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Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now)

03-13-2011 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by chadders0
this does seem like a good idea, by the idea of someone feasibly paying $700 (assuming they have an awesome month) for one hour of group coaching and access to a forum seems a bit much. For people who are breakeven at the time of joining, potentially paying just $50 may on the other hand be a good deal - though it would seem logical to give an hours coaching up front, otherwise that first month you are taking 15% of their profits without even having little to no effect on the way they are playing.
I think the benefit here is that you can make 300 a month and keep all your winnings, or make 6k in one month and only keep 5k of your winnings.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:09 AM
Just to clarify a few things on my end.

- Mers is going to post in the members forums too, just not as significantly as in his own private coaching forum (probably about 30 posts a month on member forums). And he obviously posts here on 2p2 as well. I'm sure he will say that his private forum is just a way he can interact with his students and they can get the benefit of each other's questions and answers. It's not in place of or anything like that.

- It's 225 or whatever, lets be realistic about games dying. You don't pay $225 to make 20k. Nobody does, that doesn't happen. You pay $225 and you're happy if it makes you $500. It's not like there's no room for good return and it's only "this is either a ripoff for $225 or it makes you 20k" that's a terrible conclusion to draw, whoever said that.

- Cutchalosses, didn't you get your coaching thread shut down and you were charging more per hour?

- As others pointed out, what Mers is doing here is done in many other poker games. It's not life changing, it's just a format that fits his schedule and goals better. If he took on 10 students at $500 per hour regularly he would be provided extremely focused help to people that only play high stakes. But nobody would criticize that because it's normal. isn't running this nor gets any money from it. It's Mersenneary offering private coaching in his own way, the way that he feels can reach the most students and offer them affordable, good value opportunity. His staking option is just a way for lower stakes player to be able to afford it/adds "I want this to show me results to justify the cost" group appeal. We're just helping promote it for him, as we do with most coaches (through coaching pages generally).
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:25 AM
I cant see how anyone complain about the pricing method
Either you dont expect to make that much and the first method will be great whatever happend because either you dont pay much or you have to pay more than expected but you have better than expected results which in itself is insanely positive hard to complain about.
Or you know that paying 225$ will be cheaper for you.
Pricing are imo very well thought, the question is about the return on that investment where people can be more critical. And until mers get more feedback from people that tried that will be impossible to guess.
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03-13-2011 , 02:30 AM
Yeh i shut it down, and i was charging more, but not 225 to 5-10 people for a group hour lesson. That means he is getting 1-2k per hour session and posting/ commenting on more hands when he does that for free anyways. He is basically connecting people who are already connected in thr poker community on 2p2 and charging an absurd ammount. People woulf gain more getting one hr of private coaching when most coaches will talk to their students at anytime. Sorry this post is from my phone.Not many people would pay him 500/ hr that is a ton of money and i doubt his hourly is 1-2k. I do also realize he has to charge more than his hourly to make it worth it to him since hes improving the field
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03-13-2011 , 02:50 AM
If husng isnt running this why did my thread offering one on one coaching for 15 percent 4 times a month grt shut down? My understanding this thread got to stay and mine didny was because sponosored the forum so i guess this does have something to do with
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 03:02 AM
I was referring to your coaching forum thread.

I said we are promoting it.

Mers can answer your questions about what his program offers, but I believe it is more than his regular posting. From what I see there's already a few threads recommending how to efficiently study, what to study and why and a strategy discussion thread that looks pretty similar to an article.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 03:10 AM
Honestly i dont even care anymore, gl to u mers and your site i hope everyone gets really really good for cheap
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03-13-2011 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by CutchaLosses
be able to post on a private forum and have questions answered by you all month
I think you've been a total ******* in this thread, but a side result is that I'm even more motivated to show just that.

I believe very strongly in the value of what you quote. I think it's worth more than an hour of traditional coaching, especially in addition to the more generalized resources I'm providing and the group session. The fact that good, smart players I already respect a lot have been jumping on this (leading me to cap admits in the next week or so, I would suspect, as we see how it goes initially) makes me feel even more confident.

For those taking a wait and see approach, it's certainly reasonable, and I'm excited for what comes of it
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 04:03 AM
I can see how you think that. I'm sorry. It doesn't seem that bad when you explain it like that. I haven't/don't value that aspect as you and other people seem to. If you are really going to interact on the forum and that is what you believe a main contribution to the cost is then its ok and I think it will be worth everyones money. I was just stressing on the one hour group session to be the bulk of this program and that is obviously not what you and the students are intending for. I basically didn't think just one hour of group coaching would help improve someone very much. Working together and motivating each other with you interacting in the forum will.

I'm not against coaching or improving everyone either I would. My gf and I are in a bad mood today. I hope this works out for you and everyone. Don't make the competition too tough though
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 05:01 AM
LOL rip-off.

Very lame idea, imo.
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03-13-2011 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by MissNeedles
I used to play HU limit and I'm starting to get the same feeling I had back when The Bryce started making videos. That game went from incredibly profitable to dead in a year and a half. HU limit coaches came out of the woodwork and pretty soon there were 20+ regs filling the lobbies from 3/6 to 30/60 and not enough fish to go around. I don't know what kind of impact is having and all of the relatively affordable coaching going on but I hope it doesn't end the same way as HU limit.

Whether this program is a good value or not - I don't know. If I was a break-even player at the $10s I would certainly give it a shot. If it is a successful program those break even $10 players might soon be playing the $50s.
Lol, thats just because youre really bad.

Anyways I do agree that this whole "coaching" program is insane.

Last edited by Barbra Streisand; 03-13-2011 at 05:19 AM.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 05:47 AM
Lol wadz lol wadz lol wadz lol busted wadz lol

Last edited by rumnchess; 03-13-2011 at 05:47 AM. Reason: pics of gf or gtfo
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 06:26 AM
The value of this program is entirely dependant on Mer's level of interaction and contribution to the private forums. It's all speculation and faith at this point, but 225 or whatever is not unreasonable if it is fairly intensive.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 06:37 AM
I find this interesting but have a few questions about it:

- I know from teamviewer sessions how uncoordinated 4-5 man chats are. how are you going to make a 10 people skype session work?

- the value of your offer mainly depends on how much time you dedicate to the forums. about how many hours are you going to spend on this and for how many people?

- another concern from your side: how do you prevent yourself from being scammed? I could think of a million ways to sneak games i played past you though I consider myself a trustworthy person. will you just expect people to have the same moral standards as you do?

thanks if you find the time to answer.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 06:40 AM
yeah i don't want to focus on wadz' contribution to the thread but mersenneary doesn't do things by half measures, i just can't believe there is any doubt or concern over this and it's legit a really good opportunity.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 07:18 AM
Exactly -- the more I think about this, the dumber I think this whole program is.

I hope people will be rational and figure out this is def not worth it

Edit: this post was a responce to cnat spells post. He decided to delete it -- v classy!
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 07:31 AM
To be honest, I would avoid this program. It's not exactly lighting money on fire, but it's more like a really big investment mistake. For the price, there's a way better option:

For $540, you get a whole year of premium content. That means you get full access to their already huge video library and fresh videos every month, INCLUDING mersenneary's videos. They also have an exclusive forum available to members (not sure how active mersenneary is in it, but I believe the coaches regularly answer your questions there).

For $550, you get 2 months worth of unindividualized skype group chat + access to a private forum. To me, it sounds like a no brainer; you have to truly believe the value of mers's coaching is that damn good to choose this over a subscription. I do believe mers is using his image in this instance to charge the exorbitant price.

ChiRy didn't pay me to say any of this, but seriously, this just looks like a super fat value bet.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 07:34 AM
you can pay both
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
The value of this program is entirely dependant on Mer's level of interaction and contribution to the private forums. It's all speculation and faith at this point, but 225 or whatever is not unreasonable if it is fairly intensive.
+1. I'm surprised at the criticism ITT, seems like a very legit and interesting formula given the coach. This form of coaching also allows for easy networking with players of similar skill level and goals, which is obviously extremely valuable.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by palinca
+1. I'm surprised at the criticism ITT, seems like a very legit and interesting formula given the coach. This form of coaching also allows for easy networking with players of similar skill level and goals, which is obviously extremely valuable.
if you choose palinca however, you get an active forum with aforementioned high stakes baller as a contributor for free!
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
I think the benefit here is that you can make 300 a month and keep all your winnings, or make 6k in one month and only keep 5k of your winnings.
it's great for lowgrinders, i just think a cap of $700 is too much.

the reason people are concerned it's not a legit oppurtunity is because worst case scenario you are paying $700 a month (i'm sure this will be rare, but still possible given their formula) for one hour shared between 9 other people (so either it takes a lecture format like a vid, or its a free for all and everyone only gets on question answered) and access to a forum where most of the advice you will be given is by other paying members, that hardly seems worth it.

To say mers is taking advantage of his image when making this is absolutely true, but then again he earned that image with some sick results and good videos etc
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 10:36 AM
seems legit and could help a lot of people.

Last edited by CutchaLosses; 03-13-2011 at 10:42 AM.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 10:43 AM
I think people who are saying negative things about the programme are jealous that Mers is gonna make a ton of variance free cash from this

If people want to join the programme, they can look at the pros and cons and make a decision for themselves whether it is profitable to do so or not.

As far as making the games tougher, it probably will make the midstakes ST lobbies thicker, but w/e, I guess fish action is still strong in these games?
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 10:44 AM
i think its a great idea for a lot of people

Last edited by CutchaLosses; 03-13-2011 at 10:53 AM.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
03-13-2011 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by TakeHerOnACruise
yeah i don't want to focus on wadz' contribution to the thread but mersenneary doesn't do things by half measures, i just can't believe there is any doubt or concern over this and it's legit a really good opportunity.
All of this, wtf is going on in this thread? I guarantee you that mersenneary will go above and beyond the basics he is promising. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind he is attempting to scam here and if anything I think the price is too low. Some of you are underestimating the direct financial value of good coaching...if you put in a lot of volume just tweaking two or three little things in your game can make you a LOT of money. Poker is a crazy thing, the ceiling is so high and not wanting to improve your game is just lighting money on fire. Every day any of us play poker we do tons of dumb @#%! that lights money on fire (some spew by not spewing).

This program is the opportunity to further your poker through a strong network of poker friends and be mentored (I guarantee you you will get more value per month than just this one hour of group coaching) by someone who is not only one of the better high stakes regs right now but more importantly someone who is thirsty and driven to improve and succeed in poker.
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