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Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit)

03-11-2013 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Gramps
Does yl mean "offsuit" in Mandarin?

Guess I'm going to have to advance past the button-clicking stage in NLO8. Definitely noticed a few more grinder-types in the past week or two, think the format may keep growing to where those games pop as often as 9-mans. Be interesting to see.
i think y. l. are initials of his name but not sure
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-13-2013 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by Gramps
Does yl mean "offsuit" in Mandarin?
"Offsuit" translates to 不同花 (Bu Tong Hua)

Perhaps there might be another term for offsuit? Not too sure..

Originally Posted by Alexnorge
"You know, this table all full of l'egs, all we'lly good playe'ls. You know this one? L'ivel P'laye'l - he we'lly, we'lly good. We'lly good. You know he on 2+2 l'ight? I think G'lamps or something. And on FT, he luckboxfromhell. He good".

That from a very, very good asian player.

Lies, people in singapore don't speak like that.

Bluff-catching from my Blackberry
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-14-2013 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by sonatazz
Lies, people in singapore don't speak like that.
Actually lived there for 6 months while attending Nanyang tech (2004). Pretty sure I nailed it Singlish ftw and I <3 SPGs @Insomnia.

Gramps; I saw your post in Alex's thread regarding the 7s. I've scoped close to 200 guys for 7s-15s and filtered for +10k sample I've only found 2 over 7%. There are a bunch between 5 and 6 though. PM'ed link to screenshot. Would be nice if you spot some good ones I've missed on that list and namedrop like a mad man.

Last edited by Alexnorge; 03-14-2013 at 04:40 AM. Reason: nvm comment in PM; misread your post in Awice thread somewhat
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-14-2013 , 05:30 AM
Doubt gramps plays too many 7s/knows regs...
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-14-2013 , 02:32 PM
On the one hand, I think people tend to be a bit flippant about achieving the top winrates "possible" at a level. On the other, the best $7 players are probably going to move up and cycle out of that pool. I assumed 5% was leaving some upside possibility, maybe there isn't a whole lot beyond that unless you're a sicko. The rake being a few % higher definitely hurts winrates.

I'd love to play 10k games at <$10 (probably 9-max, 180 man rebuy, and MTT Turbo) to see how well I could do, but I suck at even starting challenges, so we'll see.

Last edited by Gramps; 03-14-2013 at 02:35 PM. Reason: Just checked SNE thread, at 521k VPPs
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-14-2013 , 02:54 PM
do u still have a porsche ?
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-14-2013 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by push4glory
do u still have a porsche ?
Too easy

Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-14-2013 , 06:14 PM
Still have my 3 million FPP purchase. I can now drive stick, and that car does not venture in Mexico.

Last edited by Gramps; 03-14-2013 at 06:15 PM. Reason: Some middle-aged guy ^^ is more baller than I am ;)
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-14-2013 , 08:09 PM
Do you still drive it often? How many miles on it?

How happy are you with your purchase? Eg. very happy, regret it...

Any cool Porsche stories?
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-14-2013 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
Do you still drive it often? How many miles on it?

How happy are you with your purchase? Eg. very happy, regret it...

Any cool Porsche stories?
I've had it for over 5 years now, still only have about 38k (?) miles on it. Bought a '05 Accord Hybrid before that, am up to 100k miles on that car.

I don't regret it, it's pretty bad as a financial decision to buy a new car that you don't need. It was my one "for the hell of it/you live once" decisions, and it was a cool experience to share with my IRL friends. I think they got a much bigger kick out of it than I did.

Cool story bro is that I sucked at driving a stick when I bought it, and lived at the top of a hill in SF. I'd wait til midnight, drive across the GG bridge and back, then practice going up hills from a stop. Even late at night it'd seem like someone would always come right up on my bumper

I guess the nicest thing about it is when people see it something just clicks (finally) that what you do exists, is real, and that you aren't some total poser-degenerate. Maybe if you're 22 enough people can process the reality of online poker better, but I still get plenty of sideways looks/lack of acceptance/comprehension, no matter how well I explain the reality/logistics of what I do for a living. "I got this here Porsche with poker points" kinda cuts through all of that

Oh yeah, it's great for starting (unsolicited) conversations with 60+ year-old men at gas stations. So there's that too.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-15-2013 , 12:23 AM
05 Accord bros!!
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-15-2013 , 01:02 AM
pls tell me how much above ev im running against u
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-15-2013 , 01:42 AM
So you drive the hybrid in the country with fixed low gas prices and the guzzler in the States?

Very un gramps-like imo.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-15-2013 , 02:10 AM
Not enough potholes in Mexico . Crazy part about my "hybrid" is that it has 255 HP and is a gas guzzler up hills/in the city, while doing well on flat open road. The poker car got better mileage in SF, and loses by about 7-8 mph on the highway.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-15-2013 , 02:14 AM
So I walked across the Border & back for the 2nd time today. Wanted to get an FMM and wasn't overly sure where that is at the new crossing (driving), plus wanted to try walking to my TJ place and back.

On the way back I walked outside at 10:15 pm, got to the pedestrian gate at 10:25 pm, waited in line for 30 seconds, and after another 30 was back in the US. If you ever have to cross North with a Passport, go late on a Thursday (apparently). Were 3-4 cabs waiting there too (if you need one, I parked in a lot).

And it's pretty well lit, taco stand was still open, police cars in a few spots along the walk, so there may still be some TJ gonna TJ, but probably as safe as most US cities in that spot, I believe. They seem to have cleaned up that Border area a little bit the past several months, clearing out a lot of the homeless junkie dudes.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-16-2013 , 10:45 AM
Do you need a work visa for all this border crossing? I feel like at some point you would find the guy having a bad day and be denied. I know when I go back and forth between Canada and the US I just mention visiting friends as I've heard of too many people denied.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-17-2013 , 12:06 AM
Canada != Mexico
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-20-2013 , 12:05 AM
Was waiting on a nice little downswing - there be variance in hypers. Month to date:

Currently at ~570k VPPs.

Managed to open a USD/peso account, and get my Neteller account re-opened. Unfortunately Neteller said they can't do USD bank/wire transfers, but they do send USD checks by Fedex for $35, so we'll see if that works (*fingers crossed* bank said it should be okay). If you become a VIP, at least the FX fees are quite a bit better than a Stars wire (with all their processor levels, fees, etc.), so that would be a decent alternative. Probably use the Net card whenever convenient too.

Games seem to go through cycles where they get really interesting and combative at times. People get tilty at different people, change their ranges then aren't used to the counters that come with it and take it personal, some people will pull back and tighten up off their normal game in that climate, others will literally forget they have a fold button on the hand you're playing and the next 3,495+ in the same spot (which all the programs out there factor in ), etc. It's awesome when you're more of a spectator to it all, and not as awesome when you're the focus of people and caught up in it. Lolreggaments.

$EV is still pretty good for the year, I'm just gonna keep grinding and trying to work/study more things along the way (there's 8+ I could get a lot better at). If I put in good volume and even get BE+ redline, things should continue be really good.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
03-25-2013 , 03:23 AM
Hmmm, had illusions of erasing the 100k $EV downswing I had coming into this year. Now I get to see how much over $100k it can go! Sitting at about 615k VPPs, will probably end the month at around ~700k.

Month to date:

Have a Fedex package with a Neteller check waiting in the main office of my condo building - hoping it clears my Mexican bank account within a reasonable amount of time, and I have a new decent way to get $$ off. Only took two days to make it's way from Canada to Tijuana, so that part of it was pretty legit.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
04-17-2013 , 03:48 AM

At 812k VPPs, probably going to just catch up to 3 million pace...before taking about 10 days off doing a triathlon/heading out to Monte Carlo next month. Still going to keep 3 mil as the volume goal. I have a shot and am gonna try, even if 2.5-2.75 million is probably more realistic. Grinding a lot of high stakes is pretty taxing, and my brain can't fake having half a clue for too many hours in a day

Stars wires turned out to be a decent way to get $$ of post-Skrill. Got dinged 0.9%, 1%, and 1.6% on the currency vig (Eur > USD) to my Bancomer account, so think that's a decent solution. Was afraid it was going to be in the 5%+ range going forward.

Volume in the higher stakes hypers has had some periods where they've dropped off, and others where they were popping a lot. Seem to always be new players coming into the game and a lot of aggressive craziness with some regs trying to out-runover each other constantly.

And yes, Lifetime in hypers I'm running much worse in $EV than pretty much every reg who complains about how certain players run. Direct your "he's running too good" spite rants/calls elsewhere, unless being close to 6 figures negative is too good.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
04-17-2013 , 04:58 AM
factual statement: you dont lose allins

Last edited by Mecastyles; 04-17-2013 at 05:00 AM. Reason: when you win
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
04-17-2013 , 05:21 AM
pretty sure this is my new stars avatar

Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
04-17-2013 , 02:31 PM
If you put that over a Xolos avatar, I give my full blessing.

I run phenomenally well when I win, and close to even on the year. Of course, that could change +/- $50k $EV in a week.

Feel lame about biatching quite a bit, but I do believe that when groups of regs build up high levels of spite towards you, that's a bad thing for your equity. When it's based on severely false pretenses, I'm gonna bitch and be vocal.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
05-07-2013 , 07:52 PM
Managed to mange my triathlon pretty well for my conditioning (in shape to finish, just not quickly for my ability-level). Was going to be reasonably happy to break 7 hours for a Half-Ironman, especially considering the course was pretty difficult and heat was a factor (it was in the 90s the two days before, then dropped to 80+ the day of the race).

After getting through the swim & bike pretty well/better-than-the-plan, my quads both started literally twitching on mile 3 of the 13 mile run. After that it was stop at every aid station (~1 per mile), drink 2 cups of Gatorade, 1 of water, eat food if there was any, pour water on head, and just focus on a shuffle-jog to the next aid station. Pretty low heart rate the whole time, just managing leg soreness and your body on the verge of getting sideways/tweaking a bit. Not something I want to do often, but a pretty fun process/mental challenge when you're committed and in the middle of it.

906k VPPs, has been nice on the brain to not grind for a week. Probably be lucky to get 150k VPPs in May, and then can hopefully crank it back up in June.

Woke up in a Central Cali campground (where tri was) Sunday morning, drove 6 hours back to SD, unpack/shower/re-pack/eat, flew to Monaco (Nice) and got in pretty late. Pretty pleased that my jetlag is (so far) under control, and while I'm sore, my body is recovering pretty well. Walked about 6 miles to this morning to work the legs out, get some Euros, and stock up on beer/groceries for about 20% of what you'd pay at the hotel.

Played Day 1B of the EPT Grand Final and finished the day at 83k. I came in thinking (esp. with my likely jetlag) to not be any value here (semi-vacation/break at SNE discount) - either there were quite a bit more fish than I expected, or I got a really good table early. Relative position was pretty decent as well.

Tldr, so here's a picture of what I finally received today:

You can play on Stars in Monaco, so I think I'm supposed to grind for 5+ hours now w/no backup, like a good de facto prop
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
05-08-2013 , 06:00 AM
Nice Watch

GL in the EPT Grand Final!
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
