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03-13-2011 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
The value of this program is entirely dependant on Mer's level of interaction and contribution to the private forums. It's all speculation and faith at this point, but 225 or whatever is not unreasonable if it is fairly intensive.
FWIW, it might not be that great as well, I'm not arguing one way or the other.

It depends entirely on the level of intensity, and this is just something that's impossible to accurately gauge as an outsider. It could be of little value, it could be awesome. FWIW, a price of $225 is not overly expensive even if it's "mediocre" so at worst it'd be a let-down. It wouldn't be a downright rip-off unless Mers is to regularly ignore posts in the forums or questions, and that's highly unlikely.

I personally have a bit of doubt about the program as the experience can really vary depending on the individual for these sort of things, but calling it a rip-off/money-making scheme is a bit silly without having seen it in action.

I doubt Mers has optimizing his hourly in mind when he made this program.
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03-13-2011 , 11:39 AM
i think he takes it seriously for the most part and isnt just gonna not help u get better.
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03-13-2011 , 11:41 AM
can i get a free 1 week trial?
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by yaqh
can i get a free 1 week trial?
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 01:18 PM
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by u cnat spel
To be honest, I would avoid this program. It's not exactly lighting money on fire, but it's more like a really big investment mistake. For the price, there's a way better option:

For $540, you get a whole year of premium content. That means you get full access to their already huge video library and fresh videos every month, INCLUDING mersenneary's videos. They also have an exclusive forum available to members (not sure how active mersenneary is in it, but I believe the coaches regularly answer your questions there).

For $550, you get 2 months worth of unindividualized skype group chat + access to a private forum. To me, it sounds like a no brainer; you have to truly believe the value of mers's coaching is that damn good to choose this over a subscription. I do believe mers is using his image in this instance to charge the exorbitant price.

ChiRy didn't pay me to say any of this, but seriously, this just looks like a super fat value bet.
I think this is a fair argument (although as other people pointed out, it's not one or the other. My video viewing guide helps people get the most out of their subscription, for example).

The thing is, it's also the argument against every single form of private coaching there is. "Is two hours of one-one-one time REALLY worth a whole year of access to videos?" is the exact same argument, and again, I don't think that would be posted all over a pay by the hour thread.

The other thing I think people are misunderstanding is that I'm not saying it's a great fit for everyone. If you improve a ton without personalized attention and can't understand why anyone would do anything else but watch videos and read public threads, then it's probably not right for you. But if there are things that you're confused about and want help with directly and just want to pick my poker brain for a month about what you have trouble with and what you might need to improve on, and get advice you know you can trust to your hand histories, then it makes sense for a lot of people to sign up for this so that they can get the most out of their studying time.
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03-13-2011 , 01:36 PM
Mers would you recommend it to someone like me and would you take me as a student?

You can be honest, I promise I won't cry publicly.
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03-13-2011 , 02:46 PM
Shouldnt this thread be under coaching?
Favouritism, any1?
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03-13-2011 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by AmonRaa
Shouldnt this thread be under coaching?
Favouritism, any1?
We paid money to advertise in this forum. 2+2 is very serious about spam like this - it absolutely would not be allowed, no matter who I am, unless it was paid for. puts down a pretty penny to have a presence here.
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03-13-2011 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by AmonRaa
Shouldnt this thread be under coaching?
Favouritism, any1? sponsors HUSNG forum..
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 03:04 PM
I also am going to lock the other side-thread because I don't want people to feel like the site takes up too much space in here. In fact, I may talk to ChiRy about just moving this into the HUSNG open thread - it doesn't look like interest in this is going to be a problem. But maybe I'm being oversensitive about that concern/people don't really care if there's two sponsored threads total.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
I think this is a fair argument (although as other people pointed out, it's not one or the other. My video viewing guide helps people get the most out of their subscription, for example).

The thing is, it's also the argument against every single form of private coaching there is. "Is two hours of one-one-one time REALLY worth a whole year of access to videos?" is the exact same argument, and again, I don't think that would be posted all over a pay by the hour thread.

The other thing I think people are misunderstanding is that I'm not saying it's a great fit for everyone. If you improve a ton without personalized attention and can't understand why anyone would do anything else but watch videos and read public threads, then it's probably not right for you. But if there are things that you're confused about and want help with directly and just want to pick my poker brain for a month about what you have trouble with and what you might need to improve on, and get advice you know you can trust to your hand histories, then it makes sense for a lot of people to sign up for this so that they can get the most out of their studying time.
not true. i think i have got very little out of the vids i have watched becuase i find most of them too long and pretty boring. i find it hard to put myself in the coaches shoes and think about what would be going through my head.

a whole month to pick the brain of a top class player is worth a lot more than $215 imo and a lot less time consuming than watching a ton of vids

all the $50 guys should be on this like a fly on **** imo
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03-13-2011 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Barbra Streisand
Lol, thats just because youre really bad.

Anyways I do agree that this whole "coaching" program is insane.
HU limit for rollz?
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Tamas6
not true. i think i have got very little out of the vids i have watched becuase i find most of them too long and pretty boring. i find it hard to put myself in the coaches shoes and think about what would be going through my head.
This is what I mean. Some people can't understand why anybody would do anything else than watch videos and dig through the 2+2 forum on their own, because they thrive in that environment. Other people (as evidenced by the people who have signed up already) don't like trying to learn that way and want more personalized attention, but not for just an hour. They want help with what's actually worth studying and not feel like it's a race to get as much help they can in an hour before the clock is up. They want ongoing feedback about their own play from someone who is giving advice they know they can trust.

This is an experiment. I will constantly be collecting feedback about its effectiveness (students: say hello to surveymonkey in a couple of weeks) and I don't want anybody on board who feels really unsure/anxious about whether it's a good fit for them.

I really like my batch of students so far It's a good mix of lower stakes method A guys and flat rate people I don't know that well but have noticed as quality thinkers/posters. Last night I honestly was pretty down about it all after getting accused of taking advantage of people (I think I have thinner skin than I thought), but I feel better after a good night's sleep and an hour pouring through one eager student's hand histories over some cinnamon toast crunch.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 03:37 PM
Hey Mers,

Do you consider the bulk of the value to here to be in the forum or in the 1 hour coaching?
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 03:45 PM
The forum. I think $50-$75 would be a pretty standard price for the group coaching session if it were on its own.

Last edited by mersenneary; 03-13-2011 at 04:47 PM.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 04:26 PM
I'm just wondering If it would be sustainable for me that i'm not english mother language. I generally understand 95% of this forum and 90% of the husng video concepts, but a skype chat with 10 people would be probably tougher.

Have you ever had any coaching experience with a foreign language speaker? I mean, with medium skills of the english spoken.

(I play 10$ reg speed on FTP since december and I'd like to level up, screen name: Zeitgeist85)
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by MechanicalBoy
I'm just wondering If it would be sustainable for me that i'm not english mother language. I generally understand 95% of this forum and 90% of the husng video concepts, but a skype chat with 10 people would be probably tougher.

Have you ever had any coaching experience with a foreign language speaker? I mean, with medium skills of the english spoken.

(I play 10$ reg speed on FTP since december and I'd like to level up, screen name: Zeitgeist85)
I expect the skype chat will be more around 5-7 students, I just didn't want to oversell.

I do have experience coaching foreign language speakers, it's gone well. For this, it will help for the group coaching session if you prep me a bit more beforehand with what you're hoping from it. I doubt the forum will be an issue.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 05:01 PM
when is this starting mers? can i get a discount for the propbet i won against u and never claimed? :P
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03-13-2011 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Freakg
when is this starting mers? can i get a discount for the propbet i won against u and never claimed? :P

Im rly interested as well Mers, when does it start?
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 06:28 PM
Already started, spots available.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 07:07 PM
hey is there a way to reserve a slot, since I can't rly play until saturday but would love to be part of it... I am playing the 10 dollar turbos. Thx in advance
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03-13-2011 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Tamas6
i think i have got very little out of the vids i have watched becuase i find most of them too long and pretty boring. i find it hard to put myself in the coaches shoes and think about what would be going through my head.
You know this is a good point that I think sites like HUSNG should consider. I would much rather watch an intensive 15 minute-20 minute video then a 1hr 20 grind. If I was to watch the 1hr 20 minute video I personally would actually prefer it to be edited to 5 or 6 videos. Maybe add some recapping and reads.

I think shortening videos ought to be a win/win for both the site and the viewer.
The site gets more content with probably better quality, whilst the viewer gets to maintain their focus.

To me shortening a 1 hour video into a 20 minute 3 part series is a complete no brainer.

Also, This program by Mers sounds reasonable value for low stakes grinders. Good luck with it.
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03-13-2011 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by MissNeedles
Hey Mers,

Do you consider the bulk of the value to here to be in the forum or in the 1 hour coaching?
I personally expect most from the forum and the interaction with other people. I think at the moment, my biggest leak is that I don't really know what my biggest leak is - and what I need to work on and how to best do that.

And I also see this as an unique experience and a chance to meet new poker friends.
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03-13-2011 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by chadders0
it's great for lowgrinders, i just think a cap of $700 is too much.

the reason people are concerned it's not a legit oppurtunity is because worst case scenario you are paying $700 a month (i'm sure this will be rare, but still possible given their formula) ...
One could also argue that it's a means of protection for the low stakes grinders, to prevent this from being abused from people who could easily afford the $225.

Just do the math:

If you're making more than $1500 per month on average, then you're better off taking the flatrate option.

And that cap is reached if you make at least $4667 that month - that's over three times your average winnings, so you must be running really hot and / or be taking shots at higher limits.
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