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***** Beginner's Questions Thread ***** ***** Beginner's Questions Thread *****

09-21-2009 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by aarono2690
aaron_bloom26 224$3 $55 5%$650 -N/AFullTiltE<=2 S50-80

So over 224 games I've only managed to win $650, 13 buyins to be exact with a 5% ROI. This seems somewhat pathetic to me as I've been constantly studying and taking notes and I feel it should be higher. Granted it's a small sample size but what should a decent player being doing here at roughly 1k tgames?
play more, study harder and come back with a decent sample size. Hire a coach if you feel like you aren't going anywhere after a decent sample.
09-22-2009 , 04:44 AM
Hey guys,
i'm playing turbos HUsngs and I'm kind of lost in this kind of situation :

you're playing a rather bad opponent, that is pretty passive in general except when he hits big.
you're OTB, 50bb deep effective, raise 3x he calls,
you flop second pair good kicker on a draw heavy board
you cbet 2/3rd pot he calls

So you can assume his range his mostly draws that he'll play passively + some pairs but you're ahead of his calling range here.

A blank turn comes....what should be your mindset here ?
Using pot control seems pretty bad since you're offering him a free card and with his range he probably has a decent amount of outs vs. our hand,
but by firing another bullet you build a pot with a marginal hand...

if a good player could give me advice on this, i'd be grateful.
I know it's vague, maybe I should post an actual hand ? (don't know if it's the right section for it)
09-22-2009 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by destinationNOWHERE
Hey guys,
i'm playing turbos HUsngs and I'm kind of lost in this kind of situation :

you're playing a rather bad opponent, that is pretty passive in general except when he hits big.
you're OTB, 50bb deep effective, raise 3x he calls,
you flop second pair good kicker on a draw heavy board
you cbet 2/3rd pot he calls

So you can assume his range his mostly draws that he'll play passively + some pairs but you're ahead of his calling range here.

A blank turn comes....what should be your mindset here ?
Using pot control seems pretty bad since you're offering him a free card and with his range he probably has a decent amount of outs vs. our hand,
but by firing another bullet you build a pot with a marginal hand...

if a good player could give me advice on this, i'd be grateful.
I know it's vague, maybe I should post an actual hand ? (don't know if it's the right section for it)
Bet for value if you think he has tons of drawing hands in his range. If he raises or bet big on the river when draws hit it's an easy fold.
09-22-2009 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by destinationNOWHERE
Hey guys,
i'm playing turbos HUsngs and I'm kind of lost in this kind of situation :

you're playing a rather bad opponent, that is pretty passive in general except when he hits big.
you're OTB, 50bb deep effective, raise 3x he calls,
you flop second pair good kicker on a draw heavy board
you cbet 2/3rd pot he calls

So you can assume his range his mostly draws that he'll play passively + some pairs but you're ahead of his calling range here.

A blank turn comes....what should be your mindset here ?
Using pot control seems pretty bad since you're offering him a free card and with his range he probably has a decent amount of outs vs. our hand,
but by firing another bullet you build a pot with a marginal hand...

if a good player could give me advice on this, i'd be grateful.
I know it's vague, maybe I should post an actual hand ? (don't know if it's the right section for it)
if you're talking about something like A9 on a K972 board then you can/should defenitly valuebet turn vs most players
09-22-2009 , 11:24 AM
ahah that's exactly the board i had in mind.
ok so i bet for value, then the river is pretty easy to play.
If he ends up having Kx, is "it's okay he has draws most of the time, i played well" the right thing to think ?
I'm just having doubts about all that stuff, i just don't wanna have the wrong mindset if you know what i mean.
09-22-2009 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by destinationNOWHERE
ok so i bet for value, then the river is pretty easy to play.
If he ends up having Kx, is "it's okay he has draws most of the time, i played well" the right thing to think ?
yeah exactly, easy check back river vs most unless you know they're stationy and raise most Kx on flop; and most people DO raise Kx on flop so yeah if he c/c's twice with toppair so be it, most of his range is draws anyway or weaker pairs; also if turn is like 8h you can/should still bet for value vs most, because a lot of hands picked up something extra (like a flushdraw turned a gutshot/openender, or a hand like J9/T9 now got a straightdraw as well)
if you get raised there, easy fold
09-22-2009 , 11:47 AM
great ! thanks a lot for your detailed answer, really helpful
I hope i can afford a coach like you one day
best of luck at the tables
09-22-2009 , 03:03 PM
srsly you guys, don't make me use the search engine.

What ptbb/100 winrate and $/hour should i be looking at for 2 tabling 100nl?
09-22-2009 , 10:47 PM
How do the 20.00 HU sng's on Pokerstars compare to the ones on Full Tilt? Is the skill level alot better on stars?
09-23-2009 , 05:56 AM
dumb question : is there rly a big skill difference between the stars 11s and 23s - been playing nearly 900 11s with 11% roi and trying out the 23s now - 132 so far with -7,2% (red line slightly positive though) - i know both numbers are no samplesizes at all - just wondered if others think there is a big skill diff as i read everywhere it isnt - ty in advance
09-23-2009 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by MauMau
dumb question : is there rly a big skill difference between the stars 11s and 23s - been playing nearly 900 11s with 11% roi and trying out the 23s now - 132 so far with -7,2% (red line slightly positive though) - i know both numbers are no samplesizes at all - just wondered if others think there is a big skill diff as i read everywhere it isnt - ty in advance
i noticed no real difference...just stay focused and you will be fine..
09-23-2009 , 12:11 PM
i currently play SH and im thinking about transitioning to HU. how profitable is it?

whats ur average hourly rate? how many tables do u play and what limits?
09-23-2009 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by alexrjl
Make up a really obvious bluff tell, when your opponent notices it wait for a good hand then get sick value when he hero calls with K high?
Wow you have no idea how much this actually worked (even without me having to make up a tell). These players were the biggest stations ever and I cashed and made day 2 which is today. $2k in the pocket, going for $17k!
09-23-2009 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by smody121
Wow you have no idea how much this actually worked (even without me having to make up a tell).
wait you mean they just called with K hi anyway?

I should charge for coaching imo, how the hell can i have sick poker skillz like this and not be the one with 2k in the bank

GL on the 17 by the way
09-24-2009 , 03:24 AM
Typical situation that however nobody ever gets into in an instructional vid:

you are checkraised on the flop and you have a hand that is ahead of villains checkraising range but does poorly against his range if he calls a shove. Plus the board will _always_ get ugly by the river.

you have 78 on a 568 board.
Or 88 on 256

To me it seems all options suck: Raising is turning the hand into a bluff, calling is asking for a world of trouble as every single turn will suck and villain will always bomb it, and folding is folding the best hand so often.

What is best?

Also I realize I can check back flops but I cant do that every time.
09-24-2009 , 09:06 AM
What tourney tracker program are you guys using? Poker Tracker3?
09-24-2009 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by knockonwood
What tourney tracker program are you guys using? Poker Tracker3?
I use PT3, but you have to manually input tournament results (long and boring). I've heard HEM does it automatically.
09-24-2009 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by JSpazz
I use PT3, but you have to manually input tournament results (long and boring). I've heard HEM does it automatically.
FTP does it automatically but yeah PT3 and Pstars is teh ghey
09-24-2009 , 10:38 AM
I'm having trouble with super aggro guys in HU SNG's. For example I just played a guy for quite a few games and he 3bet a lot, raised almost all my limps, and when he did flat my button raises he would donk lead for a pot-sized bet almost always. When he bet small on the flop he had total air and would shut down on the turn. So if I didn't hit any flops which I didn't he would run me over. Bluffing him didn't work because he's call very light.

Against players like this should I just really nit it up and start folding a lot more of my buttons?
09-24-2009 , 01:27 PM
Valuebet and call down lighter, kill all your bluffs and start limping good hands and folding bad RIO hands OTB (so no limping and raising with one-card hands like 93o). I remember stacking a guy like this with a pair of deuces a few weeks ago (OK that wasn't a bright idea, but it worked out fine)
09-24-2009 , 04:20 PM
Just a little tip for beginners that has helped me recently:

Take a lot of detailed notes on your opponents as you are playing. You will think more about the style they are playing and will more effectively come up with a counter strategy. You are being more conscientious about things which makes you play your A+ game better.
09-24-2009 , 07:22 PM
Villain was either calling every PF raise and donking 100% of flops or pushing over the top. Is this a call? What range do you call?

Full Tilt Poker $5 + $0.25 Heads Up No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t25/t50 Blinds - 2 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BB: t1415 M = 18.87
Hero (BTN/SB): t1585 M = 21.13

Pre Flop: (t75) Hero is BTN/SB with 5 A
Hero raises to t100, BB raises to t1415 all in, Hero...
09-24-2009 , 08:39 PM
1.At small stakes, the rake seems pretty high, do you recommend playing SNGs instead of cash?
2.How do you table select the cash games? Are there any decent regs at 50nl? At SNGs it seems pretty simple to search a player on sharkscope and see how bad he is.
09-25-2009 , 08:03 AM
1.At small stakes, the rake seems pretty high, do you recommend playing SNGs instead of cash?
The rake is only high at $2 games, from $5 upwards it's fine.

dumb question : is there rly a big skill difference between the stars 11s and 23s - been playing nearly 900 11s with 11% roi and trying out the 23s now - 132 so far with -7,2% (red line slightly positive though) - i know both numbers are no samplesizes at all - just wondered if others think there is a big skill diff as i read everywhere it isnt - ty in advance
There is zero difference from $5 games> $220. Fish are fish at the end of the day. The only difference is you need a strong game which regs will respect at the higher levels, so they don't prevent you from playing fish the majority of the time. So when you think of skill difference from different levels, it's only to do with winning players at each level. Have a strong game which regs respect, and you'll be fine at any level.
09-25-2009 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
Villain was either calling every PF raise and donking 100% of flops or pushing over the top. Is this a call? What range do you call?

Full Tilt Poker $5 + $0.25 Heads Up No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t25/t50 Blinds - 2 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BB: t1415 M = 18.87
Hero (BTN/SB): t1585 M = 21.13

Pre Flop: (t75) Hero is BTN/SB with 5 A
Hero raises to t100, BB raises to t1415 all in, Hero...

That's the range i'd call, or close to it. Might open it up a fair bit if i was getting sick of him and wanted to gamble. I don't mind limping your hand btw if he's shoving wide.
