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06-22-2013 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by SetzerG
disheartening graph, but I see you are listening to the man Tony Robbins. The guy is pretty cheesy but his work has a ton of value in my experience. I just got started listening to him about a month ago and my life is markedly better, applying all his concepts not just to my poker playing but my life in general
Yea the AIEV line isnt accurate though, so divide it in half. Yea I guess if you dont like his approach you would probably find him cheesy but I really like it. He talks big and provides good formulas and reasoning to back it up. Its also really easy to apply if you understand how to.

Originally Posted by aumni
what site are you playing on?
Im playing at svenskaspel, swedish only site.

So last few days havent been as usual due to the swedish midsummer. Month this far:

Low volume (~90h) and running bad, but still happy with my game in general. Probably B+/A-. Also had my first "grind night" when I invited a friend and we played alot. Also something that is very good because its forces you to play good when you have an "audience" and both are pushing eachother. So I highly recommend it and I will try get those done more regularly.

Im going away 1 week now to the coast with my gf, but will bring my laptop and try to get in 1-4h/day of playing time. I will however read alot of theory when we hit the beach and whenever I get time for it. So its not just all-off from poker but I will still work.

When Im back home at start of july, I will work 40 hours/week at an old job so wont be able to play fulltime for 4 weeks, but will treat it as an side job and try get at least 2h-40 hours played/week. Im also having the oppurtunity to read alot at work so will get needed time for doing some theory crafting and just thinking poker away from the tables.

Will try to push for an even month but might be tough next week. However 1 good night at PLO150 and its done basically, just need to catch some cards.
06-24-2013 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by ViktorLuis
When Im back home at start of july, I will work 40 hours/week at an old job
Please elaborate on this decision! You aren't that broke, are you? If it's the gf who's demanding it, then **** her gently You've made lots of progress and can't abandon The Goal like that! I don't see a lack of socialisation in you either because you play football a lot, a very social game. If you find poker emotionally devastating, that's fine, but trying to combine it with the job sounds even more draining.
06-24-2013 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by coon74
Please elaborate on this decision! You aren't that broke, are you? If it's the gf who's demanding it, then **** her gently You've made lots of progress and can't abandon The Goal like that! I don't see a lack of socialisation in you either because you play football a lot, a very social game. If you find poker emotionally devastating, that's fine, but trying to combine it with the job sounds even more draining.
They called me in april when I was 5k$ down in makeup and before I had the 11k$ month. So when they asked me to work 4 weeks in july it sounded like a good option to ease on the economic pressure basically. And I do enjoy working there. Im relatively free to do stuff and as long as I have my iphone with me, I can do alot of poker related stuff aswell. So its not like Im going back to a job I hate, and it doesnt mean Im putting my major goals aside . Im actually even more determined that I will reach them then ever.

About the socialisation part... I actually quit fotball 6 weeks ago. Just took way too much time for being an hobby. 4x2 hours practices + 1 game each weekend + all the downtime for traveling. And I had to consistently plan my day around fotball. I was playing at a level that doesnt compensate much economically so even if I love playing it, I cant let it hinder so much other stuff. Playing poker all night and then Wake up 2 hours before practice made my performance at the field suffer. 4 years ago, before my knee injury, I played because I wanted to be good and I was motivated to sacrifice stuff for that. But then I had this injury and been sidelined until last year basically. 4 years older and during that time I lost so much coordination, rhytm and all those stuff so I kinda was disullusional thinking that I could make it back. Im happy though Im past the Active playing part of fotball in my life and might pick it up in the future as a less time demanding hobby. Who knows.

So my plan for july is to work 40 hours/week and still play around 25-40 hours of poker. Will be tough but Im motivated and got nothing that will stop me. I will post some overlooking guidelines for my near future during the week. Trying to sort out new stake as my current one ends at the end of june and Im looking trough several options.
06-25-2013 , 07:15 PM
Still on vacation and bought "Unlimited Power" by Anthony Robbins yesterday. I found this guy on youtube maybe 1.5 years ago and always been watching stuff he makes, but havent bought anything yet. So yesterday we were strolling around in town and I walked into the bookstore and boom, there this book was, translated to swedish and all. Im a believer of following the signs so despite the $ price I bought it. Read 50 pages so far (its pretty dense) and taking notes troughout. Im absolutely sure this book will elevate my game so Im just getting this info out there if anyone is in need of getting their life on track or simply need to guidance.

I got several staking options to consider until sunday and some are looking way better then others. Im very motivated however to get back on the grind and put in some massive hours. Its time to get out of the small/midstakes.
06-25-2013 , 07:36 PM
Now I'm really frustrated by the fact that I'm a fish at staking, not knowing how to set up an infrastructure for it; if I was doing that business, you'd undoubtedly be my fav horse.
06-25-2013 , 09:22 PM
Btw, you say you speak to people over skype about PLO... is that anyone who plays the game, or just certain people?
06-25-2013 , 11:29 PM
I think OP was talking about a study group; they're usually composed of random but serious and motivated people playing the same game type and (ideally) stakes, sometimes from the horses of a certain staking stable.
06-26-2013 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by coon74
Now I'm really frustrated by the fact that I'm a fish at staking, not knowing how to set up an infrastructure for it; if I was doing that business, you'd undoubtedly be my fav horse.
Thank you . Its not that hard to get familiar with it. Before my first stake I did browse around and look at similar level/skilled players and how their stake looked like. So doing that I made sure I didnt get tricked or w/e. I guess you can find out alot about staking in all perspectives if you browse threads here on 2+2 or create one. It can be profitable for the staker if you find the right people. Ive heards about people getting scammed and stuff so there has to be alot of trust involved.

Originally Posted by MultiTabling
Btw, you say you speak to people over skype about PLO... is that anyone who plays the game, or just certain people?
Kinda what coon74 said in previous post. Similar minded people with ambition and drive to learn more and beat the game basically.
06-28-2013 , 12:01 PM
Havent had the time yet to write anything about poker or mental game related, but I will try on sunday along with a picture or two from the vacation.
07-02-2013 , 02:36 PM
So back from vacation and started working again. Very, very tired last two days and barely had the energy to do anything after work. Im however set up with a new stake at the same site so I started the grind today. July wont be any massive amount of grind but will try to go for 100h, treating it as a part-time job.

During my vacation I did alot of work on my mental game and I feel enforced in that area. I will post alot of good stuff when I get the energy to write it down. Still very tired and hopefully I can get some well needed sleep tonight.

June graph is like the one I posted earlier:

Did play some more at the vacation and lost, but very happy with the month anyway. I played well in general and handled the tilt without too much trouble. Getting the new stake deal is a bit of a restart and Im feeling confident that I will climb above PLO150 soon enough.

The off the table work Ive done during the vacation will prove to be really vital for my progress I believe. Including some newly added rituals pre- and post session and adding more study hours. Kinda realized that I cant blame variance all the time, its better to man up and work harder. "Dont wish it was easier, wish you were better" kinda thing.

So Im very much looking forward to july. Time to crush.
07-02-2013 , 03:48 PM
Love this thread and your work ethic. I'd love to read some more specifics about your mental game improvements! 5 stars.
07-02-2013 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by CoolTimer
Love this thread and your work ethic. I'd love to read some more specifics about your mental game improvements! 5 stars.
Thank you. I love reading supportive comments and it motivates me even more so thanks for the help.

I currently working on the first part (success formula) as I need to figure out some stuff myself. Maybe I can post them tomorrow after work, but I cant promise anything.
07-03-2013 , 03:00 AM
[QUOTE=ViktorLuis;3918641Including some newly added rituals pre-[/QUOTE]

Such as?
07-03-2013 , 03:28 AM
I just had to vote this thread 5 stars. For me its the most constant, well organized and motivating blog on 2+2. I know I repeat myself over and over again, buts its just true
07-03-2013 , 03:35 AM
wow, what a great work ethic
07-03-2013 , 07:15 AM
Hey, I admire ur thread very nice results etc... but can u give me some abc tips how to beat plo25 ??
07-03-2013 , 09:16 AM
i studied and played plo 2c 4c the last year, the roll being now 350 dollars and have used 100x stack the last 50 dollars as a preparation to plo10 where i will start with 50x stack when my roll is at 500 dollars, after i make a 100 or 200 dollars shot, the smaller one if i lose fast. i need big rolls and such shots to feel comfortable, especially as the plo10 looks sort of tough.

my long run aim is 50 or 100k hands per year and get to comfortable plo100 in 2.5 to 5 years. if i make it, i might make a post about it.
07-03-2013 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by roggo
Such as?
Im doing a couple of things, but I recently added reviewing last session and going trough hands. Takes anywhere between 15-60 minutes. Im also lying down a couple of minutes before I play just to re-focus.

Originally Posted by Kreatief
I just had to vote this thread 5 stars. For me its the most constant, well organized and motivating blog on 2+2. I know I repeat myself over and over again, buts its just true
Overwhelming words . Thanks. Motivates me.

Originally Posted by unaPerse
wow, what a great work ethic
Thank you, Im trying hard.

Originally Posted by Macaroni Time
Hey, I admire ur thread very nice results etc... but can u give me some abc tips how to beat plo25 ??
Thanks. Most ABC tip I can give you is to work really hard. All information is out there and if you want to beat a level, you need to work hard to learn it.

Originally Posted by MKarne
i studied and played plo 2c 4c the last year, the roll being now 350 dollars and have used 100x stack the last 50 dollars as a preparation to plo10 where i will start with 50x stack when my roll is at 500 dollars, after i make a 100 or 200 dollars shot, the smaller one if i lose fast. i need big rolls and such shots to feel comfortable, especially as the plo10 looks sort of tough.

my long run aim is 50 or 100k hands per year and get to comfortable plo100 in 2.5 to 5 years. if i make it, i might make a post about it.
Looking forward to that post.

Im posting some stuff Ive been thinking about and mentioning recent posts tomorrow. Ill write the stuff during work and make sure I got it done when Im home. Also posting graph for june this far at the same time and some added goals and thoughts.
07-04-2013 , 03:48 PM
So heres some of the stuff Ive been working on during the vacation last week.

I have for the last year been using the "success formula" system with setting goals and my strategies following 4 steps:
  1. Goal setting
  2. Action
  3. Sensibility
  4. Flexibility

Last week I spent alot of time working on my goals, both long- and short term. Since this is a pretty important area I gave it alot of thought. You really need to dig deep and find out what is truly important for you. And when you find out the reasons WHY you want to do something, it will be easy to push trough the hard times. Im circulating around this picture:

This is what I want with poker. Biggest motivation right now is to prove myself to doubters and people who have believed/believes in me. The money is coming in second hand but still is an important core to me. Dont get me wrong, Im not greedy or something but the fact is that the things I want in life is very money dependant. I want to travel alot, I want economical freedom to do stuff with family and friends and I want to be able to provide for a future family. And I love poker, and the theres major possibilities for anyone who wants to work hard.


Basically I just want to play alot of hours, study alot and try to soak so much I possibly can into me and just develop as a player. So far this year Ive tried several different apporaches, like yearly, monthly and weekly goals. Fixed buyin rules and plans for climbing the stakes. They are all useful to me but I liked weekly ones the most. Never straying too far from target due to the small timezone and setting small, achivable goals was very helpful. Its like if you set a huge goal, you will feel sometimes its so overwhelming to reach. But if you break it down to bite sizes, you will feel progress every day and will help pushing you forward. It will be really hard to start at PLO10 and say "I want to be a millionaire" and have 1 bad day and feel heartbroken. It saves you alot of pain and helps you forward if you instead aim for smaller sizes of the bigger goal.

So Im reversing back to weekly goals with a bigger goal behind it. The bigger goal is basically to play PLO750/500 by the end of the year, and past that to play the highest stakes but theres a long way to go and Im busy enough thinking about next weeks goals lol. Plan for the nearest future is to keep grinding PLO150 and try climb the stakes this summer. I will post next weeks goals (w.28) on sunday.

Sensibility and Flexibility

Its about realizing when something is good or bad and keep doing that or stop doing that. Its very helpful to have a mentor/coach/friends that you network with and share thoughts/hands or whatever. Its very important to know when your off track and need some help. Flexibility is applying the changes. If you tilt alot, find a solution, try it, if it doesnt help, try something else. Simple. It goes for most things in poker.

Enough of rambling. Heres the start of july:

New stake deal and feeling very motivated. Im working so theres less volume but I find time for working on mental stuff instead during work. When Im home Im trying to play as much as I can but very tired first few days. Planning to get a few hours in at weekends. Playing overall pretty well this far. Getting into some ugly spots but just got to keep focus and play good. Adding some more study hours has been very good for me, and it lead me to watch more movies, which Ive been slacking on.

So grinding friday after work and hopefully alot on saturday and sunday. Setting goals for next week on sunday aswell so thats something to look forward to. Also recording a session on saturday, so its going to be a busy weekend. Just got to keep working harder.
07-06-2013 , 05:59 AM
Had friday off from poker and ready for saturday grind.
07-07-2013 , 02:50 PM
First week of july:

Happy with my play overall. Been very focused and playing pretty well but getting into alot of tough spots. Been changing routines a bit and Im feeling alot more motivation to play more and drive to step up my game.

As Ive mentioned Im going back to weekly goals and next week will look like this:

Week 28 Goals
  • 20 hours of playing
  • Watch 4 videos
  • Keep up newly aqquired routines.
  • Communicate daily with other players
  • Keep doing mental exercises

As Im currently working 40 hours/week this is somewhat close to the amount of time I can spend on poker. However very much looking forward to august and go for a sick 250 hour month.
07-08-2013 , 02:27 PM

Showing AIEV line because its making me feel better . Still satisified with my game today. Played 2 hours and also spent some time studying, so a good day.

Tomorrow will look the same, maybe 3 hours instead if I get the time.
07-09-2013 , 01:57 PM

4/20 hours played this far. Will try get at least 12+ hours done on saturday/sunday so if I reach somewhere around 8 by friday its all good.

Alot of value today. Kinda sucks I have to stop so early because of job tomorrow but I think the dicsipline Im getting will be good for my poker aswell. Cant wait for august to come and to go for some sick goals, burning motivation right now.
07-10-2013 , 02:47 PM

2 more hours played today and played pretty decent. Very aggressive tables so had to adjust a bit, which resulted into tightening up and 4betting pretty wide. Happy with playing well although losing. Its a minor confirmation that my mental training has done some progress with my mind.

Week this far

First half is not hitting much and getting owned in 3/4bet pots. Second half is hitting alot but then getting pwned. Something Ive noticed is my redline is more straight then before over a 7k sample. Ive made some pretty big changes last 2 weeks with my game and it seems to have affected it alot.

Tomorrow (thursday) will be 2-3 hours grind aswell and I might take friday off. Saturday/sunday will be 12+h though so I got that to look forward to.
07-10-2013 , 04:21 PM
nice results!
are u playing mostly zoom? from where did u start?
