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Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here.
396 12.72%
$22K TO $28K
455 14.62%
$28K TO $34K
506 16.26%
$34K TO $40K
529 17.00%
$40K TO $46K
296 9.51%
930 29.88%

07-02-2014 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
$2,915 sitting in front of you....that's pretty good.
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07-02-2014 , 11:35 PM
Tell us about the player you were trying to get position on or were you just in a seat you did not like? Referring to the seat change button.
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07-03-2014 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by LiveActionPro
Tell us about the player you were trying to get position on or were you just in a seat you did not like? Referring to the seat change button.
I already moved to the left of a couple aggressive players that likes to make big opens, and big bluffs. Just wanted sm better position to make my decisions a little easier. After I moved, I kept the seat change button just in case I had to move again. Since I was playing n the main game, I still might need it w players coming from "must move" table. #seatchangehoarder
Very observant @liveactionpro. I like the way u think.
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07-03-2014 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Sidenote: A lot of times when I'm counting outs I usually go one less than what is actual. I do this for many different reasons. Mostly because when it's heads up, and I think I may hv 15 outs to win, I will usually do the math based on 14 outs (1less). I hv to think w the 7 other players that get cards, that at least one of my 15 outs is the the muck for sure. So I always take one out off for gd measure.
First off... cool thread. Amazed it's my first time seeing this. Just wanted to throw out that you shouldn't do this. It's ok to take away 4-5% from your odds to reduce variance in probable flip situations, but translating your outs into percentages already counts cards in the muck for you. I know you're not the only one that does this superstitiously, but it costs you $ in the long run. You're basically counting the muck twice by automatically assuming outs are in the muck and then still saying x/47 remaining cards = my chance to win.
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07-03-2014 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
I already moved to the left of a couple aggressive players that likes to make big opens, and big bluffs. Just wanted sm better position to make my decisions a little easier. After I moved, I kept the seat change button just in case I had to move again. Since I was playing n the main game, I still might need it w players coming from "must move" table. #seatchangehoarder
Very observant @liveactionpro. I like the way u think.
Dan Harrington in one of his books says it is better to be on the right of crazy players. You can see what everyone else is going to do in reference to his actions before you have to act. Imagine you have jj. Crazy guy opens to 40. What do you do when he is o your right? Do you 3bet when there is 6 people to act. And say someone ships it after you?

But if your on the right. You can see if anyone else 3bets. If nobody does, you can 3bet huge with a lot of dead money out there.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using 2+2 Forums
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07-03-2014 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Man @TSW that means a lot coming from u! We only played together one time, and from just those few hrs I think highly of ur game! Players like u shd play more! Don't worry about those 3 hands. Ones a cooler, and the other is just variance rearing it's ugly head! The more u play it all evens out. Keep grinding and playing great ALL the time EVERY HAND!
Thanks Ray, I'm trying to stay positive and play more, it's just been tough with being really busy with life + poker run bad = demotivating I really appreciate the kind words about my game, it immediately brightened my day and put a grin on my face, and I thank you for that!!

I'm just going to keep my head up and keep moving forward, gotta keep on keepin on!! and great advice "Keep grinding and playing great ALL the time EVERY HAND!" I will definitely try my best.

Great score last night at the 2/5/10, you are a straight crusher dude!!! Hope to see you (not at the same table) up at the boat soon, keep doing what you're doing!!!


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07-03-2014 , 02:54 PM
Congrats on turning things around. Trust the process. Even better results are comming!
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07-03-2014 , 03:11 PM
Wow the support is overwhelming!! From many loyal posters - to the random posters, I appreciate it all! Thanks

Again more quality sound advice from the 2+2ers. This is the reason I decided to jump back on this thread after taking a 5 month hiatus. U guys help me playing my best at all times! I always respect the various outlooks on poker that is always welcome here. This knowledge is key in trying to stay ahead of the game. Appreciate ya @TClermont and @Isteal! Thanks, and may the poker run gd for u guys.

Get the popcorn ready, and let the needling begin! Another lame video.
5min June recap video:
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
07-03-2014 , 11:53 PM
I loved the video, and good job kicking June's ass!!!

Q: What floor do you park on the garage? (I'm a 2 guy!)
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
07-04-2014 , 11:49 AM
U cray. I'm a 2guy too at HSI. Roof guy at HCO.
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07-05-2014 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
U cray. I'm a 2guy too at HSI. Roof guy at HCO.

PS. Broke the run bad, booking a win tonight, good table, fun players. Had too bluff a sweet old lady off her top pair for a pretty big pot :/ but that's part of the game right??

GL in July, I'll be pulling for ya!
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07-06-2014 , 05:19 PM
You guys are just lazy. I park on 1 or 3 just to get away from the crowd! :-)
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07-07-2014 , 09:14 AM
subbed. Keep crushing man I was following you all last year. So cool to see you move up
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07-07-2014 , 11:40 PM
@pokerfiend4life appreciate that! I'm slowly grinding to the top. It's been a snails pace, but I feel big things r coming my way in next couple of years. I finally have my life set up pretty gd, and feel I'm ahead of the whole "life game". It really helps when the life stuff is in order because now I think I'm set up to achieve more in poker!
The roll is getting bigger and as long as July & Aug isn't a bust, then I think I shd b ready for sm more weekly 5/10/20nl again in September. I just need a couple more decent months to build it up. Until then, i will stay in the minors w 1/2, 2/5, and 2/5/10. This fall, as long as no setbacks, I plan on moving up to the majors w bigger cash games, bigger buyns, and more calculated shot taking. Gonna do it the right way, w correct br management. No hurry. No sweat. No stress.

Rant: I feel if your a professional poker player then u shd pony up and play with your own money!
The next person that asks me if I want a percentage of a player, I'm gonna ask instead if I can bet against that player!
I never will buy, and never will sell!!!
Crazy how "pros" r selling %s of themselves w markup. Seems really scammy to me. I will gladly take the other side and bet AGAINST these players that they won't cash.

How come these "pros" can't build a roll and play w their own cabbage? I just don't get it. Yeah I understand variance, and getting staked helps w that. I also understand sm people just want a gd sweat and buy because of that. But people who invest in players must either hate money, or just do it for the entertainment aspect. I do believe people can get lucky and win in the short term w a given horse, but long term it can't b a gd investment, can it?
Sorry if I ruffled anyone's feathers, all this is just my opinion.
I just know I always play w my own money, and will continue to play w my own money ALL the time! I truly feel it's the only way poker shd b played. When ur own $ is on the line u feel it more. U feel more in ur heart, ur blood, ur mind, ur body, ur spirit, ur soul!
Rant over.

Gonna grind tomo, and then over the next couple of weeks I'll b playing very little. My fam has been homeless since we sold our previous home 7 days ago. It's been nuts to say the least! This Wednesday we finally close on the house we purchased and it can't come quick enough. The next couple weeks will b a lot of moving, painting, and other stuff. Therefore; I prob won't post too much until all the craziness is over. Sorry I haven't be able to grind as much as I wanted to in June/July, house chaos has been just way too much! Luckily, I'm almost done w the whole process. Once August gets here u can bet ur ass I'll b grinding hard every month until I get that $100k score I always dreamed about. #believe
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07-08-2014 , 12:34 AM
Like I said, tournaments was your first mistake as you say even your self long term its bad.

A lot of people sell their action cause they want to play bigger in a tourney they normally can't afford to play such as the WSOP main event to get experience or just for the great exp.

I am guessing your getting a ton of messages about staking people lol
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07-09-2014 , 09:51 AM
My two cents on staking:

Gotta kinda agree about the staking thing, but I know there are two sides of every coin. I've been staked in my career twice, just for a nightly tournament, and was lucky to cash both times. I knew I could have bought it with my own money, but didn't really have any to spare at the time, so my buddy put me up. I actually felt more pressure than usual, mainly because I didn't want to lose his money, which in the end helped my critical thinking and decision making processes, but also forced me to play a more conservative game and fold hands I might otherwise play. I've also staked my buddies maybe 3-5 times, playing cash games, and luckily for me they all either broke even or came out ahead. I guess it was more along the lines of "loaning" them money, but I told them if they lose no worries.

Overall though I think staking is OK, but ONLY if you are truly confident in your stakee's ability, and if you can afford to lose the money. I look at it like a scratch-off. You could lose (mostly), break even (sometimes), win a little (sometimes), or win decent/big (rarely). Staking is basically gambling, but you can have an edge if you think your stakee is +ev in the game they are playing. It's not something I would ever do regularly, but I would still stake my buddies down the line if they needed the cash and were feeling good about their game.

IF someone does consider themselves to be a professional player, then I 100% agree they should have their own action. I can understand the blue moon occasions where they could get a share for a huge tourney (like the main event), but 99% of the other times they better be playing on their own dime. I have read about too many Vegas "pros" who are being staked, but aren't taking the game seriously, or who are just ready to get out and play golf, which I think is completely disrespectful. Or these guys who are being staked who end up blowing the roll being a degen/addict/etc. These guys don't need money, they need help, counseling and guidance.

GL with your grinding, but take care of the family first. Poker will always be there.
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07-15-2014 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by LiveActionPro
Like I said, tournaments was your first mistake
Might be the statement of the year!

@tswpoker1 respect it, appreciate it.

What’s ur play? Fold or Call?
Villain: Absolutely no history, mid 50s, $400 stack.
Player X: a twice a wk reg, mid 40s, loves to c flops, an ocean hand range, easy to pick up on when he has strong hands, calling station, dead money, $700 stack
Me: came in the morning and table has been goin through the night, buy in for half the big, $800 stack and chip up to $1000 after an hour.
The hand-
3limps to me, I call $2 in hj w K2. 6 total limpers to a flop of 59Q. Villain, fiirst to act, makes a pot size bet of $10. Sidenote: an orbit earlier he over bets $100 aiof into a $30 pot (dry flop) w 2 pair. That sneaky bastard made me pay him off w AK (pairs Aces on flop). This lousy hand is all I had to go by for the hand in question. Anyways, I call villain’s $10, Player x calls $10 behind me. 3way to turn (pot $40sih) brings an 8. Villain leads out $15, I call, player x calls. $80ish pot heading to the river 10. Villain leads out $55, I raise to $140, player X calls the $140, and now it’s back on Villain. Villain asks the dealer, “How much?” and then puts out 2 black chips for a re raise. Back to me to call the $115 river 3bet, or fold it. I tank for a few minutes, $115 to win $635ish (maybe $750ish if player x calls too). I’m trying to figure out what this Villain guy has. My mind went back in forth like a masturbator! Call,fold,call,fold,call,fold,call,fold. I’m peeling my cards back every 30 seconds hoping it wd somehow change from 3rd nuts. Every time I looked, I saw the same old K2. Never seen a hand look so vulnerable to a small enticing river re raise. I kind of felt bad for ole K2. After much thought, K2-3rdnutz and I….
What’s the play? What's Villain’s hand range here w no history. Let u know tomo?
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07-15-2014 , 04:58 PM
Sounds like youre beat. Hard to see the guy 3 betting river with worse.
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07-15-2014 , 05:05 PM
Insta call nothing else you can do.
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07-15-2014 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by absherrj
Sounds like youre beat. Hard to see the guy 3 betting river with worse.
He's playing 1/2, and needs to win 16% of the time to make a good call. At 1/2, you can almost get 16% of the people misreading their hands!
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07-15-2014 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by LiveActionPro
Insta call nothing else you can do.
100% agree with this.

I think this hand is very interesting and a VERY close decision.

I think Villain had a J5 or something weird like that. He is never flatting after your raise with a better hand than you.

As far as player X, he is definitely repping the AX combo, definitely smells like the nuts. But really who knows? I could see the Q10. If he is competent at all he has to give either you or villain credit for a flush, and his re-raise is so small there is no way I can imagine him bluffing into two players. He definitely has something.

The pot is too big to fold with the odds that you are getting, and a reraise is only getting called by better.
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07-15-2014 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by tswpoker1
The pot is too big to fold with the odds that you are getting, and a reraise is only getting called by better.
This is WRONG! I have made 3 & 4 bets with the nut flush that have gotten called by worse flushes a lot of times. There is a large % of 1-2 & 1-3 players that will not lay down any flush on non-paired boards no matter how much $'s goes in. To me it is exactly like the guys that don't fold over pairs.

With that being said, here we can only call.
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07-16-2014 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
What’s ur play? Fold or Call?
Villain: Absolutely no history, mid 50s, $400 stack.
Player X: a twice a wk reg, mid 40s, loves to c flops, an ocean hand range, easy to pick up on when he has strong hands, calling station, dead money, $700 stack
Me: came in the morning and table has been goin through the night, buy in for half the big, $800 stack and chip up to $1000 after an hour.
The hand-
3limps to me, I call $2 in hj w K2. 6 total limpers to a flop of 59Q. Villain, fiirst to act, makes a pot size bet of $10. Sidenote: an orbit earlier he over bets $100 aiof into a $30 pot (dry flop) w 2 pair. That sneaky bastard made me pay him off w AK (pairs Aces on flop). This lousy hand is all I had to go by for the hand in question. Anyways, I call villain’s $10, Player x calls $10 behind me. 3way to turn (pot $40sih) brings an 8. Villain leads out $15, I call, player x calls. $80ish pot heading to the river 10. Villain leads out $55, I raise to $140, player X calls the $140, and now it’s back on Villain. Villain asks the dealer, “How much?” and then puts out 2 black chips for a re raise. Back to me to call the $115 river 3bet, or fold it. I tank for a few minutes, $115 to win $635ish (maybe $750ish if player x calls too). I’m trying to figure out what this Villain guy has. My mind went back in forth like a masturbator! Call,fold,call,fold,call,fold,call,fold. I’m peeling my cards back every 30 seconds hoping it wd somehow change from 3rd nuts. Every time I looked, I saw the same old K2. Never seen a hand look so vulnerable to a small enticing river re raise. I kind of felt bad for ole K2. After much thought, K2-3rdnutz and I….
What’s the play? What's Villain’s hand range here w no history. Let u know tomo?
My thought process was...any gd player would only 3bet river w 1st or 2nd nuts, (or bluff). Since I hv 3rd nuts, I'm thinking he is never reraising otr w 4th nuts or worse. Therefore, I folded.
Where I went wrong was giving him too much credit for being a gd player. W no player history, and just mid 50s stereotypes to go off of, I shd hv called. Most mid 50s are not leading out draws on the flop. Also, I'm not quite sure if he even meant to raise. It was such a weak amount that mayb he thought he was just calling. Not sure. If it was heads up play, I prob wd hv asked him if he meant to, or not, just to get a vibe.
Been really mad at myself for folding, and actually lost sleep over it. It was the worse fold I hv made in a very long time. I was so mad at myself when it happened that I had to rack up and leave. Especially when I saw Villain's QJoff for a straight. Player x called $115 more w same hand, and they chopped it up. During this time, I had to walk away and throw up in my mouth.
Shd hv been a big day, but a stupid mistake will cost u n this game. Learn and move on. lost -$195
After 24hrs I'm halfway over it. Still stewing. Wow ima idiot for folding!!!
Thanks for feedback.
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07-16-2014 , 02:03 PM
Don't worry butter. Make that up in one hand
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07-18-2014 , 02:07 AM
For such a cheap price I have to call
His raise looks weak
would a good player do this with the nuts?a good player would try for more value

I enjoy reading your post Ray
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