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by jcl
i think the whole haseeb/jm wanting to play on girahs account theory seems bit off. if they want action, surely the one thing u dont do is play on an account uve hyped up to be one of the best players in the world... much easier to just play on a random friends account...
Except.... If JM or any elite player creates a random account, it wont take too long for other HSNL players to realize it isnt really a fish.

Meanwhile, if playing on the the Girah account, no one would question the difficulty, and people were probably lining up to take shots at the supposed "prodigy". From the few Skype chats posted, you can see players were interested in playing Jose for the sake of seeing what he was all about.
08-10-2011 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by Zam
disagree with this, some people don't feel as comfortable playing live as they do online. I know for me live, I get nervous, as opposed to online where I just don't give a ****.
if you're staking somebody for high stakes and not under any financial stress, 2/5 is play money. and he's a 25/50 HU specialist grinding 2/5 full ring to get comfortable playing live?
08-10-2011 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by FoxwoodsFiend
I don't have much evidence for this and I've been biting my tongue wrt speculating about DIH's finances but I think it's crazy to think the following:

a) guy takes such a big beating at poker that he takes an extended break
b) guy after not recovering from the beating by grinding loses 300k
c) guy is spotted playing 2/5 and 5/10 live
d) given the above, guy is free of financial stress

I mean, you never can tell but I'd be truly shocked if Haseeb wasn't in financial stress (or at least what an HSNLer used to being super rich would consider stress). High stakes players just don't play 5/10 live when there are 10/20, 10/20/40, and 25/50 games running every day unless they're super-nitty.

Sorry if this is inappropriate and willing to keep an open mind on the subject, but at this point it's worth laying it on the table that DIH likely had a big motive for shady activity
I agree it sounds like Haseeb is under financial stress, and that's the conclusion I would jump to as well from reading the forums, however ...

I've done every single thing in that checklist in the past 2 years and I'm certainly not under severe financial stress nor was I at the time. I mean, hell, I cashed out a ton of money from FTP and grinded .25/.50c with a $1000 deposit for over a year, and prior to doing this I had been on a 1.5mil downswing or so. While anyone with half a brain must have thought I was busto, I wasn't. I played 5/10$ nl in Vegas this year myself for over 25 hours after having had 25/50 to 200/400 nl be my main game on FTP in the previous three months because I wanted to play at a limit where even if I gave off some tells I felt I would be a favorite or small loser. I also took an extended break from poker to focus on school and that coincided with having a huge downswing, but I definitely was not under financial stress at any time.

Circumstantial evidence just isn't proof. It's totally possible Haseeb is telling the whole truth now. People might not think he is likeable, but I don't see any facts ITT which can show that his story is false.
08-10-2011 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by 2WordSuckIt
Except.... If JM or any elite player creates a random account, it wont take too long for other HSNL players to realize it isnt really a fish.

Meanwhile, if playing on the the Girah account, no one would question the difficulty, and people were probably lining up to take shots at the supposed "prodigy". From the few Skype chats posted, you can see players were interested in playing Jose for the sake of seeing what he was all about.
and then after the first 5 people are crushed by jungleman playing under girah no one gives him any further action. 12 months of planning for that?
08-10-2011 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Zam
disagree with this, some people don't feel as comfortable playing live as they do online. I know for me live, I get nervous, as opposed to online where I just don't give a ****.
Sure but come on, going from playing Isildur at the nosebleeds to 2/5 live? I think we're beyond "not as comfortable" at that point.
08-10-2011 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by sauce123
I agree it sounds like Haseeb is under financial stress, and that's the conclusion I would jump to as well from reading the forums, however ...

I've done every single thing in that checklist in the past 2 years and I'm certainly not under severe financial stress nor was I at the time. I mean, hell, I cashed out a ton of money from FTP and grinded .25/.50c with a $1000 deposit for over a year, and prior to doing this I had been on a 1.5mil downswing or so. While anyone with half a brain must have thought I was busto, I wasn't. I played 5/10$ nl in Vegas this year myself for over 25 hours after having had 25/50 to 200/400 nl be my main game on FTP in the previous three months because I wanted to play at a limit where even if I gave off some tells I felt I would be a favorite or small loser. I also took an extended break from poker to focus on school and that coincided with having a huge downswing, but I definitely was not under financial stress at any time.

Circumstantial evidence just isn't proof. It's totally possible Haseeb is telling the whole truth now. People might not think he is likeable, but I don't see any facts ITT which can show that his story is false.
Oh, I completely agree that it's not proof. But conditional probability someone being busto based on 2/5 grinding already very high. Conditional probability of that given recent known huge financial hits and known extended break form poker is astronomically high. Nothing's proof unless we see a bank statement or get a friend of his to admit he talked about being busto, but if I had to wager my life on "busto" or "not" I would bet "busto" and pray to god he's not some rare Sauce123 weirdo

WRT "it's possible Haseeb's telling the truth" I think that, again, a lot of implausible claims piled on top of each other COULD be true but given that he's been caught in numerous inconsistencies and shady statements it's basically impossible to give the benefit of the doubt at this point
08-10-2011 , 11:53 PM
These revelations call into question Haseeb's claims that he was hacked a few years back which led to him losing ~$250k. It seems just as likely that he just tilted it off and lied about it.
08-10-2011 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by FoxwoodsFiend
if you're staking somebody for high stakes and not under any financial stress, 2/5 is play money. and he's a 25/50 HU specialist grinding 2/5 full ring to get comfortable playing live?
Just who/what were they staking for highstakes exactly, now that we know Jose Macedo wasn't responsible for winning the Lockpoker challenge which only happened because of the highstakes chipdump orchestrated by Haseeb? If Jose wasn't playing most of the highstakes hands on Girahh and Haseeb was, and Jose was losing at 5/10 during that month which I believed he was, then maybe the "staking" was really for profit-sharing of coaching/sponsorship deals they help set up for Jose for the time/effort that they put in creating the Portugese Prodigy phenomenon.

Because, really, they knew all along that Jose Macedo was incapable of bringing in the dough.... or else there would be no need to chipdump because he'd be winning $$$ himself.
08-10-2011 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by sauce123
People might not think he is likeable, but I don't see any facts ITT which can show that his story is false.
Did you mean you didn't see any facts in THAT POST that show his story is false? Because that I agree with.

In this thread, however? Are you serious? He has like 20 factual and logical inconsistencies that just cannot be explained but for covering something major up. I don't understand what could have possibly motivated you to say what you just did, and especially for you to really believe it...
08-10-2011 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by DOG IS HEAD
Originally Posted by Admo

Do you know who made the LookingForProdigy posts?
I have no idea. I suggest you contact him yourself if you're curious. I genuinely don't know. iirc, he got a few things wrong regarding Jose's story and acted pretty weird with the whole offering a money reward thing.

Edit: apparently Thac has stated that the posts came from Girah's IP? This is really ****ing surprising to me. I will have to think about this. ****.

Are you sure you stand by this?
08-10-2011 , 11:57 PM
re: 100k dump

FWIW more than once Jose told me that his transfers on Lock were blocked for some reason. That could explain why Haseeb "had" to make a new account to deposit.
He also twiced asked me to send money on Moneybookers for tiny amounts ($10 and $100).

Ironically, he suggested that to pay me back he would chipdump it on Lock.

IMO the dump was so that he could win the challenge and also allow Haseeb and/or Jungleman to play some 25/50+ when they saw good spots.
08-10-2011 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by sauce123
Circumstantial evidence just isn't proof. It's totally possible Haseeb is telling the whole truth now. People might not think he is likeable, but I don't see any facts ITT which can show that his story is false.
So wait. You think that the following list of facts are true?

1) Jose, who was apparently backed for like 5/10ish, needed 100k from his backer for some reason.

2) Jose, who was the new star pro at lock poker, and Haseeb could not figure out a way to get 100k directly into his account.

3) Haseeb could, however, figure out a way to get 100k into a brand new account. So, he did that planning to transfer it.

4) Haseeb didn't bother to learn before depositing that much money into a new account whether or not such transfers were possible on Merge.

5) Once Haseeb learned this, instead of letting Jose play on that account (which obv they were cool with) or dumping a much smaller amount (but still an amount large enough to play Jose's stakes) to Jose, or asking one of the million people who represent Lock who are all over the internet if their star player might be able to get a transfer, they decided to just dump the whole 100k.

6) All of this happened to happen right at the end of a contest, and the chipdump happened to make Jose win the contest, but Haseeb didn't know about that and was mad about it afterwards.

7) In spite of this fight that they had about this, Jose still goes out of his way in his response to Lock to say that he would have won the contest legitimately if not for the DQ (false because of this story of course) AND that he was willign tto play people up to 200/400 (directly alluding to the chipdump). It's fairly likely that he posted this with HQ's approval given that HQ said repeatedly that he reads over almost everything Jose writes publicly, even tweets, and this was Jose's very public response to a fairly major scandal at the time.

Yeah, man. That's totally what happened.
08-11-2011 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by 663366
Just who/what were they staking for highstakes exactly, now that we know Jose Macedo wasn't responsible for winning the Lockpoker challenge which only happened because of the highstakes chipdump orchestrated by Haseeb? If Jose wasn't playing most of the highstakes hands on Girahh and Haseeb was, and Jose was losing at 5/10 during that month which I believed he was, then maybe the "staking" was really for profit-sharing of coaching/sponsorship deals they help set up for Jose for the time/effort that they put in creating the Portugese Prodigy phenomenon.

Because, really, they knew all along that Jose Macedo was incapable of bringing in the dough.... or else there would be no need to chipdump because he'd be winning $$$ himself.
Again you just spout off complete nonsense...

profit sharing in coaching is peanuts to JM and most likely to HQ as well...

They put in all this effort and pretending to stake a non winning player so that somewhere down the line they can get a % of his ****ty coaching (because if he sucks, how many hours @ 500$ will people buy before they stop)... And sponsorship deals is a big stretch. Hoping that somewhere down the line he could somehow be more recognized than JM who is the number 1 HU player in the world?

I'm very certain that you do not think through anything before you post... Throwing **** and seeing what sticks should be done by people like NoahSD... Not you.. Give up...
08-11-2011 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by fslexcduck
Did you mean you didn't see any facts in THAT POST that show his story is false? Because that I agree with.

In this thread, however? Are you serious? He has like 20 factual and logical inconsistencies that just cannot be explained but for covering something major up. I don't understand what could have possibly motivated you to say what you just did, and especially for you to really believe it...
haha yea, in that bluff post. since the beginning of this thread he has def lied about stuff. i meant in the bluff interview, excepting the part where he went back on not being jose's agent.
