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FMyLife is multiaccounting piece of **** FMyLife is multiaccounting piece of ****

04-11-2012 , 06:26 AM
no its not the same iirc
04-11-2012 , 07:12 AM
I was just looking through my HHs and realized who this THISCANTGOWRONG guy probably is because I found 1 hand that I played with him on 27th of January where he played only his BTN.

There is a grimmer on party from Netherlands who joins me from time to time with a shortish stack, just to play his BTN/grim me (he sat out/left if he got dealt the BB). He did it on different screen names (on Party you can change your screenname every month). I also thought it might be him when he joined me yesterday after FMyLife left my tables on Party, but I got the BTN and he posted BB first so I eliminated that possibility. However, while searching through my HHs now, I just found that 27th of January hand (it's the only hand I have vs with him before yesterday, btw) so I got to this conclusion.
04-11-2012 , 09:28 AM
Hello poker players,

Lima has recently come to me to talk about/help him with certain issues in life.
And although I can't disclose exactly what I have diagnosed lima with, you can be sure lima will soon become a much more relaxed person.
Please be nice to him during this "transition" period.

Last edited by lima's doctor; 04-11-2012 at 09:29 AM. Reason: schizophrenia
04-11-2012 , 01:33 PM
Party has multiple skins and the same player can have accounts at each, which is totally allowable and not multiaccounting.

Maybe OP or someone else can let me know what I'm missing
04-11-2012 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by imfromsweden
I really doubt FMylife would do anything like that. He's one of the most straight up good guys I've met in poker.
What sort of statement is this ? How well do you know you met him in real life ?? You been scammed by 2 people on the internet i bet you thought they were straight up good guys yeh ?? Come on man wake up ffs

Originally Posted by ValueH

This thread is beyond ridiculous. Lima your behaviour has always been a joke, this tops it all.
Coming from someone from malta with 18 posts who are you ?

Last edited by jakedamus; 04-11-2012 at 01:53 PM.
04-11-2012 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by NthingToLose
[x] Believe lima
[x] Still needs more evidence tho

Stats would help, HH postings, all the above. The sitting out 6max and 0 nlhe hands are really solid but not quite a home run imo.
+ 1
04-11-2012 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by mjm25
Party has multiple skins and the same player can have accounts at each, which is totally allowable and not multiaccounting.

Maybe OP or someone else can let me know what I'm missing
1) Using an account on different skin to get action from a player that doesn't want to give you action while you know who he is and can use reads/stats, while he doesn't know who you are is multiaccounting in my book. Not sure what's the common consensus on this though.

2) He already denied that it was him so even if he did it, he just lied about it so it doesn't matter.
04-11-2012 , 02:16 PM
since i have played heads up a bit with fmylife recently (2k hands) and i know his playing style pretty well lima sent me the hand histories from his session with thiscantgowrong and i looked throug them. first of all i want to clarify that i dont want to judge if it was fmylife playing or not. i dont know him and i have no idea if he would do something like that. it seems like people who know him personally trust him and think he wouldn't cheat though. so don't misinterpret my post, i am not accusing fmylife of cheating. i will just write down my observations and let others interpret them.

there are many many similarities to fmylife's game in thisgantgowrong's game. i don't want to go into detail, since i don't want to publicise exact details about fmylife's game. but if that thisgantgowrong guy had played me and i had to guess which highstakes reg on pokerstars he is, i would have chosen fmylife for sure. exatly the same betsizing in every situation, the general very high level of aggression (basically attacking weak ranges whenever possible). all in all the similarities are overwhelming.

thiscantgowrong played really well. he played so well that i'm sure he would be a winner in almost any 25/50 6max setup from what i have seen. so i wonder why somebody who is very good at holdem and good enough for 25/50 prefers to play 5/10 plo according to his ptr. thats very strange indeed. someone find that guy please, i am curious about his explanation. if he played himself, he has accounts at other poker clients too and plays holdem on a regular basis there. otherwise he wouldn't be so good.
04-11-2012 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by lima
1) Using an account on different skin to get action from a player that doesn't want to give you action while you know who he is and can use reads/stats, while he doesn't know who you are is multiaccounting in my book. Not sure what's the common consensus on this though.

2) He already denied that it was him so even if he did it, he just lied about it so it doesn't matter.
1) While there is room for debate on whether this is rude, it's not "multiaccounting" and it's not even close. I doubt there is even any consensus in the HU community that this is frowned upon--using new skins to get action is incredibly standard, right?

2) This is not multiaccounting either. He is allowed to play anonymously on his other skins if he wishes. Not being forced to identify yourself has to also mean not having to confirm your identity when asked.

I'm sorry he is annoying you. Is there something serious that I'm not seeing?
04-11-2012 , 04:31 PM
Would bet a lot of money that at least one of the preachers ITT has done this themselves.
Fmylife, IF you did it, just own up to it, not like you killed someone, who cares, just try to be less deuchy
04-11-2012 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by imfromsweden
I really doubt FMylife would do anything like that. He's one of the most straight up good guys I've met in poker.
this!!! lima omg no waiiii!!!
04-11-2012 , 04:54 PM
lima is 2012's version of tuff_fish, only slightly better?
04-11-2012 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by mjm25
1) While there is room for debate on whether this is rude, it's not "multiaccounting" and it's not even close. I doubt there is even any consensus in the HU community that this is frowned upon--using new skins to get action is incredibly standard, right?

2) This is not multiaccounting either. He is allowed to play anonymously on his other skins if he wishes. Not being forced to identify yourself has to also mean not having to confirm your identity when asked.

I'm sorry he is annoying you. Is there something serious that I'm not seeing?
Definitely this.

Last edited by ATOTHEC101; 04-11-2012 at 05:09 PM.
04-11-2012 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
cmon dude we were supposed to learn something from girah.
Originally Posted by fees
this!!! lima omg no waiiii!!!
ha ha. Maybe I learnt something from all that
04-11-2012 , 06:19 PM
Party has skin(s), can't you legitimately have more than 1 screenname?
04-11-2012 , 06:32 PM
I thought party got rid of skins ages ago? Even if they still have, u clearly can't log on both at the same time from the same computer
04-11-2012 , 06:49 PM is Party skin for sure, don't know if there is more.
04-11-2012 , 07:29 PM
fwiw you can be logged into multiple ongame skins from the same computer... dunno if that translates to party
04-11-2012 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by imfromsweden
I really doubt FMylife would do anything like that. He's one of the most straight up good guys I've met in poker.
Pretty sure you said this about Girah.
04-12-2012 , 10:25 AM
If he did MA just to annoy you it's def not okay but still not as big of a deal as most ppl make it look like itt imo. It's not like his intension was to get an unfair edge by knowing you while you don't know him, which is the main reason for MA not beeing allowed. Obv if he did MA I think he should admitt it and apologise and it should be fine.

04-12-2012 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Nice_2_Beat_U
If he did MA just to annoy you it's def not okay but still not as big of a deal as most ppl make it look like itt imo. It's not like his intension was to get an unfair edge by knowing you while you don't know him, which is the main reason for MA not beeing allowed. Obv if he did MA I think he should admitt it and apologise and it should be fine.

It is very obvious that this is EXACTLY what he did and why he did it (the bold part). I really don't see what is unclear to you here, but if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them to explain it to you.

It's also funny how he didn't write anything here after his initial denial post except with his trolling posts with his gimmick accounts made recently with <20 posts.
04-12-2012 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Nice_2_Beat_U
If he did MA just to annoy you it's def not okay but still not as big of a deal as most ppl make it look like itt imo. It's not like his intension was to get an unfair edge by knowing you while you don't know him, which is the main reason for MA not beeing allowed. Obv if he did MA I think he should admitt it and apologise and it should be fine.


lima, fmylife was trying to play you hu but you denied. it is very clear that he isn't afraid of playing you while you know who he is. if he did multi account his intention was not to get an unfair advantage. he just wanted to get action from you.
04-12-2012 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Monkee

lima, fmylife was trying to play you hu but you denied. it is very clear that he isn't afraid of playing you while you know who he is. if he did multi account his intention was not to get an unfair advantage. he just wanted to get action from you.
I agree with this 100%. However, I think the other reason that MA isn't allowed is so you can't get action from people that don't want to give you action while knowing who you are, which is a much more frequent case.

I'd also like to add that while doing this he definitely did get unfair advantage of knowing who I was, while I wasn't supposed to know who he is. Whether he intended it or not, isn't that important because he was surely aware of the unfair advantage that he had by doing this and accepted it to cheat me for money.
04-12-2012 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Monkee

lima, fmylife was trying to play you hu but you denied. it is very clear that he isn't afraid of playing you while you know who he is. if he did multi account his intention was not to get an unfair advantage. he just wanted to get action from you.
and its lyk ok cuz lyk he gained an advantage as a byproduct and lyk it wasn't lyk his main intention so lyk its ok
04-12-2012 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by imfromsweden
I really doubt FMylife would do anything like that. He's one of the most straight up good guys I've met in poker.
PM me if you are interested in putting your money where your mouth is, like you did the girah affair (dont worry, I dont have any inside info..I just trust my read here)
