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Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit)

02-06-2013 , 03:12 AM
If it was the Super Bowl, I would have sucked it up and gotten back in there. Or found a way to sabotage the field lighting system.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-07-2013 , 08:37 AM
You are an absolute monster Gramps. Keep updating this thread! As someone just getting into hyper-turbos ($1.5s lol BRM nit here) I really enjoy reading your PGC thread along with Ruse/Jdawg's.

Seeing you crazies go through sphincter-clenching swings makes it far easier for me to push through at my dollar menu stakes.

Do you use any software like ICMIZER or Solver when you review? Won't ask for more in depth info than that
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-07-2013 , 09:48 AM
How long is your commute door to door? Gl with your goals. Will be interesting to follow.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-07-2013 , 12:01 PM
following gl man great read so far
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-07-2013 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by g3orgeluc4s
You are an absolute monster Gramps. Keep updating this thread! As someone just getting into hyper-turbos ($1.5s lol BRM nit here) I really enjoy reading your PGC thread along with Ruse/Jdawg's.

Seeing you crazies go through sphincter-clenching swings makes it far easier for me to push through at my dollar menu stakes.

Do you use any software like ICMIZER or Solver when you review? Won't ask for more in depth info than that
I use some of those standard tools that are out there, though I don't think any of them are perfect. Some of it is figuring out what you should do generally. Some of it is paying attention and figuring out what other people do, why/where they do it, and what the best course of action is in adjustment. As soon as you think you have things figured out, they can change, as a lot of it is a moving target.

Easy game

And those buyin swings can be humongous at any level, fo' sure.

Originally Posted by Sly Caveat
How long is your commute door to door? Gl with your goals. Will be interesting to follow.
I've been going early afternoon and coming back later mostly, so it's been 25 down, and about 30 coming back. Occasional secondary search, though those don't normally take long. If I did a "standard" schedule, it would be more like 30 there and 40-45 back.

Originally Posted by flopthenuts
following gl man great read so far
Ty, I'll keep typing then! (eventually )
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-07-2013 , 03:12 PM
(mmm) offpeak grindin

Gl this weekend senor
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-07-2013 , 03:30 PM
Some of the tools that are out there. Classic.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-07-2013 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Some of the tools that are out there. Classic.
I try to keep it general and Gramps still manages to withhold info
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-07-2013 , 07:56 PM
Gotta keep my "tool range" as balanced as possible, no? Don't think there is or will ever be any magic formula out there, if that helps.

And GL on the madness Josh, I'm really tempted to jump in, but will probably just Stars-grind and not be confused by the presence of no antes.

BTW, the commute into Mexico is > 25 minutes when there's an ongoing manhunt for a cop-killing ex-LAPD on the loose who's already tried fleeing the US once by stealing a boat at gunpoint near San Diego. Other than that, there's usually little backup heading South in the early afternoon.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-08-2013 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by Gramps
Gotta keep my "tool range" as balanced as possible, no? Don't think there is or will ever be any magic formula out there, if that helps.

And GL on the madness Josh, I'm really tempted to jump in, but will probably just Stars-grind and not be confused by the presence of no antes.

BTW, the commute into Mexico is > 25 minutes when there's an ongoing manhunt for a cop-killing ex-LAPD on the loose who's already tried fleeing the US once by stealing a boat at gunpoint near San Diego. Other than that, there's usually little backup heading South in the early afternoon.
I hear you. From my perspective (as a newish poker player) the most challenging thing about learning is figuring out what it is you need to learn in specific spots and then figuring out how to learn it.

Software helps but it's not a magic formula by any means
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-08-2013 , 05:40 AM
^The thing about most of the software aides out there is that theyre only as good as the person using them. Theyre all going to rely on manually entered villain ranges and will need to be adjusted to account for the limitations of ICM in each situation. Id go on but talking strat in Gramps' thread is tantamount to eating a BLT in a mosque. But basically, software can help you round out your game but isnt going to transform it on its own.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-08-2013 , 06:53 AM
1 of 2 pgc threads worth following probably, and the other one is just a guy banging tons of chicks.

gl this year, great read so far.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-08-2013 , 02:24 PM
Yup on the range thing, so much of it is just experience and feel. Hard to know. And you're playing against humans (certain countries a % of humans ), and humans gonna human and having a grasp on when/where/why they're gonna human is always going to be partially feel-based. Unless you're playing a bot/someone playing strictly by a program.

Originally Posted by parkert
1 of 2 pgc threads worth following probably, and the other one is just a guy banging tons of chicks.

gl this year, great read so far.
My thread sounds boring all of a sudden . Ty on the GL!

Last edited by Gramps; 02-08-2013 at 02:24 PM. Reason: Mmmmmm. Pork.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-08-2013 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by starting gun
A month late/catching up on my PG&C cheering

Sup Gramps, gonna enjoy following this thread. Keep printing that $$ & getting those veeeeeeeps.
I just re-read Page 2 to make sure my American Standard English writing skills aren't totally slipping (they are ) and think I missed this when I was typing a long reply. GL on your 2013, loved it that you grinded up off a small working roll, setting a goal and following through in '12.

Lazy poker players everywhere are disappoint

Last edited by Gramps; 02-08-2013 at 02:35 PM. Reason: -ed, but no -ed sounds better on poker forums ;)
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-09-2013 , 09:00 PM
Last year was run-bad high and run-good low, so nice to have that flipped so far in 2013. 100 buyins below $EV at $200 and less + 70 buyins above $EV at $300+ = much better than vice-versa.

One lol emotion is that part of me would love to swap $300+ $EV to get my $100/$200 results more in line with my $EV. It matters next to zero, yet that still tilts part of my competitive side that I can have ~15k and ~20k games played in each and have pretty ugly results still, despite pretty-looking redline graphs. Not that $EV is perfect or anything.

The fluctuations in these high stakes hypers are still mostly play money in my mind (excepting any gross downswings coming ), so as long as I can crank out the VPPs/hour with a BE+ redline, I'm just gonna keep grinding. The times it gets gross, I'll slow it down a bit more and make sure I'm not overly tarding it up (beyond my usual tarding amounts ).

Did some good volume this week, but my brain is getting a bit fried, so not going to play til Sunday night or Monday afternoon. Think I left it off at ~235k VPPs yesterady, so hopefully I can get over 300k by the end of Thursday (month half-way point), and have some hope of being on a well-ahead pace with 500k VPPs at the start of March.

Oooh, and just sent some notarized documents off to Skrill, hopefully will get full VIP benefits here within the next week.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-09-2013 , 09:38 PM
killer mindset itt
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-10-2013 , 01:56 AM
Top level VIP and Pro Gambler Status confirmed nuts, would be lost w/out having my MB limits that high

Gl next week, you up for a TJ dinner sometime before I go home for my bday on the 27th? I'm sure Ruse would snapcall as well
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-10-2013 , 02:10 AM
i gotta get that VIP level
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-10-2013 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Mecastyles
killer mindset itt
Hope the typing mindset can translate to playing through downswings

Originally Posted by jdawg91
Top level VIP and Pro Gambler Status confirmed nuts, would be lost w/out having my MB limits that high

Gl next week, you up for a TJ dinner sometime before I go home for my bday on the 27th? I'm sure Ruse would snapcall as well
I'm down for a weeknight dinner in TJ, maybe the Wednesday before you head home? I'm probably only going to do a couple beers and no tequila, no matter what su amigo loco suggests

Originally Posted by Zima421
i gotta get that VIP level
I finally got it from depositing 2k Euros/month (~equivalent - just did $3k) for 6 months. That was pretty much it.

They offered it to me when I first got to Canada if I despoited like 5k Euros, but that was right before I went on a super-$EV downswing and I figured it'd be easy/quick to get once I started w/d'ing a bunch of $$ to Skrill again. Bzzz, wrong!
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-10-2013 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Mecastyles
killer mindset itt
Originally Posted by Gramps
Hope the typing mindset can translate to playing through downswings
Actually, I hope for irony's sake that I missed some serious sarcasm.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-13-2013 , 12:18 AM
So instead of the Top VIP Level I was after, Skrill gave me the one where they close your account, don't tell you why, and say good day (minus the last part). Add me to the list of expat grinders that's happened to.

I had signed into my account from the US a number of times after I first headed up to Vancouver...because you can. Don't think that's against the T&C, and I stopped doing that after hearing about other random account closings awhile back. Doh.

Maybe it was that, maybe the bouncing between Canada and Mexico did it, maybe my proximity to the border in TJ has an influence. Who knows. The opaqueness of it all blows, tell me what I can/can't do and I'll follow procedure, I've done so since Black Friday. Of course, the inconsistency/randomness is kind of par for the course for the company.

Blah/emo-meh, I was lazily going about getting my Neteller re-instated anyhow, so guess now I have to vamoo and get my FM2 and try to get my account re-opened. Either that or pay some lovely vig.

Should get some decent grinding in over the next several days, should be over 300k by Friday.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-13-2013 , 12:24 AM
man, thats ridic
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-13-2013 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by Gramps
So instead of the Top VIP Level I was after, Skrill gave me the one where they close your account, don't tell you why, and say good day (minus the last part). Add me to the list of expat grinders that's happened to.

I had signed into my account from the US a number of times after I first headed up to Vancouver...because you can. Don't think that's against the T&C, and I stopped doing that after hearing about other random account closings awhile back. Doh.
from what i've heard/seen it has been for this reason. there's a thread about it in hsnl that i remember seeing.

pretty ridiculous stuff :/
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-13-2013 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by Gramps
Actually, I hope for irony's sake that I missed some serious sarcasm.
took a while

sux about ur skrill tho
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-13-2013 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund
from what i've heard/seen it has been for this reason. there's a thread about it in hsnl that i remember seeing.

pretty ridiculous stuff :/
sorry nothing to do there :/ they are very very strict on this

edit: VIP level during promo times is 2k and then you get an upgrade (but not automatically)

make sure to get upgraded from an affiliate tho, he can provide extra % and should do "real" vip support
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
