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living out of my car in los angeles.... living out of my car in los angeles....

08-03-2018 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
-Mental midget lives in his car.
-Luckboxes 12k in a jackpot.
-Moves from $200 3/5 to $300-$500 5/5 with jackpot winnings.
-Luckboxes a 10k WPT seat. Refuses to listen to wise 2p2 members and sell any of it.
-Busts out of the money in 10k tourney. Played at same table as Phil Hellmuth day 2.
-Don't call him 'wee' or 'little' or 'boy' or you will trigger his small man syndrome.
-Gets called all of these things and proceeds to act like a wee little boy.
-Gets banned from 2p2 for derailing threads, on multiple occasions, then insulting the mods.
-Magnanimous mods graciously allow OP to come back in a new form.
-2p2 rejoices.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-03-2018 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
If your height bothers you that much, have you ever considered saving up to get limb lengthening surgery? I've read reports of people gaining as much as 6 inches of height this way. 2-3 inches increase is definitely possible. I am of the opinion that if you have a major insecurity about your looks, you should address it head on and change it. Because no matter how successful you are in other areas of your life, an insecurity about your looks will always follow you around and niggle away at you. Shoes with bigger heels/insoles only mask the problem imo, not actually fix it.

It's only a suggestion of course, you don't have to do it if you don't want.
nutworst advice ever. this mos def isnt the way to face your insecurities.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-03-2018 , 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by nomalice
nutworst advice ever. this mos def isnt the way to face your insecurities.
Agreed. I had a friend soliciting advice about getting a boob job and I told her she was beautiful and she didn't need big tits and besides she would only get big fake tits which aren't the same. You don't reinforce someone's insecurities by being like "yeah your titties are kinda small" or "girls with small tits look like little boys, gross". In fact I'm real careful not to comment negatively about anyone's appearance for the most part.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-03-2018 , 05:39 AM
Had fun playing tonight. Went over to my friend's apt after the casino. When I get there he asks if I want to throw knives. Duhhh, of course I do. My friends has some card board in front of a wood board and we throw some throwing knives into it for a while and smoke some bowls then watch some Big Brother. Sinking those knives into the wood is a satisfying feeling. Gonna buy some throwing knives next time I buy stuff on amazon.

Results 8/2: +$525

Skill Game

Hero BB (covers) 99
Villain 1 UTG ($165) AQos - White guy action player.
Villain 2 BTN($310) AJos - New guy looks uncomfortable at the table.
Villain 3 SB ($250) 99 - Just complaining about every hand he folds/loses.

Villain 1 blind raises to 15 Vil 2 raises to 30 otb and I'm not sure if he has a big ace or a big pair. Sb calls and I just call with 99. Villain 1 raises to 95 total. Villain 2 thinks and just calls. I feel confident he would raise with a bigger pair here. Villain 3 folds and I put them both all in. Villain 1 calls and villain 2 goes into the tank which is a good sign then eventually calls. 99 holds and the complainer says he folded the same hand.


Hero MP (covers) A8dd
Villain MP-1 ($450) ??

Villain limps and we make it 30. Only villain calls.

Flop ($60) J43r

Villain checks and we reach for chips to bet and villain starts grabbing chips and playing with them. Basically he is saying if we bet a normal amount he is prepared to call. So, we reach deep and grab a bunch of chips and bet 65. He thinks and folds. Thanks for the tell.

Nuts, Nuts, Nuts, Jackpot?

Hero MP (covers) Red Aces.
Villain SB ($500ish) ??

Hero opens to 20 and only villain calls.

Flop ($40) A83r

Villain checks and hero bets 20, villain calls.

Turn ($80) Qd

Villain checks hero bets 35, villain calls.

River ($150) Q

Villain bets 30 and this just feels like a blocker bet with a weak ace. My instinct is to raise to 120 total. We raise to 150 instead and he folds. In hindsight I think 95 is the right amount to raise to. Mistakes were made.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-03-2018 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Nah I'm cool about my height, it's withing one standard distribution of the average, taller than at least 70% of women, some women like guys my size which is enough for me.

That surgery is so short sighted. Break your legs to get taller.... I'm dumb, but I'm not that dumb.

I'm gonna go with the cuttlefish strategy. Blend in with the women.
Ok that's fair enough.

Originally Posted by nomalice
nutworst advice ever. this mos def isnt the way to face your insecurities.
Well if we don't like an aspect of our life, then we generally change it, don't we? You wouldn't bat at eyelid if someone wanted to change their clothes to look smarter, but changing your height is somehow different because it's much more difficult, costly and almost no one does it.

That's my opinion anyway, you may disagree. Which is fine. We will have to agree to disagree on this issue.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-03-2018 , 11:46 AM
There's always something that will bother you about your looks. Once you fix your height problem you'll find out your ears are not perfect and then it'll be your chin or the lenght of your d***. You either accept and love yourself the way you are or you'll end up like this guy, as ugly as always and 26k poorer.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-03-2018 , 01:02 PM
If I step one toe out of line mods should perma ban me, delete this thread, find me irl, and put a bullet in my head. That's how serious I am about not messing up. I don't have tourettes I can control the filth and vitriol that I think and not spew it online. Or I'll at least filter it in a manner thats tolerable and not toxic. If iI have to be toxic and spew vitriol I will just do it in real life and stay off the internet. Then report the results after I smoke some weed and chill out.

Gonna go back in time over posts Memento style until we catch up to the ban while going forward in time with new posts.

*** Retro-Post 8/1 ***
Results 7/31: +$645

Peter the pos walks by the table and a player says "You're gross Peter" and I almost lose it laughing I mean I didn't realize I'm not the only guy who thinks this guy is gross. Between laughs I tell the other player "Yeah man, let him know". Another player at the Table, Al, a 50 year old white guy who is always smiling and being friendly with the young women who work there says "that guy has been coming here forever." Everybody doesn't like Peter, I think he wears the same cloths everyday same outfit, short, dress shoes no socks. Probably a complete degen loser in his personal life. Most likely to shoot up the casino. I'd pity the guy if he wasn't so mean and full of himself.

Easy Peazy

Hero BB (covers) AA
Vic ($320) ??
Villain ($240) ?? same villain from TT2 a few days ago when we had 22

Vic opens to 25 villain calls we make it 75 from BB and both call.

Flop ($225) T55r

We check, vic checks, villain thinks and then jams $165, we call Vic folds.

Turn is an Ace and we win. Fairly certain we didnt need it.

Super System

Hero MP ($850)- JhJd
Villain MP+1 (covers) AsAh - 50ish asian solid reg.

Hero opens to 20 and villain raises to 60. I've been playing tight at this same table for about 5 hours so has he. Hasn't 3bet yet, this has to be AA or KK.
We call with the intention of set mining. Gonna fold an overpair.

Flop ($120) Jc7c4h

Yahtzee! Just flopped the nuts, top set. Just read super system the other day. What would Doyle do? I lead for 90. Maybe should have gone bigger not sure.
Villain thinks and calls.

Turn ($300) 3d

Not the nuts anymore. Not worried I'm beat, he's got an overpair clear as day. Don't want to blow him off it, I bet again 180.
He calls painfully. He doesn't like it but I've taken the lead away and he has AA. Wouldn't I check raise if I had a set? That's what most people do...

River ($660) Kc

Damnit!!! That's such a bad river. I'm basically set up to jam 70% of rivers or whatever but that isn't one. First of all the king smacks him right in the middle. 1/3 chance he hit a set.
But we can't check because we'll just have our check "called" meaning he'll check back. But we can bet and get a little more value from AA... maybe. Not all in, he can't call all in with AA.
We bet 180 again and he quickly calls and asks if we hit the flush. I show assuming he's gonna show KK but when he turns it over its AA and we win.

I took a break to smoke some weed and watch youtube vids for a couple hours in my van then came back to play some more. When I came back the older asian guy with AA changes to my table and he still hasn't gotten over the hand. He ends up going all-in on a river Jack, the other player folds and he gives me a peek at his cards (JJ rivered the 2nd nuts). Ha! He gives me a big high five. Later on in the night he ends up busting out with JJ too. Flop was 632cc He raised pre bet the flop and on a turn ace he bet near pot 200. And all-in on the river and got called by Ace high flush draw turned pair aces. He overplayed it. Jacks are going to be burned into this guy's mind for a while. I should have carte blanche moving forward trying to bluff him. ANytime I lead into him he has to worry I've got the nuts.


Last edited by SimpleRick; 08-03-2018 at 01:22 PM.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-03-2018 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Villain checks and we reach for chips to bet and villain starts grabbing chips and playing with them. Basically he is saying if we bet a normal amount he is prepared to call. So, we reach deep and grab a bunch of chips and bet 65. He thinks and folds. Thanks for the tell.
I find that tell to be more the opposite but also unreliable. A lot of the times villain will grab chips when you're reaching to bet to try to prevent you from betting or make you bet smaller. Then they snap check it back when you change your mind and check to them.

The only reliable physical tell applies mostly preflop and that is when someone is disinterested and wants to fold they will hold their hand in a pre-muck position.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-03-2018 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by LordRiverRat
I find that tell to be more the opposite but also unreliable. A lot of the times villain will grab chips when you're reaching to bet to try to prevent you from betting or make you bet smaller. Then they snap check it back when you change your mind and check to them.

The only reliable physical tell applies mostly preflop and that is when someone is disinterested and wants to fold they will hold their hand in a pre-muck position.
It's a sign of weakness for sure. Just bomb it in that spot every time. Unless you have a nutted hand and then try to sell it for whatever you can get. But it also means they have a little something and will call a reasonable bet. It's very reliable imo. This guy started grabbing chips after checking it to me and as I started touching my chips. Bombing it is the right play. These guys are scared.

Caro's Book of Poker Tells. A classic, mandatory, must-have, poker book.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-03-2018 , 03:47 PM
I'm not sure if that book still applies to modern poker. I think even a lot of fish (the fishy regs anyways) know about and reverse some of them. Back in 2014 I was a nit and hardly ever bluffed but stared down my opponents every pot to encourage calls cause "strong means weak". I remember this one time I had a boat and villain was like "you have a boat" as I stared him down like I was about to murder him. He called, I showed my boat and then he said "I called cause of the Mike McDonald stare". Pretty sure he was only half joking.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-03-2018 , 10:51 PM
Bombs Away

Hero BTN ($500) KThh
Villain HJ (covers) ??AQ?? - Middle aged Armenian guy solid player I've seen him make some good folds, respects my game.

Villain opens to 20 and we 3bet to 65, only villain calls.

Flop ($130) Q55ss

Villain checks and hero bets 110 thinking that betting near pot should take this down at a much higher frequency.
Villain min clicks it back to 220. Hmmmmm. We fold and he claims to have had AQ. I believe him.

Pilot to Bombadier

Hero BTN (covers) JTdd
Villain EP (~$400)

Villain limps we open to 20 villain and the blinds call.

Flop ($80) AT3r

Everyone checks.

Turn ($80) 6r

Villain leads for 25 and this feels like a weak blocker bet with an ace. If I sense weakness I'm going to attack.
We raise to 135 and villain folds.

Rolled Up

Hero BB ($655) KhKd
Beiber (covers) QsQc - Goes by "Beiber". Stocky filipino? guy. Fairly solid reg.
Villain 2(covers) - Mid aged solid asian reg.
Villain 3($400) - Mid aged white guy fairly tight and open faced.

Villain 3 opens to 15 from early position one player calls and villain1 3bets to 75. Villain 2 calls. Folds to us and before looking I'm telling myself I need KK+ to continue in this spot.
Look down and see KK. Nice. Think about it for 30 secs or so and then declare all-in for $655.
Beiber thinks about it asks how much then calls.

KK holds and we scoop a nice little pot.

Turned Boat

One orbit later after KK>QQ hand

Hero SB(covers) TsTd
Beiber MP ($520) ??

A few limps in front of us including Beiber. Pop it up to 30 with TT from the SB and get 3 calls.

Flop ($120) A88ssh

We lead for the gto 1/3 pot bet of $40. Our range has theirs crushed and we should take it down with this bet often.

Beiber calls and others fold.

Turn ($200) Th

Nice. Turning the boat or set or whatever is so much sweeter than flopping it.
We check and Beiber bets 100. Don't take too long before we call.

River ($400) 9h

We check after taking 30 secs or so, trying to induce a bluff/give off a sense of weakness.
Beiber bets 200 with ~150 behind. I resist the temptation to double check if we really have a boat and I announce "all-in" after thinking for 30 secs.
I think that double checking in that spot gives off a strong sense of strength. He eventually calls and we scoop another big pot off him.

Today's my birthday btw. Having a nice start to the birthday session. Taking a break right now to smoke some weed and chill out.
They are having a promo for the month of August. They are giving away 35 cars in 31 days. A car a day and 5 on the 31st. You need to make a full house to get a ticket into the drawing.
Well I've got a ticket, and it's my birthday. Car at midnight? I probably had the winning ticket last night since I turned 32 right at midnight same time as the drawing...

Originally Posted by LordRiverRat
I'm not sure if that book still applies to modern poker. I think even a lot of fish (the fishy regs anyways) know about and reverse some of them. Back in 2014 I was a nit and hardly ever bluffed but stared down my opponents every pot to encourage calls cause "strong means weak". I remember this one time I had a boat and villain was like "you have a boat" as I stared him down like I was about to murder him. He called, I showed my boat and then he said "I called cause of the Mike McDonald stare". Pretty sure he was only half joking.
The fact that bad opponents don't pick up on tells that you give off or that good players misinterpret reverse tells doesn't mean the book is not applicable. Poker is a game of people and I know which of my opponents are reversing tells on me and which are genuine and nearly 100% reliable. People grab chips to give off the sense to their opponents that they can't be bluffed. Not many people are reversing this tell because the fact is against 95%+ of opponents grabbing chips actually works to slow down opponents. So why would someone reverse that tell? Most people aren't paying close enough attention.

Take this tell for example: ask someone if they have X hand, if they answer "no" then they almost certainly have some other nutted hand. Like if someone goes all-in on JJ2 board and you ask do you have a jack? and they say "no" they are going to have 22. You can take my word for it, or you can go out in the real world and see I'm right. Try it. But just because this tell screams strength doesn't mean it will get an opponent to fold. In fact, the opposite is true, and often times opponents will call only to find out they should have been worried about a different part of the players nutted range.
Just because this strength tell actually induces more calls doesn't mean it's not a reliable tell for us to pick up on and exploit.

It sounds like you picked an astute player to reverse a tell on. I don't think you are putting enough stock in tells or you are just assuming that all your opponents are equally skilled and capable of giving off reverse tells. It's just not the case. No one sigh jams the river as a bluff. That's the nuts. Some tells are only given off by level one beginner noobs and not being reversed. Soooooo many very valuable physical live tells are being given off at the poker table you just have to know how to interpret and how to weight them.
I'm not looking for tells as much from good players. Also there are timing tells too. But all tells are open to interpretation. A nervous tell could mean anything, is he nervous cause he is bluffing or cause he has the nuts?
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-03-2018 , 11:33 PM
Had a unique and annoying experience playing tonight. The player to my right basically acted slow to get reads from players who had position on him (me). The first time it happened it was his turn to act and he kind of balked at folding his hand, he made the motion to fold but held on to his cards. At which point I peeked at my cards and saw garbage and held them out prepared to fold. He then pulls his cards back and raises. Him doing all this crap took an extra 20 seconds or whatever so this jerk is trying to get out of position reads and slowing the game down to do it.

A few hands later it's his turn preflop and he is sitting there....making everyone wait... He is trying to do the same and I do the same thing as last time except I pretend peek at my cards I don't really look at them, but pretend I see trash and get ready to fold them. So he raises. I double check and it really is garbage and I fold.

A hand comes up later where he is first to act on the river. There is 80 bucks in the pot and 4 players have checked the whole way thru. He is sitting there taking forever trying to get his reads, I've rivered third pair, so I impatiently grab my cards prepared to fold and he grabs 35 and bets it. I take my hand back and call the other 2 guys fold. I make him show me his hand, I'm not going to show this guy without him showing me first. After this hand I never looked out of turn at my cards or gave him any tells. Thanks for the 35 bucks, chump. Resorting to gimmicks like that is for unsophisticated bad players. I make mince meat out of guys like that.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-04-2018 , 04:39 PM
*** Retro Post 7/31 ***

Results 7/30: +$20

There is a certain thrill in destroying things. Throwing a rock through a window, destruction. But I'm not a malicious person. Like the land of misfits in Pinnochio or whatever it's called. Where you could destroy the buildings as entertainment without repurcussions. Or kicking somebody's intricate sand castle over. They've left and said it's ok cause the tide is coming in or something. Whatever you gotta tell yourself. Knocking things over can definitely be fun. You gotta have a certain apetite for destruction in order to be successful at poker.

People who wear shorts to the casino are terrible human beings. Seriously, put some pants on. I'm talking specifically about peter the pos. I'm pretty sure he's wearing the same shorts and outfit from the other day. Slip on dress shoes with no socks. Shorts above his knees. Just crap stacked together and magically animated by some evil wizard. An abomination.

Anyway he table changes to my table yesterday and when he sits down the dealer points out that he is short. He has 295 and the buy-in is 300-500. Lol I've never seen someone called out for buying out 5 dollars short or over. It's not a big deal. Obviously this dealer must not like Peter as much as I don't like him. She won't let him play until he buys in full lol. He pulls out a 100 and calls for chips and as a chip runner is coming over another player tosses him a 5. He is already irritated and I say to the dealer "Good dealer, make sure he follows all the rules" and I toss her 2 bucks. He goes on for a table change and just kind of walks around for a few minutes and I'm just counting down the 20mins he has before he gets picked up to call the floor right on the dot and get him picked up. But he gets a table change like 14 mins in. Would have been funny if he got picked up.

I was trying to bait him to say something to me when I told the dealer to "make sure he follows all the rules". I wanted him to say something cross to me so I could get real loud and put him in his place. He was smart enough not to say anything to me. Everytime I play with this guy I'm going to poke and prod and irritate and agitate and annoy and slowroll. Enemy no. 1 at the Commerce Casino.

Flopping Quads

Hero UTG ($500) 4s4c
Villain 1 SB (covers) ?? - Toasty asian ATC.
Villain 2 BB (covers) ?? - Solid 30 something white guy.

Hero limps utg and another player limps, blinds check.

Flop ($15) 644r

Sb bets 10 BB raises to 25. We flopped four fours. Call. SB calls.

Turn ($90) Kr

Checks to us we bet 35 sb calls.

River ($160) 8

Sb checks we bet 70 sb calls. We win.

Lost a pot yesterday with AA. 5 limps we have AA otb and make it 40 since the table seems to be in a calling mood. UTG limper jams 185 we call and he makes a flush with 88.

I have such a good feeling about the way my life is headed. Need to cut back on the weed slowly. Maybe once in the morning once at night. Cut back to twice a day and go from there. Babysteps.

living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-04-2018 , 05:07 PM
You'll never be good at poker until you realize your ego will always destroy you.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-04-2018 , 05:37 PM
Thieves in the Night

So I'm in my van last night at like 230am in the Costco parking lot next to Commerce Casino. I've just finished jerking off or whatever and I hear someone knock on the van and say "Sherriffs Dept." Alright, don't want to deal with this right now, I'm not doing anything illegal I'm pretty sure so I don't think I'll have a problem. The way my van is set up I have a thermal window coverings blocking the windows so I cant see out and no one can see in. I put some shorts and a shirt on and shoes no socks try to wipe the lotion off my hand and grab my keys...

I open the door and I hit someone, I think in the head, who is going prone and trying to get underneath my van. Wtf is going on? I'm confused. Takes a second for me to realize these aren't LEOs. Quite the opposite. Anyway they hope in their SUV and take off after the guy gets hit in the head. I stare them down as they leave and they try to take off in an area that is essentially a dead end. The Coffee Bean and Farmer Boys next to Costco has one entrance/exit to the drive thru for both of them. They tried to escape thru that area and drove around for a minute before doubling back past me. I stared them down not too hard with my arm and hand concealed in my van. I was trying to make sure they didn't regroup gather their nerve and try again. I eyeballed the license plate and completely forgot it 60 secs later while I was getting out of there. Think it started with a 5, maybe? So confused and unprepared and then very scared afterward. Took like an hour for me to go to sleep and I'm normally out like a light. I'm so happy I didn't get hurt and didn't have anything stolen from me. Would have been super easy to just knock me out once I hop out grab my keys and steal my van with all my stuff in it. LOL, not today guys! So lucky for me I was dealing with the tweedle dee and tweedle dumb of criminals. Knock on door and 30 seconds later put your head in the path of that door. LOL. I couldn't make that up.

So now I've been thinking about doing violence pretty much all morning. Just different fantasies of me coming out of my van with something other than my dick in my hand. Like after I bump that fool in the head and realize these East LA vatos aren't really the sherriff's dept. Reach back and grab some handy throwing knives. Sink a knife right into that mofo's chest. Die sucka. Last two knives I threw at my friends house both landed center mass perpendicular to the board and I really stuck them in there. I got the hang of it quick.

My friend is an excellent martial artist and he showed me the technique to throwing knives. He really is amazing. He trains in Jeet Kune Do which is the Bruce Lee martial art focused on street fighting as opposed to tournament fighting which is what most martial arts focus on. He specializes in fighting multiple opponents and also knife fighting. He competed in a knife fighting competition in San Diego a few years ago. Obviously not real knives but it was plastic knives with an electric shock tazer at the end of it. He showed me a video of him competing and he is very dynamic. He won the competition and has a bunch of 1st place trophies for other competitions. I asked him what the tazer feels like and he just looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. LOL. What a badass. He whacks his shins with sticks to make them harder. He went to Cebu, Phillipines to train in stick fighting. We both went to high school together and were about the same size height and weight, a couple of white guys, nerds, gamers. He looked at training like leveling up in real life. Now he's like the letter V with arms and legs. He's also one of my most chill friends. I asked him about training and he said he normally charges 60 per session but he would give me a discount. I'll pay full price, my friend deserves it, probably more. Gonna start training with him once a week, or once a month, just use that time to find out what I should be doing to train and get better on my own. Even if nothing ever happens again I need to be prepared. Gonna buy an SKS and maybe a pistol too. Next fool who messes with me is going to pay for all the sins of every mofo before him who effed with me.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-04-2018 , 05:49 PM
If you don't already you should consider keeping the bulk of your roll and any other valuables you own in the vault at the casino. Not all thieves will be that stupid or have the courtesy to knock first.

Sent from my LGMS631 using Tapatalk
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-04-2018 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Lordkjun
If you don't already you should consider keeping the bulk of your roll and any other valuables you own in the vault at the casino. Not all thieves will be that stupid or have the courtesy to knock first.
Yeah dude thanks. Had the morons succeeded and stolen my van and all my stuff that wouldnt have been a complete catastrophe, but it would have hurt way more than it needed to. Definitely going to up my security and awareness and keep only a couple hundred or less cash on me at all times. I already have a few thou on deposit at the casino but I'm just going to start keeping it all there and just moving it from there directly to the bank. Not gonna catch me slipping again.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-04-2018 , 06:24 PM
Results 8/3 birthday session: +$155

Went back after running hot for the first part and got a reversal of fortune and lost back most of the days profit.

Still My Favorite Hand

When I showed up to the table the 30yo white guy reg to my right in the 3 seat starts telling me about how the villain in the 8 seat is a complete calling station. I proceed to witness a few hands where this is proven to be true on an insane level. Floating T93 flops with Q7 and showing no later aggression...Pure insanity. Thanks for the free info dude. Not sure why people do this but I don't mind it. I guess he is trying to ingratiate himself with me because he views me as a good(better?) poker player. Not something I would talk about at the table especially at a volume that he could possibly hear.

Hero BTN ($500)- Red Aces
Villain 1 utg+1 ($395) 87os - Calling station in the 8 seat.
Villain 2 utg+2 (covers) ?? Solid young Armenian reg.

Villain 1 limps and villain 2 opens to 20. Another player calls and its on me. Got my favorite hand, red aces, on the button. I 3bet to 75. Only villain 1 calls.

Flop ($200) A95cc

Villain checks and we bet 50. Villain calls.

Turn ($300) 6r

Villain grabs a hundred bucks and leads out and bets. Ugh. Gross. I mean I know we have top set and are only beat by one hand, which shouldn't be in any decent players range here 87. But he is the epitome of a calling station and he is leading into us here. It's lol obvious that he has a straight. Especially since we have top set blocking his combos of A6 turned two pair, which again a calling station might not lead out with. They always have the nuts when they bet because they are just that bad. Well I put him all in for 270 total he of course calls. River doesn't pair and he shows us the bad knews. Lol nice hand dude.

Hero Fold Pre

Hero UTG+1 (covers) QQ
Villain MP ($385) A? - same calling station from above.

Hero opens to 25 from EP, folds to Villain who quickly grabs a bunch of chips and tosses out a 3bet of 125. Ugh. Gross. It's our turn to act and we are looking at him. He opens up and shows the rest of his stack and says "Just 250 left or so". The way he says it feels like to me he wants to get it in with this hand. I don't like our hand. Can we get away from it? I sigh fold. And he looks at his cards and turns over an ace of hearts. Since he looked I'm guessing the other one wasn't an ace but who know. Probably had AK, maybe AQ, or AJ. I'm ok with the fold. I just don't think this calling station is raising 100 trying to push around the guy who has only shown one hand, AA, and been playing tight, raising from utg+1. But he was such a donk its hard folding QQ to a guy like that. Felt right though. I asked the reg in seat 3 who'd been playing longer with him what he thought that guy had that hand and he instantly replied queens plus so my fold was probably right.


Hero BTN ($675) AJos
StickyRice UTG+1 ($540) KK

UTG player blind raises to 45. StickyRice makes it 175 next to act. Folds to us and we rip it in with AJos. I've seen Sticky raise this guys blind raise before and then show a 4. I think in retrospect we should be a little bit higher up in our hands to be jamming here. Like maybe AQ+. Not exactly sure. I mean I could fold AJos to a normal open so I should be able to fold here I think.

Originally Posted by stlcardinals
You'll never be good at poker until you realize your ego will always destroy you.
I'll try to keep that in mind.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-04-2018 , 10:12 PM
Good to hear you upgraded to a van. Must be a lot more comfortable.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-05-2018 , 04:54 AM
My Favorite Hand, Again!

Hero CO ($630) - Red Aces.
Villain EP (covers) - ?? Same Super calling station villain from last night.

Villain raises to 25 from early position. We look down and see our favorite hand, red aces, against this same villain who cracked our aces last night. We 3bet to 85 and only he calls.

Flop ($170) A54ssh

Lol, flopped another set of aces against the same guy. He checks, we bet 45 and he calls.

Turn ($260) Td

He leads out for 185 and I ponder life for a few secs before jamming all in 500. He thinks about it and calls. Euro reg in seat 5 who I've never seen or played with before calls my hand "top set" before I flip my hand over.

River ($1260) 9c

We showed the aces and he says he missed.

I understand this hand does not seem believable, I was there and I can't believe it happened.

This next hand is honestly has me very confused...

Not My Favorite Hand

Hero UTG (covers) - Red Kings.
Villain 1 UTG+1 (~1100) ?? - young Russian solid reg
Villain 2 BTN (800) ?? - same super calling station
Villain 3 BB (500) ?? new guy to the table and to me.

Hero limps utg with kings. Not a hand I would normally limp except there has been a lot of raising and 3betting and no one is folding to the 3bet. Feels like if someone raises we can put in a big 3bet and get a lot of money in pre this way.

Villain 1 raises to 25, villain 2 reraises to 50, villain 3 cold calls in the big blind. I reraise to 225, villain 1 folds and villain 2 5bets to 500....villain 3 folds. I tank....fold kings pre for the 2nd time in my life. I regret it. I mean this guy was a really bad player but I don't think he was getting out of line pre here. But again he is just bad enough to 5bet AK and I'm ******ed for folding I think. Had he jammed all-in 800 I would have called but him 5betting to 500, I dunno. Can't believe I folded kings to that guy. I think paying it off is better. Makes me sick. Please ridicule me for being a complete nit.

Results 8/4: +$350

Originally Posted by dogarse
Good to hear you upgraded to a van. Must be a lot more comfortable.
So much better. I ******ed my personal development by not buying one earlier.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-05-2018 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Thieves in the Night

So I'm in my van last night at like 230am in the Costco parking lot next to Commerce Casino. I've just finished jerking off or whatever and I hear someone knock on the van and say "Sherriffs Dept." Alright, don't want to deal with this right now, I'm not doing anything illegal I'm pretty sure so I don't think I'll have a problem. The way my van is set up I have a thermal window coverings blocking the windows so I cant see out and no one can see in. I put some shorts and a shirt on and shoes no socks try to wipe the lotion off my hand and grab my keys...

I open the door and I hit someone, I think in the head, who is going prone and trying to get underneath my van. Wtf is going on? I'm confused. Takes a second for me to realize these aren't LEOs. Quite the opposite. Anyway they hope in their SUV and take off after the guy gets hit in the head. I stare them down as they leave and they try to take off in an area that is essentially a dead end. The Coffee Bean and Farmer Boys next to Costco has one entrance/exit to the drive thru for both of them. They tried to escape thru that area and drove around for a minute before doubling back past me. I stared them down not too hard with my arm and hand concealed in my van. I was trying to make sure they didn't regroup gather their nerve and try again. I eyeballed the license plate and completely forgot it 60 secs later while I was getting out of there. Think it started with a 5, maybe? So confused and unprepared and then very scared afterward. Took like an hour for me to go to sleep and I'm normally out like a light. I'm so happy I didn't get hurt and didn't have anything stolen from me. Would have been super easy to just knock me out once I hop out grab my keys and steal my van with all my stuff in it. LOL, not today guys! So lucky for me I was dealing with the tweedle dee and tweedle dumb of criminals. Knock on door and 30 seconds later put your head in the path of that door. LOL. I couldn't make that up.

So now I've been thinking about doing violence pretty much all morning. Just different fantasies of me coming out of my van with something other than my dick in my hand. Like after I bump that fool in the head and realize these East LA vatos aren't really the sherriff's dept. Reach back and grab some handy throwing knives. Sink a knife right into that mofo's chest. Die sucka. Last two knives I threw at my friends house both landed center mass perpendicular to the board and I really stuck them in there. I got the hang of it quick.

My friend is an excellent martial artist and he showed me the technique to throwing knives. He really is amazing. He trains in Jeet Kune Do which is the Bruce Lee martial art focused on street fighting as opposed to tournament fighting which is what most martial arts focus on. He specializes in fighting multiple opponents and also knife fighting. He competed in a knife fighting competition in San Diego a few years ago. Obviously not real knives but it was plastic knives with an electric shock tazer at the end of it. He showed me a video of him competing and he is very dynamic. He won the competition and has a bunch of 1st place trophies for other competitions. I asked him what the tazer feels like and he just looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. LOL. What a badass. He whacks his shins with sticks to make them harder. He went to Cebu, Phillipines to train in stick fighting. We both went to high school together and were about the same size height and weight, a couple of white guys, nerds, gamers. He looked at training like leveling up in real life. Now he's like the letter V with arms and legs. He's also one of my most chill friends. I asked him about training and he said he normally charges 60 per session but he would give me a discount. I'll pay full price, my friend deserves it, probably more. Gonna start training with him once a week, or once a month, just use that time to find out what I should be doing to train and get better on my own. Even if nothing ever happens again I need to be prepared. Gonna buy an SKS and maybe a pistol too. Next fool who messes with me is going to pay for all the sins of every mofo before him who effed with me.

Ok, honestly not trying to be a dick. I like you and I like your thread. It was the second one I started reading on here (several weeks before I joined) but you can’t sit here and go off on a long diatribe about killing a couple of guys for (maybe) trying to steal from you, but then turn around and set truestoryteller on fire for threatening violence against people who actually DID steal from him.

And please, before you say it, I know there is a difference between thinking it, and saying it. Of course there is a difference between saying it and doing it. As I recall, TST never actually had to resort to violence (and I’m not so sure that he even would have, seems like he was just trying to use intimidation as a tool)

I certainly don’t want to jump of the Rich hating bandwagon, and I definitely don’t want to fall into a series of trolling insults. I’m just thinking, maybe it’s a little hypocritical, and since you strike me as a guy that is looking for balance in his life and is trying to and to improve mentally and emotionally, maybe start with things like this. (This is also a prime example of why you get trolled so much!)
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-05-2018 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by OutlawLuck
Ok, honestly not trying to be a dick. I like you and I like your thread. It was the second one I started reading on here (several weeks before I joined) but you can’t sit here and go off on a long diatribe about killing a couple of guys for (maybe) trying to steal from you, but then turn around and set truestoryteller on fire for threatening violence against people who actually DID steal from him.

And please, before you say it, I know there is a difference between thinking it, and saying it. Of course there is a difference between saying it and doing it. As I recall, TST never actually had to resort to violence (and I’m not so sure that he even would have, seems like he was just trying to use intimidation as a tool)

I certainly don’t want to jump of the Rich hating bandwagon, and I definitely don’t want to fall into a series of trolling insults. I’m just thinking, maybe it’s a little hypocritical, and since you strike me as a guy that is looking for balance in his life and is trying to and to improve mentally and emotionally, maybe start with things like this. (This is also a prime example of why you get trolled so much!)
In The truestoryteller story, he was owed a debt by an acquaintance, he casually threatened to murder him if he didnt pay. Refusing to pay a debt is not theft. He knew the other person. No one stole from TST he just threatened to murder someone for refusing to pay a debt. Don't conflate that with theft. And don't downplay the 2 guys pretending to be Sherriff's dept knocking on my van at 230am as "maybe" trying to steal from me. You can gtfo with that kind of stupid opinion. Had I come out of my van and killed those two guy it would have been self defense. They had me trapped and without a chance to flee. I was legitimately afraid for my safety dude. Was TST afraid for his safety when he threatened to murder his friend for not paying? Can you go ahead and just admit how dumb of a take you had please.

I've never threatened anyone in my life. If I could push a button and execute those two guys today I would do it no hesitation. Maybe they could grow up and become productive members of society. I don't care. They tried to steal from me as far as I'm concerned they deserve to die.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-05-2018 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
In The truestoryteller story, he was owed a debt by an acquaintance, he casually threatened to murder him if he didnt pay. Refusing to pay a debt is not theft. He knew the other person. No one stole from TST he just threatened to murder someone for refusing to pay a debt. Don't conflate that with theft. And don't downplay the 2 guys pretending to be Sherriff's dept knocking on my van at 230am as "maybe" trying to steal from me. You can gtfo with that kind of stupid opinion. Had I come out of my van and killed those two guy it would have been self defense. They had me trapped and without a chance to flee. I was legitimately afraid for my safety dude. Was TST afraid for his safety when he threatened to murder his friend for not paying? Can you go ahead and just admit how dumb of a take you had please.

I've never threatened anyone in my life. If I could push a button and execute those two guys today I would do it no hesitation. Maybe they could grow up and become productive members of society. I don't care. They tried to steal from me as far as I'm concerned they deserve to die.
Personally I don’t see the distinction. Having a debt and not paying it back is the same as theft in my book. And for all you know these were a couple of kids just screwing around. You have no reason to believe they were actually intending to steal from or harm you other than that seems like the most likely scenario in your mind.

Aside from that, I’m a pacifist anyway. So saying you would obliterate two people for.... what exactly? Knocking on your door? I don’t see that as being any better than (idly) threatening people who owe you significant amounts of money in an underground world of unregulated illegal gambling. While I by no means condone his actions, there really wasn’t much other recourse he had in that situation.

Also, chill out bro. I see why everyone gives you ****. Your way too defensive about everything. Also, think about letting some of that negativity go. You’ll do better for it. You really shouldn’t hold a grudge against these two. You said be glad the situation didn’t go differently.

Anyway, sorry for detailing the thread. Let’s get back on task here.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-05-2018 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
In The truestoryteller story, he was owed a debt by an acquaintance, he casually threatened to murder him if he didnt pay. Refusing to pay a debt is not theft. He knew the other person. No one stole from TST he just threatened to murder someone for refusing to pay a debt. Don't conflate that with theft. And don't downplay the 2 guys pretending to be Sherriff's dept knocking on my van at 230am as "maybe" trying to steal from me. You can gtfo with that kind of stupid opinion. Had I come out of my van and killed those two guy it would have been self defense. They had me trapped and without a chance to flee. I was legitimately afraid for my safety dude. Was TST afraid for his safety when he threatened to murder his friend for not paying? Can you go ahead and just admit how dumb of a take you had please.

I've never threatened anyone in my life. If I could push a button and execute those two guys today I would do it no hesitation. Maybe they could grow up and become productive members of society. I don't care. They tried to steal from me as far as I'm concerned they deserve to die.
I'm on board with self defense. Those dudes had no business near your van pretending to be the police. My concern as I read your initial story is you put yourself in a vulnerable situation by living in a Van at 2:00 am in a Costco parking lot. Even more demoralizing is you were having to gratify yourself in a van which is your private safe space or your home. Are you not tired of that lifestyle? At what point do you say to yourself "I can do better for myself". I'm not being a hater. I want to quit my corporate gig, grind poker and live in motels so I don't have deal with all the biatches (male and female). When I read accounts of your lifestyle it brings me back to the reality of the consequences of not conforming to a normal life and how bad the alternative is. Your story is warning to all aspiring poker players in their 20s to follow a traditional career path or find misery.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
08-05-2018 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by OutlawLuck
Personally I don’t see the distinction. Having a debt and not paying it back is the same as theft in my book.
Well your book counts for zero. Refusing to pay a debt is not theft. It's certainly not trying to jack someone you don't know in the middle of the night....

Originally Posted by OutlawLuck
And for all you know these were a couple of kids just screwing around. You have no reason to believe they were actually intending to steal from or harm you other than that seems like the most likely scenario in your mind.
Most likely scenario in my mind? It's the only scenario.

Come up with a scenario where two East LA vatos knock on my van door at 230 am announcing themselves as "Sherriffs Dept" when they aren't, that doesn't involve them trying to steal from me. Go ahead, I'm waiting.

Originally Posted by OutlawLuck
Aside from that, I’m a pacifist anyway. So saying you would obliterate two people for.... what exactly? Knocking on your door? I don’t see that as being any better than (idly) threatening people who owe you significant amounts of money in an underground world of unregulated illegal gambling. While I by no means condone his actions, there really wasn’t much other recourse he had in that situation.
You're a pacifist but you can't see the difference between two people seeking me out in the middle of the night trying to do me harm and my brain reacting by wanting to hurt them so they can't hurt me or anyone else, and a guy threatening to murder his friend for not paying him back a debt? Even pacifists can defend themselves dude. You know who was a pacifist? Sgt. York.

His recourse is to chalk it up as a loss. He loaned money to someone he never should have. Why do you think it's ok for him to threaten to murder to get a debt paid, but me wanting to murder the guys trying to steal from me is wrong???

Originally Posted by OutlawLuck
Also, chill out bro. I see why everyone gives you ****. Your way too defensive about everything. Also, think about letting some of that negativity go. You’ll do better for it. You really shouldn’t hold a grudge against these two. You said be glad the situation didn’t go differently.

Anyway, sorry for detailing the thread. Let’s get back on task here.
Don't tell me to chill out, bro. Refusing to pay a debt is not the same as theft. I would kill those two guys for trying to rob me. Just because they did a piss poor job doesn't redeem them.

Knocking on my door and announcing "Sherriffs Dept" and then not being a law enforcement officer when I open my door is enough of a reason for me to kill you. I really can't understand how you don't get it. Clearly you've never been the victim of any kind of violent crime.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
