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09-11-2013 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by ViktorLuis

Having bad emotions linked to losing will cause too much pain in the long run since it happens regularly.

Quoted this today in Twitter
09-12-2013 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by Pokernubz
Quoted this today in Twitter
Yea its a very useful mindset to have. See you on mondays session. GL on the live grind.
09-12-2013 , 10:20 AM
12 September

  • 7x90 minutes session
  • Study 1 hour
  • Mental study 1 hour
09-12-2013 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Pokernubz
Quoted this today in Twitter
Me too! Great quote
09-12-2013 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Aesah
Me too! Great quote
Thanks. Im probably not quote worthy just yet .

Thursday to an end.

Today was a smoother ride then past two days. Also happy with my game in general and I felt like my adjustments to limiting sessions and study more helped alot. I will keep doing this until the end of the week.

Feeling too drained atm to go in-depth about hands but I can post a brag for entertainment meanwhile. Hopefully tomorrow Ill have the energy to talk some about different hands.

    Poker Stars, $0.50/$1 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #19419671

    BTN: $192 (192 bb)
    Hero (SB): $157.55 (157.6 bb)
    BB: $171.76 (171.8 bb)
    UTG: $104.40 (104.4 bb)
    MP: $129.29 (129.3 bb)
    CO: $85 (85 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is SB with K 9 7 K
    2 folds, CO raises to $3.50, BTN calls $3.50, Hero raises to $15, 2 folds, BTN calls $11.50

    Flop: ($34.50) 3 5 J (2 players)
    Hero bets $21, BTN calls $21

    Turn: ($76.50) A (2 players)
    Hero checks, BTN checks

    River: ($76.50) 8 (2 players)
    Hero checks, BTN bets $55, Hero calls $55

    Results: $186.50 pot ($2.80 rake)
    Final Board: 3 5 J A 8
    BTN showed Q Q 5 7 and lost (-$91 net)
    Hero showed K 9 7 K and won $183.70 ($92.70 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
    09-13-2013 , 09:25 AM
    13 September

    • 8x60 minutes session
    • Study 1 hour
    • Mental exercises 1 hour
    • Prepare coaching sessons for next week

    Looking to be quite productive today, as Im most likely to go out tomorrow night and get drunk.
    09-13-2013 , 11:31 AM
    Hey buddy

    I am so impressed by your journey. Of course I'm going to follow, because I'm also going to learn and play PLO.

    Swedish players are the best!!!

    Good luck

    Sorry for my English. It is my second language, and I am not as skillful as I would.

    Last edited by I'm a Sick Man; 09-13-2013 at 11:34 AM. Reason: My apologise
    09-13-2013 , 03:29 PM
    Originally Posted by I'm a Sick Man
    Hey buddy

    I am so impressed by your journey. Of course I'm going to follow, because I'm also going to learn and play PLO.

    Swedish players are the best!!!

    Good luck

    Sorry for my English. It is my second language, and I am not as skillful as I would.
    Thank you . Yea those long, cold winters forces us to stay inside and we cant do much else then to play poker.


    Not that enjoyable. Took a heavy beating after being up 800bb. Think I was at 23% W@SD past that point. So decided to close early today and instead study a little bit more.
    09-13-2013 , 10:10 PM
    So Im doing a kinda of mid-month recap, and this graph will include hands from 13 august up til today, the day I started out at PS.

    Playing soloely at PLO100 (except for 1% 50) and results arent where I want/prefered/wished it would be. I would like to think Im running bad but Im also aware that theres a possibility that Im doing alot of errors. In order to make sure I do my work good enough, I will work harder in every area. Volume is key though, and volume with quality. What comes along with a ton of hands is all the "standard" spots where I get my share of easy winnings. The difference between winning/losing is all the hands inbetween basically.

    Currently at ~55k vpps , so around 220k hands should make me SN, and problably will happen at the end of this month. Im planning to increase time in everything. Preferably playing 10h/day, study 1-2h and doing mental exercises 4x20 minutes.

    Also coaching 4 people atm until the end of september.One of the players I coach will probably be a long term commitment, so Im very much looking forward to that. The players I coach right now are all very different from eachother and its challenging to express my thoughts about their game and not being an ass about it. Its good for me though and Im hoping they find it beneficial aswell. Got two sessions left and hopefully I can spend more time with them in between.

    Tomorrow is a new day, lets do it.

    "Try and fail, but never fail to try" -- Jared Leto
    09-14-2013 , 12:40 PM
    great to see you're going strong
    09-14-2013 , 03:36 PM
    Originally Posted by Koerperkarle
    great to see you're going strong
    Trying at least .


    Decent day volume wise. Had to quit early since I felt a little bit emotional last 300 hands. The swings tend to get to my nerves sometimes. So many spots where I 4bet and get 35% of my stack in with AAxx and people call with AQJ5ss and flop heavenly. Still ended up playing like a total nit today (16/14 lol). Wasnt concious but I think my card distribution forced me to do that.

    Looking to relax a couple of hours and then get back upon it.
    09-15-2013 , 08:44 AM
    So instead of doing a rigid "x September" list, I just type here more freely about how my day will look like. Feels like a good change because all I do right now is poker when gf is away and Im not very social right now with friends, so idea is just to do a small planning each morning and work from there.

    I will try a 2-3 hours first session, hopefully being the most clear and focused compared to the last hours before sleep. The review of the session will take a little bit longer time but thats fine, I dont mind studying. Second session will hopefully be around 1-2 hours and past that Ill be doing 1 hour sessions.

    Im looking to get at least 8 hours done playing today, studying spots a decent amount and be doing mental exercises in-between somewhere.
    09-15-2013 , 03:39 PM
    Sundays sucks.

    Frustrating dropping 25 buyins from my peak but I cant do much about it. Feels like Im experiencing extreme variance but its standard and I cant really change that. The only thing I can change is myself and how I play. So I have to make sure I put my best out there and the rest doesnt matter.

    I was browsing facebook after the last session, feeling tilty and despair when this popped up in the Anthony Robbins feed:

    "When people succeed, they tend to party; when they fail, they tend to ponder, and they begin to make new distinctions that will enhance the quality of their lives. We must commit to learning from our mistakes, rather than beating ourselves up, or we’re destined to make the same mistakes again in the future."

    I believe in following signs or whatever you can call it. Im not saying that Im failing, Im just experiencing variance and I make mistakes regularly. But the day you think you play perfect poker and dont spot any mistakes, is the day you stop learning. So what can I learn from being a slightly loser over the ~130k hands at stars?

    I learned that I can surely beat this level, if Im given time to prove it. They say 1 million hands is more truer to your skill in plo compared to 100k hands, and I cant agree more with that reasoning. Theres so many variables and variance sitautions thats its ridicilous. Even if the ev line shows one thing, theres more variance situations to consider. Im very happy though with the knowledge that I can beat this level, Im confident and assured that I will reach my goals in a positive manner.

    Why dont I quit? Who puts up with working 60 hours/week and lose money after going trough all the trouble and pain?

    It sounds like Im at the end of the world, down 20 buyins over 130k hands, but its not that bad after all. I do feel like having those bad days somewhat regularly is important. I makes you not getting comfortable and it forces you to work even harder to reach the results you want.

    Im producing a result right now I dont like at all. So what can I do about it? Change my approach. Get a new result. If that doesnt work, change again. Anything I do will provide a result, wether its good or bad doesnt matter. My actions results into something.

    Im convinced to keep working harder every day and tomorrow I got to keep doing that. Im thinking of changing some routines I have but thats left to be considered.
    09-17-2013 , 12:39 AM
    Got railed by tmckendry and Aesah and they brought good fortune.

    Went on a heater and hit alot of hands, kinda playing itself. Got some decent volume in and played somewhat OK (made some questionable plays), but overall Im happy with today. Also spent 2.5 hours coaching.

    Tomorrow will be somewhat similar, with two coaching sessions and hopefully 5-8 hours played.
    09-17-2013 , 11:58 AM
    how many tables are you playing per average nowadays?
    and how many regular / how many zoom?

    no problem with mixing regular & zoom until now? zoom seems to have kind of a different game dynamics and I imagine it could be very hard to play two different playing styles on the different tables.
    (therefore I just stick to zoom or regular tables... but would be curious if you donīt see this difference in game dynamics as a problem or are simply to good at multitabling )
    09-17-2013 , 01:33 PM
    Originally Posted by I'm a Sick Man
    Swedish players are the best!!!
    I'm Belgian, but have to admit this is somewhat true

    Great thread, sick volume, awesome work ethic

    09-17-2013 , 01:52 PM
    Originally Posted by equity_pls
    how many tables are you playing per average nowadays?
    and how many regular / how many zoom?

    no problem with mixing regular & zoom until now? zoom seems to have kind of a different game dynamics and I imagine it could be very hard to play two different playing styles on the different tables.
    (therefore I just stick to zoom or regular tables... but would be curious if you donīt see this difference in game dynamics as a problem or are simply to good at multitabling )
    Im currently playing 12 tables, 8 regulars and 4 zoom. I feel like Ive never had any trouble with mixing both, as I try to have the same gameplan in general. I do notice people play differently though and I have to adjust to that.

    I also kinda have to mix both, as Im preparing for going for SNE next year.

    Originally Posted by LOLCh1pPorn
    I'm Belgian, but have to admit this is somewhat true

    Great thread, sick volume, awesome work ethic

    Theres bad players from Sweden aswell but there are some very strong top players. Thanks for support .
    09-17-2013 , 02:08 PM
    12 tables makes my head spin...

    me and Tyler were confused why you slowplayed nut/2nd nut flush vs. fish on a couple occasions
    09-18-2013 , 01:32 AM
    Originally Posted by Aesah
    12 tables makes my head spin...

    me and Tyler were confused why you slowplayed nut/2nd nut flush vs. fish on a couple occasions
    Haha yea I find its really hard to rail +12 tables aswell. Im pretty sure I had reasons (good/bad) for it, usually Im just in the flow and play with intuition alot.

    So I didnt play anything yesterday. Had a coaching session and did some study, but after champions league I felt sooo tired so I went to sleep really early. So Im up early today naturally and will try to get in a decent grind, got nothing else on the schedule. Will also try to post some hands.
    09-18-2013 , 08:05 PM
    Today I got hammered quite a bit. Not only running below ev, but alot of setups and failed hero calls (one which I will post further down).

    Went up early (7am) and played 8 hours spread over the day. Very happy with my game. Feeling as Im peaking everyday in terms of concentration and making good decisions. Im also recognizing mistakes by myself and opponents regularly which is also a confirmation that Im very focused. Once you stop spotting mistakes, you probably wont be able to grow any further.

    Im looking to put in more volume tomorrow (maybe first 10k day?) and I wouldnt mind getting on a heater for the full day . Heres the hand I talked about.

      Poker Stars, $0.50/$1 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #19481641

      SB: $174.62 (174.6 bb)
      BB: $443.77 (443.8 bb)
      UTG: $58.87 (58.9 bb)
      MP: $145.28 (145.3 bb)
      Hero (CO): $218.61 (218.6 bb)
      BTN: $89.35 (89.4 bb)

      Preflop: Hero is CO with 2 Q 3 A
      2 folds, Hero raises to $2.80, BTN calls $2.80, SB folds, BB raises to $11.70, Hero calls $8.90, BTN calls $8.90

      Flop: ($35.60) J 5 9 (3 players)
      BB checks, Hero checks, BTN bets $17, BB calls $17, Hero calls $17

      Turn: ($86.60) J (3 players)
      BB checks, Hero checks, BTN checks

      River: ($86.60) K (3 players)
      BB checks, Hero checks, BTN bets $60.65 and is all-in, BB folds, Hero calls $60.65

      Results: $207.90 pot ($2.80 rake)
      Final Board: J 5 9 J K
      BB mucked and lost (-$28.70 net)
      Hero showed 2 Q 3 A and lost (-$89.35 net)
      BTN showed T 7 T 8 and won $205.10 ($115.75 net)

      Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

      Would been such a sweet brag to have .

      Heres one of many great quotes from "Spartacus".

      09-18-2013 , 10:31 PM
      Well, now you see the difference in rake - Stars' 4.5% have caused you, a consistent SvS winner, to break even Deal with it and start including RB into graphs, then you won't have nostalgy for good old SvS days.
      09-19-2013 , 11:45 AM
      Originally Posted by coon74
      Well, now you see the difference in rake - Stars' 4.5% have caused you, a consistent SvS winner, to break even Deal with it and start including RB into graphs, then you won't have nostalgy for good old SvS days.
      Im not entirely sure that the rake has killed my win rate, although Ive raked around 13-14k$ over 140k hands. So far my run at stars has been quite frustrating, experiencing some sick variance over smaller sample of hands, hence the brutal up and down graph. Im sure I can maintain a positive winrate over a big sample if I get the chance to prove it. Its a bit theoretical but when I dont have a 1 million sample to lie back on, and when I see how I should fair against the competition, I draw that conclusion. Might be wrong or right but I think its right.

      I cant post my graphs on imageshack, they seem to be down. But today I reached daily stoploss 15 buyins after two sessions so Im instead studying/coaching rest of the day. Overall, Im down 25 buyins over 140k hands, with being like a -1bb/100. Hopefully my next 140k hands Ill be a +10bb/100 player . Probably exporting those hands and put them on my data instead. I like doing this as it kinda resets my thinking and I can let go of past/recent bad runs.
      09-20-2013 , 11:14 AM
      This is what it feels like to get spanked.

      Lost ~600bb after 20 minutes into last session so had to end that early. Im probably not playing more today either.
      09-22-2013 , 10:00 PM
      Just got back from being away friday-saturday, visiting girlfriend. Thought I made a post here about it but I obviously didnt. These things happen more often recently. Remembering wrong stuff and not thinking too clearly. Guess Im just getting old...

      Having 2 days off was great. Gave me some space to recover and get some distance from recent downswing (-40 buyins last 3 days). Its weird how time will help you get distanced from bad stuff. Being logical about these things helps but 1 day off from it made me feel like it never happened. However, I didnt completely turn off poker lol. I made mental exercises the full drive there and home (6 hours) and over there I read a ton of interviews and threads. Theres alot of golden PGC threads where you can find out how people achived what you want to achive. Then just mimic them and put your on touch on it. Why try re-invent the wheel?

      So Im more encouraged and focused then ever. Worked on some new rituals around and between sessions and hopefully Ill be able to dive a little more into that in near future. I would also like to get that hand video up on youtube this week. I tried it twice already but wasnt very happy with how it ended up. Third times the luck maybe.

      Anyway, tomorrow its back to the grind and time to get that upswing.
      09-22-2013 , 10:08 PM
      Hate that last hand you posted. Hero calling 3 way on the river is probably never going to work at small stakes PLO. Anyway any history on the BB? Such an easy squeeze spot I might be inclined to 4bet. As played, pretty good spot for a flop raise.
